The dregs of birther remainders.

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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by realist »

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

The comments to that post are "interesting." :lol:

If any of those posters believe Chief Jutice Roberts or anyone as SCOTUS ever read that pile of crap that Taitz dumped on him, or that Durham has or will, they are even dumber than I imagined.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Luke »

:rotflmao: Thanks, Bob, hadn't looked at her stye in a long time either. Orly Taitz is so hard up she approved those Obot comments.

Foggy gave her golden advice years ago, she needed to do something SPECTACULAR to get back on top. Heck, I was ready to get her on WIFE SWAP. She had it all: fame, demand for her to hold political office, Alan Keyes' cell phone number, almost getting Obama out of office in 30 days... but did she listen? Now, she's just a lonely C- guest on third-rate Russian YouTube interviews (albeit with great makeup and fashion choices). It's now 226 days since Orly posted on Twitter, we still have her on #BirtherWatch. Pitiful.

But it's not too late -- Show us, Orly! File another birther case and DEMAND John Roberts hear it! If she's too scared to go it alone, maybe she can combine the case with Rev Dr Laity Esq Supplicant's case and really scare them. Laity can get the info fast-tracked on the Post and Email.

But wait -- why doesn't she list her webstye on the CA Bar site? She is missing tons of free advertising.

Taitz CA Bar.JPG
Taitz CA Bar.JPG (79.24 KiB) Viewed 2091 times ... ail/223433

Shocking she hasn't opened up any more dental offices (that's what the canceled notations are).

OT Dental.JPG
OT Dental.JPG (55.2 KiB) Viewed 2091 times
OT Dentist.JPG
OT Dentist.JPG (113.15 KiB) Viewed 2091 times ... de45358c37

Realist, fess up, were you taino21 or Davey Crockett? :lol: :lol:
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

P&E Will Fanning and High-Profile Attorney Husband Sue over Accurate Statements?:
On Monday former law professor David Clements claimed on his Telegram channel that a woman writing under the name “Mary Fanning” and her husband, longtime Kirkland & Ellis attorney Gregg Kirchhoefer, threatened him with a lawsuit for reposting comments made on Telegram by Atty. Lin Wood.

* * *

“Gregg Kirchhoefer and Mary Fanning-Kirchhoefer’s not-so-subtle threat to file a lawsuit against me with their 3,000 attorneys aka the ‘sleeping giant’ is laughable,” Clements began his post.

Now the host of a Rumble channel and a public speaker focusing on election integrity, Clements’s biography states he was an assistant law professor at New Mexico State University, assistant district attorney and trial attorney. He has appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Steve Bannon’s “War Room” and spoken at Clay Clark’s “Reawaken America” Tours as shown on his website.

Clements continued his Telegram post with:
Clements wrote:I know defamation law. I’m a subject matter expert. I’ve personally handled defamation cases, including the frivolous ones. Taught it at university.

To threaten someone that is a defamation expert, that can represent himself, loves trial, and has probably done more trials than anyone at Kirkland Ellis is not wise.
A high-profile career trial attorney and acquaintance of Clements, Wood filed a lawsuit following the November 3, 2020 election against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger for entering into a settlement agreement which Wood contended violated state election law. After its dismissal at the state level, Wood’s appeal to a federal district court was also rejected.

* * *

Regarding the “threat” he said he received from Fanning and Kirchhoefer, Clements wrote in a separate post, “Republishing questions based in fact posted by another is not defamatory,” and “I invited Gregg and Mary to follow through on their threats.”

* * *

The full text of Clements’s post reads:
► Show Spoiler
Clements is likely correct :eek: that a defamation suit against him (or Wood) will fail because ... wait for it! ... actual malice.

Questions arising from Clements’s posts include:

Will a Kirchhoefer/Fanning lawsuit against Clements boomerang?
A: Yes, because discovery will be detrimental to Mary Fanning, who has remained in the shadows.

Why has Fanning never disclosed her relationship to Kirkland and its relationship to Dominion given her once-close working relationship with Lindell, who Dominion has sued for $1.3 billion and Lindell has countersued for even more?

As the individual who promoted Montgomery’s alleged possession of “PCAPS” data indicating Chinese election-tampering to Lindell, is Fanning responsible for the implosion of Lindell’s Cyber Symposium, where Montgomery’s evidence was expected to be released but never was?

Given that Clements’s statements appear to be accurate, what is the underlying motivation behind Kirchhoefer and Fanning’s threat to sue?
If Mary Fanning is indeed an operative, is her cover being intentionally blown?
A: The Post & Email has become privy to certain information dating back to 2019 which may eventually shed light on the above questions.
Any. DAY. NOW! :yawn:

And Rondeau doesn't explain who asked these questions, and who answered some of them. (Hint: Rondeau, and Rondeau.)

Bonus bonus:
Fanning and Jones have promoted Montgomery’s claims without corroboration, substantiation or validation and often report new claims sourced to Montgomery incorporating current events.
Oh, the irony.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Luke »

Has anyone suggested that since Rharon knows so much about this, she'd be an ideal expert witness? :lol:
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Sam the Centipede »

:o Doctor! Orlylicious is off his meds and talking nonsense! He used the words "ideal" and "expert" in a comment about that harpy!
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

P&E: Are Mary Fanning’s Chickens Coming Home to Roost?:
The website for the Missouri courts shows a lawsuit filed on behalf of four plaintiffs in early January against individuals “Brannon Howse,” “Mary Fanning,” and “Alan Jones” in a civil matter to be adjudicated in St. Louis in May.

