Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI

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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Luke »

Holy smokes, just tried ChatAI and it's unbelievable. As Foggy often says, we're in a world beyond our imagination. I asked ChatAI a few questions about birthers and it immediately came up with these. These are my questions and the nearly instant replies. You won't believe it. The URL is, you have to sign up but it's free. As so many have written, this is revolutionary and game-changing for search and simple answers. Looks for the BONUS questions at the end. :P
What are "birthers" and why do they keep perpetuating false beliefs?

"Birthers" are individuals who promote the false belief that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President. This belief is not supported by any evidence, and it has been debunked multiple times by state officials, fact-checkers, and the President himself.

The origins of the birther movement can be traced back to the 2008 presidential election, when rumors began to spread that Obama was not a natural-born citizen of the United States. Despite being debunked repeatedly, the birther movement continued to gain traction, and it was eventually embraced by then-candidate Donald Trump, who questioned Obama's citizenship and demanded to see his birth certificate.

There are many reasons why birthers continue to perpetuate false beliefs about Obama's citizenship. Some may do so out of a genuine belief in the conspiracy theory, while others may be motivated by political or racial biases. Additionally, the spread of false information on social media and other online platforms has made it easier for birthers to find and connect with each other, and to amplify their beliefs to a wider audience.

Ultimately, the persistence of the birther movement highlights the power of false information and conspiracy theories to gain traction and influence public opinion, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It also underscores the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in combatting misinformation.

Are "birthers" racist, mentally ill or just misinformed?

It is not possible to determine with certainty whether "birthers" are racist, mentally ill, or just misinformed, as this is a complex and nuanced question that would require a detailed examination of the individual beliefs, motivations, and backgrounds of birthers.

However, some studies and analyses have suggested that birtherism may be related to racism and prejudice against Obama, who is the first African-American President of the United States. For example, a study published in the journal Public Opinion Quarterly in 2012 found that birtherism was more common among individuals who expressed strong racial resentment towards African Americans, and that birtherism was more likely to be endorsed by individuals who held negative stereotypes and prejudices towards African Americans.

Additionally, some experts have suggested that birtherism may be related to psychological factors such as cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias, which are common psychological phenomena that can lead individuals to reject facts and evidence that contradict their beliefs. For example, individuals who are strongly committed to the belief that Obama is not a natural-born citizen may be more likely to reject evidence that contradicts this belief, and to seek out and accept information that supports their belief, even if it is false or misleading.

In conclusion, while it is not possible to determine with certainty whether "birthers" are racist, mentally ill, or just misinformed, some studies and analyses have suggested that birtherism may be related to racism and prejudice against Obama, and that it may also be related to psychological factors such as cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias.

What was Orly Taitz' role in the "Birther" movement?

Orly Taitz was a prominent figure in the "birther" movement, which promoted the false belief that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President.

Taitz was born in Moldova and immigrated to the United States in 1987. She became a dentist and a lawyer, and in 2009 she began to publicly question Obama's citizenship and eligibility to serve as President. She filed several lawsuits challenging Obama's citizenship, and she became known for her outspoken and controversial statements about the issue.

Taitz was widely criticized for her role in the birther movement, and her lawsuits were dismissed by multiple courts for lacking evidence and legal merit. Despite this, she continued to promote the birther conspiracy theory and to make false and inflammatory claims about Obama and his administration.

In conclusion, Orly Taitz was a prominent and controversial figure in the birther movement, and she played a significant role in promoting the false belief that Obama was not a natural-born citizen of the United States.

List the cases that "birther" Orly Taitz has lost. Has Orly Taitz been sanctioned? What happened?

Orly Taitz is a lawyer and a prominent figure in the "birther" movement, which promotes the false belief that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President.

Taitz has filed multiple lawsuits challenging Obama's citizenship and eligibility to serve as President. These lawsuits have been dismissed by multiple courts for lacking evidence and legal merit. Some examples of cases that Taitz has lost include:

Taitz v. Obama (2009): Taitz filed a lawsuit in a federal court in California alleging that Obama was not a natural-born citizen and was therefore ineligible to serve as President. The lawsuit was dismissed by the court, which ruled that Taitz lacked standing to bring the suit and that her claims were baseless.

Taitz v. Astrue (2011): Taitz filed a lawsuit in a federal court in Georgia alleging that the Commissioner of Social Security had illegally issued a social security number to Obama. The lawsuit was dismissed by the court, which ruled that Taitz had no legal right to challenge the issuance of the social security number and that her claims were without merit.

Taitz v. Sebelius (2012): Taitz filed a lawsuit in a federal court in Florida alleging that Obama was not a natural-born citizen and was therefore ineligible to serve as President. The lawsuit was dismissed by the court, which ruled that Taitz lacked standing to bring the suit and that her claims were frivolous and without merit.

Taitz has also been sanctioned by several courts for making frivolous and baseless legal arguments, for filing frivolous lawsuits, and for engaging in unethical conduct. For example, in 2011, a federal judge ordered Taitz to pay more than $20,000 in sanctions and legal fees for bringing a frivolous lawsuit and for making false and inflammatory statements about the judge and other parties involved in the case. In 2012, a state court in California also ordered Taitz to pay more than $4,000 in sanctions and legal fees for bringing a frivolous lawsuit and for engaging in unethical conduct.

In conclusion, Taitz has lost multiple lawsuits challenging Obama's citizenship and eligibility to serve as President, and she has been sanctioned by several courts for making frivolous and baseless legal arguments.

What crazy things has "birther" Orly Taitz done?

Orly Taitz is an American political commentator and conspiracy theorist who is known for her involvement in the "birther" movement. The "birther" movement is a political movement that promotes the false belief that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President.

Taitz has been involved in promoting birther conspiracy theories and false information for many years, and she has been involved in several legal challenges to Obama's eligibility to serve as President. Some of the more notable or "crazy" things that she has done include:

Filing a lawsuit in 2008 that sought to have Obama removed from the ballot in Illinois on the grounds that he was not a natural-born citizen of the United States. The lawsuit was dismissed by the court, and Taitz was ordered to pay court costs.
Claiming that Obama's birth certificate was fake and that he was not a US citizen. These claims were debunked by fact-checking organizations and other experts, and they were widely criticized for being false and misleading.
Accusing Obama of using a stolen Social Security number and of being a secret Muslim who was ineligible to serve as President. These claims were also debunked by fact-checking organizations and other experts, and they were found to be without merit.
Filing a lawsuit in 2011 that sought to have Obama removed from office on the grounds that he was not a natural-born citizen of the United States. The lawsuit was dismissed by the court, and Taitz was ordered to pay court costs.
Running for the US Senate in California as a Republican candidate in 2010. She was defeated in the primary election and did not advance to the general election. During her campaign, she continued to promote birther conspiracy theories and false claims about Obama's eligibility to serve as President.

