Dan Bongino - Daniel John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist

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Dan Bongino - Daniel John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by Luke »

h/t The Spork on this clip. Dan yips about "disinformation" while pumping fake news about Hunter Biden's laptop which he says he hasn't seen. He is truly a disgusting human.

Here's the little snowflake going berserk with Marc Caputo from POLITICO in 2016:

What a lying, cursing Florida candidate for Congress tells us about politicians and the press
Bongino's bet: losing his temper = a political win.
By David Weigel August 24, 2016 at 5:24 p.m. UTC

Among the many mysteries of the Donald Trump campaign is how a candidate so given to gaffes and lies was able to win the Republican nomination. Many candidates have imploded after being caught in on-video falsehoods. Through celebrity, through pure attitude, and through both courting the media and pronouncing it "crooked," Trump has convinced (most of) a major political party to stick with him. This brings us to Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent who burst into politics by losing a 2012 Senate campaign in Maryland, and who is now a candidate for Congress in southwest Florida's 19th district. (In between, he ran for a House seat in Maryland. He lost.) With a fascinating bio, proximity to the D.C. media market, and ability to shape talking points into largely coherent sentences, Bongino became a conservative star, sometimes guest-hosting on radio and TV shows. In April 2015, when he announced that he was moving to Florida, he was blunt: "I enjoy politics and there are certainly opportunities down there." Fourteen months later, he announced his campaign for the safe Republican seat that opened when Rep. Curt Clawson (R-Fla.) retired.

Fast-forward to this past weekend. Alexandra Glorioso, a political reporter for the Naples Daily News, livetweeted as she researched the final pre-election FEC reports. In a since-deleted tweet, she remarked on how Bongino -- who does not live in the 19th district -- had reported just one donation from it. Moments later, she corrected herself, saying that the FEC report only recorded one donation, but that Bongino might have had received more donations under the $200 reporting limit. On August 21, Glorioso compiled her findings into a story, leading with the fundraising domination of frontrunner Francis Rooney. The skimpier Bongino haul was reported thusly:
Bongino, on the other hand, is still greatly lacking in financial support from the district as far as itemized contributions go. He has received only 6 percent of his itemized donations from Collier and Lee counties. The majority of his Florida money comes from the state’s east coast, where Bongino still has his permanent residence and where he himself will vote Aug. 30. Bongino, however, has raised a disproportionate amount of his money from donations of less than $200. Of the $295,465 he has raised, more than half have come from small donations. The Naples Daily News has requested itemized receipts for these records to assess Bongino’s financial support within the district, but the campaign has declined to provide them.
Everything in those paragraphs was true. When it went live, the NDN's Arek Sarkissian tweeted at Bongino, cheekily asking for an actual response to the receipts question. Bongino reacted by attacking the newspaper. Marc Caputo, Politico's lead Florida reporter, chimed in with a question of his own.
After a back-and-forth, Caputo offered to talk to Bongino and hear his evidence. "I'll record," he noted. That led to the epic, 17-minute phone call generally characterized as a "Bongino meltdown." After a short exchange on the merits of the NDN story, Bongino began reading a message "from a presidential campaign" warning him that Caputo was an "a--hole." In the call's final minutes, Caputo asked if Bongino was a professional candidate living off his political celebrity; Bongino responded with a flurry of unprintable words. That clip immediately made news -- but Bongino tried, and somewhat succeeded, to shape its second life. At a press conference, in a podcast, and in a Facebook Live video, he portrayed himself as a blunt-talking tribune of the truth who was defending himself against the liberal media. At the popular conservative blogs Patterico's Pontifications and Ace of Spades, Caputo was presented as the heavy. In a popular column at the Federalist, Mollie Hemingway opined that the Caputo interview showed "what's wrong with media." Bongino, she wrote, was reacting to what he "thought was unfair political positioning" by the NDN. Caputo, a famously caustic Twitter personality, was giving a "distemperate performance" and revealing a media bias about Republicans. Those takes shared one crucial element: They let Bongino, a candidate for office, get away with lying. His get-out-of-jail card was "media bias." Bongino lied about what Caputo was asking. On his Facebook live video, recorded after his press conference, Bongino suggested that Caputo wanted to "do an interview on Twitter." "Total garbage," said Bongino. "I'm not gonna do that. So I offer him to call me [sic] for four straight hours. He can't figure out how to use a phone."

