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Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 10:44 pm
by RTH10260
"including the ... machine learning units,"

So he closes down AI on Twitter while creating a robot machine man himself. One would think he would know the value of AI to recognize and filter nasty content. :brickwallsmall:

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:18 pm
by Gupwalla
You have to hand it to Musk for efficiency. It takes most bad CEOs at least a couple of quarters to completely trash a company. Elon’s only been at it less than a week!

I predict: this will end with Twitter as an open-source public service, maybe with some clever moderation algorithms to crowd-source some of the bot-catching and troll-smashing and hate-squashing and other anti-abuse functions. Maybe some limited advertising or paid corporate account management perks to keep the lights on.

And Musk will be about $44B poorer, which is to say, he’ll still be incredibly rich. The Saudi investors get wiped out, but oh well. They will also still be incredibly rich.

So in the end, wins all around.

In the meantime, I have a pretty well cultivated feed, so I only really see the interesting and useful info channels I want to see. I don’t have to deal with the garbage. So I’ll stick around a while.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:55 pm
by busterbunker
I applaud everyone who is leaving Twitter. I hated it from the start. I have an account but I never login except when I'm using it for its sole purpose: managing accounts for my clients and dealing with their stupid API's. My account has one tweet, dating back to 2015: Please contact us via our website or email. Nothing more. I don't poop where I eat, you know?

There are two accounts I read, one hashtag and one profile page, both concerned with local politics. If they go elsewhere, I will be pleased. The hashtag loads fine but the profile page would keep bugging me to login. I'd dismiss it, but it was getting annoying.

So I'm back with a new hack for you!

Breakthrough Twitter Login Wall
Chrome: ... njnfcfnlep
Firefox: ... loginwall/
Github: ... login-wall

Roll this up in your bowser with some Adblock Plus and Ghostery and you can read Tweets to your heart's content, while keeping your data in your own mine and kicking them in their revenue stream. And you really should think twice before Tweeting. You're letting some scumbag milk your cow for free.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 1:12 am
by Phoenix520
I’m with Guppie. My curated feed hasn’t included a single bad smell for a while now. Mike Dunford and Legal Twitter, bird and animal photographers from around the world, The Cultural Tutor, and Buitengiebiden are the things I don’t want to be without. And I just blocked Musk.I’ll stay until the inevitable day I just can’t anymore.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 2:36 am
by MN-Skeptic
I'm another one who will stay with Twitter for the time being. I don't post, but there are some folks such as Aaron Ruper whose tweets I read each day. So that my timeline is not overwhelmed, I've created lists. Some of the lists, such as my Local News, I only read if something interesting is happening locally. My Top News list only has a few folks, such as Aaron Ruper, on it. I read that first. Within Twitter, lists are extremely useful.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 3:56 am
by MN-Skeptic
I thought this tweet thread regarding the drop in ad revenue at Twitter was very interesting. I'll post the tweet within a spoiler tag to save bandwidth, but I'll quote the entire thread below.
► Show Spoiler
1/ There is some pretty substantial context about Twitter's 2023 revenue and advertisers that I think partly help explains why Musk is really losing it...

And it involves upfront ad sales. Let me explain...

2/ Back Twitter (like a lot of digital companies) participates in an event called new fronts. At this event, they sell large chunks of ads for the following year.

Typically, Twitter sells like ~600-900M in ads at new fronts. That's guaranteed revenue for following year.

3/ This year, they didn't sell much of anything.

A coalition called Stop The Deal spent time educating and using media buyers and big advertisers at the event to ask Twitter some basic questions about potential Musk takeover before giving him a guaranteed income for 2023.

4/ Media buyers did ask those questions. Twitter had zero answers or assurances, the presentation imploded and ended shockingly early. Twitter from what I understand basically sold almost nothing and locked in extremely little 2023 revenue.

5/ This means that instead of heading into 2023 with 15-20% of 2023 already secured as they typically would have, Twitter heads into next year with almost none of that. All because of Musk's red pilled edgelord approach.

6/ @elonmusk
has had months to address these concerns or even learn about them. But instead, he's insisted on antagonizing the very businesses and people that sustain Twitter.

Back in May, the groups and companies weren't calling for a boycott, they were asking basic questions.

7/ My point here is: It's actually worse than that I think a lot of people even appreciate all because Musk's conduct and commitments to roll back brand safety and community safeguards essentially obliterated Twitter's new front sales event that woulda secured 2023 revenue.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 4:28 am
by Kriselda Gray
raison de arizona wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:51 am Wow, Musk has a totally different definition for nothing has changed then say, reality.
Did Musk hire trump to write his tweet? Cuz that sure sounds a lot like something donnie would write

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 6:28 am
by tek
Interesting take in one of the comments.. dunno..
Lost in all of this is the simple fact that the $ is not the end game. The Saudis will make sure he is financially ok as long as he is doing damage to the US and helping the R’s win elections. This isn’t about $ it’s about geo-political positioning.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 6:39 am
by bill_g
There is a strong possibility that geo-poli efforts are in play here. You don't throw away that much money on purpose unless you know it's hedged.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 6:48 am
by Sam the Centipede
Gupwalla wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:18 pm You have to hand it to Musk for efficiency. It takes most bad CEOs at least a couple of quarters to completely trash a company. Elon’s only been at it less than a week!
;) Here a conjecture:

We know how competitive Musk is: he looked scross The Pond and watched as new prime minister Liz Truss tanked the UK's economy in a few days (remember the UK government was on pause for her first couple weeks due to the regal Liz's demise).

