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trump (the former guy)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:27 pm
by Kendra

Video posted by Trump on Truth Social: “Every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals who he is.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:30 pm
by Dave from down under

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:51 pm
by raison de arizona
Please, he's not a Lion. He's not even a kitten. He's quite a bit lower than that.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:04 pm
by AndyinPA
I'll go with worm.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:05 pm
by humblescribe
raison de arizona wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:51 pm Please, he's not a Lion. He's not even a kitten. He's quite a bit lower than that.
Parasitic nematode?
Naegleria fowleri?

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:07 pm
by AndyinPA
humblescribe wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:05 pm
raison de arizona wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:51 pm Please, he's not a Lion. He's not even a kitten. He's quite a bit lower than that.
Parasitic nematode?
Naegleria fowleri?
I was sure someone would go lower than a worm. :thumbsup:

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:21 pm
by pipistrelle
AndyinPA wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:07 pm
humblescribe wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:05 pm
raison de arizona wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:51 pm Please, he's not a Lion. He's not even a kitten. He's quite a bit lower than that.
Parasitic nematode?
Naegleria fowleri?
I was sure someone would go lower than a worm. :thumbsup:
Earthworms perform useful functions.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:48 pm
by Gupwalla
jemcanada2 wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:33 pm Who is feeding tfg all this garbage? There’s no way he would know that GHW Bush’s records were stored in a former bowling alley/Chinese restaurant without some planting this in his empty head. Or that Obama “took” 30 million documents to Chicago. Who is doing all this digging up of half truths and then whispering in tfg’s ear?
For what it is worth, GHWB records and memorabilia were temporarily stored (and secured) at the former Chimney Hill Bowl in College Station, TX. Overflow storage was in an adjacent, abandoned Chinese kitchen. This was a temporary storage and sorting facility while the actual library and educational complex was being built.

I was a student at TAMU at the time and probably drove, unwittingly, passed the storage facility many times. It was just a couple of blocks set back from University Avenue on the approach from Highway Six, meaning I probably passed it both ways. (Aggie joke. You had to be there.)

I was a more witting observer of the library dedication, which happened in November (I think) of my senior year. Many historical notables were on hand - if you ever get a chance to go to something like that, even for a President you don’t care much for, I do recommend it.

I am curious whether the intent is for Trump’s eventual library to be located at Mar-a-Lago*. True historical fact - the site was once upon a time donated to the Federal government (by the Post cereal heiress) as a Presidential retreat, but it was too costly to secure and maintain so the property was returned and then privately sold to Trump. As President, Trump actually used the property for its once-intended purpose: as a Presidential retreat and an alternate setting for state visits. And if the property were to fall to the National Archives, it might once again serve that purpose (especially since 80s-era security concerns have mostly been resolved as a result of Trump’s frequent visits to the place while President).

Anyway, I suspect that somewhere in his mind, Trump has the idea that these are his future library records and maybe he just gets to keep them in the coat closet until his grand opening ceremony. That isn’t how things work in the real world, but Trump rarely fetters himself with such trivial rules.

*As far as I know, he has yet to designate a location. But having Mar-a-Lago become National Archives property would be an interesting way to honor the original Post gift.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:16 am
by RTH10260
'I hope he disappears': Bill O'Reilly advises Trump to flee country before the midterms

David Edwards
October 03, 2022

Conservative podcaster Bill O'Reilly, a former Fox News host, said on Monday that he hoped former President Donald Trump "disappears" before the midterm elections.

The longtime Trump ally was asked how the former president could help Republicans win midterm elections.

"What do you think his role in the midterms is going to be?" podcaster Charkie Kirk wondered. "How do you think he factors into this midterm election?"

"I hope he disappears," O'Reilly stated, "because it doesn't do Republicans any good to have Donald Trump around the midterm elections."

O'Reilly predicted that the "bogus Jan. 6 Committee" would release its findings just weeks before election day.

"See, it's the independent [voters] that always make the difference now," he explained. "A lot of them don't like Trump. And the more Trump is in the news cycle, the less the Biden administration [and] Democratic Party's failures are focused on."

"So, if I were Trump, I'd, you know, be down in Honduras or something and take a couple of weeks," O'Reilly added. "Get out of the cycle!"

