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Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:22 pm
by Resume18
raison de arizona wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:17 am Nick Fuentes? Q Shaman? How could this go wrong? They originally had Baked Alaska speaking as well, but, whelp, he's in jail so that isn't going to happen. AZ College Rs have some issues.
Chansley said this in court
Men of honor admit when they're wrong. Not just publicly but to themselves . . .
I was wrong for entering the Capitol. I have no excuse. No excuse whatsoever. The behavior is indefensible.
So he was full of shit then as he is now. I wonder what the terms of his early release were?

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 1:07 pm
by Ben-Prime
Resume18 wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:22 pm
Chansley said this in court
Men of honor admit when they're wrong. Not just publicly but to themselves . . .
I was wrong for entering the Capitol. I have no excuse. No excuse whatsoever. The behavior is indefensible.
So he was full of shit then as he is now. I wonder what the terms of his early release were?
I would love to hear him say "Yeah, I mean, I just told the judge what i thought he wanted to hear." Oh, so you lied to the court?

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 3:12 pm
by RTH10260
Arizona Republican Party may be close to broke. But it has a larger problem
Opinion: Four years ago, the Arizona Republican Party had close to $770,000 on hand. Now it's nearly broke, and there are good reasons for that.

Jon Gabriel | opinion contributor
The Arizona Republican Party is down on its luck.

They’re still hanging on to one-vote majorities in the state House and Senate, but they’ll have trouble in 2024 if they don’t get their finances in order.

The Arizona GOP had less than $50,000 in cash reserves as of March 31. That’s not much money to fund crucial expenses such as rent, payroll and campaign operations.

Four years earlier, it had close to $770,000.

The cobwebs in the bank vault aren’t as important as all the money wasted.

The party blew $300,000 on “legal consulting,” much of which focused on overturning Trump’s 2020 defeat. All they have to show for it are a Democratic governor and U.S. Senate delegation.

Both have a problem: Independent voters
As new Republican Party Chairman Jeff DeWit tries to right the ship (and apply for a credit card or two), he has another worry.

But this is one he shares with Arizona Democrats: the rise of the independents. ... 386200007/

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 3:15 pm
by RTH10260
Wendy Rogers retweeted X-rated video of Hunter Biden. Classy

EJ Montini Arizona Republic

I would say that Republican state Sen. Wendy Rogers could not sink any lower than she did this week, but that’s not true.

The political cesspool that is Rogers knows no depth. It's immeasurable.

This was evidenced on Wednesday when the Arizona state senator retweeted a video that contained X-rated images of Hunter Biden.

Rogers' disgusting retweet was reported by Dennis Welch of 3TV/CBS 5.

Being stupid as a defense

Welch noted that Republican Arizona Senate President Warren Peterson issued a statement saying, “[Rogers] didn’t realize those images were in that video until it was brought to her attention, and she immediately removed the video from her feed.”

Didn’t realize the images were on the video?

So, she was retweeting something she hadn’t even watched?

Meaning what?

That her defense for distributing pornography over the internet is … stupidity?

What of the party that talks of protecting kids from porn?
There are plenty of kids on Twitter. The platform is open to those as young as 13.So much for the GOP's blustery desire to keep pornography away from children.

Not that Rogers hasn't brought shame to her party or herself before.

She has cozied up to white nationalists, spread QAnon lunacy, backed Alex Jones over the parents of murdered children in Sandy Hook, and even tweeted a photo of herself next to a dead rhino branded with the Star of David. ... 393217007/

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 3:19 pm
by raison de arizona
Republicans aren't going to give up until every last person on earth sees Hunter's peen.

It's their mission.

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 3:32 pm
by raison de arizona
Ain't nobody wants to run elections in Arizona, too many crazies. 2024 is shaping up to be a massive shit-show. Unlike most AZ elections :lol:
The exodus of Arizona election officials continues. This time, it's in ruby-red Mohave County

The elections director in Mohave County officially resigned earlier this month, adding to an exodus of Arizona elections officials and heightening concerns about readiness for next year's presidential election.

So far, 17 county officials who oversee elections have left their posts in Arizona in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election.

Three of Arizona's 15 counties have critical vacancies: both Pinal and La Paz counties need new elections directors, and Mohave County will need to replace Recorder Kristi Blair.

Blair called her departure "unfortunate" when she addressed the Board of Supervisors in this northwestern Arizona county on July 3. But, she added, it gives them time to seek an experienced replacement, something she predicted would be difficult, given the current political climate as the 2024 elections near.

"I apologize that I’ve put you in this position, because I think it’s going to be a difficult (election)," Blair told the supervisors, according to an account in the Mohave Daily News.
:snippity: ... 389859007/

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 5:35 pm
by Gregg
I would put it to you that if you belong to the Arizona Republican College Club you probably should have considered ditch digging more seriously than you have in the past.

