Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"

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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

P&E: Emails Show Coordination Between Government Agencies and Facebook on COVID-19 Messaging, Vaccines:

Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the organization, as released on Twitter by an attorney representing it, Aaron Siri, demonstrate that U.S. government agencies dealing with the COVID-19 “pandemic” communicated talking points to Facebook aimed at convincing Americans to wear masks, forego in-person gatherings, and to “show how fast it’s [the virus] is spreading.”
You mean to tell me a government, using taxpayer dollars, sought to promote and encourage a policy via a mass-communications platform??!?

Shocking if true!


The emails, released Monday in response to an August 2021 request made through Siri’s office, were generated primarily in November 2020.
Let's Go Brandon!* Oh, wait. :confuzzled:

* Remember when that was all the conservative rage?
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

P&E: Canada Emergency Declaration: Media Fails to Tell the Whole Story:
Late Wednesday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced he was withdrawing his invocation of the Emergencies Act, a law enacted in 1988 by Parliament and never before utilized but which Trudeau declared on February 14 as a result of a weeks-long protest.

* * *

On February 19, in an exclusive interview, the Edmonton Sun published an article titled, “Alberta Premier Jason Kenney filing legal challenge to end Trudeau’s Emergencies Act.”
Maybe the P&E's copy editor didn't read the article before writing its headline, but the Edmonton Sun (a conservative tabloid) is one of Canada's larger newspapers. :confuzzled:

To be very charitable to Rondeau, she meant to say the U.S. media didn't cover this lawsuit. :yawn:
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

Rondeau baned some jerk again, for suggesting that her boyfriend Zullo is a nobody. :crying:
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by realist »

bob wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:17 am Rondeau baned some jerk again, for suggesting that her boyfriend Zullo is a nobody. :crying:
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Sam the Centipede »

bob wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:17 am Rondeau baned some jerk again, for suggesting that her boyfriend Zullo is a nobody. :crying:
Zullo was a nobody. Now he can only dream of again attaining that status.

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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Luke »

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If Obama Already Had a Real Birth Certificate, Then Why Did He Conspire to Have a Bogus Hawaiian Birth Certificate Forged and Released to the American Public?
APRIL 27, 2011 23 hours ago by Tom Arnold

(Mar. 5, 2022) — The answer, my friends (and those others of you), is OBVIOUS! Obama did NOT have a real authentic American (Hawaiian) birth certificate! His real birth certificate, as many have reported (including even the publisher, Acton & Dystel, of an abbreviated biography of Obama), seems to be in KENYA, not HAWAII.

Furthermore, when Obama directed his RICO-like Perkins Coie law firm co-conspirators to go to Hawaii and obtain the FORGED birth certificate (April 2011), he was running for re-election. The so-called “birthers” (of which I was one, and still am) were raising serious doubts and objections to reelecting someone who, according to the US Constitution in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5, was NOT a “natural born American citizen.” Then future president Donald Trump was one who was dubious about Obama’s claims of being constitutionally eligible for the presidency. Trump even offered Obama 5 million dollars, which, he, Obama, could give to charity(s) of his choice, if he would release his bona fides. Obama, as you probably know, turned down the offer (could it have been because Obama had plenty of money anyway!).

Remember what Obama told the media and the television audience (April 27, 2011, when he finally presented his “birth certificate” publicly): “WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS KIND OF SILLINESS!” Obama was an accomplished orator, but it was he who was “silly” this time, with such a pandering and juvenile remark.

Lastly, the whole plan (of the CPUSA, DNC, NWO, Deep State, and CIA?) of Obama being a Manchurian Candidate (a person who is not loyal to, or who harms, his own country or political party because he is under the control or influence of another country or party), who would rally the Democrats to endless election victories and transform them into a radically progressive New World Order machine, depended on Obama’s reelection in 2011, followed in years to come by Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and other radical wanna-be heads of state. Things, however, didn’t exactly work out that way, but Obama and his comrades made 45th President Donald Trump’s political life a nightmare (and still are doing so).

So, click on the link below and read the entire sworn affidavit (punishable by law if perjury) and then tell me, and everyone else watching, why you persist in your false claim that Obama has shown us a real Hawaiian birth certificate (and other official government documents) and why you think that he should not be charged with treason. After all, he stole the US presidency and command of our Armed Forces and did it twice.