In conclusion, Orly Taitz has been involved in many "crazy" things related to her promotion of birther conspiracy theories and false information. She has filed lawsuits, run for political office, and made numerous false and misleading claims about President Obama and his eligibility to serve as President.

Who is "birther" Sharon Rondeau and what is her role in the "birther" movement?

Sharon Rondeau is an American political commentator and conspiracy theorist who is known for her involvement in the "birther" movement. The "birther" movement is a political movement that promotes the false belief that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President.

Rondeau has been active in the birther movement for many years, and she is the editor and publisher of The Post & Email, a website that promotes birther conspiracy theories and misinformation. Rondeau has also been involved in several legal challenges to Obama's eligibility to serve as President, including a lawsuit filed in 2010 that sought to have Obama removed from the ballot in Tennessee.

In conclusion, Sharon Rondeau is a prominent figure in the "birther" movement, and she is known for her involvement in promoting birther conspiracy theories and for her legal challenges to Obama's eligibility to serve as President.

Who is Commander Charles Kerchner? How is he involved in the "birther" movement?

Commander Charles Kerchner is an American political commentator and conspiracy theorist who is known for his involvement in the "birther" movement. The "birther" movement is a political movement that promotes the false belief that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President.

Kerchner is the founder of the "Birther Summit", an organization that promotes birther conspiracy theories and misinformation. He is also the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit filed in 2008 that sought to have Obama removed from the ballot in Pennsylvania on the grounds that he was not a natural-born citizen of the United States. The lawsuit was dismissed by the court, and Kerchner was ordered to pay court costs.

In conclusion, Commander Charles Kerchner is a prominent figure in the "birther" movement, and he is known for his involvement in promoting birther conspiracy theories and misinformation. He is the founder of the "Birther Summit" and the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit that sought to have President Obama removed from the ballot in Pennsylvania.

What legal cases can be used to reject "birther" falsehoods and arguments regarding "Natural Born Citizenship"? [Note: didn't know about the Susan B. Anthony case]

There are several legal cases that can be used to reject the "birther" falsehoods and arguments regarding "natural-born citizenship." These cases establish that an individual can be considered a natural-born citizen of the United States regardless of the citizenship of their parents, and that the text and intent of the US Constitution support this interpretation.

Some examples of legal cases that can be used to reject the birthers' false claims and arguments include:

Minor v. Happersett (1874): This case was heard by the Supreme Court of the United States, and it established that an individual can be considered a natural-born citizen of the United States even if one or both of their parents are not US citizens. The Court held that the naturalization laws of the United States do not create a distinction between natural-born and naturalized citizens, and that all individuals born in the United States are considered natural-born citizens.

United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898): This case was also heard by the Supreme Court, and it upheld the principle established in Minor v. Happersett that an individual can be considered a natural-born citizen of the United States even if one or both of their parents are not US citizens. The Court held that an individual who is born in the United States is a US citizen by virtue of their birth in the United States, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.

United States v. Susan B. Anthony (1873): This case was heard by the Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern District of New York, and it established that an individual who is born in the United States is a US citizen by virtue of their birth in the United States, regardless of their gender or the citizenship of their parents. The Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees birthright citizenship, applies to all individuals born in the United States, including women.

In conclusion, there are multiple legal cases that can be used to reject the "birther" falsehoods and arguments regarding "natural-born citizenship," and these cases establish that an individual can be considered a natural-born citizen of the United States regardless of the citizenship of their parents.

What other cases support President Obama's eligibility to be president, rejecting "birther" claims?

There are several legal cases that support President Obama's eligibility to serve as President and that reject the "birther" claims that he was not born in the United States and is therefore ineligible to serve as President. These cases establish that Obama was born in Hawaii, which is a state of the United States, and that he is therefore a natural-born citizen of the United States and eligible to serve as President.

Some examples of legal cases that support Obama's eligibility to serve as President and reject the birther claims include:

Ankeny v. Governor of Indiana (2009): This case was heard by the Court of Appeals of Indiana, and it rejected a challenge to Obama's eligibility to serve as President based on the birther claim that he was not born in the United States. The Court held that Obama was born in Hawaii, which is a state of the United States, and that he is therefore a natural-born citizen of the United States and eligible to serve as President.

Wrotnowski v. Bysiewicz (2010): This case was heard by the Superior Court of Connecticut, and it rejected a challenge to Obama's eligibility to serve as President based on the birther claim that he was not born in the United States. The Court held that Obama was born in Hawaii, which is a state of the United States, and that he is therefore a natural-born citizen of the United States and eligible to serve as President.

Berg v. Obama (2008): This case was heard by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and it rejected a challenge to Obama's eligibility to serve as President based on the birther claim that he was not born in the United States. The Court held that Obama was born in Hawaii, which is a state of the United States, and that he is therefore a natural-born citizen of the United States and eligible to serve as President.

In conclusion, there are multiple legal cases that support President Obama's eligibility to serve as President and that reject the birther claims that he was not born in the United States and is therefore ineligible to serve as President. These cases establish that Obama was born in Hawaii, which is a state of the United States, and that he is therefore a natural-born citizen of the United States and eligible to serve as President.

Why do "Birthers" use the legal case "Minor vs Happersett" to support their false claims?

"Birthers" who believe that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States often cite the legal case of Minor v. Happersett as support for their false claims. In this case, which was decided by the Supreme Court in 1875, the Court ruled that a woman named Virginia Minor was not a citizen of the United States and therefore was not eligible to vote.

Birthers argue that the Minor v. Happersett decision defines citizenship in a narrow and exclusionary way, and that it therefore supports their belief that Obama, who was born in Hawaii to a Kenyan father and an American mother, is not a natural-born citizen of the United States.