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 2:45 pm
by raison de arizona
Bring. It. On.
Arizona escalates probe into alleged efforts to swing election for Trump

PHOENIX — Arizona’s top prosecutor is ramping up a criminal investigation into alleged attempts by Republicans to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in the state by signing and transmitting paperwork falsely declaring Donald Trump the winner, according to two people familiar with the investigation.

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (D) assigned a team of prosecutors to the case in May, and investigators have contacted many of the pro-Trump electors and their lawyers, according to the two people who spoke on the condition of anonymity to candidly describe the probe. Investigators have requested records and other information from local officials who administered the 2020 election, the two people said, and a prosecutor has inquired about evidence collected by the Justice Department and an Atlanta-area prosecutor for similar probes.

It is unclear if the investigation will broaden into other attempts to undermine President Biden’s victory in the state, including a pressure campaign by Trump and his allies to thwart the will of voters and remain in office.

Dan Barr, Mayes’s chief deputy, said the investigation is in the “fact-gathering” phase. He declined to say whether subpoenas have been issued and which state statutes the team thinks might have been broken.

“This is something we’re not going to go into thinking, ‘Maybe we’ll get a conviction,’ or ‘Maybe we have a pretty good chance,’” he said. “This has to be ironclad shut.”
:snippity: ... ona-trump/
Gift link:

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 3:26 pm
by raison de arizona
Worth remembering is that Ginni Thomas was all mixed up in this, writing emails to AZ legislators pressuring them to overturn the election for tfg. Wouldn't it be wonderful if she got caught up in it?

Background, gift link:


Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 4:12 pm
by noblepa
Gregg wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 5:35 pm I would put it to you that if you belong to the Arizona Republican College Club you probably should have considered ditch digging more seriously than you have in the past.
Remember the group, "Young Republicans"? Are they still around?

In the movie "Butterflies are Free", Goldie Hawn played a ditzy hippy who fell for Eddie Albert Jr., who played a blind person.

She had one scene in which she admitted that she had dated a Young Republican once, only to discover that there is no such thing as a young republican.

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 8:19 pm
by raison de arizona
What year is it again?
Acyn @Acyn wrote: Crane: My amendment has nothing to do with whether or not colored people or black people or anybody can serve.

Beatty: I would like those words stricken from the record

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:05 pm
by RTH10260
raison de arizona wrote: Thu Jul 13, 2023 8:19 pm What year is it again? ... 30944?s=20
Acyn @Acyn wrote: Crane: My amendment has nothing to do with whether or not colored people or black people or anybody can serve.

Beatty: I would like those words stricken from the record
So he says he wants the best of the best to serve. I recall that after 9/11 the best of the best in foreign language translation were not allowed to serve cause of reason _______ (fill in the blank). The armed forces and the intelligence community had to bend back to get hands on scarce "best of the best" :blackeye:

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:47 pm
by raison de arizona
Hamadeh loses again, but vows to fight on.

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:32 pm
by raison de arizona
Everybody (even Brnovich) knew this was unconstitutional. They tried for 20 feet, but then reduced it to 8 feet because they thought that would pass constitutional muster. It didn't.
Arizona law limiting video of police is unconstitutional, state concedes

Arizona legislation putting limits on the videotaping of police actions is all but officially dead.

Attorney General Kris Mayes, a Democrat, has filed paperwork in federal court agreeing with challengers that the law is unconstitutional. And Republican legislative leaders involved in getting the law passed in 2022 have declined to defend it in court.

All that remains is for U.S. District Court Judge John Tuchi to sign an order permanently enjoining the state from enforcing the law.

Sen. John Kavanagh, who sponsored the law, acknowledged that even Mark Brnovich, Mayes’ Republican predecessor, did not show up in court last year when media outlets and the American Civil Liberties Union successfully asked Tuchi to issue a preliminary injunction against it. He told Capitol Media Services that his efforts to have someone — anyone — defend the law have come up short.

“They just shipped a half-rotting corpse to Mayes,’’ he said of what is left of his 2022 legislation, which makes it a crime to take video within 8 feet of any “law enforcement activity’’ unless the officer first gives permission.
:snippity: ... 7cd53.html

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 11:00 am
by RTH10260
Arizona continues to allow a company to pump enough water to support a city of 50,000 to grow crops for Saudi Arabia's cows while some state residents have had their water supply cut off

Lloyd Lee
Mon, July 17, 2023 at 5:57 AM GMT+2
  • Arizona has taken steps to lower residents' water consumption as it combats a long-term drought.
    Meanwhile, the spigot flows freely for the Saudi-owned company, Fondomonte, WaPo reported.
    Fondomonte leases thousands of acres of land to grow alfalfa that will feed Saudi's dairy cows.
A drought-stricken Arizona allows a company to pump enough water that could support a city of 50,000 people to grow a crop that feeds Saudi Arabia's dairy cows. At the same time, the state's residents are being told to cut back on consumption, The Washington Post reported.