Click to access ZulloAffidavit.pdf ... idavit.pdf


Frances Venable says:
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 12:30 PM
Thanks for continually posting about Barry’s phoney bc & birth narrative. Please keep posting articles in this extremely important issue. Sadly POTUS 45 did not do anything about this crime & the provable crime is the forged bc. Too many want to distract from this by arguing about what is/isnt a natural born citizen. That is a distraction. The focus must be the crime of forgery, the rest will come out. Unfortunately too #45 did not strike down barrys (1st) EO of sealing his records.

James Sherman says:
Saturday, March 5, 2022 at 9:22 PM
There’s no evidence that Obama’s birth certificate was forged, and there’s no evidence Obama conspired to forge anything.

That Zullo was not prosecuted for perjury does not necessarily mean his affidavit was accurate. Regardless, the statue of limitations has passed, so Zullo will not be prosecuted over this affidavit.

Officials from the State of Hawaii repeatedly certified and verified Obama was born there.

It would be “silly” for anyone to forge a document identical to one that could be (and was) easily and legally obtained from Hawaii.

Thomas Arnold says:
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 12:10 AM
Mr Sherman: You did read and digest the entire Affidavit of Mike Zullo, didn’t you? By the way, I am reminded that in 2007, the head elections clerk in Honolulu, Timothy Adams, swore under oath also in an affidavit that THERE WAS NO EXISTING OFFICIAL RECORD ANYWHERE IN HAWAII OF OBAMA’S BIRTH! And, of course, you are familiar by now with all of the stonewalling and subterfuge by the state of Hawaii and various of its officials (alive or dead) regarding Obama’s purported birth there! Even to this day. Tom Arnold.

Tom Polhaus says:
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 11:14 AM
#19 in the Zullo affidavit is wrong. The first EO signed by Obama had nothing to do with his records being sealed.

Much of the affidavit is speculation which is not what you put in a affidavit.

James Sherman says:
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 3:07 PM
I’ve read Zullo’s affidavit: he has no personal knowledge of Hawaii’s vital records.

Adams’ affidavit wasn’t from 2007; Adams wasn’t the head elections clerk; and a worker in the elections department wouldn’t have any personal knowledge of Hawaii’s vital records.

Hawaiian officials have publicly certified and verified Obama’s birth there; these public acts are the opposite of stonewalling and subterfuge.

Bob68 says:
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 12:48 AM
It was “silly” for Obama not to accept 5 million dollars for his favorite charity from Donald Trump by showing his authentic passport and school records. Obama did not because it would have blown his “cover”. Also, if Obama had shown his actual records and they proved he was not lying about pretty much everything he could have prevented Trump from ever running for president, ( or bothering Obama the usurper at all), by humiliating Trump when Obama showed his legitimate records and accepted 5 million dollars for his charity. Obama could have made himself a hero and Trump look like an idiot. Or, if Trump did not pay he would have humiliated himself and never been a thorn in Barry’s side again after reneging on the offer. The Obama media would never have stopped showing this over and over…..

Instead, Obama chose to deprive his favorite charity of getting 5 million dollars in order to protect his fake identity and his lack of an authentic Hawaii birth certificate. Obama got himself a poorly forged Hawaii birth certificate later.

The result of Obama ignoring Trump’s offer of 5 million was Donald Trump defeating the planned and promised in 2008 after Obama cover president Hillary Clinton in 2016, and that panicked both parties as they scrambled to hide the truth about Barry to protect themselves. The swearing-in of the illegitimate Obama in 2009 gave America’s government and her military to her enemies…….and weakened America as much as possible, just as it was intended to do…..

James Sherman says:
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 3:15 PM
Or: Obama concluded the offer wasn’t genuine and wouldn’t improve his chances for re-election, and chose not to engage.

There’s no evidence Obama’s birth certificate was forged.

Sharon Rondeau says:
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 6:22 PM
No? ... rated+2016

Robert Laity says:
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 4:28 AM
In arguendo, even IF Obama WAS born in the USA, he was not then and is not now a “Natural Born Citizen”. An NBC is one born IN the United States to parents who are BOTH U.S. Citizens themselves. Obama’s purported Father Barack Obama, Sr. never naturalized as a U.S. Citizen and was NOT legally married to Junior’s Mother, Stanley Dunham, in any event. Junior was born out of wedlock to an American Mother and a British Subject Father.

