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The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:59 am
by jez
The following is a carefully curated collection of sayings and other common tropes that have been collected during the time the Fogbow has existing (and some back to the Politijab days). This is a best effort at explaining some of seemingly "inside" jokes and sayings.

New submissions are shown in Purple so you can scan to the latest if you want.


Eye tarantulas. Created by Verbalobe for the Birfer Wet Dreams comic, Orly's false eyelashes came to life as animated characters resembling tarantulas. Refers to the fact that on multiple electronic filings Orly could not get her electronic signature: "/s/ Orly Taitz" correct.

A fail of birthers
A collective noun to describe such gatherings.

Also too (see Too also)

Ammon Bundy for obvious reasons.

Like a portmanteau but constructed in reverse.

An insane rant by crazy politicians, typically broadcast on Maria Bartiromo's Fox "news" show.

Ed-Hale-ism meaning banned.

What was the word when three birthers actually appeared together in the same place.

A birther from Virginia named Dean Haskins called the people on Fogbow". It's a collective noun, like a pod of whales or a murder of crows, and it means a group of weasels. We adopted that and the Boogle now means "the people of Fogbow".

Bowling Ball Charles Edward Lincoln III, aka CEL3
Craptacular attorney and former lover of Lena Taitz.

Brunt toast
Ed Hale-ism for burnt toast.

Carolinas, Usually referring to North Carolina.

Portmanteau of case and scenario, i.e., best cascenario and worst best cascenario.

Certiorari as spelled/pronounced by Taitz.

Citizen Grand Slam
A "citizens grand jury" held at a Denny's. I forget the details, but didn't one of the first Obama "citizens grand juries" actually meet at a Denny's?

Commander Cordwood
Lt. Cmdr. Walter Francis Fitzpatrick III, Retired, who spent a good deal of time in the Monroe County, Tennessee jail for misprision of birtherism, and complained that the inmates were "stacked like cordwood" over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Also affectionately known as Fitzfundfilcher, because he was court-martialed by the US Navy and subsequently forced to retire, after he pilfered a sum of money that was intended for the use of the crewmen on his ship. Cordwood = FitzFundFilcher. He was court-martialed and convicted for dipping into the enlisted men's mess fund to buy a television and a trip to a funeral for the wife of a colleague. (I think Fitzy said it was OK because the enlisted men loved the officer who died.)

Court of Bun-Dogs
Taitz was trying to say boondocks “This is ridiculous to think, that the ambassadors would not have the right to appear in court right there in DC, in SCOTUS. What do those clerks think? That I should file such case in the lowest possible court: in the Circuit court of Yahoo-Ville or the District Court of Bun-dogs??”

An affidavit prepared by Taitz

Idiot-speak for "defamation", courtesy Mike Lindell during one of his rants

Ed Hale-ism for denied

Dental Chair of Love (or O' Love)
A patient's dental chair in the Chaleria's office that the Bowling Ball (Charles Edward Lincoln, III) claimed was used to have sex with her. (Apparently the Bowling Ball's real last name is Linck but he changed it. On the other hand, he and Taitz said that President Obama changed his name from Barry Sotero to Barack Obama and that somehow showed he was disqualified. Go figure.)

Ilk cuz that is how Moo spells it.

Expert witness
Any guy off the street with a grudge against President Obama who claimed some expertise (which he didn't have) who Taitz used to attempt to show President Obama's birth certificate was fake.

Schaeffer Cox

The affect (similar to Brexit) of migrant workers fleeing the state of Florida thanks to anti-immigration laws passed by the Republican Legislature and signed by Ron DeSantis.


Foogie never gets anythign striagth
Ed Hale-ism

Four Paragraph Rule
The "Four Paragraph Rule" was Foogy's request that you copy over at most four paragraphs from another site. Primarily out of copyright concerns, but also (too) because walls of text are ugly

The sacred wooden food preparation utensil Estiveo inadvertently left at my house after a meetup

Any act or decision with which Taitz disagreed

Freedoom Watch
aka Freedom watch, because it's more accurate

Grossly Inapproriate Larry" : Larry Klayman. I've forgotten the details of the initial inappropriateness, ISTR it involved his kids. But he's been inappropriate in many, many ways since.

Great Orange One
Donald Trump, so called due to the bad orange staining of his spray tan.

