Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump

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Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Luke »

Books are coming, some should be fun. They'll have to be to get anyone interested in reliving the hell of his four unfit, incompetent years.
The snowflake loser is seeing advance copies of the books that will be will be coming back, now all those interviews he rushed to do were a "waste of time". What value does the retiree's time have now? He missed having more time to lie and obsess over last year's election?
Trump, after agreeing to sit for a raft of book interviews, declares them a ‘total waste of time’
By John Wagner July 9, 2021 Updated July 9, 2021 at 10:51 a.m. EDT

Former president Donald Trump, who reportedly agreed to sit for at least a dozen interviews in recent months for forthcoming books about his tenure, said Friday that doing so was “a total waste of time.” “It seems to me that meeting with authors of the ridiculous number of books being written about my very successful Administration, or me, is a total waste of time,” Trump said in a statement in which he accused the authors of producing “pure fiction.” “These writers are often bad people who write whatever comes to their mind or fits their agenda,” he said. “It has nothing to do with facts or reality.”
Politico reported in March that Trump planned to sit for a dozen book interviews. Among the authors: The Washington Post’s Philip Rucker and Carol D. Leonnig, the New York Times’s Jeremy Peters and Maggie Haberman; ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jon Karl; and “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” author Michael Wolff.
So the dummy didn't know what to expect from Michael Wolff? :lol:

New from Michael Bender's (Murdoch's WSJ reporter) new book:
Frankly, We Did Win This Election review: a devastating dispatch from Trumpworld
As well as grabby headlines about Hitler, Michael Bender of the Wall Street Journal shows us how millions have been led astray
Lloyd Green Sat 10 Jul 2021 01.00 EDT

On election night in 2016, Donald Trump paid homage to America’s “forgotten men and women”, vowing they would be “forgotten no longer”. Those who repeatedly appeared at his rallies knew of whom he spoke. Veterans, gun enthusiasts, bikers, shop clerks. Middle-aged and seniors. Life had treated some harshly. Others less so. Some had voted for Barack Obama, only to discover hope and change wasn’t all it was advertised to be. Regardless, the Democratic party’s urban and urbane, upstairs-downstairs coalition didn’t mesh with them. Or vice-versa. Politics is definitely about lifestyles.

In his new book, Michael Bender pays particular attention to those Trump supporters who called themselves “Front Row Joes”. They attended rallies wherever, whenever. It was “kind of like an addiction”, Bender quotes one as saying. No longer did they need to bowl alone. Trump had birthed a community. Their applause was his sustenance, his performance their sacrament. One Front Row Joe, Saundra from Michigan, was a 41-year-old Walmart worker. On 6 January, in Washington DC, she made her way up the west side of the US Capitol. "It looked so neat,” she said. She also said she and other Trump supporters who stormed Congress did not do so “to steal things” or “do damage”. They had a different aim. “We were just there to overthrow the government.” The next day, Saundra flew home. Trump’s wishes, real or imagined, were her command. Later in January, two days before Joe Biden’s inauguration, Senator Mitch McConnell declared that the mob had been “fed lies” and provoked by Trump.

Bender covers the White House for the Wall Street Journal. Frankly, We Did Win This Election is his first book. It is breezy, well-written and well-informed. He captures both the infighting in Trump’s world and the surrounding social tectonics. Trump goes on the record. The interview is a solid scorecard on who is up or down. He brands McConnell “dumb as a rock”. The loathing is mutual – to a point. The Senate minority leader has made clear he will back Trump if he is the nominee again. Liz Cheney occupies a special spot in Trump’s Inferno. The Wyoming representative, daughter of a vice-president, now sits on a House select committee to investigate 6 January. But to most of Trump’s party, six months after the insurrection, what happened that afternoon is something to be forgotten or at least ignored.

Mike Pence dwells in purgatory. “I don’t care if he apologizes or not,” Trump says of his vice-president presiding over the certification of Biden’s win. “He made a mistake.” Once before, in their second year in office, the two men reportedly clashed over a political hiring decision. Back then, Trump reportedly called Pence “so disloyal”. Pence still harbors presidential ambitions. Good luck with that. Bender’s book is laden with attention-grabbing headlines. He reports Trump telling John Kelly, then White House chief of staff, that Hitler “did a lot of good things”. Trump denies it. Kelly stays mum. More than 30 years ago, Trump’s first wife, Ivana, let it be known that he kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches by his bed. Everyone needs a hobby.

