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Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:26 pm
by AndyinPA
sugar magnolia wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:00 pm
AndyinPA wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:10 pm ... rtum-care/
The Associated Press reported that S.B. 2033 passed the state Senate 46 to 5 last month and then passed the House Medicaid Committee on March 1. But on March 9 — the deadline for House and Senate committees to consider general bills that had passed the other chamber — House Speaker Philip Gunn (R) and House Medicaid Committee Chairman Joey Hood (R) chose not to bring it up for a vote.

“As I’ve said very publicly, I’m opposed to Medicaid expansion,” Gunn told the AP of his opposition to the bill. “We need to look for ways to keep people off, not put them on.” (Neither Gunn nor Hood responded to requests for comment.)

The news hit maternal health advocates hard in a state where deaths as a result of pregnancy are almost twice as high as the rest of the country, according to a 2019 report by the Mississippi State Department of Health. It’s also where 60 percent of deliveries are funded by Medicaid — much higher than the national average rate of 42 percent, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Not dead yet. ... rage-bill/
JACKSON, Miss. (WLBT) -The push continues from advocates wanting to see postpartum Medicaid coverage extended from 60 days to a year.

Senate Bill 2033 died last week after the House failed to take it up before the latest deadline. However, the Senate is ready to throw the legislation another lifeline...
Good! And thanks.

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:40 pm
by northland10
raison de arizona wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 2:03 pm Speaking of Tennessee...
The Tennessee Holler @TheTNHoller wrote: Hi 👋🏽— Can someone please explain to us how @MarshaBlackburn is claiming her bill is responsible for all these things happening when it hasn’t even passed?
A few things on this...

1. She tweeted that in July 2021.

2. Yes, her original bill did not pass yet, nor would it ever since it was a 116th Congress bill (i.e. 2019-2020) so it was dead in July since that was a new congress.

3. Apparently, some of the language of her bill was added to the NDAA for the fiscal year 2021. It was passed by both houses and VETOED by Trump. Congress overrode the veto.

Being an incredibly long NDAA bill, I am not going to try and figure out what parts of the Open Technology Fund bill ended up in the NDAA or whether it has anything to do with her claim.

She did vote to override the veto. The Nay's on that override is quite the diverse mix (the house had the same type of diverse mix - AOC/Tlaib/Omar on the same Nay side with Goober/Gosar/Gaetz).

Booker (D-NJ)
Braun (R-IN)
Cotton (R-AR)
Cruz (R-TX)
Hawley (R-MO)
Kennedy (R-LA)
Lee (R-UT)
Markey (D-MA)
Merkley (D-OR)
Paul (R-KY)
Sanders (I-VT)
Warren (D-MA)
Wyden (D-OR)

Looks to be the same group who voted no on the final bill.

The Spineless Gentleman from South Carolina was Not Voting both times.

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 9:30 am
by raison de arizona
Imma put this here, because screw Alabama and the banjo on their knee.
Alabama man gets to keep ‘Let’s go Brandon’ plate, state even apologizes
Alabama, in a sudden reversal, will allow an Oneonta man to keep his personalized license plate that slams President Joe Biden. The state even apologized for its original effort to take back the plate.

Nathan Kirk, owner of Blount County Tactical gun store, personalized his license plate with the acronym LGBFJB, a reference to the political chant “Let’s go Brandon” followed by a vulgar insult of Biden.

To make the message even clearer, Kirk told that he added a “don’t tread on me” plate cover which has the words “Let’s go Brandon” on it.

“I see it as a goofy tag,” Kirk told on Tuesday, “But the meaning behind it does seem like a victory. Not like I was just throwing a fit that somebody told me I couldn’t do something, it was the principle is what I was fighting for.”

Kirk applied for the specialized license plate in October and received it after paying $700. Then, in a letter dated Feb. 17, the Alabama Department of Revenue explained that registration for the plate would not be renewed due to objectionable language.
Yup, it appears this dirtbag paid $700 to put FJB on his plate to own the libs.

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 9:35 am
by neonzx
I feel so very PWNED by them.

:popcorn: :yawn:

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 2:40 pm
by raison de arizona
I'm about sick of so-called patriots.

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:42 pm
by poplove
raison de arizona wrote: Thu Mar 17, 2022 2:40 pm I'm about sick of so-called patriots.
https: //
All for the attention. Sad thing is that anyone can run for sheriff here in Clark County as there is no requirement for any kind of LE credentials. Our current candidates aren't great, but at least the top contenders have LE background.

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 11:22 am
by raison de arizona
Lieu: Let me now tell you all the actions that House Republican leadership took against these two Republican members who attended and spoke at a white nationalist conference

I yield back

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:01 am
by Shizzle Popped
Senator Says Legalizing Interracial Marriage Was a Mistake, Backtracks Unconvincingly
Republican Sen. Mike Braun is attempting a rather unconvincing cleanup job after telling reporters on Tuesday that the Supreme Court was wrong to strike down state laws banning interracial marriage in its landmark 1967 decision, Loving vs. Virginia.

Braun, the junior senator from Indiana, made his comments during a media call in which he argued that policy issues should generally be left in the hands of state governments whenever possible, especially in the case of abortion.

“So you would be OK with the Supreme court leaving the question of interracial marriage to the states?” a reporter asked.

