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Post by RTH10260 »

Bad time for bad guys
Scientists develop biocompatible fluorescent spray that detects fingerprints in ten seconds
Bath researchers have helped produce a safer, more sustainable fingerprint detection spray that could be used on multiple types of surface.

Published on Monday 26 February 2024
Last updated on Monday 26 February 2024

The researchers have made two different coloured sprays, which detect fingerprints on a range of different surfaces.

Scientists have developed a water soluble, non-toxic fluorescent spray that makes fingerprints visible in just a few seconds, making forensic investigations safer, easier and quicker.

Latent fingerprints (LFPs) are invisible prints formed by sweat or oil left on an object after it’s been touched.

Traditional forensic methods for detecting fingerprints either use toxic powders that can harm DNA evidence, or environmentally damaging petrochemical solvents.

The new dye spray, developed by scientists at the Shanghai Normal University (China) and the University of Bath (UK), is water soluble, exhibits low toxicity and enables rapid visualisation of fingerprints at the crime scene.

They have created two different coloured dyes – called LFP-Yellow and LFP-Red – which bind selectively with the negatively-charged molecules found in fingerprints, locking the dye molecules in place and emitting a fluorescent glow that can be seen under blue light.

The dyes are based on a fluorescent protein found in jellyfish, called Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), which is used extensively by research scientists to visualise biological processes. This means the dyes are biologically compatible and don’t interfere with subsequent DNA analysis of the fingerprints.

The fine spray prevents splashes that could damage prints, is less messy than a powder and works quickly even on rough surfaces where it is harder to capture fingerprints, such as brick. ... n-seconds/
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