However, this interpretation of the Minor v. Happersett decision is not supported by the text of the ruling or by subsequent legal precedent. In fact, the decision explicitly states that it does not apply to "persons born within the United States, and not subject to any foreign power," which clearly includes Obama. Additionally, subsequent Supreme Court decisions and federal laws have established that individuals born in the United States are automatically considered to be natural-born citizens, regardless of their parents' citizenship or national origin.

In conclusion, the use of the Minor v. Happersett decision by "birthers" to support their false claims about Obama's citizenship is not based on a accurate or complete understanding of the ruling or of subsequent legal precedent.

What legal arguments do "birthers" make to support their false claims?

"Birthers" who believe that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States often make several legal arguments to support their false claims. These arguments include:

The Constitution's requirement that the President must be a "natural-born citizen" is not clearly defined, and therefore it is unclear whether Obama meets this requirement.
The Supreme Court's decision in Minor v. Happersett (1875) defines citizenship in a narrow and exclusionary way, and therefore supports the idea that Obama is not a natural-born citizen.
Obama's birth certificate is fraudulent or forged, and therefore it cannot be used as evidence of his citizenship.
Obama's father was not a citizen of the United States at the time of his birth, and therefore he cannot be considered a natural-born citizen.

However, these legal arguments are not supported by the text of the Constitution, by legal precedent, or by factual evidence. The Constitution clearly states that individuals born in the United States are considered to be natural-born citizens, regardless of their parents' citizenship or national origin. The Minor v. Happersett decision does not apply to individuals born in the United States, and subsequent Supreme Court decisions and federal laws have affirmed this. Obama's birth certificate has been examined by multiple independent experts, who have concluded that it is genuine. And Obama's father was not a citizen of the United States, but this has no bearing on Obama's own citizenship status, as he was born in the United States.

In conclusion, the legal arguments made by "birthers" to support their false claims about Obama's citizenship are not based on a accurate or complete understanding of the Constitution, legal precedent, or factual evidence.

Why do "birthers" continue to perpetuate the false "two-citizen parent" theory of US citizenship to be considered a "Natural Born Citizen"?

"Birthers" continue to perpetuate the false "two-citizen parent" theory of US citizenship because it supports their belief that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President.

According to the "two-citizen parent" theory, an individual can only be considered a "natural-born citizen" of the United States if both of their parents were US citizens at the time of their birth. This theory is based on a misinterpretation of the US Constitution, which states that an individual must be a "natural-born citizen" in order to be eligible to serve as President.

Birthers argue that Obama's father was not a US citizen at the time of his birth, and therefore he cannot be considered a natural-born citizen and is ineligible to serve as President. However, this argument is not supported by the text of the Constitution, legal precedent, or factual evidence.

In conclusion, "birthers" continue to perpetuate the false "two-citizen parent" theory because it supports their belief that Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is therefore ineligible to serve as President. However, this theory is not supported by the Constitution or by legal precedent, and it has been debunked by multiple independent experts and fact-checkers.

What's the best way to stop "birthers" from continuing to lie?

There is no easy or straightforward way to stop "birthers" from continuing to lie about former President Barack Obama's citizenship. However, there are some steps that can be taken to combat their false claims and to prevent them from gaining traction and influence.

First, it's important to provide accurate and factual information to counter the birthers' false claims. This might involve citing the text of the Constitution, legal precedent, and factual evidence that support the fact that Obama was born in the United States and is a natural-born citizen.

Second, it's important to challenge and debunk the birthers' arguments and conspiracy theories. This might involve pointing out inconsistencies and contradictions in their claims, and highlighting the lack of evidence and logical support for their beliefs.

Third, it's important to promote critical thinking and skepticism, and to encourage people to seek out multiple sources of information and to verify the accuracy and credibility of the claims that they encounter. This can help to prevent individuals from being swayed by false or misleading information, and to foster a more informed and discerning public.

Finally, it's important to engage in dialogue and to listen to the concerns and perspectives of birthers and others who hold false beliefs. While it's important to challenge and refute their claims, it's also important to understand why they believe what they do and to try to find common ground and ways to address their concerns.

What role did Mike Zullo and Joe Arpaio play in the "birther" movement?

Mike Zullo and Joe Arpaio played a significant role in promoting the false "birther" conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President.

Zullo was a former police officer who served as the lead investigator on a "birther" investigation led by Arpaio, who was the sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona. In 2011, Arpaio tasked Zullo with investigating Obama's birth certificate, which had been released by the White House in response to birther claims. Despite the fact that multiple independent experts had concluded that the birth certificate was genuine, Zullo and Arpaio claimed that it was fraudulent and that it contained multiple "errors" and "anomalies."

Zullo and Arpaio held multiple press conferences and public events to promote their birther investigation and its findings, and they gained significant media attention and support from other birthers. However, their claims were repeatedly debunked by fact-checkers, legal experts, and even the FBI, which concluded that the birth certificate was genuine and that there was no evidence of fraud.

In conclusion, Mike Zullo and Joe Arpaio played a significant role in promoting the birther conspiracy theory and in attempting to undermine the legitimacy of President Obama's presidency. However, their claims were not supported by evidence or by legal precedent, and they were widely criticized and debunked.

What role did Miki Booth play in the "birther" movement?

Miki Booth was a prominent figure in the "birther" movement, which promoted the false belief that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President.

Booth was a conservative activist and filmmaker who became involved in the birther movement in 2009, when she produced a documentary film called "A Question of Eligibility" that questioned Obama's citizenship. She also ran a website called "" that promoted the birther conspiracy theory and solicited donations to support her research.

Booth was a frequent guest on conservative talk radio shows and a regular speaker at birther events and conferences, where she promoted her film and her belief that Obama was not a natural-born citizen. She also filed a lawsuit against Obama and other government officials, claiming that they had conspired to cover up evidence of his foreign birth.

In conclusion, Miki Booth was a prominent and vocal figure in the birther movement, and she played a significant role in promoting the false belief that Obama was not a natural-born citizen of the United States.

What is the website "The Post & Email" and what role does it play in the "birther" movement?

"The Post & Email" is a website that is known for promoting the false "birther" conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President. The website was founded in 2009 by Sharon Rondeau, who describes herself as an investigative journalist and birther activist.

