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Menard's new tall tale. . .

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Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Bobby has a new story. As always, this serial liar does not reveal where this supposed incident happened, what jurisdiction he's writing to, who his lady friend was, what motel he was walking to.. . or any other details one might use to check out his tall tale.

My suspicion is that the story is Bobby's sad attempt to gain relevancy so as to bolster a revival of his failed freeman career. And let me guess. . .in the end Bobby will claim his brilliance befuddled the authorities.

I content that Bobby is, after 20 years of outright lies, doing the only thing his MooseHead soaked arse knows to do . . . promote the sale of his "letters to the authorities" and his phony legal advice service by pretending he makes his woo work.

He is a liar and a fraud.
Monday, May 17, 2021

Hello and good day. I am Robert Arthur Menard, a Freeman-on-the-Land.
On Friday May 14, 2021 I was with a friend and we were exercising our common-law right to travel by walking down the side of a road on the sidewalk. A police car stopped beside us and the driver activated the emergency lights. There was no emergency at the time. The officer driving informed us that we were breaching a curfew. Two officers, whom I am assuming were a man and a woman, exited their vehicle and demanded we identify ourselves. As I am a Freeman-on-the-Land I do not have any identification issued by any lawful government, and so I provided him under duress with my name and what I believe is my date of birth.

My companion provided identification information in the form of a passport.
They went back to their car and returned several minutes later and imposed upon us without our consent two ‘tickets’ apparently for merely walking down the street. All we were doing was exercising our common law right to do so. I would like to point out that we were less than 50 meters from our temporary residence (a motel) and that those officers enjoy discretion and could have acted with restraint and compassion, however they chose to unlawfully issue a ticket instead. I say unlawfully because for one we have the right to peacefully walk down the street, but also because when I asked if the thing he was imposing on me was a security interest, he had no idea whether it was or not. If it is a security interest, and he did not know it was one, he is grossly negligent in creating them, and such gross negligence constitutes fraud.

For the record and for the edification of the public and your officers, a security interest is any written instrument which creates an obligation to pay or perform. Once that was explained to him, he agreed that it was a security interest. He then explained that I could either pay it, or within 30 days register a desire to contest it in court. The instrument he imposed upon me under duress consisted of two parts, one being a remittance, which is a specie of money once completed. These were the only two options he explained. I believe that by failing to explain what remedies exist under the Consumer Protection Act, he committed further acts of fraud by omission. It does not matter that the omission was due to his ignorance, stupidity or arrogance. It gives rise to the ability to exercise rights as found under the Consumer Protection Act to negate the obligations to pay or perform created with that security interest.

It is my understanding that the Consumer Protection Act is applicable to the Government and Government departments and agencies. See Section 4.
It is my understanding that said Act is applicable to any contract entered into in the geographical area of Quebec. See Section 1.

It is my understanding that the instrument imposed upon me without my consent is a security interest as it creates or purports to create an obligation to pay or perform. This is a function of law and is implied by the Act.

It is my understanding that security interests can only be created by way of a lawful contract as a functional law.

It is my understanding that contracts can be voided as a function of law due to fraud, misrepresentation, or gross negligence.

It is my understanding that the officers who imposed those instruments were grossly negligent as they did not know they were generating a security interest, and they failed to inform us of our remedy under the Consumer Protection Act.
It is my understanding that the Government of Quebec is an itinerant merchant, a corporate entity providing governmental type services. See Section 55.

It is my understanding that as a consumer I may cancel any contract entered into with an itinerant merchant at my sole discretion within 10 days of being in possession of a duplicate of the instrument. See Section 59.

It is my understanding that I can avail myself of the right of cancellation by a notice in writing for that purpose to the itinerant merchant or his representative. See Section 61.

It is my understanding that within 15 days of the cancellation, the parties must restore what they have received from one another, and that the itinerant merchant shall assume the costs of the restitution. See Section 63.

Therefore with this Notice I am availing myself of my right of cancellation, and returning the remittance which was imposed upon me. I am further demanding the sum of $250 as the cost of restitution incurred by myself.

Furthermore I am taking this opportunity to inform you that I do not consent to any future transactions of any security interests and that any attempt to impose further security interests upon me will constitute willful fraud and justify civil actions. Furthermore if in the future any of your agents attempt to initiate violence or threaten to do so in order to create any security interests, that will constitute an unlawful assault. Finally I am claiming that the curfew being imposed by the Government is unlawful as it does not meet the standards required by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms required to impose limits on my common-law right to travel.