Bender writes of Trump urging the military to “beat the fuck” out of protesters for racial justice, and to “crack their skulls”. The 45th president’s asymmetrical approach to law enforcement remains on display. “Stand back and stand by” was for allies like the Proud Boys. Law and order was for everyone else. Political adversaries were enemies. Trump now embraces the supposed martyrdom of Ashli Babbitt, an air force veteran who stormed Congress on 6 January and was killed by law enforcement. “The person that shot Ashli Babbitt,” he said this week. “Boom. Right through the head. Just, boom. There was no reason for that.” To say the least, that is highly contestable.

Members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans alike, cowered behind the doors Babbitt rushed. Hours later, the bulk of the House GOP opposed certifying Biden’s win. The party of Lincoln is now the party of Trump. Focusing on the 2020 election, a contest under the deathly shadow of Covid, Bender conveys the chaos and disorganization of the Trump campaign. After a disastrous kick-off rally in Tulsa, Trump began looking for a new campaign manager. Brad Parscale’s days were numbered. He was a digital guy, not a major domo. According to Bender, Trump offered the job to Ronna McDaniel, chair of the Republican National Committee – and niece of Mitt Romney, the Utah senator, 2012 nominee and, in Trumpworld, persona decidedly non grata. Her reply: “Absolutely not.” Trump also sent word to Steve Bannon, his campaign chair in 2016. He declined too. Bannon was banished from the kingdom for trashing Trump and his family. But he understood the base better than anyone – other than Trump himself.

There was a reason Saturday Night Live spoofed Bannon as the power behind the throne, and that he appeared on the cover of Time. There was no return to court but Trump did pardon Bannon of federal fraud charges. Not a bad consolation prize. Parscale was demoted and kicked to the curb. Within months he appeared in the news, shirtless, barefoot, drunk and armed. His successor, Bill Stepien, brought Trump to within 80,000 votes of another electoral college win. Bender makes clear that Trump is neither gone nor forgotten. His acquittal in his second impeachment, for inciting the Capitol attack, only reinforced his desire to fight another day. “There has never been anything like it,” Trump tells Bender. So true. ... ump-hitler

Might use the Lt. Root Beer test: If she's interested in reading a certain book, will follow Root Beer's lead and read it. Maybe the 699th can do some book reviews from Lt. Root Beer's national security, military, and governmental operations experience perspective.

Bring them on! If he's whining already means something good is cooking. :popcorn:
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by p0rtia »

After I recovered the headache I got trying to stay focused while reading through the schizoid review of Bender's book, I checked out the author, one Lloyd Green. The piece was published in the Guardian, which has this to say: "An attorney in New York, Lloyd Green was opposition research counsel to George HW Bush’s 1988 campaign and served in the Department of Justice from 1990 to 1992."

I have this to say: What a disjointed, incoherent, drunken piece written piece of writing. I've had a few run-ins with word-spinners on the intertubes, which combine key words in random sentences, and this is pretty much what they spew out--although in this case, since the sentences are grammatical, I would call it a sentence-spinner.

A writer gets the call to review an explosive, important book for the Guardian, and they do this? It reads like Mr. Green had a 10 PM deadline. It was 9:45. He dictated a series of random sentences as he flipped through the book and his own memories of the past four years, babbled for 14 minutes, then hit send, leaving some poor transcriptionist in the Guardian office to try to make sense of it.

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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by tek »

She also said she and other Trump supporters who stormed Congress did not do so “to steal things” or “do damage”. They had a different aim. “We were just there to overthrow the government.”
Huh. This makes it OK?
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Luke »

New Excerpt from our old pal Phil Rucker & Carol Loennig:
‘I Alone Can Fix It’ book excerpt: Inside Trump’s Election Day and the birth of the ‘big lie’
At the end of a tumultuous day, the defiant president refused to accept the signs that he was losing the White House contest to Joe Biden. “I won in a landslide and they’re taking it back,” Trump told advisers.
By Carol D. Leonnig and Philip Rucker
July 13, 2021 Updated today at 7:25 p.m. EDT

Part one of an excerpt from “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year.” Leonnig and Rucker will discuss this book during a Washington Post Live event on July 20.

Finally, Election Day had arrived. The morning of Nov. 3, 2020, President Trump was upbeat. The mood in the West Wing was good. Some aides talked giddily of a landslide. Several women who worked in the White House arrived wearing red sweaters in a show of optimism, while some Secret Service agents on the president’s detail sported red ties for the occasion. Trump’s voice was hoarse from his mad dash of rallies, but he thought his exhausting final sprint had sealed the deal. He considered Joe Biden to be a lot of things, but a winner most definitely was not one of them. “I can’t lose to this f------ guy,” Trump told aides.