The Post & Email is primarily known for publishing articles and editorials that promote the birther conspiracy theory and challenge the legitimacy of Obama's presidency. These articles often include false and misleading claims about Obama's birth certificate, his family background, and his eligibility to serve as President. The website also publishes interviews and columns by other birthers, as well as letters and statements from individuals who claim to have evidence of Obama's foreign birth.

In addition to its editorial content, The Post & Email also operates a "whistleblower hotline" that allows individuals to submit information and documents that they claim support the birther conspiracy theory. The website has claimed that it has received hundreds of such submissions, but it has not provided any evidence to support the veracity or relevance of this information.

In conclusion, The Post & Email is a website that promotes the false birther conspiracy theory and that serves as a platform for birthers to share their beliefs and to seek support for their claims.
And about... The Fogbow!
What is "The Fogbow" and how did it help debunk the "birther" movement?

"The Fogbow" is an online forum and community of individuals who are dedicated to debunking conspiracy theories and misinformation. It was founded in 2010 in response to the proliferation of the "birther" conspiracy theory, which claimed that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President.

The Fogbow was created by a group of individuals who were frustrated by the spread of the birther conspiracy theory and the lack of factual information and critical thinking among its supporters. The forum provides a space for members to discuss and evaluate the birthers' claims and arguments, and to provide evidence and counterarguments to refute them.

The Fogbow has played a significant role in debunking the birther conspiracy theory and in exposing the lack of evidence and logical support for the birthers' claims. Its members have conducted extensive research and analysis of the birthers' arguments and the evidence that they have presented, and have published their findings on the forum and elsewhere. The Fogbow has also collaborated with other organizations and individuals who are dedicated to debunking misinformation and conspiracy theories.

In conclusion, The Fogbow is an online forum and community that has played a significant role in debunking the "birther" conspiracy theory and in promoting critical thinking and factual accuracy.

What role did "The Fogbow" have in debunking "birther" conspiracies?

The Fogbow is an online forum and community that was created in 2008 to counter the "birther" movement and its conspiracy theories. The "birther" movement is a political movement that promotes the false belief that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President.

The Fogbow was created by a group of legal experts, researchers, and other individuals who sought to debunk "birther" conspiracy theories and provide accurate information about Obama's eligibility to serve as President. The forum and community were dedicated to analyzing and debunking "birther" claims and arguments, and they were instrumental in providing evidence and information that refuted birtherism.

In conclusion, The Fogbow was an online forum and community that played a significant role in debunking "birther" conspiracies and providing accurate information about President Obama's eligibility to serve as President. The forum and community were created in 2008 by a group of legal experts and researchers, and they were dedicated to analyzing and debunking "birther" claims and arguments.

What is the "birther scorecard" from The Fogbow?

The "birther scorecard" from The Fogbow is a tool that was developed by The Fogbow, an online forum and community of individuals who are dedicated to debunking conspiracy theories and misinformation. The birther scorecard is similar to the one developed by, but it is specifically focused on the legal challenges brought by "birthers" who claim that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not eligible to serve as President.

The birther scorecard from The Fogbow lists all of the known lawsuits and legal challenges that have been brought by birthers, along with the name of the plaintiff, the date the case was filed, the court where the case was heard, and the outcome of the case. The birther scorecard also provides a summary of the key arguments and evidence presented by the birthers in each case, along with the legal reasoning and precedent used by the court to dismiss the case.

The birther scorecard from The Fogbow is intended to provide a comprehensive and impartial record of the legal challenges brought by birthers, and to provide accurate and factual information about the status and outcome of these cases. It is updated regularly as new cases are filed and as existing cases are resolved.

In conclusion, the birther scorecard from The Fogbow is a tool developed by The Fogbow to track the status of lawsuits and other legal challenges brought by birthers who claim that Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is therefore ineligible to serve as President. It provides a comprehensive and impartial record of these cases, and helps to debunk the birthers' false and baseless claims.
WARNING: IT'S ADDICTIVE! You can ask anything, just picked birfers to check it out. Note that it's not always accurate (it has Fogbow as 2008 and 2010) but many P&E stories can just be debunked now by using ChatAI. Some Jerk totally needs to try it out :lol:
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Foggy »

Okay, that's pretty incredible. But there are little mistakes, I think.
Orly Taitz ... in 2009 she began to publicly question Obama's citizenship and eligibility to serve as President.
Well actually, it was December 2008, she gave a presser at the National Press Club and our dearly departed member Mia was there in attendance on the actual day.

But I didn't read the whole thing. I lived it, that was crazy enough. :crazy:

Now we need to get Rondeau and Kerchner debating ChatAI, that would be humorous, they'd be arguing and freaking out and ChatAI would just bombard them with facts again and again.

The P&E needs a new super-villain, and I think we have a candidate!
I'm Foggy and I forget if I approved this message.
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


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Shall we play a game?
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Tiredretiredlawyer »

ChatAI is now in the hands or on the keyboards of Fogbow members!!!!!! :mrgreen:
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Reality Check »

Foggy wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2022 8:29 am Okay, that's pretty incredible. But there are little mistakes, I think.
Orly Taitz ... in 2009 she began to publicly question Obama's citizenship and eligibility to serve as President.
Well actually, it was December 2008, she gave a presser at the National Press Club and our dearly departed member Mia was there in attendance on the actual day.

But I didn't read the whole thing. I lived it, that was crazy enough. :crazy:

Now we need to get Rondeau and Kerchner debating ChatAI, that would be humorous, they'd be arguing and freaking out and ChatAI would just bombard them with facts again and again.

The P&E needs a new super-villain, and I think we have a candidate!
There was a photo or maybe even a video of that presser on the old board as I recall. Didn't Orly steal the idea of filing a quo warranto case in DC against Obama from Phil Berg? Then she added Leo Donofrio's two citizen parent theory to it. Berg never believed the two citizen parent nonsense.
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Dick Tater
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Foggy »

Reality Check wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2022 11:41 am There was a photo or maybe even a video of that presser on the old board as I recall.
I'm sure there was, but that was what sealed my fate as an Obot.

I saw that photo, and I knew who it was, and she was my horrible dentist back in Southern California, who ol' Wifehorn and I saw maybe three visits before we were like, "Wow, she is really a crappy dentist," and we found somebody else. She smelled bad. She was really unprofessional.