Please take the appropriate steps to educate your agents concerning how tickets of this sort are security interests, and ensure they understand they have a duty to inform consumers of their rights and remedies found under the Consumer Protection Act. Also, I would strongly suggest that you never promote the officer I dealt with, as he demonstrated a glaring lack of compassion, and an inability to wisely exercise discretion. Personally I do not think anyone so grossly incompetent and negligent should be walking around with a gun let alone imposing themselves on people after dark. I would not trust him to issue parking tickets.

Finally I am going to take lawful yet extraordinary steps to ensure that as many Quebecers as possible understand their rights under the Consumer Protection Act when dealing with tickets of this sort. You can thank the issuing officer for this, for if he had exercised his discretion and acted with even an ounce of compassion, instead of trying to impress his female partner, all of this would have been avoided.

Sincerely and without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity,
Robert Arthur Menard
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by PaulG »

I didn't know Canada had curfews but it does, due to covid of course. There are exceptions, among which...
A person who must go out so that his dog can do its business, within a radius of no more than one kilometre from the person’s place of residence or temporary residence;
(Not really amzing. In some places people have been renting out their dogs so others can go for walks.)
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by Lani »

Lol, Australia had restrictions on leaving the home, with walking your dog as an exception. My ex, who is not a pet person, decided he needed a dog so he could get outside more often. He was too late. All humane society dog kennels were empty.
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Bobby's working on a new line of BS to be spouted at the police by freeman when they get stopped.

He knows that the usual "I-am-a-traveler" line isn't working and is losing popularity in the freeman community. So he's come up with a new line of BS which includes a bunch of gibberish about the Consumer Protection Act.

The basis of the approach is Menard's usual fantasy that all law is contract law.

My guess is that Bobby will pretend he's winning against the authorities and then sell the method to as many gullible freeman wannabes as he can. It's the same ruse he used back in the 2000's.

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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by northland10 »

Might as well just tell the rubes to say "I do what I want so f*** off." It's much more efficient and has the same result.
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by noblepa »

northland10 wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 9:10 am Might as well just tell the rubes to say "I do what I want so f*** off." It's much more efficient and has the same result.
That's what they really believe, so why not be honest about it, rather than dressing it all up in sovcit nuttery?
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

northland10 wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 9:10 am Might as well just tell the rubes to say "I do what I want so f*** off." It's much more efficient and has the same result.
Yes, quite ineffective. But, Bobby has reasoned that there is a new generation of freeman wannabes he can fleece for copies of his "letters to the authorities".

With no real skills, no education, no connections, no money saved and no prospects all Bobby can do in his middle age is revert to the same scams he ran back in his salad days.

His problem is this time most of us are a step ahead of the one trick pony.

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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by bill_g »

IANAL, and my head hurt after just a few sentences. Ugh.
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Despite claiming to have spent thousands of hours reading the law Menard ignores the mountain of case law which dismisses his claims that all law is contract law and that the Canadian government has no more authority over individuals than businesses or corporations.

You can read through Meads v. Meads and see the countless times the Canadian courts have shot down the argument Menard is making: https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/abqb/doc/2 ... qb571.html

So the question is why Bobby persists in this sham?

Ignorance? Mental illness or incapacity? Or is he just a dang liar looking to make a buck?

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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by woodworker »

Linky please to Menard's droppings -- I feel the need to go and play.
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

woodworker wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 8:12 pm Linky please to Menard's droppings -- I feel the need to go and play.
Check your messages. Enjoy.

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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by Baidn »

I'm not well versed in this particular poot, it's looking like he's in the same vein as "judge" Anna and is one of those frauds that INSIST that they have all the special magic answers but avoids legal repercussions by not actually using any of it themselves at least partially relying on the "no reasonable person could believe this is true" defense in case they do ever get caught up, is that about right?
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Baidn wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 9:18 am I'm not well versed in this particular poot, it's looking like he's in the same vein as "judge" Anna and is one of those frauds that INSIST that they have all the special magic answers but avoids legal repercussions by not actually using any of it themselves at least partially relying on the "no reasonable person could believe this is true" defense in case they do ever get caught up, is that about right?
Menard is one of the original freemen-on-the-land. Freeman beliefs are really not much more than a bunch of detax and sovcit stuff patched together. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeman_on_the_land)

Over the years one of Menard's favorite ruses has been to make up stories pretending he buffaloed a cop or befuddled a judge. He's usually careful enough in the tall tales to leave out details such that his story can't be checked out. The intent of the stories is to bolster his reputation in the poot community. He's at it again because he's trying to make a comeback, in large part, by getting Beth Martens to promote him on her Facebook and Youtube platforms. I've been encouraging Martens to ask Bobby a few simple questions about his claimed successes. At least she's listening to me.