Musk clearly thought "amateurs! I can waste tens of billions quicker that that!"

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 6:50 am
by Danraft
B26CDC24-9B91-4559-B5F0-8741260CDCD7.jpeg (125.82 KiB) Viewed 771 times
Will Twitter outlast this head of lettuce?

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 7:00 am
by Ben-Prime
Both U.S. Federal as well as CA State law, and then UK law, may all have been breached in firing from the various units involved.

Remember the thing in the other thread where I mentioned what I did for 10 years before joining state? One of the ways that regional agency swung into action was that we got noticed whenever big layoffs were happening, as required by federal law. We'd then help set up a triage for soon-to-be-displaced workers. Most states have policies which get their regional workforce development boards to do likewise

That didn't happen here. There's either a 30 or 60 day requirement to notify formally which did not take place, and the UK requires consultations with the affected unions.

That's the reason Musk is now saying that folks will be offered 90 days severance pay; because basically the firings are 'we're firing you with 90 days notice'. It's a legal way to do it, but it gets around the original intent of the law in favor of its letter. At least so I was advised by former work colleagues when a much smaller and less important local company tried doing similar in the Fort Lauderdale area some years back.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 7:11 am
by Foggy
Yeah, here's the thing.

I have to imagine that all those people who got fired were actually contributing to the income stream of the company, which is why anyone thought the company might be worth $44 Billion with a B in the first place. The price wasn't based on the value of the server farms and physical equipment.

The company was not paying 50% of its staff to sit around twiddling their thumbs and censoring Republican scumbags. Those people were integral to the success of the company.

So axing them might be a mistake. :oldman:

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 7:16 am
by sugar magnolia
And if they are paying them for 90 days and not making them work during that time, how the hell is it saving him any money? If he doesn't want them doing the computer work make them mop floors or wash windows or pack up the offices of people who will be shown the door in 90 days. I just don't understand how rich people's minds work, I guess.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 7:50 am
by Foggy
When I was 13, I discovered Ayn Rand, and this is Atlas Shrugged on a brisk cocktail of steroids and LSD.

I mean, here's this guy, the Randian ideal, fucking John Galt in the flesh, with Tesla, and SpaceX, and StarLink. Titan of industry, mover and shaker and CREATOR, the fucking richest man in the world! In the whole world!

Rand would have epitomized the bastard. No, that's not a word. Sue me.

And then one day John Galt turned out to be a whack job. :crazy:

I don't remember that in the book. :confuzzled:

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 7:53 am
by bill_g
See Howard Hughes.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:06 am
by tek
sugar magnolia wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 7:16 am And if they are paying them for 90 days and not making them work during that time, how the hell is it saving him any money?
I think he got forced into this by the notice requirements.
And, if I understand correctly, he's already fired them - because he [wasn't aware of | figured he could ignore] the notice requirements ...


Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:10 am
by Foggy
... and to be honest, you don't want them mopping floors or washing windows either, after they know you're firing them. Too much opportunity for them to fiddle with the machinery.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:32 am
by Foggy
OMG, it just hit me - everybody has forgotten about poor artificial human Laura Loomer! She handcuffed herself to Twitter headquarters!

Doesn't anybody care about the artificial humans? :violin: :crying:

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 12:12 pm
by Tiredretiredlawyer

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 12:50 pm
by raison de arizona
Jack Dorsey, Twitter founder.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 1:00 pm
by Foggy
What are you doing today, Jack? :smoking:

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 1:05 pm
by Frater I*I
Foggy wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 1:00 pm What are you doing today, Jack? :smoking:
Counting his pile of money :shrug:

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 1:07 pm
by Suranis
MN-Skeptic wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 3:56 am I thought this tweet thread regarding the drop in ad revenue at Twitter was very interesting. I'll post the tweet within a spoiler tag to save bandwidth, but I'll quote the entire thread below. ... oz71yJUPpQ
Sticking a twitter link under a spoiler tag wont save bandwidth. It still loads "under" the tag and so still uses bandwitch. If you want to stop it using bandwidth you have to put URL tags around it. You can do that by pressing the Image button.

In case MN has me blocked could someone copy this please. Thanks.

I've said this before but I REALLY wish people would just do that and copy and paste the tweet rather than be lazy and post the twitter link. I have a fairly good connection and all I can see is post after post of empty space for up to a couple of minutes.

Part of the problem is that if you just copy and paste the twitter link you are copying all the rest of the crap after the ?, which is all the Big Brother crap whose only function is to give Twitter info. If you cut all that out the links load much faster. ... oz71yJUPpQ


Both work. below is the one without the ? and stuff shorn of the URL tag to prove it to prove it. This one loads MUCH faster AND you can see all the replies if you click on it, even if you are not logged in.

But, half the board wont see this, so I probably shouldn't bother.

Twitter (merged with the lawsuit thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 1:19 pm
by pipistrelle