And I knew who the birthers were by then (Obama, remember, was elected in early November and this was mid-December while birthers were still reeling from the shock) and I had been fighting them here and there {but not on because it was such a mess, and not on some other sites) but then I woke up one morning and my goddamned dentist was a birther lawyer and suddenly became a birther superstar and was on with Stephen Colbert and other Tee Vee appearances.

And I was hooked. Lemme at 'em. :boxing:

Today, I'm like, oh yeah ... birthers. :yawn:
I'm Foggy and I forget if I approved this message.
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by bob »

Considering how much data there is the universe, its ability to scrape the relevant data is pretty impressive. Even if not always that accurate; the synopsis of Minor, for example, is a stinker. And the writing is a touch formulaic.

But, overall, fun and funny.
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Sam the Centipede »

Here's another one for your delectation, damning with faint – or no – praise:
Who was Mario Apuzzo?

Mario Apuzzo was an American lawyer who promoted the birther conspiracy theory, which baselessly claimed that Barack Obama was not a natural born citizen of the United States and therefore ineligible to be President. Apuzzo was a vocal advocate of this theory and filed several lawsuits challenging Obama's citizenship. These lawsuits were all dismissed, and the conspiracy theory has been debunked multiple times. It is not clear what Apuzzo's background or qualifications were, but he is not widely known or regarded as a significant figure.
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Reality Check »

The Susan B. Anthony case was interesting. It puts Minor v Happersett in context. After the ratification of the 14th Amendment Susan B. Anthony and some other women saw it as a path to women's' suffrage since it made clear that women were citizens. She and a group of 15 women registered and voted in New York. Anthony was charged with illegal voting. She was convicted and fined $100. She never paid the fine but never went to jail over it.

Anthony had urged other women to do likewise so that is what Virginia Minor was doing. Her case however went all the way to the Supreme Court where the court ruled that the right of suffrage was not a fundamental right of citizenship.
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Luke »

Thought the same, RC, SBA in context of birfers was new to me and makes total sense.

Loved how it talked about Fogbow (those questions are at the end).

Noticed some errors too also Bob, but for a beta I agree it's pretty damn good. Especially since birfers are not exactly a relevant topic many would be asking about :lol:

And LOVE the idea of seeing Rharon, Chuckles, Rev Dr. Laity Esq and the brain trust at the Post & Email start typing away and getting beaten down by ChatAI. "ChatAI is an OBOT!" "ChatAI is a LIBTARD!" "ChatAI is DARPA!" :lol: Wonder how we can slip ChatAI into a P&E comment and get them over there to use it... maybe create an answer that fits their confirmation bias so they think it's going to back them up then BANG. 8-)

And stop it Foggy, birfers made you the distinguished millionaire you are today. Dunford tried that last week, saying he was trying to forget who Orly Taitz was and I reminded him, how I do.... don't make me do this to you on The Twitter Machine too also :lol: You love those zany birfers.

Everybody should give it a try, it's really easy and fun. Was going to try SovCits but got caught up with other things. Imagine those answers will be funny too.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!"
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by sad-cafe »

what about her dental chair of lurve?
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Luke »

It writes scenes from a play! And it sounds like... Denny's! :P Wrong about 2 parents but wow this could have saved us a lot of time :lol: And the dental chair o' love makes an appearance...

Write a scene from a play in which a "Birther" and an "Anti-Birther" argue and passionately debate the "Natural Born Citizen" issue.

Scene: A coffee shop

Setting: A small, cozy coffee shop with a few tables and a counter. A man and a woman are seated across from each other at one of the tables. They are both visibly agitated and are arguing heatedly.

Birther: You can't possibly believe that Barack Obama was a natural born citizen! The evidence is clear: he was born in Kenya!

Anti-Birther: That's complete nonsense! Obama was born in Hawaii, just like he has always said. The Birther movement is a conspiracy theory with no basis in reality.

Birther: Oh, come on. There are plenty of documents and witnesses that prove Obama was born in Kenya.

Anti-Birther: Those documents are all forged and the witnesses are all liars. The only reason people believe the Birther movement is because they want to believe it.

Birther: You can't just dismiss all the evidence without even looking at it!

Anti-Birther: I don't need to look at it. I know it's all fake. The only reason people are still talking about this is because they can't accept that a black man was elected President of the United States.

Birther: That's ridiculous! This has nothing to do with race. It's about the Constitution and the rule of law.

Anti-Birther: The Constitution clearly states that a natural born citizen is someone who is born in the United States to parents who are also citizens. Obama fits that description, so there's no debate.

Birther: But what about his father? He was a citizen of Kenya, not the United States. That means Obama is not a natural born citizen.

Anti-Birther: That's a baseless argument. The fact is, Obama was born in Hawaii and that makes him a natural born citizen. End of story.

Birther: I can't believe you're so blind to the truth. The evidence is clear and you're just ignoring it because you don't want to admit you were wrong.

Anti-Birther: I'm not ignoring anything. I'm just not falling for the lies and conspiracy theories that you and other Birthers are spreading. Obama was a legitimate President and a natural born citizen, and that's the end of it.

Birther: Fine. We'll just have to agree to disagree. But I know I'm right and I'll never stop fighting to expose the truth.

Anti-Birther: And I'll never stop fighting to protect the truth and the integrity of our Constitution. This argument is over. Let's just agree to move on.

(The two continue to stare at each other for a moment before the Birther gets up and storms out of the coffee shop, leaving the Anti-Birther sitting alone.)

Write a scene between Mike Zullo and Joe Arpaio discussing the "birther" issue.

Scene: Joe Arpaio's office

Setting: The office of Joe Arpaio, the Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona. Mike Zullo, a detective in the county's Cold Case Posse, is seated across from Arpaio's desk.

Zullo: I've been looking into the birther issue, and I've found some interesting things.

Arpaio: Like what?

Zullo: Well, for one thing, there's a lot of evidence that suggests Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

Arpaio: Really? Like what?

Zullo: For starters, there are several witnesses who claim to have seen Obama's birth certificate from Kenya.

Arpaio: That's interesting. But what about the birth certificate that was released by the White House?

Zullo: It's a forgery. I've spoken with several experts who have examined it and they all say the same thing: it's a blatant fake.

Arpaio: That's pretty serious. Have you brought this to the attention of the authorities?