In fact, while Caputo first barreled in on Twitter, he was always asking Bongino to prove that he had numerous small donations from the district, as he'd said. According to Caputo's call logs, he got Bongino's number at 2:53 p.m. He called Bongino at 3:09 p.m. "I have three kids," Caputo said. "First day of school is Monday, and my wife is a schoolteacher. So I was trying to help out in the house, but he demanded that I call him." Bongino lied about his consent to be taped. On the tape, toward the end of the call, Bongino told Caputo that he no longer gave consent for a recording and could sue if Caputo released their conversation. On his podcast and Facebook live video, Bongino insisted, off-handedly, that Caputo might have committed a crime by recording him. "I blocked him," said Bongino. "He doesn't realize I blocked him. Then he says to me, I'm gonna record this phone call. But I didn't see that, because I blocked him. So he recorded this phone call illegally." In fact, as any Twitter user can see, Caputo's tweet asking for Bongino's number -- the one promising to record the call -- was responded to, by Bongino. The candidate blocked Caputo after the call went south, not before. Bongino falsely accused Caputo of attacking his family. The profanity-laced conclusion of the call began when Caputo derided Bongino's habit of district-shopping. "Why are you running for office in a city I don't live in, in a county you don't live in?" he asked. "You move down to Florida after losing two campaigns in Maryland. You say you're going to stay and fight. You tuck tail and run to Florida." "You have no idea why I moved to Florida," said Bongino, "and that's why you're a disgusting piece of s---."

On his podcast, Bongino insisted that Caputo had attacked him personally. "He brought up something about my family and my wife that’s pretty sensitive to me," he said. The next day, Bongino finally mentioned what the issue was: "My wife has a chronic illness, lupus, which is activated by stress, badly. We had a really horrible episode… right before we moved to Florida. She wanted to be closer to her mother.” If elected, Bongino would represent a district on the other side of the state from where his family lives, and spend much of each year traveling to Washington. He had not previously mentioned his wife's condition; Caputo, not knowing about it, was not making light of it. Bongino never answered the question he said he could answer. All Caputo asked for, and all the NDN asked for, was proof that many small-dollar donors in the 19th district were getting behind Bongino's campaign. On Twitter and the call, Bongino claimed that the NDN simply did not understand the FEC and that he could provide screenshots of donations -- which he did not do. On his podcast, Bongino said that he'd "gotten five or six donations from the district in like 10 minutes" and that he'd gotten a total of "something like 200 donations in the district."

If those donations existed -- and they might! -- it would have been easy for Bongino to release them. Instead, he made a bet that blaming his coverage on a biased media would do more for him than co-operating with the media. "You want a fight, I'll totally bring it to ya," Bongino told his Facebook viewers, after blocking Caputo so that the reporter could no longer engage him in public. "I'm totally content with bringing it to ya." To Caputo, and to many Republicans watching the race, Bongino was starting a fight to get attention. While the voters won't be in until August 30, in the short run, Bongino has failed locally and succeeded nationally. Local coverage since the "meltdown" call has focused on how Bongino does not live in the 19th, and can't vote for himself. National coverage has focused on Bongino's fight with Caputo, which the candidate says he may pursue legally. At WBAL, a station where Bongino once guest-hosted, the fact that Bongino emailed Caputo after he said he'd record the call -- and that Bognino only blocked him after the call -- is reported as a he-said/he-said. "They're enablers," Caputo said of the conservatives defending Bongino's behavior. "They enable people to lie, as long as they follow the catechism."
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the ... the-press/

Now sued by the ex-loser CEO of Parler:
Fired Parler CEO Sues Dan Bongino and Rebekah Mercer In Batsh*t Tort Claim
With cameos by JD Vance and Greenberg Traurig.
By ELIZABETH DYE on March 24, 2021 at 3:44 PM

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. At least that’s what Rebekah Mercer hoped, according to a defamation lawsuit filed Monday in Nevada by her former business partner John Matze, who alleges that the billionaire Republican activist attempted to conceal her role in their new radical free speech startup fearing that it “would serve as a distraction and would be potentially toxic to Parler’s business objectives.” So Mercer got her lawyers at Greenberg Traurig to spiffy up an Operating Agreement where 60 percent of Parler LLC would be owned by a mysterious Delaware company called NDMascendant, LLC, with Matze owning the other 40 percent. NDM, AKA Mercer, appointed two “managers,” one of whom was JD Vance, the Hillbilly Elegy Ohio senate candidate.