Greenies are moderators - kate520 and realist - because of the color of the group

He, Jim whatever
A play on "He, Lucas Smith." Smith's dreadful writing style was littered with, "I, Lucas Smith, ...."

He, Lucas Daniel Smith
Smith is a convicted forger who peddled a poor forgery of a birth certificate showing that Obama was born in Kenya. He (Lucas Daniel Smith) has his own thread; you can read about his exploits there. But the fella is weird. But his addition to the lexicon was his instance referring to himself as "I, Lucas Daniel Smith." Dude: "I" suffices

Related to Hopium

An eternal state of being for people who "know" the next lawsuit will succeed (spoiler alert: it won't)

I Am A Lawyer

I Am Not A Criminal Lawyer* - This doesn't mean a lawyer who is or isn't a criminal. It's a lawyer who doesn't practice criminal law, because criminal law is special. Well, most law is special. But criminal law is more speshul. Or at least, that's what the IAALs and IAACrLs tell us IANALs.

I Am Not A Lawyer

I am not a lawyer but I read the Fogbow

The followers of Mike Lindell and his election conspiracy theories that believe the evidence will be revealed "any day now".

If I recall correctly

In My Humble I Am Not A Lawyer Opinion

The Great Orange One hisself misstating "indicted" in a "truth" that was widely shared after his indictment on 34 state charges in New York.

Birtherism for Indict.

Jews. Usually used to point out not so subtle anti-semitism.

Ketchup Futures
A good investment every time the former guy is indicted or throws a tantrum for any reason at all.

Gathering in the tens of those that support the “stolen” election conspriarcy.

Lame Duck Impeached Trump.

Another name for Orly after she called into a radio show and used Lena as a fake name. Between her very distinguishable accent and her bat crap crazy questions, the host figured out it was really Orly.

Link for Rikker
If there's an unsupported assertion, instead of asking for a link, or ask for a link on Rikker's behalf. Because Rikker lurves links (with which to troll others).

A lawsuit so bad it's laughable.

Bad math by MAGAts or attempts by MAGAts to justify something using math or statistics and failing miserably.

Mango Mussolini
An alliterative nickname for Donald Trump.


Maureen Peltier (aka SSG Moe).

Was a sign a patriot held at a gathering of some sort that read, "Don't be a Moran."

Moron Lube
Molon Labe (the latin Ancient Greek (μολὼν λαβέ meaning Come and Take [them]) phrase the Gun Humpers so enjoy along with the Stupid Yellow Snakey Flag).

Not A Death Threat. Orly Taitz was convinced every criticism including a sentiment like, fuck off and die, or I hope you have a debilitating aneurysm, you bitch, constituted a death threat, thus NADT became de rigueur.

An entendre for Orly Taitz. Born of the owl meme O RLY meaning "Oh Really".

Initialism/shorthand for the website Obama Release Your Records, a birther conspiracy website from back in the day.

Yet another indictment resulting from a Perfect Phone Call.

A client to anyone except Taitz because Taitz didn't have clients to whom she owed duties. She had plaintiffs who were there only to allow her to pursue her goals.

Term of endearment for a Sovereign Citizen (SovCit). Poots got started because of outside defecation activity at Malheur Refuge when the toilets wouldn't work.

A collective noun for a group of SovCits

A collective noun for a group of SovCits, usually when they are protesting... something

The babble commonly used by SovCits when they think they are being clever.

A low value podcast produced by by wingnuts; backmanteau* of "POS podcast"

Time with Lt.Col. Root Beer and Lt. Biscuit.

The Restore American Plan leaders. He may have referred to them as cRAPMasters. I am doing this off the top of my head.

Anywhere outside of the United States, especially when it comes to healthcare.

Sharon Rondeau, owner of the Post and Email (see Pest and eFail). The term derives from one of the many misspellings of Orly Taitz. This was first published by Rharon Rondeau and later republished by the editor of ORYR.

A gathering during the pandemic of the "you can't tell me what to do" crowd. Mysteriously, COVID-19 cases and variants seems to rise amongst those that attended the festivities.

Suck Egg Court Reporter (though we don't have any of those here, only handsome, brilliant ones).

Smackdown Friday
A Friday on which a court issues a ruling against a nutjob. Most rulings are issued on Fridays, so for a while, almost every Friday was Smackdown Friday.