Zullo: I have, but they don't seem to be taking it seriously. They say there's no evidence to support the claims.

Arpaio: That's outrageous. We can't just sit back and let this go. We need to get to the bottom of this.

Zullo: I agree. That's why I've been doing my own investigation. I'm confident that if we dig deep enough, we'll find the truth.

Arpaio: I'm with you, Mike. Let's keep digging and see what we can uncover. This is a matter of national security and we can't let it go unanswered.

(Zullo nods and the two men continue to discuss their plans for investigating the birther issue.)

Write a scene between a screaming angry "birther" Orly Taitz and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, an "anti-Birther", after Taitz tries to hand him documents at a public event.

Scene: A public event

Setting: A large conference hall where a public event is being held. Chief Justice John Roberts is standing at the podium, giving a speech, while Orly Taitz, a vocal birther, is seated in the audience.

Taitz: (screaming) Chief Justice Roberts, I have evidence that Barack Obama was not born in the United States!

Roberts: (calmly) Ms. Taitz, I'm sorry, but I cannot accept any evidence or documents during this public event.

Taitz: (still screaming) But this is important! You need to see this! It proves that Obama is not a natural born citizen!

Roberts: (firmly) I'm sorry, but I cannot accept anything from you at this time. If you have evidence, you can submit it through the proper channels and it will be reviewed.

Taitz: (yelling) You're just ignoring the truth because you don't want to admit you were wrong!

Roberts: (patiently) Ms. Taitz, I assure you that the Supreme Court takes all claims and evidence seriously. However, we cannot address every claim or conspiracy theory that arises. We must follow the proper procedures and protocols.

Taitz: (angrily) Fine. But I won't stop until the truth is revealed and Obama is exposed as an illegitimate President!

(Taitz continues to yell and protest as security escorts her out of the conference hall. Roberts shakes his head and continues his speech, remaining calm and composed throughout the ordeal.)

Write a scene from a play starring "birther" Sharon Rondeau, owner of The Post & Email, Mike Zullo, Joe Arpaio, "birther princess" Miki Booth and "birther" Orly Taitz screaming and arguing on the phone with US Supreme Court Clerk Danny Bickell over rejecting a "birther" lawsuit. Orly Taitz demands access to the US Supreme Court's internal computer systems to determine if Judge Clarence Thomas actually personally read Orly Taitz' complaint. Bickell explains why the "birthers" are wrong and cites cases rejecting birtherism. Orly Taitz demands Quo Warranto and Bickell explains what that is and why it's not relevant. Miki Booth gets sick.

The scene opens with Sharon Rondeau, Mike Zullo, and Joe Arpaio huddled around a phone, with Orly Taitz pacing nervously nearby. They are all visibly agitated and angry.

Sharon: Danny, this is Sharon Rondeau from The Post & Email. We need to talk about this ridiculous rejection of our lawsuit.

Mike: Yeah, Danny, what the hell is going on here? We've been working on this case for months, and now you just toss it aside like it's nothing?

Orly: Danny, I demand access to the US Supreme Court's internal computer systems to determine if Judge Clarence Thomas actually personally read my complaint.

Joe: Yeah, and what about the fact that Barack Obama's birth certificate is a forgery? You can't just ignore that!

Bickell: I'm sorry, but I must reject your request. The US Supreme Court does not grant access to its internal computer systems, and the birther conspiracy theories have been repeatedly debunked by multiple courts.

Orly: But what about Quo Warranto? We have a right to demand that!

Bickell: Quo Warranto is a legal procedure that allows the government to challenge a person's right to hold public office. It is not relevant in this case.

Miki: But what about the fact that Obama is not a natural-born citizen?

Bickell: That claim has been debunked multiple times. I suggest you read the cases that have rejected birtherism before making any further accusations.

Suddenly, Miki Booth gets sick and throws up on the floor.

Orly: Ugh, gross!

Sharon: Miki, are you okay?

Miki: I don't know, I just feel really sick all of a sudden.

Joe: Maybe we should take a break and regroup. This isn't getting us anywhere.

The scene ends with the birthers reluctantly agreeing to take a break and the sound of Miki retching in the background.

Write a TV scene where "birther" Orly Taitz from Moldovia ends up as TV show "Green Acres" Lisa Douglas. "Birther" Orly Taitz tries to explain birtherism to the country folks from Hooterville, but hilarity ensues when they have no idea what she's talking about. She screams at the country people trying to explain birtherism is, and the lawsuits she's filed, but shopkeeper Sam Drucker is more interested in kids that got into his pickle barrel as he shoos them away. Orly Taitz lies about how she "can get Obama out of office in 30 days". A child looks at Orly Taitz and corrects her, reminding her how she lost every case. Frustrated, Orly Taitz then talks about glamorous Rancho Santa Margarita, California, and how "birthers" are much more tolerated there while in Hooterville, everyone wants to talk about farming and pigs. Eventually, people are so frustrated with Orly Taitz they throw a pie in her face. Everyone laughs.


Orly Taitz, a woman from Moldova with a thick accent, is standing in the middle of the barn, surrounded by the simple country folk of Hooterville. She is dressed in a suit and looks out of place among the overalls and farm gear.


Hello, everyone. My name is Orly Taitz, and I am a birther. I have been trying to prove that President Obama was not born in the United States and therefore, is ineligible to be President.

The country folk look at each other, confused.


Birther? What's that?


It means that I believe President Obama was not born in the United States. I have filed many lawsuits to try and prove this.

SAM DRUCKER, the local shopkeeper, looks up from shooing some kids away from his pickle barrel.


Now, hold on a minute. Why do you think President Obama wasn't born here?


Because I have evidence that he was actually born in Kenya. And I can get him out of office in 30 days.

A young child steps forward, holding a newspaper.


Ma'am, I think you're mistaken. It says here that you lost every single one of your lawsuits.



Yes, I may have lost in court, but in Rancho Santa Margarita, California, birthers like myself are much more tolerated. Here in Hooterville, all anyone wants to talk about is farming and pigs.

The country folk look at each other, annoyed.


Well, I don't know about you folks, but I'm about ready to call it a day.

Suddenly, a woman steps forward and throws a pie in Orly Taitz's face. She sputters and wipes the pie off her face, looking shocked and angry.



