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What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 8:55 am
by Suranis
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What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 9:21 am
by Tiredretiredlawyer
:clap: :clap: :clap:

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 2:33 pm
by Foggy
I'm gonna hide up on the roof tonight and while the big doofus is down the chimney I'm gonna check out the sleigh and see if I can gank a few good presents before he starts back up again. Computers and iPhones, top of the list.

And I'm gonna put out a LOT of milk and cookies, that'll buy me the time I need for a quick grab and get back in my hiding place.

Oh, wait ... Santa doesn't read the internet, does he? How does he figger out who's naughty and nice, anyway? Ya think he's got any, umm ... defense mechanisms on the sleigh? :think:

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 3:13 pm
by Maybenaut
Three pies have been baked so far (two punkin and one apple). Pie crust for additional two (or three) pies is chilling in the fridge (cherry, another punkin, and maybe another punkin or another apple depending on what folks are clamoring for). Bread dough is rising (OMG, if it’s anything like yesterday’s I’m gonna DIE - the softest, lightest, fluffiest sandwich bread ever but So, so good!).

We’ll have 11 people here tomorrow. I don’t think there will be enough pie!

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 3:43 pm
by Phoenix520
Making soups today. Italian baked chicken and crème brûlée have been added to the menu. They’re up next. No pies this year.

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:00 pm
by sugar magnolia
Hot crab dip, 2 dozen deviled eggs (8 w/olive salad, 8 w/bacon and cheese, 8 plain) and a lemon curd sour cream pie. I even got fancy and put crushed candy canes on the lemon curd one.

Christmas Eve supper with the whole family then snack-y snack stuff tomorrow afternoon at my brother's, then a nap and we're done! At least until our anniversary on NYE. 39 for us this year.

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:25 pm
by Foggy
Wonderful. :thumbsup:

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:43 pm
by Phoenix520
Happi Anni, Sugar !! :thumbsup:

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:51 pm
by Foggy
Wait. Stop. Hold on a minnit. :talktothehand:

I wrote that I am planning to ROB SANTA CLAUS tonight, and I totally get away with it and there's nothing but crickets and nobody says "Haha Foggy that isn't even funny on Christmas Eve," or anything like that, huh?

Lemme guess, y'all are gonna have cops waiting in the driveway with ladders and stuff, amirite? :think:

And then show them a few posts and see if they take me to the loony bin. I get it now.

Maybe I should re-think the plan. Maybe I should create a diversion, like a meteor strike a few blocks away. Yeah, that's the ticket.

And an escape plan. You gotta have a good escape plan. :oldman:

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:59 pm
by sugar magnolia
Foggy wrote: Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:51 pm Wait. Stop. Hold on a minnit. :talktothehand:

I wrote that I am planning to ROB SANTA CLAUS tonight, and I totally get away with it and there's nothing but crickets and nobody says "Haha Foggy that isn't even funny on Christmas Eve," or anything like that, huh?

Lemme guess, y'all are gonna have cops waiting in the driveway with ladders and stuff, amirite? :think:

And then show them a few posts and see if they take me to the loony bin. I get it now.

Maybe I should re-think the plan. Maybe I should create a diversion, like a meteor strike a few blocks away. Yeah, that's the ticket.

And an escape plan. You gotta have a good escape plan. :oldman:
Nah. We just arranged it so all the socks and underwear will be on top so that's all you'll have time to get to. The good stuff is at the bottom.

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 5:00 pm
by Phoenix520
I just love this. Cajun Night Before Christmas, cher. There are other versions but… I like hers.

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 5:07 pm
by sugar magnolia
Phoenix520 wrote: Sat Dec 24, 2022 5:00 pm I just love this. Cajun Night Before Christmas, cher. There are other versions but… I like hers.
I have that exact same book that is so dog-eared from years of reading it to my kids!

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 5:39 pm
by Frater I*I
Foggy wrote: Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:51 pm Wait. Stop. Hold on a minnit. :talktothehand:

I wrote that I am planning to ROB SANTA CLAUS tonight, and I totally get away with it and there's nothing but crickets and nobody says "Haha Foggy that isn't even funny on Christmas Eve," or anything like that, huh?

No....I'm totally down with you robbing him, going for the old fashion basics of computers and smart phone....

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 5:54 pm
by Foggy
I want you to notice that I am not gonna drag my boys into my evil plan, and not just because their mother would kill me. Hey, I couldn't even be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, they're too old hahaha.

But they didn't grow up with the criminal mindset. If they were part of it, they'd be nervous as cats on 4th of July, and they'd panic if a reindeer so much as farted while I was grabbing stuff out of the sleigh, and they would keep telling me it was too complicated and would never work, and I hate to say this, but they'd be more of a liability than an asset, in knocking over Santa and his sled. Very unhelpful.

And it's not really their fault, they just haven't pulled any kind of capers like this before. They don't have any experience committing crimes, is what it is. It's my failing as a father. :blackeyebig:

By the time I was their age, well ... well anyway, the statute of limitations has passed on all that stuff. But I remember enough to get a few computers and smartphones out of Santa's sleigh without getting popped for it, you betcha!

