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Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:34 am
by RVInit
neeneko wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 7:34 pm
roadscholar wrote: Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:24 pm They regularly applaud soldiers and cops for accepting profound risk to serve and protect. They praise them for putting their lives on the line for community and country; as well they should, and so do we.

So... why not support COVID vaccinations as being the same?
Because 'serving' and 'protecting' are not why they support soldiers and cops in the first place? They like authority figures because of their power and how the idea of that power makes them feel. Soldiers and cops hurt the people conservatives do not like, and they do it because it makes conservatives feel important/superior.

Vaccinations stop suffering and reduce risk, something they have no interest in.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:54 am
by RVInit
RTH10260 wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:23 pm
Half the country are so saturated with media that encourages black and white, every problem has a simple solution, no such thing as learning and evolving and adjusting your opinions based on learning and collection more information. We can teach kids critical thinking skills all day long. And those skills were taught when I went to school. But if, as an adult, you immerse yourself in right wing black and white, everything is simple talking points all day long you lose the ability to think for yourself. The same people who watch Fox propaganda day in and day out all went to school at the same time I did and they all learned, and have now abandoned, critical thinking.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:04 am
by raison de arizona
Volkonski wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:11 pm Most forks are made of 316 stainless steel or silver and aren't magnetic.

The mass of material injected during Covid 19 vaccinations is very small. Even if it were magnetic it would not have a strong enough magnetic field to hold something against a body.
Well how do you explain THIS then?!?

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:05 am
by RTH10260
"See - it's on the internet - it must be true" :!:

:brickwallsmall: :twisted:

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:36 am
by bill_g
Dr. Dime is eloquent but stupid. When people speak with enough confidence and authority, they gain an audience unfortunately.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:39 am
by raison de arizona
bill_g wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:36 am Dr. Dime is eloquent but stupid. When people speak with enough confidence and authority, they gain an audience unfortunately.
It pains me to see these names from my anti-vax activism days, er anti-anti-vax activism, make that. Anyway, I hate seeing these same names pop up over a decade later. I'm sure they've just developed their slime that much slimier over the years.


Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:57 am
by Foggy
Yeah, I got vaccinated and my whole body is covered in forks. :crazy:

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:48 am
by northland10
I'm sad... I still drop metal things from time to time.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:49 am
by raison de arizona
northland10 wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:48 am I'm sad... I still drop metal things from time to time.
I'd love to drop metal things. I drop things like... eggs. Ack!

What vaccination makes eggs stick to you?

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:03 am
by RTH10260
Isn't this the guy who was once responsible for the bestest health of an impotus?
Ron Johnson: YouTube suspends Republican senator for seven days over Covid misinformation
Alex Woodward
Fri, June 11, 2021, 10:54 PM·1 min read

YouTube has removed a video and suspended Republican US Senator Ron Johnson from posting for seven days after violating the platform’s Covid-19 misinformation policies.

The senator promoted use of the drugs hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin to treat Covid-19, despite the platform’s policy that prohibits “content that promotes prevention methods that contradict local health authorities” or the World Health Organization.

“YouTube’s arrogant Covid censorship continues,” he said on Friday. “How many lives will be lost as a result? How many lives could have been saved with a free exchange of medical ideas? This suppression of speech should concern every American.” ... 47298.html

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:28 am
by bill_g
Houston hospital suspends 178 employees who refused Covid-19 vaccination

Nearly 25,000 of Houston Methodist's staff members have been fully inoculated against Covid-19 as part of a vaccination requirement announced in April.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:49 am
by bob
RTH10260 wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:03 am Isn't this the guy who was once responsible for the bestest health of an impotus?
Senator Johnson is not Representative Jackson.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 12:03 pm
by RTH10260
bob wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:49 am
RTH10260 wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:03 am Isn't this the guy who was once responsible for the bestest health of an impotus?
Senator Johnson is not Representative Jackson.
Thanks - got some names mixed up.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:10 pm
by LM K
bill_g wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:28 am Houston hospital suspends 178 employees who refused Covid-19 vaccination

Nearly 25,000 of Houston Methodist's staff members have been fully inoculated against Covid-19 as part of a vaccination requirement announced in April.
117 employees have filed a lawsuit. It will fail. Lawsuit is at the linky.
Several Houston Methodist nurses and employees protested the vaccine requirement that goes into effect after Monday, June 7.

“I took my mask off, threw my mask on, walked out the door, and here I am,” nurse Jennifer Bridges said. “They are not doing the right thing. They need to give people choices. They can’t force things upon people.” :violin:

Bridges organized a demonstration outside of Houston Methodist Hospital in Baytown where dozens of supporters and employees voiced concern over the issue.