When Bobby actually gives out traceable details he very often gets caught in a flat out lie.

Over the years Bobby's ruined countless gullibles who foolishly followed his advice. He recently claimed to be helping a puppy mill owner in Bathurst, New Brunswick in trouble with animal control. In doing so made he mistake of giving out her name (Lisa Chamberlain). Come to find out her operation got shut down by the same authorities Bobby pretended he was intimidating and she got sued by people to whom she sold sick dogs. Another strike out for Bobby "zero-for-life" Menard.

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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Once again Bobby pretends that all law is contract law and that if he says so often enough it will be true. This is about the curfew ticket he claims he got a few days ago.
Does the government make the law or are they bound by the law?
On one hand they can claim the right to issue fines or tickets for infractions, and in that way yes they can limit actions. But the tickets they use, are commercial instruments. The government is empowered (or so they say) to act on our behalf, and therefore their actions must be lawful.
Ask yourself this:
Can the government simply order vaccine manufacturers to create manufacture and provide the vaccines for free to them for us? Of course not. They would never dream of trying that, as the corporation could lawfully simply refuse. Do they order the police to simply perform without payment? If they have the power to do so why not do it and save money? The fact is the government’s no more right to order performance or payment from the citizenry than they do vaccine manufacturers, government agents, or police officers.
What if they are bound by the law in that they are required to use lawful tools such as contracts, agreements and other commercial instruments? What if they do not have the power to simply dictate to the citizenry?
Recently I received a ticket for walking down the street past 9PM. This was due to there apparently being a curfew in place requiring everyone to stay in their residences. This is a clear violation of my common law rights.

Now back to the ticket. This ticket is no different in form or function than any other ticket issued pre-curfew. It is not a special ticket, and it is a written demand for payment or performance. This ticket meets the definition of a bill of exchange as defined by the Bills of Exchange Act perfectly. It is an unconditional order in writing address by one person to another signed by the person giving it requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay upon demand or at a fixed and determinable time a sum certain in money to a third party. That is in fact a bill of exchange. These commercial instruments have existed for centuries, and they predate the government. The government is also entering into contracts to secure the vaccines, and hire the police to enforce their dictates and regulations. So how can it be that suddenly they can secure payment and performance from us now without commercial instruments or lawful processes merely by dictate?
A bill of exchange is a security interest. That being an instrument in writing that creates an obligation to pay or perform. For security interests to be lawfully valid, there needs to be a contract. It does not matter who is issuing it. If it is from the government to a corporation, in the absence of a contract, they would successfully dispute it. Between two corporations it would also be dismissed.
Therefore one can easily argue that a violation ticket is a bill of exchange, which is a security interest, which requires lawful contract. If there is no contract, there is no lawful basis for the security interest.
That brings us to the Consumer Protection Act. It states that it covers every contract created in Quebec. It also states that the government and agents thereof are bound by that Act. Governments are service providers and the citizenry are consumers of those services. Government matches the definition of an itinerant merchant as found in that Act.
The remedy which is available to any consumer when dealing with itinerant merchants, as found under the Act, is the ability to simply choose to void the contract within 10 days by way of notice and returning any items or products that have been exchanged. The cost of this return is born by the merchant.

So what if? What if the government is deemed to be an itinerant merchant, and these tickets are security interests and we have the power to not only dispute them court, but we can void them within ten days?
Dope Clock: It has been 88 days since Robert Menard promised the "launch" of his latest project.
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by woodworker »

So much stupid in so little space. And for all of his bullshit about the "common law" (which he doesn't understand), we need whoever has the TARDIS this week to pick him up and drop him in Nottingham circa 800 - 1600 AD and let him spew his bullshit about curfews, bills of exchange, how he doesn't have to obey the local lord's dictates and his "rights." Short conversation, short life.
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

woodworker wrote: Sat May 22, 2021 8:20 pm So much stupid in so little space. And for all of his bullshit about the "common law" (which he doesn't understand), we need whoever has the TARDIS this week to pick him up and drop him in Nottingham circa 800 - 1600 AD and let him spew his bullshit about curfews, bills of exchange, how he doesn't have to obey the local lord's dictates and his "rights." Short conversation, short life.
I can't decide whether Bobby is a dimwit who really believes his own BS, or whether he's just playing his gullible followers by telling them stuff he knows they'll buy. The latter would be consistent with his narcissistic personality.