James Sherman says:
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 3:17 PM
Every court that considered Obama’s eligibility on the merits ruled he was a natural-born citizen because he was born in the United States.

Obama’s parents weren’t relevant to his being a natural-born citizen.

Nikita's_UN_Shoe says:
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 8:48 AM
You have not presented any evidence that you proved that there is no evidence.

James Sherman says:
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 3:24 PM
That’s not how claims work: The person making the claim provides the evidence in support of the claim.

This article claimed Obama’s birth certificate is forged, but presented no evidence of forgery.

So the absence of evidence was noted.

Rosemary says:
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 10:47 AM
Nobody in Hawaii certified or verified Obama’s birth there including the hospital he supposedly was born in. In fact a worker in there stated it was a well known fact there was no birth certificate and everyone knew it. Further, the phoney certificate he had made showed that his father was not a citizen but born in Kenya. That alone negated Obama’s right to become President of the US. You have to have both parents who are born in the in the US to be eligible to be potus. Just for the record, I suspect the question will come up at some point that two men or two women citizens will make a NBC. I hope that day never comes. ... an-public/
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by W. Kevin Vicklund »

The $5 million challenge was for Obama to produce his college applications, college records, passport applications, and passport records. There's just one problem: the colleges Obama attended have a max 7-year record retention policy for applications. Those records were destroyed as a matter of policy before Obama ever became a politician. (BTW, I tried to obtain my college applications from all the colleges I applied to back in the mid-90s; all ten had already destroyed those records by 2011)

There is no way Obama could have met the requirements (also, too, I recall some of the requested college records were similarly not available or wouldn't have existed in the first place)
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by northland10 »

Too, also, Trump would never had paid up anyway.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Foggy »

I will NEVER be satisfied until I've seen those kindergarten records.

IS IT TRUE that he ran with scissors MORE THAN ONCE?

IS IT TRUE that he dipped little Julie's pigtails in the inkwell, THE BASTARD?

IS IT TRUE that he was using crayons and coloring OUTSIDE THE LINES? :eek:

How the hell did we elect a black man without seeing his kindergarten records? We elected a MONSTER. 'Course, I haven't seen Trump's kindergarten records either. He probably hired all the other kindergarteners to work for him, and then fired their asses. Wypipo don't need to show their kindergarten records, we all know that.
I'm Foggy and I forget if I approved this message.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Reality Check »

Screenshot 2022-03-07 at 12-23-50 If Obama Already Had a Real Birth Certificate, Then Why Did He Conspire to Have a Bogus H[...].png
Screenshot 2022-03-07 at 12-23-50 If Obama Already Had a Real Birth Certificate, Then Why Did He Conspire to Have a Bogus H[...].png (123.07 KiB) Viewed 1771 times
Laity brings stupidity to levels unseen. :lol: It's like shooting large fish in a small barrel.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Luke »

Like everyone, have been thinking gosh, when will we have a chance to learn more from Chuckles? We are in luck but it may be devastating and frogs may be being to be marched!

Chuckles found this game-changing BREAKING STORY from Spring 2001.


So, dear Obots, This may be it! For real this time! :( We all know they say to replace your smoke alarm batteries when the clocks change... but clearly that is just a FALSE FLAG. As you all know from your Soros Welcome Kits, it really means it's time to get your GO BAGS READY!

The Gestation of Birthright Citizenship, 1868-1898: States’ Rights, The Law of Nations, and Mutual Consent | by Bernadette Meyler | Cornell Law School
1 day ago by CDR Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. (Ret), blogging at CDRKerchner

(Mar. 10, 2022) — This paper on Birthright Citizenship was brought to my attention by a researcher and key excerpts are herewith shared. You can get a copy and read the full paper here: ... 1898i).pdf

Some excerpts with key words and phrases added with bold type for emphasis by editor:

p. 14: In McKay v. Campbell, the U.S. District Court for the district of Oregon considered whether the plaintiff could be deemed a U.S. citizen, and should be allowed to vote. The defendants argued that McKay was British, since he was the child of a British subject, and had been born at a point when Britain and the United States had agreed-for the moment-to occupy the territory jointly. Judge Deady, evaluating the case, narrowed the issue to that of birthright citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment, which he interpreted in terms of the common law; as he asserted, eliding jurisdiction and allegiance, “The case turns upon the single point – was the plaintiff born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States – under its allegiance? Citing Calvin’s Case, the Judge recalled Lord Coke’s statement that “To make a subject born, the parents must be under the actual obedience of the king, and the place of birth be within the king’s obedience, as well as within his dominion. According to Judge Deady’s reading of the Fourteenth Amendment, it is “nothing more than declaratory of the rule of the common law,” and, therefore, the citizen’s allegiance at birth must be evaluated. In McKay’s case, “The child, although born on soil … subsequently acknowledged to be the territory of the United States, was not at the time of its birth under the power or protection of the United States, and without these the mere place of birth cannot impose allegiance or confer citizenship.

