2022 Arizona Senate Race

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2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by raison de arizona »

The Republican candidates are quickly assembling themselves into a circular firing squad, now that tfg has made his endorsement. Let's encourage that.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by raison de arizona »

Masters attacks Brnovich, claims Brnovich wanted and ensured Biden's win through inaction.

Brnovich response, he's trying hard to concentrate on Kelly in the general and stay above the fray in the primary. Good luck to him.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by raison de arizona »

tfg endorsee addresses the gun problem head on.
Blake Masters Blames Gun Violence on ‘Black People, Frankly’

Tech investor and Arizona Republican Senate hopeful Blake Masters acknowledges that the United States has a gun violence problem. But he also has a theory about why there’s a problem—it’s “Black people, frankly.”

Masters boiled the issue down in an April 11 interview on the Jeff Oravits Show podcast, telling the host that “we do have a gun violence problem in this country, and it’s gang violence.”

“It’s people in Chicago, St. Louis shooting each other. Very often, you know, Black people, frankly,” Masters clarified. “And the Democrats don’t want to do anything about that.”
https://www.thedailybeast.com/blake-mas ... le-frankly
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by raison de arizona »

Blake Masters put down an elderly BLM supporter at an event. Because that's the kind of guy he is. This is the kind of behavior that earns one tfg's stamp of approval.

Full video:
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by raison de arizona »

Masters' reps addressed this on a local radio show this AM. They referred to the protestor as an "elderly hippy." Which is probably accurate, I guess? Anyway, their points are as follows:

1) The protestor was asked to leave the public event and didn't. This appears to be true.
2) The protestor punched a woman. This is up for debate, in the video posted (from the protestor) it appears that the Masters people attacked him and specifically the woman struck the protestor, not the other way around. The Masters people claim to have video refuting this and showing that it was actually the elderly hippy who struck the woman. It was stated that they will not be releasing said exonerating video. I guess we have to take their word for it.
3) The Masters people claim that the still of Masters with his hands choking the elderly hippy around the neck is misleading, and that his hands were actually around the elderly hippy's upper chest, as Masters was escorting the elderly hippy from the premises. They claim to have video that clearly shows this, but the video will not be released. I guess we have to take their word on that one too.

My :twocents: is that the protestor clearly went there to cause trouble. He got it. The Masters people handled the situation poorly, and it is rather suspect that they claim to have exonerating video that they refuse to release, nor will they say why they aren't releasing it. I'm open to the fact that videos taken from different angles, especially when the one we are seeing was shot by the person involved during the altercation, can lead one to different conclusions and getting different angles is important. Which begs the question of why they won't release their videos. Dunno. My gut says that it is because they are fibbing about what their videos show.

Also, the Master people claim the only reason this is even being reported is because Masters is in the lead for the Senate seat and was enthusiastically endorsed by tfg.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


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The dumbass fake ninja had to dig back to a territorial law to try to create a ban on Abortion in Arizona
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by raison de arizona »

Dr. Ken wrote: Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:43 pm https://twitter.com/AP/status/1542303168595460098

The dumbass fake ninja had to dig back to a territorial law to try to create a ban on Abortion in Arizona
Worth mentioning is that the new 15-week ban they passed specifically states that it does NOT supercede the old ones.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by Ben-Prime »

raison de arizona wrote: Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:57 pm
Dr. Ken wrote: Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:43 pm https://twitter.com/AP/status/1542303168595460098

The dumbass fake ninja had to dig back to a territorial law to try to create a ban on Abortion in Arizona
Worth mentioning is that the new 15-week ban they passed specifically states that it does NOT supercede the old ones.
I mean, Article XXII, Sec 2, of the AZ state Constitution notes that territorial laws "now in force, not repugnant to this
Constitution, shall remain in force as laws of the State of Arizona until they expire by their own limitations or are altered or repealed by law". So I suppose one could try to prove that the territorial law *is* repugnant to the AZ Constituition.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by raison de arizona »

Gabby Giffords got a Presidential Medal of Freedom. It's been sullied by tfg handing them out to Rush Limbaugh, Devin Nunes, and Jim Jordan, but screw them. Congratulations Gabby! :clap:
Senator Mark Kelly @SenMarkKelly wrote: It was an enormous honor to watch @GabbyGiffords receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom today. Congratulations, Gabby, you continue to inspire us all.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by Ben-Prime »

raison de arizona wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 7:55 pm Gabby Giffords got a Presidential Medal of Freedom. It's been sullied by tfg handing them out to Rush Limbaugh, Devin Nunes, and Jim Jordan, but screw them. Congratulations Gabby! :clap:
I mean, an optimist can argue that it's the other way around, and that this is a step towards redeeming the award previously sullied by tfg.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by raison de arizona »

In my experience, a higher percentage than you would suspect of conservative educators tend toward the wack job end of the scale. Dunno why that is, and maybe I'm just sheltered. Anyway, Masters is dangerous. I'm voting for nunchucks I think.
PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 @patriottakes wrote: Blake Masters said he doesn’t want to “allow” colleges to have a high percentage of staff who are Democrats.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by raison de arizona »

Lamon trails tfg endorsed wack job Masters by only four points.
July 29th: Arizona Senate Polls 2022
Republican Primary Polls (Average of Last 3 Polls): Jim Lamon 27%, Mark Brnovich 16%, Blake Masters 31%.
Here are his thoughts on immigration.
‘Escalating Extreme Rhetoric:’ Arizona Senate Hopeful Wants to Send Immigrants to Pacific Islands for Hard Labor

In an appearance on a conservative radio show, Arizona Senate candidate Jim Lamon proposed an unorthodox plan to deal with the immigrants who cross the US – Mexico border: Instead of deporting undocumented immigrants to Mexico or their home countries, or imprisoning them in the US, he wants to send them “out to the Pacific Ocean.”