What is the meaning of this?!

The country folk laugh and start to disperse, leaving Orly Taitz standing in the barn, covered in pie.


Write a TV SCRIPT: "Birther" Orly Taitz, huge false eyelashes, is in the "Center Square" on the TV Game Show Hollywood Squares. But every answer she gives in the "Center Square" is about birtherism, even though the questions from host Peter Marshall have nothing to do with birtherism. Orly has a heavy Moldova accent and speaks Russian English, skipping English articles. Orly Taitz is asked three questions but irrelevantly answers all three questions with an birther answer. The audience laughs, boos and mocks her from off-camera. Peter Marshall gets more irritated with each wrong answer from Orly Taitz. By the end, Phyllis Diller in the next square throws a pie in her face. Orly Taitz is forcibly removed from the set by guards while Orly Taitz screams over and over, "Let Me Feenish! Let Me Feenish!".


The set of Hollywood Squares is brightly lit and bustling with activity. ORLY TAITZ, a woman with huge false eyelashes and a heavy Moldovan accent, is seated in the center square. Host PETER MARSHALL stands at the front of the set, addressing the camera.

Welcome to Hollywood Squares! Our center square today is Orly Taitz, the notorious birther activist. Let's get started with our first question.

Orly, what is the capital of France?

Birtherism is the belief that President Obama was not born in the United States and is therefore ineligible to be President.

That's not the answer to the question, Orly. The capital of France is Paris.

Birthers believe that President Obama's birth certificate is a forgery and that he is secretly a Muslim.

Orly, please try to answer the question. Let's move on to the next one.

Orly, who was the first president of the United States?

Birthers have filed lawsuits and petitions challenging President Obama's eligibility to hold office.

Orly, that's not the right answer. The first president of the United States was George Washington.

Birthers have been widely criticized and dismissed as conspiracy theorists.

Orly, you're not even trying to answer the questions. This is a game show, not a platform for your birtherism.

PHYLLIS DILLER, seated in the next square, throws a pie in Orly's face. The audience laughs and boos.

Let me feenish! Let me feenish!

Guards rush onto the set and forcibly remove Orly, who continues to scream and struggle.

(to the camera)
Well, that was unexpected. Let's move on to the next question.

Even songs, super rough but incredible, look how simple the request was:
Write a song to The Beatles "Yesterday" but about Orly Taitz and birtherism.

Verse 1:
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now I'm stuck in this nightmare, thanks to Orly Taitz
She's a birther queen, spreading lies and deceit
Claiming Obama's not really the president

Orly Taitz, oh how you've misled
With your wild conspiracy theories
Birtherism, a hateful seed
Planted in the minds of the deceived

Verse 2:
The evidence is clear, Obama was born in Hawaii
But Taitz refuses to accept the facts, oh why oh why
She peddles her lies to anyone who will listen
And many have fallen for her twisted vision

Orly Taitz, oh how you've misled
With your wild conspiracy theories
Birtherism, a hateful seed
Planted in the minds of the deceived

But one day the truth will prevail
And your lies will be unveiled
You can't hide from the facts, Orly Taitz
The truth will set us free, from your hateful rhetoric

Orly Taitz, oh how you've misled
With your wild conspiracy theories
Birtherism, a hateful seed
Planted in the minds of the deceived

AND.............. :rotflmao:

Write a scene in Orly Taitz' "Concerned Dental" dental office in California where a screaming "birther" Orly Taitz is doing dental work on Foggy, owner of "The Fogbow", an "anti-Birther website", interrupting his dental work to argue and yell at him. Orly lists her legal cases and Foggy reminds her that she lost all of them and was even sanctioned. He asks about Charles Edward Lincoln III and what happened between Orly and Charles in her dental chair of love. She loses focus on her dental work. Foggy reminds her of the fake birth certificate she presented in court and her other "birther" case losses.

Orly Taitz, the owner of "Concerned Dental" dental office in California, was in the middle of doing dental work on Foggy, the owner of "The Fogbow", an "anti-Birther website". But Orly couldn't help herself from interrupting the procedure to argue and yell at Foggy about her various "birther" legal cases.

"You can't deny the truth, Foggy!" Orly yelled, her face contorted in anger. "I've brought countless legal cases against Obama and his fake birth certificate, and I won't stop until justice is served!"

Foggy sighed and shook his head. "Orly, you've lost every single one of those cases. And you were even sanctioned by the court for your frivolous lawsuits. It's time to move on."

Orly's anger only seemed to grow at Foggy's words. "You think I'm just going to give up? No way! I have evidence, Foggy, evidence that Obama is not a legitimate president!"

"Oh really? Like the fake birth certificate you presented in court?" Foggy asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or what about your other 'birther' case losses? You've been debunked time and time again, Orly."

Orly's hands shook with rage as she continued to work on Foggy's teeth. "You'll see, Foggy. You'll all see. I will not rest until Obama is exposed for the fraud he is!"

"Okay, Orly, I think it's time for a change of subject," Foggy said, trying to diffuse the situation. "What about Charles Edward Lincoln III? What happened between you two in your dental chair of love?"

At the mention of Charles, Orly's face turned red and she lost focus on her dental work. "That... that's none of your business, Foggy. Just because I had a personal relationship with Charles doesn't mean I can't still fight for the truth!"

"Oh, come on, Orly. We all know about your little tryst with Charles. And we also know how it ended, with you being sued for malpractice. You need to face reality, Orly. Your 'birther' theories have been debunked and you've lost every single one of your legal cases. It's time to move on and focus on your dental work."

Orly's anger dissipated, replaced with a look of defeat. She knew Foggy was right, but she couldn't bring herself to accept it. She continued to work on Foggy's teeth in silence, her mind racing with thoughts of her failed legal battles and her tumultuous relationship with Charles.

Humans are doomed.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!"
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Tiredretiredlawyer »

sad-cafe wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2022 3:25 pm what about her dental chair of lurve?
"Mickey Mouse and I grew up together." - Ruthie Tompson, Disney animation checker and scene planner and one of the first women to become a member of the International Photographers Union in 1952.
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Foggy »

What's really scary about AI ... Let me rephrase that, what's immediately scary about AI, since long-term thinking is not my oeuvre, is that in the very near future we are going to have AI porn based on real movie stars or other celebrities, with literally perfect representation of the real person's body taken from existing video.