Bobby doesn't have a legal argument against the government instituting restrictions on personal liberties in the case of a pressing public health emergency. The real point of law to be argued is whether the government of Quebec has over stepped in enforcing a drastic curfew with heavy fines.

if Bobby had studied that law as throughly as he says he has, he'd know that. That's the case for him being a Moosehead soaked dumb arse.

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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by Baidn »

arayder wrote: Sat May 22, 2021 10:17 pm [
I can't decide whether Bobby is a dimwit who really believes his own BS, or whether he's just playing his gullible followers by telling them stuff he knows they'll buy.

Dope Clock: It has been 88 days since Robert Menard promised the "launch" of his latest project.
The second one. I heard an interesting saying recently regarding unethical persuasion techniques that perfectly sums up the guru apparatus with Sovcits: "if you want people to believe a lie tell them what they already want to believe in it."
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Baidn wrote: Sun May 23, 2021 6:57 am
arayder wrote: Sat May 22, 2021 10:17 pm [
I can't decide whether Bobby is a dimwit who really believes his own BS, or whether he's just playing his gullible followers by telling them stuff he knows they'll buy.

Dope Clock: It has been 88 days since Robert Menard promised the "launch" of his latest project.
The second one. I heard an interesting saying recently regarding unethical persuasion techniques that perfectly sums up the guru apparatus with Sovcits: "if you want people to believe a lie tell them what they already want to believe in it."
The lies Menard is telling are that the law is what he says it is and that he has made the freeman fantasy work.

His legal assertions are borrowed from old timers the new generation doesn't know about and were long ago rejected by the courts.

His tall tales are just plain lies. They are meant to fool the gullible into believing the spiel is real.

Dope Clock: It has been 89 days since Robert Menard promised the "launch" of his latest project.
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by noblepa »

woodworker wrote: Sat May 22, 2021 8:20 pm So much stupid in so little space. And for all of his bullshit about the "common law" (which he doesn't understand), we need whoever has the TARDIS this week to pick him up and drop him in Nottingham circa 800 - 1600 AD and let him spew his bullshit about curfews, bills of exchange, how he doesn't have to obey the local lord's dictates and his "rights." Short conversation, short life.
None of them have even the slightest clue what "common law" is.

They constantly rail against "judges legislating from the bench", but they fail to realize that common law is entirely judge-made law. It is simply the sum of judicial rulings in cases in which no statute was involved. If there is a statute that covers a situation, it takes precedence over past decisions or common law. In the US and most other countries, common law has largely been replaced by statutory law.

The poots think that "common law" is law made by the "common people", aka themselves. They also seem to be under the delusion that common law is eternal, immutable and can not be superseded by statute.
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by northland10 »

noblepa wrote: Sun May 23, 2021 7:44 pm The poots think that "common law" is law made by the "common people", aka themselves. They also seem to be under the delusion that common law is eternal, immutable and can not be superseded by statute.
Yep. To them, Common Law is made by people, unlike statutory law which is made by the corrupt ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government). This is also why the Sheriff is the #1 LEO (except when they're not). They are not controlled by ZOG like the state and federal LEOs.

SovCit ideology is the direct descendent of the virulently racist and anti-Semitic, Christian Identity inspired, Posse Comitatus movement of the 70s-80s. CI adherent William Potter Gale was behind much of the ideology that helped bring together Christian Identity and anti-tax folks. One time Silver Shirt dude Henry Lamont Beach from Oregon (thank's again Oregon) helped push Gale's stuff and organized charters for the Posse Comitatus.

While I have not heard current SovCits use the term ZOG very often, their belief is still about a globalist, one-world government, controlling everything. On top of it, they go for the "common law," "of the people," ideology to show how they are part of the chosen people, as CI puts it, the true lost tribe of Israel (Moors just change themselves into the chosen people).

