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Donnalee Ofthefamily Andrews

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 2:27 am
by Eaststander
A few months ago, in a Fogbow forum far away, someone introduced us to Donnalee Ofthefamily Andrews. Little is known of her personal circumstances, although she seems to be an assistant in a laundromat in Milton Keynes.

Her contribution to debate was pretty standard Facebook Sovcit idiocy, but with an added dash of the most excruciatingly boring live monologues, complete with the long, pregnant pauses a la Snaggletooth Gavin. Actual content of these videos, IIRC, was droning on about taking her dog for a walk, and how she needed to get a lockdown haircut. The videographic nadir was reached when she broadcast naked (I assume) from her bed one morning.

It has been fascinating to watch her slide however, from this bland content, down to the more extreme reaches of the rabbit hole, burrowing further and further into the depths with each post. A climax (if you can call it that) was reached a month ago with a long screed which pushed all the delusional buttons, including red pills, Gates, Fauci, the horrible British media, etc etc. The post also contained a deeply unpleasant reference to the Prime minister and illegal activities. This reference had disappeared the last time I looked. A one month ban followed.

She has now returned (“im back”). A short post claims that she is “tired” after her ban, and her stint in Facebook prison “has been tough”. She then goes on to say that she “resonates” with Gerard Butler in ‘Law Abiding Citizen’. I had to look this up, and saw that said Mr Butler plays a man who is tired of what he considers to be a corrupt country, and vows to assassinate the miscreants. Ms Andrews then announces that Facebook “is going to cop it”, also that Fact Checkers should get “an early night”, and that they are “corrupted little f***ers”. Things have been quiet again for a couple of days. Could she have been cast out into the wilderness again?