Around noon, his detail whisked Trump across the Potomac River to visit his campaign headquarters in Arlington, where campaign manager Bill Stepien and the senior leadership briefed Trump in the conference room. Stepien outlined what to expect that night — when polls closed in each battleground state, how quickly votes should be tallied and which states would probably have the first projected winners. He explained that because of the huge number of mail-in ballots in many states, it might take long into the night for votes to be counted. Patience was in order.

Stepien explained to Trump that in many battleground states, the first votes to be recorded were expected to be in-person Election Day votes, which could lean Trump, while mail-in votes, which were likely to heavily favor Biden, would be added to the tally later as those ballots were processed. This meant that the early vote totals could well show Trump ahead by solid margins.

“It’s going to be good early,” Stepien told the boss. But, as he cautioned the president, those numbers would be incomplete and the margins probably would tighten later in the evening.

Trump then stepped out of the conference room and into the big open floor of cubicles to give a brief pep talk to scores of assembled staffers, who greeted him with raucous applause. A pool of journalists stood nearby to cover his remarks, and a reporter asked whether he had prepared an acceptance speech or a concession speech to deliver that evening.

“No, I’m not thinking about concession speech or acceptance speech yet,” Trump said. “Hopefully, we’ll be only doing one of those two. And, you know, winning is easy. Losing is never easy. Not for me it’s not.”
Lots lots more: ... an-fix-it/

(Book excerpts are meant to be shared, if this is behind WaPo's wall and folks want to see more, let me know)
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Luke »

Michael Wolff likes Andy's summary...

Andy Khouri @andykhouri
Tonight I’m starting LANDSLIDE, the finale of Michael Wolff’s Trump trilogy.

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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Luke »

2nd lengthy excerpt in WaPo. Hadn't heard of Dataminr.
‘I Alone Can Fix It’ book excerpt: The inside story of Trump’s defiance and inaction on Jan. 6
Terror at the Capitol, delay at the Pentagon, resistance in the Oval Office and democracy hanging in the balance
By Philip Rucker and Carol D. Leonnig
July 15, 2021|Updated yesterday at 6:30 p.m. EDT
Part two of an excerpt from “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year.” Rucker and Leonnig will discuss this book during a Washington Post Live event on July 20.
McConnell and most of his colleagues did not know about the mayhem building outside. But Sen. Mitt Romney had been more attentive than others. On Jan. 2, the senator from Utah received a call from Sen. Angus King, an independent from Maine, warning him about unsettling personal and specific threats. Milley had shared with King online chatter he had discovered through an app on his phone called Dataminr. Pro-Trump rhetoric was interlaced with calls for violence and references to smuggling guns and other weapons into Washington to “stop the steal.” One message said something along the lines of, “Let’s burn Senator McConnell’s house down while he’s in it.” “We are coming to kill you. Just wait a few days,” read another message, which appeared to be aimed at members of Congress who supported certifying the election.

Romney told his wife, Ann, about King’s call. “Mitt, you can’t go back,” Ann Romney told her husband. She called his Senate staff and said she feared for his safety. Mitt Romney tried to reassure her. “It’s the Capitol and I’m careful and I do have precautions and security. I’ll be very, very careful,” he told his wife. He said he had a responsibility to go back to Washington to certify the election. Romney solidified his plans to fly to Washington while his aides arranged for additional security. He was harassed by Trump supporters at Salt Lake City International Airport on Jan. 5 and aboard his flight; some passengers chanted, “Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!” As Romney sat in the Senate on Jan. 6, his phone buzzed with a text message from aide Chris Marroletti. “I’m not liking what’s happening outside the Capitol,” Marroletti wrote to his boss. “There are really big, violent demonstrations going on. I think you ought to leave.” “Let me know if they get inside the Capitol and I will go to my hideaway,” Romney texted back.
Also hadn't seen:
After first evacuating congressional leaders to the secure area of the Hart Building, Capitol Police decided to err on the side of caution and transported leaders, including Pelosi, McConnell, Senate Democratic leader Charles E. Schumer and House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, to Fort McNair, an Army post in Southwest Washington.
It's still really scary to relive. ... k-excerpt/
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Kendra »

I am still enjoying the Wolff book. So delicious :popcorn:

Andrea Mitchell is going to have Wolff on her show in the next hour. 9AM Pacific time for me.
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Kendra »


Thank you for preordering Here, Right Matters. DOD completed their review of the manuscript last week, so the release date is fixed for 8/3/21.