Then things got messy. And not just because the site was a nexus for planning the Capitol Riot, since users knew they were unlikely to get kicked off for posting about their plans to “Shoot the police that protect these shitbag senators right in the head then make the senator grovel a bit before capping they ass.” Parler experienced rapid growth in 2020 as mainstream platforms began to aggressively (at least relatively speaking) censor misinformation about coronavirus and the election. Parler’s management knew they’d have to scale up the operation and bring in new investors if they wanted to present a real alternative to Twitter. Vance appears to have departed the scene relatively quickly, but self-described anarcho-capitalist angel investor Jeffrey Wernick and conservative media star Dan Bongino were active in steering the company, going so far as to fly to Mar-a-Lago to negotiate with the sitting president to give him an ownership stake in exchange for making the site his digital home. (Remember Trump screaming about Barack Obama’s deal with Netflix?)

But Matze says that Mercer refused to do anything to dilute her own shares or surrender ultimate control of a platform she intended to turn into the “tip of the conservative spear” to advance her personal ideology. For instance, Dan Bongino claims that he took a massive hit when Amazon knocked Parler offline for violating its terms of service. But according to Matze, Bongino never had a financial stake in the company at all because “Mercer avoided executing any of the ownership documents to allow her to later dispute that Bongino has any such interest.” He further accuses Mercer of playing fast and loose with the company’s valuation. Mercer proposed allowing a friend to invest in Parler at a $200 million valuation, a level that she conceded was heavily discounted as an accommodation to her friend and to better protect her interest from future dilution. But, outside of this self-interested suggestion, Mercer stated that she was not interested in any transaction with a valuation of less than $500 million. She and Matze continually discussed that the enterprise should have a valuation of at least one billion dollars. In fact, Parler recently reiterated the one-billion-dollar valuation in ongoing litigation.

Matze also alleges that Mercer double-counted her share in the company, claiming her initial investment was a personal loan that must be repaid: “In short, the very same dollars that were the supposed 60% equity stake were also being claimed as debt.” Things came to a head after Parler was deplatformed in January. In Matze’s telling, he proposed a moderation scheme that would kick Qanon cultists and Neo-Nazis off the site, after which he was fired and his ownership stake was “stolen” by Mercer and her allies. Now, having fabricated false claims of “misconduct,” the conspirators then claimed that the Parler Operating Agreement allowed the forced sale and purchase of Matze’s 40% ownership stake. Demonstrating the depravity of their arrogance and tactics, Mercer, through Meckler and Richardson, claimed that they had determined that the “fair market value” of Matze’s 40% interest to be a mere $3.00. Thus, Defendants took Matze’s property and smeared his name and asserted that his sole entitlement is to $3.00. That is the true nature of these Defendants.

Yes, the allegations of “depravity” and “arrogance” are a little overheated. And no corporate documents, including that Operating Agreement, were attached to the 19-page complaint — at least not the versions the Las Vegas Sun and NPR were able to dig up. But this isn’t a garbage fire like Bongino’s defamation suit against The Daily Beast either. And Matze didn’t hire a guy who flies around the country filing pro hac vice motions to get his ass kicked in a fun, new venue, either. With prominent Nevada lawyers James Pisanelli and Todd Bice representing him, Matze’s team is playing on their own home court. This one is going to be wild.