The smallest possible measurable quantity of something. For example, "A smidgeonette of curiosity."

Smoking Mirrors
Taitz was trying to say smoke and mirrors

Attorney Sidney Powell who threatened to release the Kraken which is a mystical octopus, but hard to connect with the name Sidney. Also seen on Twitter

Statue quo
A misspelling of status quo in one of the loser lawsuits filed by Squidney or Lin Wood.

From Sterngard's signature, "When there are a finite number of ways to screw something up, Orly Taitz will find an infinite number of ways to do so. (The Sternsig Rule.)"


The Chaleria
Orly Taitz

The defectively stapled line
During the birther years, a Hawai‘i assistant AG once described a filing by noted lunatic Orly Taitz as "an inartfully collated, defectively stapled, and misordered collection of pages."

The Mighty Spork
Derived from Sporky calling himself "The Mighty Sword." There were various permutations, including The Mighty Butter Knife until somebody suggested The Mighty Spork.

The Paraclete
A nom d'birth of OG Birther, Leo Donofrio aka Jet Schizo.

The Pest and eFail
Post and Email

Too also (see Also too)

Trial Of The Century
The Mad Moldovan Molar Mangler (aka Orly Taitz) put herself in the witless witness seat so she could cross examine herself.

Too Stupid To Live.

Let's not forget which was Orly again: The Worst Lawyer In The History Of The Universe.

Up, down, left, down a little, right
Taitz's instructions, on the record, at a hearing before a hearing officer of the Georgia Secretary of State during a hearing where she was testifying as well as arguing as counsel in an effort to have President Obama found disqualified to run for President in 2012. (Visualize the courtroom scene from Woody Allen's "Bananas." Only this was funnier.) Taitz and the other birther lawyers were offered a default judgment by the administrative law judge because President Obama ignored the hearing, but Taitz and the other birther lawyers wanted to go in for the kill. So they put on their evidence and inadvertently lost to an empty chair. Upon their appeal the trial court held the Secretary of State had no jurisdiction over the issue. (So President Obama was correct in ignoring the hearing.)

When three birthers actually appeared together in the same place at the same time.

Velveeta Voldemort
An alliterative nickname for Donald Trump.


The Worst Lawyer in the History of the Universe, i.e. Orly Taitz

Your mileage may very

Zekutive Deesides
Closed door admin stuff

Bad pronunciation of exhibits.

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:41 am
by Estiveo
Correction right off the bat: /s/ & /s/ were Verbie's creation, not mine, as much as I'd love to be able to claim credit.

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:52 am
by jez
Estiveo wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:41 am Correction right off the bat: /s/ & /s/ were Verbie's creation, not mine, as much as I'd love to be able to claim credit.
Fixed. :)

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:57 am
by Estiveo
jez wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:52 am
Estiveo wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:41 am Correction right off the bat: /s/ & /s/ were Verbie's creation, not mine, as much as I'd love to be able to claim credit.
Fixed. :)
Not quite, they never appeared in Orly-toons; Verbalobe had his own series of brilliant cartoons.

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:11 pm
by Estiveo
Verbie had his series Birfer Wet Dreams:
birfer-frame-2018-005.gif (105.32 KiB) Viewed 3011 times
And the Adventures of /s/ & /s/
Estiveoshot_20230629_090720.jpg (112.17 KiB) Viewed 3011 times
Estiveoshot_20230629_090740.jpg (170.34 KiB) Viewed 3011 times

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:29 pm
by AndyinPA

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:42 pm
by jez
Estiveo wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:57 am
jez wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:52 am
Estiveo wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:41 am Correction right off the bat: /s/ & /s/ were Verbie's creation, not mine, as much as I'd love to be able to claim credit.
Fixed. :)
Not quite, they never appeared in Orly-toons; Verbalobe had his own series of brilliant cartoons.
Really? Dang. I'm getting old and misremembering. Mandela Affect. I'll fix it all.

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 10:10 am
by Foggy
As y'all know, I have been taking drugs following surgery, and I am in no kinda shape to work on this, but I am healing slowly and surely. I have numerous medical and other appointments this coming week and next, following which the plan is to go to our nation's capital to see my dad for a couple weeks. But it looks like Jez has this project in usable form, and I will get to it when I get to it.