Thank you all for your patience.

Best regards,
Alexander S. Vindman
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Luke »

Just got the Landslide audiobook through Overdrive at the Public Library. Also got the new Rucker/Leonning I Alone Can Fix It. They give you two weeks to listen. :dance:

Always worth a plug: If you're in the USA, your library has so much free content! Overdrive for books and audiobooks, Kanopy for movies, Hoopla has tons more stuff. Get your free library card online, then use the info to log into the sites. We were Audible members forever, but really, most books only need one listen. With Overdrive, we're set and you can listen on a tablet, phone, or wherever. Even has a sleep timer.

Yay, Robert Costa is back on Twitter! Things are gearing up... 9/21 is the release of PERIL by Costa with Bob Woodward. An incredible opportunity for Bob to be around the passing of the torch and he really deserves it. Bob was off Twitter almost all year. This book is going to be off-the-charts.

At last we'll be able to put together the insane 63 court losses with the behind-the-scenes action. Wonder how much detail we'll get about Rudy's hair dye and Four Seasons Total Landscaping?
The transition from President Donald J. Trump to President Joseph R. Biden Jr. stands as one of the most dangerous periods in American history.

But as number one internationally best-selling author Bob Woodward and acclaimed reporter Robert Costa reveal for the first time, it was far more than just a domestic political crisis.

Woodward and Costa interviewed more than 200 people at the center of the turmoil, resulting in more than 6,000 pages of transcripts - and a spellbinding and definitive portrait of a nation on the brink.

This classic study of Washington takes listeners deep inside the Trump White House, the Biden White House, the 2020 campaign, and the Pentagon and Congress, with vivid, eyewitness accounts of what really happened.

Peril is supplemented throughout with never-before-seen material from secret orders, transcripts of confidential calls, diaries, emails, meeting notes and other personal and government records, making for an unparalleled history.

It is also the first inside look at Biden’s presidency as he faces the challenges of a lifetime: the continuing deadly pandemic and millions of Americans facing soul-crushing economic pain, all the while navigating a bitter and disabling partisan divide, a world rife with threats, and the hovering, dark shadow of the former president.

“We have much to do in this winter of peril,” Biden declared at his inauguration, an event marked by a nerve-wracking security alert and the threat of domestic terrorism.

Peril is the extraordinary story of the end of one presidency and the beginning of another, and represents the culmination of Bob Woodward’s news-making trilogy on the Trump presidency, along with Fear and Rage. And it is the beginning of a collaboration with fellow Washington Post reporter Robert Costa that will remind listeners of Woodward’s coverage, with Carl Bernstein, of President Richard M. Nixon’s final days.

Bob Woodward is an associate editor at The Washington Post where he has worked for 50 years. He has shared in two Pulitzer Prizes, one for his Watergate coverage and the other for coverage of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He has authored 20 national best-selling books, 14 of which have been number one New York Times best-sellers.

Robert Costa is a national political reporter at The Washington Post, where he has worked since 2014. He previously served as moderator and managing editor of Washington Week on PBS and as a political analyst for NBC News and MSNBC. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame and a master’s degree from the University of Cambridge. He is from Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Luke »

This sounds like a fun one! Story by Swan and Allen so this is juicy. Stephanie was totally screwed over so she's got nothing to lose.

4 hours ago - Politics & Policy
Scoop: The most dangerous Trump exposé
Jonathan Swan, Mike Allen

Stephanie Grisham has quietly written a top-secret memoir of her four years in Donald Trump's White House, and a publishing source says she'll reveal "surprising new scandals." What to watch: The book — "I'll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw in The Trump White House" — will be published Oct. 5 by Harper Collins. A former West Wing colleague of Grisham's tells Axios: "When I heard this, all I could think about was Stephanie surrounded by a lake of gasoline, striking a match with a grin on her face." A source close to the publication told Axios: "Grisham knows where all the bodies are buried because she buried a lot of them herself." The source says Grisham "has receipts ... she was a press person and it was her job to make sure she knew what was happening."

Why it matters: Grisham is the only person to have served as a top aide to both President Trump (White House press secretary and communications direct0r) and first lady Melania Trump (chief of staff). She knows the family well and will shed new light on their dynamics with her first-person account, the sources said.