Matze v. Parler, LLC [Complaint via NPR] at https://www.documentcloud.org/documents ... 1-831556-b
https://abovethelaw.com/2021/03/fired-p ... ort-claim/

So what do you do with a lying, cursing failed Florida candidate for Congress? Why, put his show on in the hours El Rushbo used to to have.
Dan Bongino To Helm New Radio Program For Westwood One
Syndicated Show to Air Monday-Friday from 12-3 p.m.
NEWS PROVIDED BY Westwood One Mar 17, 2021, 20:08 ET

NEW YORK, March 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- CUMULUS MEDIA's Westwood One today announced The Dan Bongino Show, a new three-hour radio program airing Monday-Friday from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET. The news and opinion show will launch May 24 in markets nationwide, including CUMULUS news stations in top-ten markets New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, and Washington, DC. The Dan Bongino Show will tackle the hot political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric. As a former Secret Service agent and NYPD officer, Bongino is uniquely positioned to provide commentary and analysis that directly questions the philosophical underpinnings of both the Left and Big Government Republicans.

With the launch of The Dan Bongino Show, Westwood One now offers a 24-hour, Monday–Friday news/talk lineup that also features established news/talk superstars Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, Chris Plante, and Jim Bohannon. Bongino has attracted an impressive and loyal following since he left the Secret Service in 2011 and became a media personality. Over the past 10 years, he has earned a spot on The New York Times' bestseller list several times and has joined FOX News as a commentator. Bongino's podcast has risen to the top of the charts; in 2020, the podcast was downloaded more than 117 million times. In the weeks following the election in November, it ranked either #1 or #2 among ALL podcasts on Apple.

"I'm excited to embrace the immense power of radio to connect with my listeners live for three hours every day," said Bongino. "This is an incredible privilege, and I pledge to honor the trailblazing work of those who came before me." "Dan is passionate and relatable, with a natural ability to connect with his audience," said Suzanne Grimes, President, Westwood One and EVP Corporate Marketing, CUMULUS MEDIA. "Dan has been on a meteoric rise since his podcast launched in 2019, and we look forward to watching his star continue to soar."

For more information on The Dan Bongino Show, contact Stuart Greenblatt at (212) 419-2946 or sgreenblatt@westwoodone.com.

About Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino is an American conservative radio show host, podcast host, frequent television political commentator, and New York Times-best-selling author whose books include "Life Inside the Bubble," about his career as a Secret Service agent, "The Fight: A Secret Service Agent's Inside Account of Security Failings and the Political Machine," and "Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump." Bongino was formerly a Secret Service agent from 2006 to 2011, serving in the Obama and Bush administrations. He served as a New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer from 1995 to 1999. Bongino provides expertise on international security and political strategy for outlets such as FOX News and others. Bongino holds an MBA from Penn State University, and master's and bachelor's degrees from the City University of New York.

About Westwood One
Westwood One, the national-facing arm of CUMULUS MEDIA, offers iconic, nationally syndicated sports, news, and entertainment content to over 250 million monthly listeners across an audio network of nearly 7,300 affiliated broadcast radio stations and media partners. Westwood One is the largest audio network in America, home to premium content that defines the culture, including the NFL, the NCAA, the Masters, CNN, the AP, the Academy of Country Music Awards, and Westwood One Backstage. The rapidly growing Westwood One Podcast Network delivers popular network and industry personalities and programs. Westwood One connects listeners with their passions through programs and platforms that have everyone listening. For more information, please visit www.westwoodone.com.

Karen Glover | Westwood One | kglover@westwoodone.com
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Good luck, Dan Bongino!

Dan Bongino, a right-wing talk-show host seeking to emulate the late Rush Limbaugh, has been given the herculean task of taking over Limbaugh’s afternoon radio time slot. Part of Limbaugh’s gift was to use unusual techniques to call attention to himself — i.e., the rustling of papers and drumming his fingers on his desk and saying things no one else would while decrying the loss of an America that rested upon his idealistic vision of the 1950s. Limbaugh’s booming voice could be heard in businesses, homes and car radios across America — much in the same way that Franklin D. Roosevelt’s fireside chats were overheard from house to house. Replacing Limbaugh would be challenging for any successor. But Dan Bongino admits his task is especially daunting. Upon being named Limbaugh’s heir, Bongino conceded that a “boring” Joe Biden is “a disaster for talk radio.” Rush Limbaugh never faced that dilemma. Bill Clinton was a perfect foil, as the 42nd president denounced the daily “violent personal attacks” Limbaugh levied against him. Barack Obama spurred even more venom from Limbaugh’s lips, with Limbaugh saying four days before Obama was inaugurated, “I hope he fails.” Donald Trump acted as Limbaugh’s sidekick, and the two were never boring. When asked why she attended Trump’s 2005 nuptials, Hillary Clinton said, “I thought it would be fun to go to his wedding because it is always entertaining.” Boring was never an adjective applied to either man.