The Deep State is also another one of those Globalist-controlled governmental structures, at least in their mind.
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

northland10 wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 8:06 am
noblepa wrote: Sun May 23, 2021 7:44 pm The poots think that "common law" is law made by the "common people", aka themselves. They also seem to be under the delusion that common law is eternal, immutable and can not be superseded by statute.
Yep. To them, Common Law is made by people, unlike statutory law which is made by the corrupt ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government). This is also why the Sheriff is the #1 LEO (except when they're not). They are not controlled by ZOG like the state and federal LEOs.

SovCit ideology is the direct descendent of the virulently racist and anti-Semitic, Christian Identity inspired, Posse Comitatus movement of the 70s-80s. CI adherent William Potter Gale was behind much of the ideology that helped bring together Christian Identity and anti-tax folks. One time Silver Shirt dude Henry Lamont Beach from Oregon (thank's again Oregon) helped push Gale's stuff and organized charters for the Posse Comitatus.

While I have not heard current SovCits use the term ZOG very often, their belief is still about a globalist, one-world government, controlling everything. On top of it, they go for the "common law," "of the people," ideology to show how they are part of the chosen people, as CI puts it, the true lost tribe of Israel (Moors just change themselves into the chosen people).

The Deep State is also another one of those Globalist-controlled governmental structures, at least in their mind.
Right, the whole freeman, sovcit, poot thing is pure fantasy.

Right now our subject, Bobby Menard, is working full time on the fantasy that all law is contract law and all court orders, citations, traffic tickets etc. are just documents the governments use as they conduct commerce. Documents he and his freeman wannabe buddies can dismiss because, he says. . .here comes the big ole twist in logic. . .the government is acting fraudulently by claiming to have powers it does not have.

Never mind those pesky enabling clauses in their respective constitutions.

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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by noblepa »

arayder wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 1:17 pm Right, the whole freeman, sovcit, poot thing is pure fantasy.

Right now our subject, Bobby Menard, is working full time on the fantasy that all law is contract law and all court orders, citations, traffic tickets etc. are just documents the governments use as they conduct commerce. Documents he and his freeman wannabe buddies can dismiss because, he says. . .here comes the big ole twist in logic. . .the government is acting fraudulently by claiming to have powers it does not have.

Never mind those pesky enabling clauses in their respective constitutions.

This belief is reinforced by the discovery that all governments are incorporated. They believe that this fact makes government no different than any other for-profit corporation. After all, General Motors or Ford can't force me to do anything without my consent, so why should the Federal or State government have that authority?

They also love to point out that most governments have a Dun & Bradstreet rating. Only corporations have D & B ratings, right? No, governments have ratings because they issue bonds and a D & B rating helps investors make informed decisions.

I love it when they trot out the old delusion that the US has been a corporation since 1871. This is when the city of Washington, DC incorporated as a municipal corporation. They believe that this means that the US abandoned the Constitution and ceased to be a republic. Rather, after that date, the US is a corporation, no different than GM or Ford.
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

noblepa wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 1:38 pm
This belief is reinforced by the discovery that all governments are incorporated. They believe that this fact makes government no different than any other for-profit corporation. After all, General Motors or Ford can't force me to do anything without my consent, so why should the Federal or State government have that authority?

They also love to point out that most governments have a Dun & Bradstreet rating. Only corporations have D & B ratings, right? No, governments have ratings because they issue bonds and a D & B rating helps investors make informed decisions.

I love it when they trot out the old delusion that the US has been a corporation since 1871. This is when the city of Washington, DC incorporated as a municipal corporation. They believe that this means that the US abandoned the Constitution and ceased to be a republic. Rather, after that date, the US is a corporation, no different than GM or Ford.
Well said!
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A Challenge for Menard. . .


Post by arayder »

My sources in Menard World inform me that Bobby is livid over the suggestion that he has made up the story of his curfew citation in Quebec in order to boost his credibility in the freeman subculture. His buds are urging him to not honor the speculation with a response. But, it seems the ole boy is ready to pop!

So let me give ole Bobby Boy a way out of his fix. A challenge: Robert, document the details of your citation by giving us, via Facebook, a photo of your citation that clearly slows the date and time of the citation, the jurisdiction in which the citation was given, the citation number, your court date and location. Any information about the lady you say you were with may be obscured.

The game is afoot!

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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by northland10 »

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