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:20 am
by Gregg
Gupwalla wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:48 pm
jemcanada2 wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:33 pm Who is feeding tfg all this garbage? There’s no way he would know that GHW Bush’s records were stored in a former bowling alley/Chinese restaurant without some planting this in his empty head. Or that Obama “took” 30 million documents to Chicago. Who is doing all this digging up of half truths and then whispering in tfg’s ear?
For what it is worth, GHWB records and memorabilia were temporarily stored (and secured) at the former Chimney Hill Bowl in College Station, TX. Overflow storage was in an adjacent, abandoned Chinese kitchen. This was a temporary storage and sorting facility while the actual library and educational complex was being built.

I was a student at TAMU at the time and probably drove, unwittingly, passed the storage facility many times. It was just a couple of blocks set back from University Avenue on the approach from Highway Six, meaning I probably passed it both ways. (Aggie joke. You had to be there.)

I was a more witting observer of the library dedication, which happened in November (I think) of my senior year. Many historical notables were on hand - if you ever get a chance to go to something like that, even for a President you don’t care much for, I do recommend it.

I am curious whether the intent is for Trump’s eventual library to be located at Mar-a-Lago*. True historical fact - the site was once upon a time donated to the Federal government (by the Post cereal heiress) as a Presidential retreat, but it was too costly to secure and maintain so the property was returned and then privately sold to Trump. As President, Trump actually used the property for its once-intended purpose: as a Presidential retreat and an alternate setting for state visits. And if the property were to fall to the National Archives, it might once again serve that purpose (especially since 80s-era security concerns have mostly been resolved as a result of Trump’s frequent visits to the place while President).

Anyway, I suspect that somewhere in his mind, Trump has the idea that these are his future library records and maybe he just gets to keep them in the coat closet until his grand opening ceremony. That isn’t how things work in the real world, but Trump rarely fetters himself with such trivial rules.

*As far as I know, he has yet to designate a location. But having Mar-a-Lago become National Archives property would be an interesting way to honor the original Post gift.
He would have to donate it for it to house the Library, a National Archives facility. He could retain ownership if he made it the Presidential Museum, but that would interfere with him charging members $250k a year.

So no, I doubt it will be either. Look for those to be in New Jersey, where he can fleece donors to buy cheap land.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 8:06 am
by tek
oh boy.. Charlie Kirk and Bill O'Reilly


trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 8:25 am
by Azastan
Gregg wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:20 am

He would have to donate it for it to house the Library, a National Archives facility. He could retain ownership if he made it the Presidential Museum, but that would interfere with him charging members $250k a year.

So no, I doubt it will be either. Look for those to be in New Jersey, where he can fleece donors to buy cheap land.
There have been several amendments to the act concerning Presidential Library/Museums, none of which benefit TFG. I'd honestly be surprised if he ever designates a location for his Museum, because that money flow wouldn't be controlled by him.

Maybe one of his kids will set up a shop to hawk hats and other gewgaws.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:56 am
by Sam the Centipede
Surely all he needs is a large gold statue of himself, the bigliest, grandestest statue ever. He could be astride a golden calf, and there could outside a Church of The Blessed Saint Donald for the faithful to pray in (admission $20).

But srsly, why would he want anything library-like? Images, boasts, grifts, that's all it needs.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:30 am
by noblepa
Gregg wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:20 am He would have to donate it for it to house the Library, a National Archives facility. He could retain ownership if he made it the Presidential Museum, but that would interfere with him charging members $250k a year.

So no, I doubt it will be either. Look for those to be in New Jersey, where he can fleece donors to buy cheap land.
If he were to donate it, he would probably claim a 3 billion dollar tax deduction. I mean, the place is worth at least that much, isn't it?

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:57 am
by Dr. Ken

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:02 am
by p0rtia
I am no fan of George Conway and would not trust him as far as I could throw him, but damn, the man can tweet.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:26 am
by chancery

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:21 pm
by raison de arizona
Checked in on Truth, tfg hasn’t lost it yet, just a couple whines from yesterday. Between SCOTUS and the January 6th Committee though, I’m expecting some epic whinges!
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trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:23 pm
by pipistrelle
Typical poot. No ‘graph breaks.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:35 pm
by RTH10260
It belongs to the former POTUS - partially correct. It belongs to the government and the former POTUS has a say on them. But storage is thru NARA and not in the impotus own basement, far less in his personal desk.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:54 pm
by AndyinPA
She didn't claim he "swooned" her.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:15 pm
by raison de arizona
As expected, tfg is having a shitfit on Truth, looks like dozens of them this afternoon. I'd like to say "and I'm here for it," but work is keeping me busy so I'll have to be here for it later on in review. :thumbsup:

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:19 pm
by SuzieC
When is he going to stroke out after his near-daily shitfits?

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:23 pm
by MN-Skeptic

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:36 pm
by Volkonski