President Biden is a lot of things — raconteur, Irish, loquacious, knowledgeable and, yes, boring. Once at a Senate hearing, Barack Obama rolled his eyes during a long Biden soliloquy. Biden’s deep immersion into government-issued policy papers also makes him boring. But after a series of disappointing presidents, boring is exactly what voters wanted in 2020 — someone who could make government work. Upon taking office, 46 percent thought Biden would make government work better; 28 percent said he would make things worse; and 24 percent thought he would have no effect. A working federal government is something that has been missing for years. Ever since the 1970s, voter distrust is a direct result of repeated government failures. The Vietnam War ended in a U.S. rout. Richard Nixon resigned the presidency because he was guilty of obstructing justice. Gerald Ford’s pardon of Nixon showed how well-connected people could evade justice. Jimmy Carter never lied, but disappointed, nevertheless.
Fewer than 100 days into the Biden presidency, there are signs of renewed confidence. Fifty-two percent say they have “a great deal” or “fair amount” of trust in data provided by the government about the coronavirus. This is a turnaround from last Fall when 63 percent had either little or no confidence in the information given. On the 58th day of the Biden presidency (beating his self-imposed 100-day timeline), 100 million vaccine shots have been placed into people’s arms. Moreover, 65 percent of those over age 65 have received at least one shot, and 36 percent have been fully vaccinated. Such a restoration of public trust is badly needed, especially among the young, who have never known unmitigated national success. Putting a man on the moon and even winning the Cold War are tales told in dusty history books or relegated to infant memories. For millennials and Generation Z, repeated failures have generated a profound cynicism.

Social Security is a prominent example. For decades, young people heaped scorn at the FICA deductions from their salaries, believing they would not collect one penny. In 2014, 76 percent of those who were not retired believed Social Security would not provide the old age benefits they expected to receive. High interest student loans, coupled with a job market laid waste by the pandemic, have only added to the calamities. Making community college free, forgiving some student debt (at least in a targeted fashion), effecting real climate change and bending the arc of racial and gender justice are vital concerns for those destined to spend most of their lives in the 21st century. Just as Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan added generations of new voters to their party’s ranks, Joe Biden has a unique opportunity to do the same —if government can work on their behalf.

Passage of the American Rescue Plan is the largest public works endeavor since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. Already, the plan is depositing checks into 85 percent of all household bank accounts, opening more government-run mass vaccination sites, providing personal protection equipment and testing for frontline workers, helping schools to reopen, providing aid to state and local governments, extending unemployment benefits, giving rental assistance to those who need it and cutting child poverty in half. As Biden pithily says, “Shots in arms and money in pockets.” That’s one way to make government work. And it’s another way to make government boring. Good luck, Dan Bongino. It looks like you’re going to need it.

John Kenneth White is a professor of politics at The Catholic University of America. His latest book is titled “What Happened to the Republican Party?”

Editor's note: Premiere Networks, the company that syndicated Limbaugh's afternoon program, announced Monday that for the time being it would continue airing a series of guest hosts that play archival audio footage of the late personality.
https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house ... an-bongino
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by Kendra »

Reading Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service by Carol Leonnig. Interesting reading, but I'm at the SS kerfuffle with late night drinking and carousing with prostitutes in Cartagena. This name plays prominently: Joe Bongingo. Hmmm, I says, but that last name is familiar and is there a relation?

Why, yes there is. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/secret-s ... _n_1431488

Bongino said that his brother has given statements as part of the investigation.

When HuffPost asked why Bongino hadn’t mentioned his brother was there, Bongino said, “It’s not my place.” Besides, he said — nobody asked.

“If someone asked, I certainly would’ve said it,” Bongino said. “It’s not my place to give up those names.”

Bongino added: “I’m not the first candidate to have a family member in a bad scrape.” His brother did not respond a request for comment.