p. 17: The contrast that Stoney drew between national allegiance and national jurisdiction did not respond to a common law interpretation of allegiance, but instead to an internationalist one, which would insist that the allegiance of the parent governs the child as well.

p. 29: the subject of citizenship being national, questions relating to it are to be determined by the general principles of the law of nations.

p. 44: The words ‘not subject to any foreign power’ do not in themselves refer to mere territorial jurisdiction, for the persons referred to are persons born in the United States. All such persons are undoubtedly subject to the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, and yet the act concedes that nevertheless they may be subject to the political jurisdic­tion of a foreign government.
CDR Kerchner (Ret) says:
Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 6:20 PM
A prime example of “birthright citizenship” gone off the rails and the disastrous results of same to our national security, … is … Kamala Harris. See: ... r-Pres.pdf

CDR Kerchner (Ret)
See more examples in both major political parties at:

Reply Ray Fremick says:
Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 5:30 PM
“p. 14: In McKay v. Campbell”

You should have included this passage,

“Since the United States did not possess exclusive control over the territory at the time of plaintiff’s birth, and MacKay would not susceptible to the teach of US power, he could not be considered a jus soli citizen.”

At the time he was born (1823) that portion of the Oregon territory did not belong exclusively to the US or England. It wasn’t until 1846 that the US gained exclusive control over it.

From the McKay v. Campbell ruling:

“When, in 1818, the two governments entered into the treaty of “joint occupation,” as it has been aptly called, they thereby agreed that this then unsettled and unknown country, might be occupied by the people of both nations — that it should “be free and open” “to the vessels, citizens, and subjects of the two powers” — without either of them losing their nationality, changing their allegiance, or passing beyond the jurisdiction and protection of their separate governments. As to the British subject and his children born here, the country was for the time being British soil, while to the American citizen and his offspring it was in the same sense American soil. Neither government was entitled to exercise any authority over the citizens or subjects of the other, or to assert the power and rights of a sovereign over them, or their effects, within this particular territory.”

“p. 44: The words ‘not subject to any foreign power’ … ”

P. 44 is a direct quote from Chief Justice Fuller’s dissent in Wong Kim Ark. Chief Justice Fuller also said the Common law rule applied by the majority would make Wong eligible to be president.

RUT ROH! Joe DeMaio's nanny posts his slam dunk reply since apparently DeMaio isn't able to type for himself:

Reply Sharon Rondeau says:
Friday, March 11, 2022 at 7:08 AM
Response from Joseph DeMaio:
“Chief Justice Fuller also said the Common law rule applied by the majority would make Wong eligible to be president.”

With respect, that claim is at minimum misleading and at worst, wrong.

In reality, that which Chief Justice Fuller actually said in his Wong Kim Ark dissent, 169 U.S. at 715 — concurred in by Justice Harlan — was this: “Considering the circumstances surrounding the framing of the [C]onstitution, I submit that it is unreasonable to conclude that ‘natural-born citizen’ applied to everybody born within the geographical tract known as the United States, irrespective of circumstances; and that the children of foreigners, happening to be born to them while passing through the country, whether of royal parentage or not, or whether of the Mongolian, Malay, or other race, were eligible to the presidency, while children of our citizens, born abroad, were not.” (Emphasis and bolding added)

Correctly stated, Justices Fuller and Harlan were saying in dissent that it was wrong or, more politely stated, “unreasonable to conclude” — as advocated by the majority opinion in Wong Kim Ark — that the term “natural born citizen” was intended by the Founders to refer to any person born within the geographic limits of the United States “irrespective of circumstances… whether of royal parentage or not….” Plainly, the dissenters were NOT parroting support for the majority’s flawed conclusions.

