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I wanna riot (because Roe)

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 8:51 pm
by raison de arizona
Damn. Kinda knew this was coming, but. Damn.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 9:50 pm
by mojosapien
A riot of my own -The Clash

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 10:22 pm
by Phoenix520
Did I miss something? Pourquoi?

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 10:32 pm
by raison de arizona
Phoenix520 wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 10:22 pm Did I miss something? Pourquoi?
1-minute catch up.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 10:35 pm
by Dave from down under
If true..

if that doesn't galvanise the majority of the population to get out and vote in the mid terms...

then Americans have only themselves to blame... :oldman:

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 10:35 pm
by Phoenix520
I suspected as much. :brokenheart:

There will always be California. We’ll never be handmaidens.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 10:36 pm
by Phoenix520
I predict there will be riots if this leak is real.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 10:42 pm
by John Thomas8
I predict Americans will go back to their tiktok and not give a fark.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 10:43 pm
by SuzieC
Phoenix520 wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 10:35 pm I suspected as much. :brokenheart:

There will always be California. We’ll never be handmaidens.
The reich wing won't stop until they've nullified California, NY, and all other blue states. Next step is to declare abortion unconstitutional everywhere. We must mobilize like never before and riot in the streets.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 10:46 pm
by AndyinPA
Just let another repub takeover of the House, Senate, and President. It won't matter where you are.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 10:59 pm
by John Thomas8
AndyinPA wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 10:46 pm Just let another repub takeover of the House, Senate, and President. It won't matter where you are.
It'll be over at that point, the Constitution will be dead.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 12:09 am
by Suranis
Its kind of Ironic laughing at people making hysterical predictions of what X and Y is going to mean and then turn around and see people around you doing the exact same thing. :bored:

I'm just going to say it - declaring abortion illegal will not turn America into Iran. There are a whole load of other rights that women have that don't relate to Pregnancy. Somehow when you strip rights from someone else for the benefit of the woman, then that has a corrosive effect on society. And ya, that's the rights of the unborn child AND the Father, who somehow you expect to support the child for 18+ years of its life but you banish entirely from any right to say anything on whether the kid lives or not. Because he's a MAN and therefore has no right to and opinion at all as a misandrist might say. A Misandrist btw is like a Misogynist, only they hate Men.

Ya, funny, its like a proper version of "Gilead," meaning Men are stripped of their right to say a damn thing so Doctors can make money. But still have all the responsibilities and demands loaded onto them becasue the baby is only dependent on the mother for 9 months of its 18+ year life. That's hardly fair.

ALSO: I hate to shock you, but the last thing that the GP actually wants is for Abortion to be declared Illegal. Why? Because they have been gathering votes on it for years. They didn't actually have to do anything about it. If abortion was removed from the table, single issue voters would have to look at the rest of the GOP platform... which will have them screaming in the direction of the Democratic party.

Ya, the removal of Abortion will cause the GOP to LOSE VOTES. And the GOP old guard know it. The GOP under W Bush could have legislated to the remove abortion as they had secure majorities on both houses and a President who would do what he was told. But they didn't do a damn thing apart from a partial ban on fetal stem cell research. That's when it was obvious to anyone paying attention that they didn't mean a word of it.

AND, of course, this is going into Midterm season, which means this is going to motivate hysterical Democratic voters like nothing else. Which makes me think this was actually faked. Its just too damned perfect, hitting at the exact right time to get the dem's registered and motivated.

So, ya, I really wish you would throw that stupid "Handmaidens Tale away at least in the images you have. This is not a world facing a massive population crises, which brings out stresses in society, causing extreme behavior and meaning that countries have to take desperate measures to ensure the survival of the human race. The USA will NOT be turned into Saudi Arabia. In fact all this does is make a Democratic win in November and in 2 years time far more likely. This is a GOOD THING for the Democratic Party and Joe Biden.

Ya if you want to look for a country to be afraid of, quit looking at a fictional country and look at Saudi Arabia for the love of God. That is REAL. Look at Hungary for a model that the USA might ACTUALLY fall down, rather than be distracted by the politics of a world that does not exist.

And with that bit of clear vision I leave you to attacking me rather than doing the hurtful thing of thinking about what I just told you. Maybe I'll force a mind open a crack, who knows. :oldman:

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 1:04 am
by Patagoniagirl
I can't believe I just read that. Was supposed to be muted but showed up anyway -reminding me why I chose to "mute" the member.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 2:04 am
by Phoenix520
Suranis, you don’t ever have to worry about having an abortion. We get your position. If you think this is just about abortion you have your head somewhere where the sun don’t shine.

Don’t fucking lecture us as if we don’t have the brains to think about what this means …not the loss of abortion per se but how we’re losing our country to controlling, God-bothering extremists who’ve lied to our faces for years. Half of them are psychos who’d sooner kill us than let us vote.