“I feel like they kind of bullied us into this little corner like you have to do it or you don’t have a job. This is my only source of income,” ER nurse Amanda Rivera said. Rivera is not on the lawsuit but supports the cause. :violin:

“My suspension starts tomorrow. It will be two weeks with no pay and if you don’t comply, you go to termination,” Rivera said. :violin:

Houston Methodist released the following statement in regards to the walkout:

Last week, a lawsuit was filed against Houston Methodist over its mandate for “requiring its employees to be injected with an experimental vaccine as a condition of employment,” according to the lawsuit, filed by attorney Jared R. Woodfill.

Woodfill said he is representing 117 workers who are included in the suit, including Jennifer Bridges a Houston Methodist nurse who said her last day was Monday.

The lawsuit states that for the first time in U.S. history, an employer is forcing its employees to be vaccinated “with an experimental COVID-19 mRNA gene modification injection” or be fired. Monday, June 7 is the deadline for employees to be vaccinated.

“Methodist Hospital is forcing its employees to be human “guinea pigs” as a condition for continued employment,” the lawsuit states.

Woodfill states that employees should have freedom of choice to take the vaccine without “force, deceit, fraud, threat, solicitation, or any type of binding or coercion.” He said the mandate is a violation of the Nuremberg Code and the public policy of the state of Texas. :lol: :mad:

Dr. Marc Boom, president and CEO of Houston Methodist responded to the lawsuit with the following statement:
"It is unfortunate that the few remaining employees who refuse to get vaccinated and put our patients first are responding in this way. It is legal for health care institutions to mandate vaccines, as we have done with the flu vaccine since 2009. The COVID-19 vaccines have proven through rigorous trials to be very safe and very effective and are not experimental. More than 165 million people in the U.S. alone have received vaccines against COVID-19, and this has resulted in the lowest numbers of infections in our country and in the Houston region in more than a year."

We proudly stand by our employees and our mission to protect our patients.
"The lawsuit states that for the first time in U.S. history, an employer is forcing its employees to be vaccinated “with an experimental COVID-19 mRNA gene modification injection”...

Loser argument. Covid-19 never existed until recently.

The speed at which the covid-19 vaccine was developed has concerned many people. Typically, I think that is a reasonable concern under normal circumstances. These are not normal circumstances. And the contagious period is unusually long.

My sister is a critical care nurse. She worked on covid units. From Oct-Dec, she and I were on FMLA to care for our dying father. She was resistant to being vaccinated for covid-19 because the vaccine was developed so quickly. Her opinion changed on her first day of return from leave. "This is not what this was like in the spring ... it's so much worse". She received her first vaccination the next day. (Her unit has 60 beds. On average, 9 patients were dying each day during the winter surge.)

The lawyer's assertion that mandatory vaccination is a violation of the Nuremberg Code is beyond offensive.

Antivaxxers don't want consequences for their choice. Employees are not being "bullied". They have a choice: get vaccinated or leave. That is a choice. These employees aren't victims.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:15 pm
by northland10
It's already dismissed.

ETA - A federal case was dismissed. I don't know about the Montgomery County Case.
ETA again - the Montgomery County court case was removed to Federal court.

The docket ... -hospital/
The order on dismissal ... 3.18.0.pdf

Judge rules in favor of a Houston hospital requiring employees to be vaccinated against Covid-19
Updated 3:45 PM ET, Sun June 13, 2021

(CNN)A judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Houston Methodist Hospital by employees who opposed a Covid-19 vaccine mandate as a condition of employment.

On Saturday, US District Court Judge Lynn Hughes ruled against Jennifer Bridges and 116 of her fellow Houston Methodist coworkers who sued to block the Covid-19 vaccination requirement. Houston Methodist Hospital moved to dismiss the case.
Bridges and her co-workers claimed the Covid-19 vaccines used in the US were "experimental and dangerous," and that it would be "wrongful" to be terminated for refusing the get vaccinated.
The privately run Houston Methodist Hospital countered, saying not only were Bridges' claims untrue, but that under Texas law, workers are protected from termination only if they refuse to commit a criminal act that carries criminal penalties.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:28 pm
by northland10
The judge did mention that equating the injection requirement to medical experimentation in concentration camps is reprehensible.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:36 pm
by LM K
Lawsuit dismissed. Ruling at the linky.
A federal judge on Saturday dismissed a lawsuit brought by 117 Houston Methodist staff over the hospital's policy requiring all employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Why it matters: This is the first federal court ruling on a coronavirus vaccine mandate. Attorney Jared Woodfill, representing the plaintiffs, told KHOU 11 it's "the first battle in a long fight," as he vowed to file another lawsuit soon. :roll:
Well, a new lawsuit won't help your clients on bit.
Driving the news: U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes noted in the ruling that the federal government has advised that companies can require workers to get vaccines.

He rejected the lawsuit's argument that the mandate of the hospital in Houston, Texas, was unlawful.

"This is not coercion," Hughes said. "Methodist is trying to do their business of saving lives without giving them the COVID-19 virus. It is a choice made to keep staff, patients and their families safer."

Hughes called the plaintiffs' argument equating the injection requirement to medical experimentation in Nazi concentration camps "reprehensible."