In fact, the claim that “even the dissent” in the case recognized that Wong Kim Ark was eligible to the presidency was (and remains) a deceptive and false assertion made by the Congressional Research Service in its Nov. 14, 2011 Report entitled “Qualifications for President and the ‘Natural Born Citizenship’ [sic] Eligibility Requirement” (Qualifications For President and The “Natural Born” Citizenship Eligibility Requirement – 11/14/20 | PDF | United States Nationality Law | United States Constitution ( That CRS Report is addressed and dismantled here (Of Presidential Eligibility, Doubling Down and Linguistic Torts, Part 3 – The Post & Email (

Thus, the observations made in the main post, and to which Mr. Fremick takes exception, seem instead to be well-taken.

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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

I know birthers are into quotemining, but this is weird, even for them.

The article explores what scholars from 1868 (when the 14th Amendment was ratified) to 1898 (when Wong Kim Ark was decided) thought about citizenship. Unsurprisingly, birthright citizenship was vigorously debated during this era.

Kercher's first two quotemines are from people, pre-Wong Kim Ark, who were against birthright citizenship. The third quotemine is literally the dissent in Wong Kim Ark.

So Kerchner "proved" that ... some people didn't like birthright citizenship? ... And? :confuzzled:

Too also:
orlylicious wrote: RUT ROH! Joe DeMaio's nanny posts his slam dunk reply since apparently DeMaio isn't able to type for himself:
I still don't understand why DeMaio has to send his bickering to Rondeau for her to post. On more than one occasion, this game of birther telephone has broken up DeMaio's links.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by northland10 »

bob wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:03 pm I still don't understand why DeMaio has to send his bickering to Rondeau for her to post. On more than one occasion, this game of birther telephone has broken up DeMaio's links.
Two possibilities.

1. Joe thinks himself too important to post something himself. By having Rharon do it, he feels important.

2. There is a serious technical glitch between his chair and keyboard.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

P&E: An In-Depth Look at the Otero County, NM 2020 Election Audit:

On Friday The Post & Email interviewed David and Erin Clements, who early on assumed leadership roles in petitioning for and carrying out a comprehensive audit of the November 3, 2020 election in Otero County,* NM.

Rondeau is overstating it a bit: Erin responded to Rondeau's inquiries; Rondeau only recycles previous statements from David ("The Professor"). And, unsurprisingly, Zullo-like Erin has a lot to say because Rondeau is a sympathetic ear.
Thus far, the secretary of state’s office has referred The Post & Email’s inquiries concerning the audit to [a spokesperson], whose email account stated he was out of the office but that he could be reached by cell phone, a number not provided in the auto-reply. On Wednesday, [the New Mexico Secretary of State's] Elections Division provided us with a purported cellular number, but [ . . . ] a message left there received no response.

A question we posed to [the spokesperson] in our initial email is whether or not the county commission’s approval of the audit has “cleared all legal hurdles.” We asked similar questions of [the Otero County Attorney], who responded that he is not authorized to speak with the media and referred us to the county commissioners.

To date, none of the three county commissioners has responded to our request for an interview.
As always, blowing Rondeau off is newsworthy.
[The New Mexico State Auditor]’s letter followed by approximately six weeks his January 28, 2022 appearance on “The Rachel Maddow Show” in which he indicated opening a “special examination” of the funds authorization for the Otero County audit, with no opposing view or rationale presented. His review stemmed from “a whistleblower who anonymously provided a complaint about this expenditure” (3:19), [the Auditor] claimed. “My job is to restore people’s faith in government,” he added, pronouncing “Otero” as “Oturo.”

He later pronounced the name of the county correctly.
It is this kind of objective journalism that Rondeau is known for. :roll:
“I don’t see what jurisdiction U.S. House Democrats have over anything that happens in a local government,” [Erin] added.
Why would the federal government care about the integrity of a federal election? :brickwallsmall:
The Post & Email’s interview with the Clementses will continue in Part 2.

* Biden overwhelmingly lost in Otero County, so this is just creating chaos and uncertainty for its own sake.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by realist »

Related ...

Congressional oversight panel to investigate ‘vigilante’ audit in Otero County
County commissioner defends audit while also facing federal charges for role in Jan. 6 insurrection

By early March, the “vigilante” audit in New Mexico brought on a deluge of complaints from people being canvassed, said Secretary of State’s Maggie Toulouse Oliver. Along with the Attorney General Hector Balderas, her office released a risk advisory for voters on March 2.