“Yes,” Braun answered. “I think that that’s something that if you’re not wanting the Supreme Court to weigh in on issues like that, you’re not going to be able to have your cake and eat it too. I think that’s hypocritical.“
:snippity: ... ingly.html

Indiana just can't stop embarrassing itself. These are the people my neighbors vote for. Ugh. I do miss the left coast.

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:17 am
by raison de arizona
Saw that with Senator Braun. He’s already looking past an overturned Roe v Wade as a vehicle to overturn interracial marriage along with a host of other issues. A nasty piece of work, and a glimpse of what is in store.

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:21 am
by AndyinPA
Cornyn was driving me crazy at the hearing for Judge Brown yesterday when he was talking about the SC overturning legislation and the voters' will. He won't mind it one bit when they overturn Roe v Wade. And that host of other issues. :mad:

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:47 am
by Suranis
*straining to keep his mouth shut*

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:48 am
by Jim
Marjorie Taylor Greene Inadvertently Exposes Ugly Truth About GOP In New Ad
The reality of the GOP in 2022 is laid bare in extremist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) own words in a progressive group’s biting new attack ad.

Greene’s claim that lawmakers like her are “not the fringe” but “the base of the party” is put on loop in the edited, online spot that the PAC MeidasTouch released Tuesday.

The conspiracy theorist’s comments are cut alongside footage of her parroting Kremlin talking points about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) calling Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a “thug” and former President Donald Trump hailing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggression toward his neighboring country as “genius.”

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 1:15 pm
by Chilidog

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:57 am
by Volkonski

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:01 pm
by Volkonski

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:16 pm
by AndyinPA ... -rcna21459
Utah state lawmakers on Friday overrode their Republican governor’s veto of a bill that would ban transgender students from playing girls’ sports, ensuring the controversial piece of legislation will go into effect.

During a special session called specifically to consider a veto override, both Republican-controlled chambers of the state Legislature met the two-thirds threshold to revive the bill.

The measure passed 21-8 in the Senate and 56-18 in the House. Ten Republicans in Utah's state House and five in the state Senate who had previously voted against the bill changed their votes to support the bill during the override session. Both chambers voted on Friday without additional debate.

Under the forthcoming law, transgender girls will be prohibited from playing on school sports teams aligning with their gender identity. The bill’s language bars “a student of the male sex from competing against another school on a team designated for female students.” It defines “sex” as the “biological, physical condition of being male or female, determined by an individual’s genetics and anatomy at birth.”
I posted about this here the other day. The governor made such a good case for vetoing it. :( ... 985#p92985

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:20 pm
by June bug
I remember your previous post, Andy. And I absolutely agree the governor’s message was spot on.

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2022 5:35 pm
by Greatgrey
Tiredretiredlawyer wrote: Tue Nov 02, 2021 12:00 pm ... n-his-case
GOP lawmaker, indicted after lying to the FBI, now banned by a judge from being alone with evidence

Last week, the Department of Justice announced that Nebraska Rep. Jeff Fortenberry was indicted for lying to the FBI over foreign donations made to his campaign.

Thursday, Judge Stanley Blumfeld took the unusual step of making sure the nine-term Republican couldn’t monkey around with witnesses or handle evidence without being supervised. Blumfeld’s order “would prohibit Fortenberry from taking notes or ‘memorializing’ the evidence, and even requires his lawyers to ensure he is ‘never left alone with any Cooperator Materials,’” according to reporting by The Daily Beast’s Roger Sollenberger.

Fortenberry was charged with “concealing information and making false statements to federal authorities who were investigating illegal contributions made by a foreign national to the congressman’s 2016 re-election campaign,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California.
Convicted & gone… resignation effective March 31.

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 12:03 pm
by AndyinPA
I couldn't decide where to put this, but ended up with it here. ... me-tax-cut
JACKSON, Miss. —

Mississippi, one of the poorest states in the nation with perpetually underfunded schools and struggling rural hospitals, had its largest-ever tax cut passed by lawmakers Sunday.

The Republican-controlled state House and Senate voted by wide margins to pass a bill that would reduce the state income tax over four years, beginning in 2023. The bill goes to Republican Gov. Tate Reeves. He has indicated he will sign it into law.

“This affects every Mississippian that gets up and goes to work,” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Josh Harkins, a Republican from Flowood, said Sunday.

Supporters say a significant tax cut could spur economic growth and attract new residents to Mississippi, which was one of three states that lost population during the decade before the 2020 Census.

“This tax cut will make Mississippi one of the most work-friendly states in the nation,” said Republican House Speaker Philip Gunn.
I used to think that republicans would one day have to accept that their tax cuts equals a better life for all BS is just that. Most likely, they long ago knew that it was BS, but it's a great grift they have going there, for themselves and their rich friends.

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:00 pm
by Atticus Finch
Work friendly? You couldn't pay me enough to work and live in Mississippi. State Motto: Thank God for oh yeah we are the worst, never mind."

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:23 pm
by raison de arizona


Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 12:19 am
by AndyinPA
:brickwallsmall: :brickwallsmall: :brickwallsmall:

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:33 pm
by Volkonski

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:18 pm
by RTH10260
Labour shortage? Was she speaking in front of UK or US listeners :?:

Re: Republicans behaving badly

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 4:44 pm
by raison de arizona
Nick Adams @NickAdamsinUSA wrote: Raise your daughters to be like Tiffany and Ivanka Trump, NOT Ketanji Brown Jackson and Michelle Obama!
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