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 11:21 am
by jemcanada2
Foggy wrote: Fri Jun 30, 2023 10:10 am As y'all know, I have been taking drugs following surgery, and I am in no kinda shape to work on this, but I am healing slowly and surely. I have numerous medical and other appointments this coming week and next, following which the plan is to go to our nation's capital to see my dad for a couple weeks. But it looks like Jez has this project in usable form, and I will get to it when I get to it.
Work on getting better, Rooster! :bighug: :bighug:

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 11:35 am
by bill_g
Well done Jez!

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:50 pm
by Tiredretiredlawyer
Brava, jez!!!!!

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:51 pm
by AndyinPA
:clap: :clap: :clap:

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 1:19 pm
by jez
Thank you, thank you.

Just need to make edits as needed. Please feel free to point out what I missed, got wrong, etc.
Edit: I don't have anything for Ronnapalooza. Can't remember what that was. Thought? Help?

Nevermind. Found it.

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 9:59 am
by jez
Updates have been made. Additions are shown in purple. Cuz I like the color.

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:16 pm
by Tiredretiredlawyer

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:35 pm
by Reddog
also too
part of the lexicon? I can’t help but think it’s an Orlyism.

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:47 pm
by jez
Reddog wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:35 pm Is
also too
part of the lexicon? I can’t help but think it’s an Orlyism.
I have "Too also" which I was listed as a Palinism in the Oldbow.

Boggle? Which?

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:57 pm
by Reddog
Lol, my bad. Got them backwards

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:05 am
by Sam the Centipede
jez wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:47 pm I have "Too also" which I was listed as a Palinism in the Oldbow.
Ah, <rocks back in chair, puffs pipe>, who would have imagined that Sarah Palin's name would become a reminder of kinder, more intelligent, more inclusive times?

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 12:45 pm
by AndyinPA ... by-mistake

I don't think this word actually qualifies for here, but I just love the word. Never heard of it before.
Perhaps the world’s most famous lexicographer, Susie Dent is certainly one of the most positive people on British TV. For 31 years the queen of dictionary corner on Channel 4’s Countdown, she puts just as much energy into her books: from her first, the 2003 Language Report for Oxford University Press, to Weird Words (2013), an unapologetic compendium of farting and squelching. She even finds the fun in current events, through her regular “word of the day” posts on Twitter. Recent examples include “‘boodlery’ (19th century): unprincipled behaviour in public office”, and, on the day Donald Trump was arrested, “‘mugshot’: the use of ‘mug’ for a face looks back to 18th-century drinking mugs that often represented a grotesque human face … ”

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:05 am
by RTH10260
jez wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:47 pm
Reddog wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:35 pm Is
also too
part of the lexicon? I can’t help but think it’s an Orlyism.
I have "Too also" which I was listed as a Palinism in the Oldbow.

Boggle? Which?

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 8:13 am
by jez
RTH10260 wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:05 am
jez wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:47 pm
Reddog wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:35 pm Is part of the lexicon? I can’t help but think it’s an Orlyism.
I have "Too also" which I was listed as a Palinism in the Oldbow.

Boggle? Which?
I shall add it to the Lexicon. :)

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 8:18 am
by jez
AndyinPA wrote: Sat Sep 23, 2023 12:45 pm ... by-mistake

I don't think this word actually qualifies for here, but I just love the word. Never heard of it before.
Perhaps the world’s most famous lexicographer, Susie Dent is certainly one of the most positive people on British TV. For 31 years the queen of dictionary corner on Channel 4’s Countdown, she puts just as much energy into her books: from her first, the 2003 Language Report for Oxford University Press, to Weird Words (2013), an unapologetic compendium of farting and squelching. She even finds the fun in current events, through her regular “word of the day” posts on Twitter. Recent examples include “‘boodlery’ (19th century): unprincipled behaviour in public office”, and, on the day Donald Trump was arrested, “‘mugshot’: the use of ‘mug’ for a face looks back to 18th-century drinking mugs that often represented a grotesque human face … ”
I think Boodlery need to be added to every day language.

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 8:50 am
by Tiredretiredlawyer
A “boodle” is the bribed politician. These are Dickensian.

The (Un)Official Fogbow Lexicon and Snarkasaurus

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:43 am
by AndyinPA
Learn something new here every day. :thumbsup: