2022 Florida Senate race

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raison de arizona
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2022 Florida Senate race


Post by raison de arizona »

Rubio commented on tfg's loser status. More comments from Rs in thread at link.
https://twitter.com/igorbobic/status/16 ... 16928?s=20
Igor Bobic @igorbobic wrote: “The jury is a joke. The whole case is a joke;” Rubio says of Trump being found liable for sexual battery in NY

Rubio dismissed Trump being found liable of defamation: “If someone accuses me of raping them and I didn’t do it, and you’re innocent, of course you’re going to say something about it…it was a joke.”
Brief reminder of what kind of guy Rubio is:
https://twitter.com/JoanneIntrator/stat ... 215938?s=20
Joanne Intrator @JoanneIntrator wrote: The worst of these may be Rubio. When Trump vehicles in Texas committed assault with a deadly weapon, trying to run a Biden bus off a public road, Rubio at a Trump rally said, "We love that kind of thing in Florida." Rubio openly supported a violent crime!
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Dr. Ken
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2022 Florida Senate race


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Slim Cognito
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2022 Florida Senate race


Post by Slim Cognito »

This season of celebrity apprentice sucks.
My Crested Yorkie, Gilda and her amazing hair.

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