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A Fantasy on Steroids

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 3:30 pm
by arayder
I have recently noted that phenomenon of what I call the "triumphant story" told by various anti-tax, freemen, sovcit and poot gurus.

The triumphant story relates the guru's claims that he lectured a cop, or befuddled a judge, or dismissed building codes, got off the tax roles or otherwise beat the powers that be at their own game.

A recent example is seen in Dean Clifford's return to social media during which he implies that he has several times successfully told various authorities that they have no authority over him. See the first volume of his "Wolverdean" series of interviews:

In the series this Johnny One Note endlessly implies that he's beat the powers that be . . . but never gives the details of his triumphs.

Beth Martens YouTubes ( have become rife with new age gurus claiming to have freed themselves from the yoke of government, law and society's bourgeois rules. No documentation is ever provided.

In the old days freemen and solicits used tape their encounters with the cops, their courtroom appearances (the latter done illegally) and claim that something said or done by the authority figure actually resulted in a freeman win. That absurd ruse eventually got old.

Next we saw 1st amendment auditors, who while videoing their encounters with the man during acted like asshats. They often ended up getting arrested arising from situations they could easily have de-escalated. It was not a good look and after a few arrests the auditors ended up spending a lot of time in jail and in court.

But a group of gurus have figured out that it makes more sense to just pretend they are ruling the day. Their interviewers play right along by expressing awe over the tales and never asking the details. . .and the gullibles love it.

It's a fantasy on steroids.

Dope Clock II: It's been 360 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.

Re: A Fantasy on Steroids

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 4:59 pm
by W. Kevin Vicklund
"But Jesus Lied!" - The Abuse of the Parable in Modern Society

Re: A Fantasy on Steroids

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:07 am
by arayder
W. Kevin Vicklund wrote: Thu Jun 09, 2022 4:59 pm "But Jesus Lied!" - The Abuse of the Parable in Modern Society
Well, that's an interesting comment. Is the idea that triumphant tales aren't meant to be true, but rather simple stories used to illustrate a sort of freeman moral lesson.

No harm until wannabe's are foolish enough to act on the phony lesson?

I have theorized that the acceptance of the triumphant story is a sort of act of allegiance. Being in the fold allows the woo believer to think he can successfully wish away the law of western democracies with a few magic thoughts and words. This fantasy is tantalizing the those who lack the ability to control and direct their own lives.

Dope Clock II: It's been 36i days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.