N.M. election administrators have verifications and audit procedures in place to ensure the accuracy of all elections, Toulouse Oliver and Balderas pointed out in their advisory, and the state uses only paper ballots — voting machines are not connected to the internet. ... ro-county/
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

P&E: Facebook Locks The Post & Email’s Account:
For at least the last month, whenever your editor attempted to log in to her Facebook account, she was presented with a screen informing her that Facebook determined she had attempted to log on from an unfamiliar device even though she has been using the same equipment to do so for the last year.

The screen would then ask her to verify her account by supplying a code sent to her email account, identifying “recent comments,” or approving a log-in in from another device.

After “verifying” herself each time, Facebook would allow access and the editor could navigate the site as usual, including posting links to articles on The Post & Email’s page.

On Friday, however, the editor discovered that Facebook had changed its messaging, requiring her to “Turn on Facebook Protect to unlock your account” by providing a phone number in addition to the number already posted on The Post & Email’s page as well as other personal information.

Additional “Help” screens indicate that “Facebook Protect is an advanced security program that helps protect accounts like yours, which require stronger security measures due to their higher reach. You will also be notified of new security features as we develop them.”

Over the last year, The Post & Email’s Facebook readership has dwindled as presumably fewer readers use the social-media platform, possibly due to censorship and Facebook’s role in influencing the outcome of the 2020 general election in multiple states. The editor therefore does not find Facebook’s claim of The Post & Email’s “higher reach” credible, nor was she ever notified of any “security” concern with the account.
Buggy software or shadow bane? WHY NOT BOTH?!
As in the “Help” screens there is no option to contact Facebook to question its decisions pertaining to our account, we will no longer be using it.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

There's Yet Another Article from DeMaio about natural-born citizenship. Nothing, like you've seen before (and before and before and ...).

This caught my eye:
DeMaio wrote:The spirited arguments, hypotheses and references to historical facts produced by the myriad comments – facilitated, in no small part, by The P&E platform’s fierce dedication to the First Amendment – led to the emergence of some interesting exchanges.
Rondeau has repeatedly baned me; Rondeau also recently baned several IPs that I use.*

I would attempt to correct DeMaio, but ....

* And, yes, there are methods to evade that. But trolling birthers has become less interesting to me. :o
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by pipistrelle »

bob, bob, bob…next thing you know you’ll be going out and getting fresh air and listening to birdsong and huffing unicorn farts.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Frater I*I »

I find it interesting this harpy still throws money to pay for the site that's an archive of failures...
"He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see, He tries to tell me what I put inside of me
He's got the answers to ease my curiosity, He dreamed a god up and called it Christianity"

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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

Frater I*I wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:44 pm I find it interesting this harpy still throws money to pay for the site that's an archive of failures...
This is really sad, but: I believe Rondeau really believes this is her second career (following her harpist days).

Birthers (and their elk) take pride in (and are energized by) being dismissed as always-wrong cranks; taking flak over the smoke, and all that.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

bob wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 6:45 pmRondeau has repeatedly baned me; Rondeau also recently baned several IPs that I use.
P&E: When Did “the Iron Curtain of Censorship” Begin?*

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Fiesty, whiny Rondeau is back! :popcorn:

* This is filed under "national" [news], and not under "editorial." :roll:
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Sam the Centipede »

bob wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 12:03 am P&E: When Did “the Iron Curtain of Censorship” Begin?*
Whining indeed, but certainly not winning. It's almost sad how the harpy summarizes her gang's long years of fail. Almost sad, but if those hateful losers are unhappy, why should anyone care?

Two amusing category errors in Rondeau's whiiiiiiiine:
Where is free speech? she asks: … ah, that's what you're exercising now and nobody is stopping you, but your right of free speech does not equate to a duty in the rest of us to listen to or broadcast your nonsense.
Where is the free press? she asks: … the clue is on the word "free" – news media saw your nonsense many years ago, evaluated it, found it to be laughable, and have found no reason to revisit it.

As avowedly great fans of the constitution, these bozos have little understanding of its basic principles.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Reality Check »

No matter where she starts the end point is always the birth certificate and Zullo's "investigation". :brickwallsmall:
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Reality Check »

Sharon's vaunted spam filter seems to only happen to catch comments that interject a few facts into her world of fantasy. :lol:
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