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From a Moderate: What No One Wants to Talk About

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:23 am
by jadedmonk
Anyone who knows me on here knows that I'm always declaring myself to be, "an extreme moderate". I despise both the Republican & the Democrat Parties. The Libertarian Party and others aren't far down on my despised list either. IMO, Trump is a liar of pinnochio like proportions and Biden is a has-been who won't do the Democratic Party any more justice than Trump did for the Republican Party.

That being said and gotten out of the way, here's what neither polorized side of the media seems to want to address:
like it or not, Biden IS the duly elected President. The Constitution is quite clear that the Electoral College makes the decision. All the so-called "Right's" pointless, never-ending bitching about the election supposedly being stolen are just that, pointless. The Popular vote is not legally valid for selecting the President. The founding fathers instituted the Electoral College for a reason. If we don't like it, we can abolish it. Until then, the law is the law. End of story.

Want to piss off a conservative forum and catch them with their pants down? Focus on the legality of this simple fact.

Re: From a Moderate: What No One Wants to Talk About

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:57 am
by Patagoniagirl
The "both sides" are rotten stance doesn't wash with me. What would you propose?