“You know, those islands that we spent blood and treasure securing back in World War II, a few of those out there,” Lamon told radio host Seth Leibsohn, of KKNT in Phoenix. “I think they need to go out and do about five years of hard time busting rocks out there, making them into gravel for their food. You know, just get them out of this country if they’re so bad they’ve illegally crossed and committed crimes.”

This, says Lamon, a wealthy solar energy executive, would stop undocumented immigrants from “coming right back again.”
https://coppercourier.com/story/lamon-e ... or-senate/

The good news here is that former astronaut and current Senator Mark Kelly is highly likely to smoke the Republican nominee, whoever it is.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by Foggy »

I wonder if Lamon could name even one of those funny little islands in the Pacific. Is he referring to one that happens to be a US territory? If so, which one? :confuzzled:
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


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That the F does this mean? "... busting rocks out there, making them into gravel for their food."
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by bob »

Lani wrote: Fri Jul 29, 2022 6:14 pm That the F does this mean? "... busting rocks out there, making them into gravel for their food."
No work, no food.

And no violation of the 8th Amendment. :roll:
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


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I know the Mariana islands have sweat shops and sex trafficking. Tom DeLay was all up in that shit, tricking Chinese women with promises of good jobs, only to lock them in the sweat shops by day making clothes that could use a Made in the USA label, then pass them around to hot shot clothing execs by night.

Oh also abortions. Lots and lots of abortions, for the sex slaves.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by raison de arizona »

Masters is a white nationalist. I just can’t see him beating Kelly. Masters is real bad.
Dave Wasserman @Redistrict wrote: I’ve seen enough: Blake Masters (R) wins the #AZSEN GOP primary and will face Sen. Mark Kelly (D) in the fall. @CookPolitical November rating: Toss Up.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by SuzieC »

That's fantastic. Do we think those poll numbers will hold up? Because I was just thinking of donating to Mark Kelly.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by bob »

SuzieC wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:30 pm That's fantastic. Do we think those poll numbers will hold up? Because I was just thinking of donating to Mark Kelly.
I can't speak for the BOTG, but: yes; IMO, that money is better directed toward Nevada or Georgia.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


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And Ohio! I haven't heard that Cortez-Masto is in trouble in Nevada.
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by bob »

SuzieC wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 6:14 pmI haven't heard that Cortez-Masto is in trouble in Nevada.
There hasn't been a lot of polling in Nevada, but one from last month had her up by just three points. (A lot less than Kelly's 14 points.)
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by raison de arizona »

xpost from PA thread (h/t Volkonski)
Senate G.O.P. Campaign Arm Slashes TV Ad Buys in Three States
In a sign that fund-raising trouble is taking a serious toll, a key political committee cancels ad plans in Arizona, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The Republicans’ Senate campaign committee has slashed its television ad reservations in three critical battleground states for the fall, a likely sign of financial troubles headed into the peak of the 2022 midterm election season.
Reservations in Wisconsin, in the Madison and Green Bay markets, have also been curtailed, by more than $2 million. And in Arizona, all reservations after Sept. 30 have been cut in Phoenix and Tucson, the state’s only two major media markets, amounting to roughly $2 million more.
https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/15/us/p ... izona.html

Couldn't happen to a nicer rwnj (Blake Masters) :lol:
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Re: 2022 Arizona Senate Race


Post by raison de arizona »

So Blake Masters is an extreme RWNJ. He's repeatedly and loudly stated that he is against ALL abortion, in all cases. But now that he won his primary, his stance is suddenly shifted. He's released a softened ad, and scrubbed his website of all the personhood nonsense that was on there. Dirty deeds! The dude LITERALLY wanted to ban contraception, but now it's all peaches and creme. Anyway. The new lying ad that lies:

An article about his changing views since the primary and website scrub:
In Arizona, Blake Masters backtracks on abortion, scrubs campaign website
Masters, the GOP Senate nominee in Arizona, said on his campaign website he supported a "a federal personhood law" — until Thursday.

Arizona Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters softened his tone and scrubbed his website's policy page of tough abortion restrictions Thursday, as his party reels from the U.S. Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe v. Wade.
Just after releasing the ad, Masters's campaign overhauled his website and softened his rhetoric, re-writing or erasing five of his six positions. NBC News took screenshots of the website before and after it was changed. Masters' website appeared to be updated after NBC News reached out for clarification on his abortion stances.

"I am 100% pro-life," Masters' website read as of Thursday morning.

That language is now gone.

Another notable deletion: A line that detailed his support for "a federal personhood law (ideally a Constitutional amendment) that recognizes that unborn babies are human beings that may not be killed."
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-e ... -rcna44808

The dirty dog has a history of doing this- he removed the language calling for states to be able to ban contraception after an article about it.
“In Griswold, the justices wholesale *made up a constitutional right* to achieve a political outcome. I am opposed to judges making law. It’s the job of the legislative branch to create laws, not the courts. This is separation of powers 101,” he wrote

On May 9, the reference to Griswold v. Connecticut was removed from Masters’ website, which now says that his criteria for approving judges would be their stated desire to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.
https://www.azmirror.com/blog/gop-senat ... ption-use/

Anyway, so I'm just here to say that he is a dirty dog and this might be the tact of more rwnj's, espouse their extremist views to win the primary, then pretend like they DIDN'T JUST SAY THAT in order to win the general.

They give dirty dogs a bad name.
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