And next, of course, will come AI porn featuring real people and children, and used to support insane right-wing accusations of pedophilia.

I think I'm going to write a very sternly worded letter to my Congresswoman. :think:
I'm Foggy and I forget if I approved this message.
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Sam the Centipede
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Sam the Centipede »

Foggy wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:25 am What's really scary about AI ... Let me rephrase that, what's immediately scary about AI, since long-term thinking is not my oeuvre, is that in the very near future we are going to have AI porn based on real movie stars or other celebrities, with literally perfect representation of the real person's body taken from existing video.

And next, of course, will come AI porn featuring real people and children, and used to support insane right-wing accusations of pedophilia.

I think I'm going to write a very sternly worded letter to my Congresswoman. :think:
Why do that yourself when ChatGPT will do it for you:

Tap tap tap…

Foggy runs an online forum called the Fogbow. He is concerned that ChatGPT and similar digital technologies might lead to AAI porn based on real movie stars or other celebrities, with literally perfect representation of the real persn's body taken from existing video and He erned about AI porn featuring real people and children, and used to support insane right-wing accusations of pedophilia.

Please compose a letter from Foggy to his congresswoman expressing Foggy's concerns. The letter should be sternly worded and not more than 300 words long.

Whirr whirr chug-a-chug whirr…

Dear Congresswoman,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the proliferation of ChatGPT and similar digital technologies that have the potential to create AAI porn featuring real movie stars and other celebrities. These technologies allow for the creation of literally perfect representations of real people's bodies, taken from existing video, which is a deeply disturbing development.

As the owner of an online forum called the Fogbow, I have seen firsthand the destructive impact that these technologies can have on individuals and society as a whole. I have learned about AI porn featuring real people and children, which is being used to support insane right-wing accusations of pedophilia. This is not only harmful to the individuals depicted in the porn, but also to children who may be exposed to it, as it normalizes and legitimizes these dangerous and abusive behaviors.

I strongly urge you to take action to address this issue and to do everything in your power to protect individuals from being exploited and harmed by these technologies. It is critical that we work together to create a safer and more responsible online environment for all.


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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Dr. Ken »

Sam the Centipede wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:35 pm Here's another one for your delectation, damning with faint – or no – praise:
Who was Mario Apuzzo?

Mario Apuzzo was an American lawyer who promoted the birther conspiracy theory, which baselessly claimed that Barack Obama was not a natural born citizen of the United States and therefore ineligible to be President. Apuzzo was a vocal advocate of this theory and filed several lawsuits challenging Obama's citizenship. These lawsuits were all dismissed, and the conspiracy theory has been debunked multiple times. It is not clear what Apuzzo's background or qualifications were, but he is not widely known or regarded as a significant figure.
Lol damn he'd be rolling around in his grave to know he wasn't significant and didn't have any real qualifications
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Post by Foggy »

Another AI chat monster, this gift link to the failing NY Times calls it ChatGPT.
A new wave of chat bots like ChatGPT use artificial intelligence that could reinvent or even replace the traditional internet search engine.
I'm Foggy and I forget if I approved this message.
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by raison de arizona »

I wrote an intimate love letter to the wife, this is amazing. Anyway, another way things could have went.
Write a letter from neonzx to Foggy regarding getting banned from the fogbow forum.

Dear Foggy,

I hope this letter finds you well. I just wanted to reach out and apologize for getting banned from the Fogbow forum. I know I shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me and I regret my actions.

I understand if you don't feel comfortable allowing me back into the forum, but I just wanted to express my sincere apology and let you know that I have learned from my mistake. I promise to be more mindful of my words and behavior in the future.

I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give me another chance. I value the community and friendships that have been built on the forum and I don't want to lose them.

Again, I am truly sorry for my actions and I hope to hear back from you soon.


More angry

Dear Foggy,

I am writing to you with complete and utter frustration and disappointment. How could you ban me from the Fogbow forum? I have been a member of this community for years and have always been a respectful and contributing member.

I can't believe you would do this to me without even giving me the chance to explain myself or defend my actions. I know I made a mistake, but to ban me without even giving me a chance to make amends is completely unfair.

I demand that you lift this ban immediately. I have always been a valuable member of this community and I deserve the opportunity to make things right.

I expect to hear back from you soon with a resolution to this matter.


But also include that neonzx is mad at mojosapien

Dear Foggy,

I am writing to you with complete and utter frustration and disappointment. How could you ban me from the Fogbow forum? I have been a member of this community for years and have always been a respectful and contributing member.

I can't believe you would do this to me without even giving me the chance to explain myself or defend my actions. I know I made a mistake, but to ban me without even giving me a chance to make amends is completely unfair.

And to top it off, I am also extremely angry at Mojosapien for inciting this whole situation. I cannot believe their behavior and I am disgusted by their actions. I hope that you will also take appropriate action against them for their role in this matter.

I demand that you lift this ban immediately. I have always been a valuable member of this community and I deserve the opportunity to make things right.

I expect to hear back from you soon with a resolution to this matter.

Too soon?
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Post by raison de arizona »

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” —John Adams
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Post by Reality Check »


OK, I will say it. Airing out your problems with NeonZX in public is low class and beneath you. Work the fuck it out in private whatever it is. Neon is too valuable a member to deserve the public shaming you have foisted upon him. Really, I know you are 70 but grow up some and handle this in private..
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Post by realist »

Reality Check wrote: Sun Dec 25, 2022 10:24 pm Foggy

OK, I will say it. Airing out your problems with NeonZX in public is low class and beneath you. Work the fuck it out in private whatever it is. Neon is too valuable a member to deserve the public shaming you have foisted upon him. Really, I know you are 70 but grow up some and handle this in private..
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I apologize for being so blunt and probably over the top but I really think these matters should be handled in PM's. Foggy asked for feedback and my frustration got the better of me.
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Post by Sam the Centipede »

:twisted: Me, I enjoy fireworks displays! :twisted:
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Birthers and The Amazing ChatAI


Post by Kriselda Gray »

I think a simple statement that so-and-so has been banned for [reasons] would be OK, but nothing more than that. The reason I suggest letting us know that someone has been banned is so we know where they went, and telling us why why someone was banned helps the rest of us know where the line is.
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