:?: Isn't Dan one of the Hunter Biden and his laptop and crimes guys?
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by raison de arizona »

He and Jerkaldo got in a dust up on Hannity the other night...
Eventually, Bongino said Rivera’s opinion was “garbage,” prompting the inevitable fireworks between the two. “Stop attacking me, punk! Address the issue,” Rivera yelled before throwing a wad of paper at the screen. “I’m sick of you, Bongino. You’re a punk!” After Bongino retorted that Rivera was an “out-of-control lunatic,” the 77-year-old correspondent declared that he had “10 Emmys” before briefly turning his back to the camera.

At the end of the shoutfest, Hannity basically gave away the game. “Mediaite has their headline!” he crowed.
Video at link.
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by Luke »

It's heartwarming to know that for hours every day, Dan Bongino is blowing out veins in his neck entertaining Trump supporters with the irrelevant outrage du jour while his investments like Parler tank. But he wants you to trust him with your financial information.

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Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by RTH10260 »

Declaring oneself a payment processor on a website does not make it so. How many creadit card companies are willing to trust the guy?
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by Luke »

Just another happy day in RWNJLand...

Dan T.JPG (112.51 KiB) Viewed 5307 times

Dan T2.JPG
Dan T2.JPG (62.93 KiB) Viewed 5307 times
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by Luke »

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Dan Kathy.JPG (44.78 KiB) Viewed 5301 times
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by raison de arizona »

So I listen to Bongino's podcast more days than not. I'm not going to relisten to type out a quote, and the transcripts I've found are garbage, but there is something he's been on and on about that is just dangerous. I suppose it was already happening, but it really took me aback to start hearing it in stark terms. He tells people to search "fact checker" on social media and then block all of them. Also NY Times, Washington Post, etc. Just straight up block them, no see 'em. They're creating a class of fungus that is kept in the dark, nurtured only on tidbits from OANN (which is quite horrid these days) and the like. How do you deal with a whole class of people ignorant of the truth, fed a steady diet of misinformation? It's impossible. :cantlook:

Anyway. In other news, Sharyl Attkisson continues to make up new meanings for words as well. What the heck happened to her? She's still on about Obama (and Biden) spying on her. Among other things.
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by bob »

"For completeness," Bongino is represented by Steven Biss (the cow-suer).
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by raison de arizona »

Well shoot, I listened to Bongino's show today and he didn't even MENTION that. Tomorrow, I'm sure. He spent an awful lot of time spouting half truths and flat out lies. So, a regular show for him.
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by Phoenix520 »

Attkisson’s little chart makes me think she’s recently discovered the concept. If true, some journalist. :roll:
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by RTH10260 »

Right-Wing Commentator Dan Bongino Runs Into Florida Anti-SLAPP Law, Now Owes Daily Beast $32,000 In Legal Fees

Mon, Oct 4th 2021 1:43pm — Tim Cushing

Venue selection matters, as right-wing political commentator/defamation lawsuit loser Dan Bongino is now discovering. He sued the Daily Beast over an article about his apparent expulsion from the National Rifle Association's video channel, NRATV. After trying (and failing) to get a comment from Bongino about this ouster, reporter Lachlan Markay published his article, updating it later when Bongino decided he did actually want to talk about it.

An NRA spokesman did not respond to a request for comment. Bongino initially did not respond to numerous inquiries, but after publication he tweeted that news of his show’s demise was “fake news,” and promised to elaborate on his podcast.

He subsequently confirmed that “We Stand” is, in fact, ending, but suggested that the decision not to renew the show was his, not the network’s—a characterization questioned by one source familiar with the organization’s decision.

A day later, NRATV released a statement saying the network “made every attempt to retain [Bongino] in 2019,” but did not elaborate on the negotiations.

Despite this update about the alleged voluntariness of the separation, Bongino sued The Daily Beast for defamation, commercial disparagement, and violation of Florida's Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act. The local law likely explains Bongino's decision to sue in Florida, but it didn't help him here. In fact, it made things worse. The court dismissed [PDF] his lawsuit last August, declaring nothing about the article (and its insinuation Bongino was fired by the NRA) was defamatory.