The big picture: Houston Methodist suspended 178 employees without pay for 14 days last Tuesday for failing to comply with the mandate.

Hughes earlier this month denied the plaintiffs' request for a temporary restraining order to block the suspension.

The judge said the public interest in "caring for patients during a pandemic far outweighs protecting the vaccination preferences of 116 employees," noting the staff were "jeopardizing" their own health" and that of others.

What they're saying: Houston Methodist said in an emailed statement that it was pleased the judge had dismissed the "frivolous lawsuit" that "falsely claimed" COVID-19 vaccines were unsafe.

The hospital pointed to the administering of over 300 million doses in the U.S. and falls in positive cases and hospitalizations as proof that vaccines do work.

Marc Boom, president and CEO of Houston Methodist said in the statement: "We can now put this behind us ... All our employees have now met the requirements of the vaccine policy and I couldn't be prouder of them."
The plaintiffs have now all had the first injection, as have all the other employees who didn't want to vaccinate.

I'm not sure whom is going to pay for a new lawsuit. I doubt any of the 117 previous plaintiffs plan to pay him.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:41 pm
by LM K
The lead plaintiff said that she "refuses" to be "a human guinea pig".

But she was vaccinated when put on unpaid leave.

ETA: The hospital said that 100% of employees have had their first injection.

The lead plaintiff, Jennifer Bridges, likely has not been vaccinated. More in my next comment.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:06 pm
by Dave from down under
Maybe some ex employees
Is why it is 100%

Their bodies their choice not to be employed

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:14 pm
by LM K
I've been reviewing some of the exhibits filed in the lawsuit.

Jennifer Bridges, the lead plaintiff, filed the following affidavit on Sat. Page one is below as an attachment.
Jennifer Bridges Affidavit 6/11/21
Jennifer Bridges Affidavit 6/11/21
IMG_13062021_155443_(900_x_900_pixel).jpg (249.03 KiB) Viewed 2299 times

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:18 pm
by LM K
Dave from down under wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:06 pm Maybe some ex employees
Is why it is 100%

Their bodies their choice not to be employed
I'm not sure. Employees have another week to be vaccinated. However, the mandatory leave was unpaid. Getting the first jab allowed employees to be reinstated.

It will be interesting to see if Bridges decides to be vaccinated. I doubt we will find out unless she files another lawsuit or appeals yesterday's ruling.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:18 pm
by bbflatt
Can you say "at-will employment" boys and girls, sure, I knew you could.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:21 pm
by Frater I*I
bbflatt wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:18 pm Can you say "at-will employment" boys and girls, sure, I knew you could.
Looks like those right-to-work laws are gonna haunt the GQP base....

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:26 pm
by Tiredretiredlawyer
Federal judge dismisses lawsuit from Texas hospital employees over COVID vaccine requirement
U.S. district judge Lynn N. Hughes said in his ruling that claims that the vaccines are dangerous are "false, and it is also irrelevant." Hughes noted that Texas law "only protects employees from being terminated for refusing to commit an act carrying criminal penalties to the worker," and that receiving a COVID-19 vaccine "is not an illegal act."

"Equating the injection requirement to medical experimentation in concentration camps is reprehensible," Hughes wrote. "Nazi doctors conducted medical experiments on victims that caused pain, mutilation, permanent disability, and in many cases, death."

As of Monday, nearly 25,000 employees had been fully inoculated against COVID-19. Two employees who worked in management chose to leave rather than receive the vaccine. Jennifer Bridges, a registered nurse, started a petition against the the policy and is leading the lawsuit against Houston Methodist.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:47 pm
by LM K
I don't think the lead plaintiff is still employed.
The Houston Methodist employees
resisting the policy note that the vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are still not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. They're instead being administered through an emergency use authorization.

But some of the vaccines are now up for full approval, and since the initial rollout, their use has been authorized for more and more parts of the population as health experts deem their side effects and symptoms to be negligible — especially compared with the potential risks posed by COVID-19. The disease has caused more than 3.7 million deaths worldwide, and some of those infected by the coronavirus have suffered long-term debilitating effects.

"We just want more time," Houston Methodist nurse Jennifer Bridges recently said of the employees' hesitancy to get the vaccine. "We want it fully FDA-approved, and we want more proper research before I'd be comfortable putting it into my body."

In an interview with NPR's Here & Now, Bridges also said that even if the FDA gives full approval to the vaccines, she would still steer clear.

"There's no long-term data," she said. "So even if they approve it right now, there's still nothing to say what could possibly happen two, three, four years down the road."
Bridges told NPR that she won't get the vaccine even if the vaccine is fully FDA approved. Well, the entire basis for the lawsuit is that the vaccines aren't fully approved.

But, hey, she just "wants more time"! It sounds like she thinks "more time" means years from now.

I doubt that Bridges is still employed.

She's going to find it very difficult to find another job in nursing if she continues to refuse to be vaccinated.