Between the lines: Melania Trump guarded her privacy intensely and trusted almost nobody during her time as first lady. Grisham, as her chief of staff, was one of the very few allowed into her inner sanctum. She saw another side of the Trumps — in the residence — that most staffers never got to see.

Behind the scenes: Until now, only a handful of people knew of the book's existence. Grisham has deliberately kept a low profile since she resigned on Jan. 6. The book is heavily embargoed, with code names used for the project. And there's been a dummy Amazon link. Grisham's former West Wing colleague tells Swan: "There isn’t enough water on earth to contain the fire she could set to all of Trump world, including parts like the first lady’s orbit, which not many people are in a position to illuminate." "It's hard to articulate how much anxiety this is going to cause." ... 58713.html
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Volkonski »

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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by AndyinPA »

She's as bad as her husband.
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Slim Cognito »

I have to say I'm not surprised. However, it still felt like a kick to the gut.

Edited to add: She quit a day or two after this, didn't she?
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Kendra » ... e-grisham/
Trump-Backed House Candidate Allegedly Slapped His Ex-Girlfriend, Former Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham
The story then turns to Miller’s year-and-a-half-long relationship with Stephanie Grisham that allegedly included instances of domestic violence. According to Politico: “Miller threw at her a dog-toy tennis ball when she suggested she suspected he was cheating on her. On several other occasions … he grabbed her at the elevator as she tried to leave after arguments … and in late April of 2020” there was a physical altercation where “Miller pushed her. He slapped her. She fled. The temperatures that evening dipped into the 40s, and Grisham left with no coat, only her purse.”

Miller, through his attorney, denied the allegations in a nine-page letter sent to Politico, while Grisham declined to comment to Politico.
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Luke »

From that story:
A statement provided by the office of Melania Trump said: “The intent behind this book is obvious. It is an attempt to redeem herself after a poor performance as press secretary, failed personal relationships, and unprofessional behavior in the White House. Through mistruth and betrayal, she seeks to gain relevance and money at the expense of Mrs. Trump.” (Her mention of “failed personal relationships” appears likely to be a reference to Grisham’s past relationship with former Trump aide MAX MILLER. Citing three people familiar with the incident, POLITICO Magazine reported in July that the relationship “ended when he pushed her against a wall and slapped her in the face in his Washington apartment after she accused him of cheating on her.” He denied the allegation.)
It's interesting, have found many Eastern European women are supportive of Trump. A best friend is Serbian and she's a fairly new US citizen. She doesn't like the disgraced loser's attitude but surprisingly shows some support. Maybe because strongmen are a part of their history? Melania seems the same way, but worse, she was totally a birther and for all the "they sleep in separate bedrooms" stuff, they see eye to eye on a lot more than they let on.
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by northland10 »

I remember seeing a bunch of eastern European immigrants among the birthers and the tea partiers. In part, I think they do have an extreme anti-communism bent (understandable) which likely pushes them to a more authoritarian leaning. That area has not been one for liberal democracies in the past.
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Volkonski »

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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


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“If everyone fought for their own convictions there would be no war.” ― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Volkonski »

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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by PaulG »

Trump sounds like one of those sov-cits that just had his window smashed at a traffic stop and is now being dragged out of his car to be hauled away. Why couldn't that have happened to TFG?
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Kendra »

Stuff is hitting the fan as leaks come out from the book. I don't even know where to start, but glad I pre-ordered a copy.
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


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“If everyone fought for their own convictions there would be no war.” ― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by SuzieC »

Kendra wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:55 pm Stuff is hitting the fan as leaks come out from the book. I don't even know where to start, but glad I pre-ordered a copy.
I'm going to have to skip this thread to avoid spoilers. I have the Grisham book and the Costa/Woodward book on reserve at the library. They both had long waiting lists.
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Re: Books Post-Presidency About The Disgraced, Twice Impeached Florida Retiree Trump


Post by Kendra »

SuzieC wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:15 pm
Kendra wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:55 pm Stuff is hitting the fan as leaks come out from the book. I don't even know where to start, but glad I pre-ordered a copy.
I'm going to have to skip this thread to avoid spoilers. I have the Grisham book and the Costa/Woodward book on reserve at the library. They both had long waiting lists.
Watch out for cable news too. That's where I'm hearing it all today.

I want to read the Grisham book, but will have to go library for that. I won't line her pockets.
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