Plaintiff “cherry picks [one word] in the [article] out of context.” To Plaintiff, “dropped” expresses that NRATV fired him. But the inquiry turns on “all the words used, not merely a particular phrase or sentence.” Not only does the article in its entirety convey that Plaintiff’s departure stemmed from corporate downsizing, it also cautions readers against accepting that NRATV initiated Plaintiff’s departure. For example, the article reflects that Plaintiff “suggested that the decision not to renew the show was his” and includes that NRATV did not “elaborate on the negotiations.” In effect, those words call to an average reader’s attention that negotiations were opaque. Those “cautionary terms” warrant more attention than the single word to which Plaintiff objects.

In short, even if the Court were to agree with Plaintiff that the “gist” of the article states that he was fired, the Court agrees with the reasoning set forth in the foregoing authority that the mere statement that an individual was terminated, without an insinuation of misconduct, does not constitute defamation. Because no reasonable interpretation of the article could be construed to suggest that Plaintiff was “dropped” for any reason other than fiscal decision-making, Plaintiff fails to establish that the article amounts to defamation.

And the federal court applied the state's anti-SLAPP law, which Bongino managed to trigger by filing a bullshit lawsuit targeting members of the press.

Because Plaintiff’s suit fails to state a claim for defamation, it was without merit under Florida Statute §768.295(3). And because Plaintiff’s suit “arose out of” Defendant’s news report, the second element—free speech in connection with a public issue—is also satisfied.

This means Bongino is going to pay for trying to silence unfavorable press coverage by suing about it. And the amount being charged back to Bongino's vexatious litigation account is large enough even someone making NRATV money (I mean, until 2019 anyway...) is going to feel it.

https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20210 ... fees.shtml
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by raison de arizona »

He finally mentioned this on his show. He was stuck on that HE TURNED DOWN $1.5M FROM THE NRA. :yankyank:
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Re: Daniel "Dan" John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by Foggy »

Of course, that means what he's really thinking is, "I turned down $1.5 million from the NRA because I'm a stupid asshole."

Which, it's nice to have a moment of honest self-reflection and understanding now and then. Maybe this time he'll really take it to heart, and stop trying so hard to show the world that he is, in fact, a stupid asshole.

Maybe the Moon is made of green cheese ... :think:
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Re: Dan Bongino - Daniel John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by raison de arizona »

Stand up for yer principles Dan! :thumbsup:
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Re: Dan Bongino - Daniel John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


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That'll l'arn 'em. :fingerwag:
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Re: Dan Bongino - Daniel John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


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Lord have mercy these people are stupid.
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Re: Dan Bongino - Daniel John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


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Buh bye!
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Re: Dan Bongino - Daniel John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by raison de arizona »

Bongino is upset with his one week suspension and demonization from YouTube.
31220B8A-CB6C-4721-AAEE-65E8040DA468.jpeg (301.56 KiB) Viewed 3707 times
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Re: Dan Bongino - Daniel John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by raison de arizona »

Bongino earned a permaban from YouTube - "COVID-19 misinformation."
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Re: Dan Bongino - Daniel John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by raison de arizona »

Bongino addressed this on his podcast. He claims his Covid info was all legit and direct from the CDC (bullshit, I listen to his show often enough to know that’s false.) He further claims that he got the permaban from YouTube not for Covid misinformation, but because he is an investor in Rumble, and they are quaking in their communist boots. He had about 870k subs on YouTube, he has about 2m on Rumble. FWIW. A lot of woe is me and they’re scared of me. :lol:
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Re: Dan Bongino - Daniel John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by raison de arizona »

Bongino booted from Google Ads over persistent Covid misinformation.
https://www.thedailybeast.com/dan-bongi ... google-ads
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Re: Dan Bongino - Daniel John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by Kriselda Gray »

Kendra wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 12:02 pm

:roll: :roll: :roll:
That takes some chutzpah and a lot of faith that your audience won't look up your references...
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Re: Dan Bongino - Daniel John Bongino - Lying, Cursing Failed Florida Candidate for Congress and Propagandist


Post by Azastan »

Kriselda Gray wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 12:20 pm

That takes some chutzpah and a lot of faith that your audience won't look up your references...
He bases his 'unhealthy' on the fact that these are all places where people have gotten vaccinated.

A bit like Kap'n Karl saying that everyone vaccinated against COVID is going to die within a few months because they've been 'vaxterminated'.

Bongino's target audience is probably nodding their heads in agreement with him.
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