Yeah, Americans deserve what we get. There are millions of us who don’t.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 3:43 am
by Patagoniagirl
Jane Crow coming at ya. :mad:

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 3:49 am
by Gregg
SuzieC wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 10:43 pm
Phoenix520 wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 10:35 pm I suspected as much. :brokenheart:

There will always be California. We’ll never be handmaidens.
The reich wing won't stop until they've nullified California, NY, and all other blue states. Next step is to declare abortion unconstitutional everywhere. We must mobilize like never before and riot in the streets.
My own prediction is if Republicans get Congress and the White House, he first bill in both houses will be a nationwide ban, the second in the Senate will be a rule change doing away with the filibuster so they can pass it.

Mitch farking McConnell will toss the filibuster as "an anachronist relic of a non-democratic past" that should have been tossed decades ago, and Joe Manchin will vote with them.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 3:58 am
by Gregg
It's also not lost on me that this only came about 5 minutes after they were sure they had disenfranchised any dissent in half the country.

I will need someone in Atlanta to bail me out on election night, because my happy ass is gonna rent a van, fill it up with snacks and bottles of water and do my level best to double dog dare them to arrest me for passing them out.

Fulton County jail, see ya there.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 4:01 am
by Gregg
Oh, I almost forgot


:torches: :fuckyou: :cussing:

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 4:08 am
by Uninformed
I’m not female,nor American, but like many my bottomline is that it is the individual’s decision. I’ve never met anyone who was “pro abortion” - it’s a moral minefield - although I assume there must be some(?).
There are so many possible scenarios that surround this supposed “leak”, several of which encompass the idea that the time may be right for an authoritarian / theocratic “takeover”, I hope not.
Many people who want the individual to have the right to choose emphasise the situation before that choice was available, and if this choice is taken away, although it will be of no comfort in the meantime, the long-term effect will be to re-establish why it came into being. To paraphrase Foggy, progress despite setbacks is inexorable.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 5:03 am
by busterbunker
Hold on a sec. Are we taking Clash White Riot or some Rancid cash-in retro-ska on which I wasted 13 seconds.


Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 9:34 am
by neeneko
Gregg wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 4:01 am Oh, I almost forgot


:torches: :fuckyou: :cussing:
It really feels like there should be some kind of consequence for lying to congress in order to get appointed, esp involving the very law you lied about.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 11:29 am
by AndyinPA
Impeachment should be the consequence, but don't hold your breath.

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 1:46 pm
by Lansdowne
Gregg wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 3:49 am
SuzieC wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 10:43 pm
Phoenix520 wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 10:35 pm I suspected as much. :brokenheart:

There will always be California. We’ll never be handmaidens.
The reich wing won't stop until they've nullified California, NY, and all other blue states. Next step is to declare abortion unconstitutional everywhere. We must mobilize like never before and riot in the streets.
My own prediction is if Republicans get Congress and the White House, he first bill in both houses will be a nationwide ban, the second in the Senate will be a rule change doing away with the filibuster so they can pass it.

Mitch farking McConnell will toss the filibuster as "an anachronist relic of a non-democratic past" that should have been tossed decades ago, and Joe Manchin will vote with them.
Innocent question from a non-American: Why did Prohibition (yes that Prohibition, aka "a nationwide ban") require a constitutional amendment?

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 1:48 pm
by Phoenix520
Dear Mr Roberts,

The last three justices appointed to your court lied through their teeth to Congress and to the American people concerning this issue. I’m not sure why you think it’s the leak that’s the biggest problem.

With much less respect than previously,

A Female Citizen

Re: I wanna riot

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 2:05 pm
by Gregg
Lansdowne wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 1:46 pm
Gregg wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 3:49 am
SuzieC wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 10:43 pm

The reich wing won't stop until they've nullified California, NY, and all other blue states. Next step is to declare abortion unconstitutional everywhere. We must mobilize like never before and riot in the streets.
My own prediction is if Republicans get Congress and the White House, he first bill in both houses will be a nationwide ban, the second in the Senate will be a rule change doing away with the filibuster so they can pass it.

Mitch farking McConnell will toss the filibuster as "an anachronist relic of a non-democratic past" that should have been tossed decades ago, and Joe Manchin will vote with them.
Innocent question from a non-American: Why did Prohibition (yes that Prohibition, aka "a nationwide ban") require a constitutional amendment?

Because it was a Law that Holier than Thou minority imposed on the rest of the country through a decades long campaign of lying to people, bad science and populist outrage at a problem that didn't exist. Also, too, the Volstead Act, which was the law to enforce it, was a final lie in that it outlaw beer, which during the process to ratify the 18th Amendment was understood not to be subject to the new Amendment.

Also, three Amendments passed almost together were closely linked. At the time, taxes on liquor made up a substantial part of the government's income and in order to make Prohibition viable they had to pass an Income Tax Amendment on the off chance that the other side would try to attack an income tax without an amendment, under some construction of the Apportionment Clause.

Finally, Women's Suffrage, the 19th Amendment. It was a lot of the same people but also in the Suffragette Movement there were a lot of women who opposed prohibition, but backed it as a package deal, both groups agreed to support both Amendments.

I just used 3 paragraphs to give a 25 page answer. SO take it for what it is. But Income Tax, Prohibition and Woman's Suffrage (and to a lesser extent, direct election of Senators) are all related.