Fondomonte Arizona LLC, a Saudi-owned firm, is one of several companies that takes advantage of the state's agricultural lease program, allowing entities to lease state-owned land for ten years to grow crops. In 2015, Fondomonte leased 3,500 acres of land in Butler Valley — a rural area just west of Phoenix — for a below-market-rate price and has since had unregulated access to the state's groundwater, according to a 2022 report from Arizona PBS.

The company grows alfalfa hay, a water-intensive plant, to feed Saudi Arabia's dairy cows. Once called the "thirstiest crop in the US southwest," alfalfa hay requires so much water that the kingdom banned the cultivation of green fodder plants like alfalfa for the sake of water conservation.

According to communications between the state and Fondomonte — which the Post obtained through a public records request — experts calculated that the company consumes enough water annually to support a city of more than 50,000 people. In 2022, the Fondomonte used 16,415 acre-feet of water last year — the equivalent of covering about 12,500 football fields under a foot of water, the Post reported.

For years, that information was unavailable to Arizona due to little state oversight and regulations, the Post reported. The company also has been resistant to sharing data on water usage, arguing that it was "being unfairly singled out," according to a memo obtained by the Post. ... 14121.html
(original: INSIDER)

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 4:30 pm
by RTH10260

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:09 pm
by raison de arizona
Mark Finchem wants Ken Bennett's seat. Wonder if Finchem has paid the $50k he owes for his lolsuit yet.
YvonneWingettSanchez 🏜 @yvonnewingett wrote: ARIZONA—Mark Finchem, who lost his 2022 bid for Secretary of State, has filed a statement of interest to run for state senate in a seat currently occupied by fellow Republican Ken Bennett. ICYMI: ... sanctions/

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 11:03 am
by raison de arizona
Gosar takes umbrage that the words "god" and "faith" are not featured in Biden's drug control policy.
The Recount @therecount wrote: Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ): “Biden’s national drug control strategy is 150 pages. The words ‘God’ and ‘faith’ are not mentioned one time.”

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 12:49 pm
by RTH10260
So what did his "faith" help him during the last 50+ years that the War On Drugs has been waged? Remember, it's Nixon that initiated this "war". With DEA undercover operating thruout South America ...

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 10:19 pm
by Gregg
RTH10260 wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 12:49 pm So what did his "faith" help him during the last 50+ years that the War On Drugs has been waged? Remember, it's Nixon that initiated this "war". With DEA undercover operating thruout South America ...
Don't forget the CIA operating in Laos, Cambodia and Thailand!

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 11:39 pm
by raison de arizona
Stephen Richer—Maricopa Cnty Recorder (prsnl acct) @stephen_richer wrote: Mohave County recently posted the results of its hand count tabulation experiment.

They counted 850 ballots with an average of 36 races per ballot. (30,600 contests).

They estimated that it would cost the county an additional $1.14 million to hand count races in 2024 as opposed to machine county.

But only if there are no recounts (there were recounts in 2022). If there are recounts, it will cost more.

They had an error rate of 5.4%. The maximum allowable machine error rate for certified equipment is 0.00001%.

They wrote that the large "Fairgrounds is the only suitable location in Kingman that is large enough to accommodate the number of people needed to perform the hand tally..."

They estimate they would need approximately 330 additional temporary workers to hand count the ballots (doubling the size of their normal election operations).

They "do not foresee that ... [an] equal number of people from the major political parties will volunteer" to work.

They did not account for time and money that would be spent on data entry and quality assurance.

The report is available here: ... 976f30.pdf

It is well done.

Maricopa County will have over 2 million votes cast in the November 2024 election with approximately 80 races per ballot.

This is one the dumbest ideas in politics currently. ... 03042?s=20

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 11:52 pm
by raison de arizona
Raskin responds to Gosar's nonsense.
The Recount @therecount wrote: Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ): “Biden’s national drug control strategy is 150 pages. The words ‘God’ and ‘faith’ are not mentioned one time.”

“Looking for some kind of religious test, which is explicitly forbidden in the Constitution … in the drug control strategy? What about the free exercise clause? What about the establishment clause?”

— Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) responds to Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ)

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 1:52 am
by Dave from down under
"Thoughts and prayers" have worked so well to reduce gun violence control that I'm sure it will work as well if not better for drug control.

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 6:48 am
by Resume18
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ): “Biden’s national drug control strategy is 150 pages. The words ‘God’ and ‘faith’ are not mentioned one time.
So effing what?

Arizona behaving badly and otherwise

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:03 am
by sugar magnolia
It also doesn't have the words "complete and utter moron" or "raving fuckwit."