All by myself! :oldman:

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 6:12 pm
by Frater I*I
Foggy wrote: Sat Dec 24, 2022 5:54 pm :snippity:
But they didn't grow up with the criminal mindset. If they were part of it, they'd be nervous as cats on 4th of July, and they'd panic if a reindeer so much as farted while I was grabbing stuff out of the sleigh, and they would keep telling me it was too complicated and would never work, and I hate to say this, but they'd be more of a liability than an asset, in knocking over Santa and his sled. Very unhelpful.

I see you're going with the classic smash and grab plan.... :think:

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 6:39 pm
by humblescribe
I'd like to see Jack Webb conduct your interview after you are apprehended, Foggy.

"So, you're staked out on the roof of your house." ["But it is MY house."]

"You claim that there have been disturbances in your area every Christmas Eve for the past, oh, fifteen years." ["I was unarmed and had my cell phone handy to call you guys.]

"Then you decided to help yourself to packages that were destined for others." ["I felt they owed me sumptin, cuz I had to clean up all the reindeer droppings they left behind."]

"I'm afraid we're going to book you for aggravated assault, theft, and general Scrooginess." ["I want a lawyer!"]

"Book him, Danno. "No, wait, Officer Gannon, please take this prisoner for processing."

Narrator: Foggy was bound over for trial in the Superior Court, County of Cackilacki, on the charges of aggravated assault, theft, and general Scrooginess. In a moment, the results of the trial.

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 6:51 pm
by Foggy

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 7:03 pm
by Foggy
Yeah, a little humor on Christmas Eve, lighten the mood, last minute preparations and stuff.

My boys are grown. I don't have to pretend that some of the presents came from Santa Claus any more.

I don't have to let them help me set out milk and cookies for Santa (and eat some of the cookies after they go to bed, as proof he came).

I don't have to assemble any bicycles or anything. I don't actually have much of anything to do tonight. My presents are all wrapped. We don't make a huge deal about presents anyway.

Tomorrow I'll make a good breakfast and it will all be over by 10 a.m. or earlier.

Which is good, we have to pack for the trip to my dad's, we will leave early Monday morning for the (imho) really important part of Christmas.

My dad is totally excited about us coming up. :lovestruck:

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 7:10 pm
by duck dodgers
We're just gonna hang out, eat some the cookies SO is making. Likely see the kids later this week.

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 7:40 pm
by chancery
sugar magnolia wrote: Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:00 pm Hot crab dip, 2 dozen deviled eggs (8 w/olive salad, 8 w/bacon and cheese, 8 plain) and a lemon curd sour cream pie. I even got fancy and put crushed candy canes on the lemon curd one.

Christmas Eve supper with the whole family then snack-y snack stuff tomorrow afternoon at my brother's, then a nap and we're done! At least until our anniversary on NYE. 39 for us this year.
Merry Christmas, Sugar!

:thumbsup: :bighug:

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 8:44 pm
by northland10
Lots of practice Thursday, Friday, and this morning. This was followed with a rehearsal with the choir before the 4:30 service which was extra stressful (and longer) because of the stormed out Thursday rehearsal.

Then it was onto the 4:30 service (30 carols and special music the the main Eucharist). We are only doing one Christmas Eve service since the lock down but I suspect we may go back to 2 next year.

I am very tired so it is time to eat, have a beer, and get up to do the morning service.

I also gracefully decline an invitation to dinner. Need to wind down.

It is stressful, it is tiring, and it is totally worth it.

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 9:07 pm
by chancery

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 9:54 pm
by sugar magnolia
chancery wrote: Sat Dec 24, 2022 7:40 pm
sugar magnolia wrote: Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:00 pm Hot crab dip, 2 dozen deviled eggs (8 w/olive salad, 8 w/bacon and cheese, 8 plain) and a lemon curd sour cream pie. I even got fancy and put crushed candy canes on the lemon curd one.

Christmas Eve supper with the whole family then snack-y snack stuff tomorrow afternoon at my brother's, then a nap and we're done! At least until our anniversary on NYE. 39 for us this year.
Merry Christmas, Sugar!

:thumbsup: :bighug:
Merry Christmas to you too, my friend.

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 10:28 pm
by Lani
For Christmas Eve we went to Ala Moana. I had found tissue paper for packing some gifts, milk-free chocolate bars, and glutenfree/milkfree cookies (son's allergic), treats for Mocha, and other things that weren't available in any stores except Walmart. So I put in an order to pick up when we went to Ala Moana. Then Walmart cancelled the order. Everything was gone :crying:

Well, at least son & partner found gifts for each other.

I met up with them at Target. Found a big dog bone for Macho Mocha. Then I found 4 packs of tissue paper! Up high and in the wrong area. I grabbed 2. Then I heard a young couple talking about how there was no Xmas wrapping paper and no tissue paper. I walked over to them, showed the tissue paper to them, and took them to the location. They were so happy, and I got my first Xmas hugs.

Weird Xmas this year. Shortages everywhere.

On the way home, son got a call from a senator to hire him to work on some legislation. So he had an early present :biggrin:

And now I'll take Mocha for his evening walk.

What are you doing for Christmas?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 2:45 am
by PaulG
Quiet day at home. We were going to an extended family Christmas but we kept getting emails about such-and-such who had Covid and in the end it was called off until New Years. Sigh.