The plaintiffs are The Gateway Pundit, formally known as “TGP Communications LLC” and owned and operated by Jim Hoft; his brother, Joe Hoft; intelligence specialist Yaacov Apelbaum and his company, XRVision.

* * *

Whether or not [any] particular American Report article served as the catalyst for the lawsuit filed last month is unknown since the documents are not publicly available.*

* * *

While the state of Missouri does not allow the general public to see briefs, motions and other documents associated with filed cases, as it stated in an email reply to this writer, it permits certain information such as the assigned jurist, case type place of adjudication and timeline of events are available.
Kudos to Rondeau: The Hoft Brothers suing Fanning and Jones is newsworthy.

* Rondeau, predictably, gets this wrong: The documents are publicly available; they just aren't online and easily accessible.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Luke »

Where's Mike Lindell's comment on all this???

What a fight! :boxing: Word around town is that it will be a fight to the death. Of course, its unlikely we'll get a public comment from the 699th, but this photo of the Ref has been circulating in poot circles:

Dach Ref.jpg
Dach Ref.jpg (153.21 KiB) Viewed 1883 times

Once again, Yaacov Apelbaum shows... only the best people. Scoop Rondeau should start publishing regular columns from Yaacov, surely there would be huge demand at the P&E and her millions of readers would gain valuable insight (and most don't know how to click to another website). If she blows it (again), Foggy should snatch him up. It appears his blog is Don't know if Charles Edward Lincoln III (is he still alive?) has seen it, but think he'd be impressed.
However, in a statement to BuzzFeed News on Thursday, XRVision claims that the Washington Times story is a lie.

“Our attorney is in contact with the Washington Times and has instructed them to ‘Cease and Desist’ from any claims regarding sourcing of XRVision analytics, to retract the current claims, and publish an apology,” the facial recognition company said.

The Washington Times appears to have removed their article from their site on Thursday.

While they disputed the fact that the Washington Times received their "analytics," they did acknowledge doing an analysis: "Shortly after the rioting started, XRVision performed an analysis on the video footage and identified several individuals. This information was shared with Federal LEA." Though they state they did not identify any of the individuals as members of antifa.

It should be noted that XRVision is a shady entity and there is very little evidence that they produce functional facial recognition software.

XRVision's CTO, Yaacov Apelbaum has a lengthy history online connecting him to right-wing conspiracy theories. Apelbaum runs a blog that has been shared by far right-wing outlets like The Gateway Pundit and by Q, of QAnon fame. The company’s LinkedIn page also shares these conspiracies, including a claim that they helped right-wing provocateur James O’Keefe of Project Veritas on a since-debunked hit piece on Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.

On Friday, FBI Assistant Director Steven D'Antuono confirmed that there is no evidence that antifa was involved in the attack on the Capitol. ... nce-debunk
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

A letter by Attorney Orly Taitz to the US Sec. of Energy, need to end Putin’s oil imports, replace them with increased US energy production
Taitz wrote:Re: Need to end oil imports from Russia during the invasion into Ukraine and need to replace it with the domestic energy

Dear Secretary Granholm,

Today, American citizens are glued to TVs and watch in horror Putin’s invasion into Ukraine. We all understand, that if unchecked, it’s Ukraine-today, other European countries tomorrow, World War III -day after tomorrow, as further invasion will trigger Article 5 of the NATO charter, which will demand US involvement.

So, what can we do to stop this invasion? The most recent data from the US Energy Information Administration shows that the US increased its oil imports (crude and refined oil products) by 28% in the first 11 months of 2021. When it comes to crude oil only, US doubled the imports of crude oil in 2021.

The U.S. imports two types of oil from Russia: crude oil and refined products such as gasoline and kerosene. Last June, the U.S. imported 848,000 barrels per day of crude oil and refined petroleum products from Russia.

Today the price for crude oil reached $102 per barrel. A simple multiplication shows that we send to Putin

$86, 496,000 every day for his oil. President Biden recently authorized $350 million for military aid to Ukraine. That constitutes just 3 days of oil payments that Biden send to Putin. We are sending $31,571,040,000 every year to Putin to feed his military machine.

So, Ms. Granholm, American citizens are inquiring, what is your plan, as the Secretary of Energy, to end the US imports of Putin’s oil, stop feeding his war machine and increase the US domestic energy production to replace roughly 850,000 barrels that we get from Russia?

First, and most clear step, appears to be the need to reverse the ban on Keystone Pacific pipeline,* to bring more oil from your native Canada to refineries in Texas to produce more gasoline and kerosene from the oil produced in North America.

Secondly, there is a need for more oil and gas exploration permits in the US, on federal lands. The argument that it hurts the environment does not hold water. It is one planet. If oil is not produced in the US, it is produced in Russia, it is the same effect on the planet, but, when produced in Russia, it also feeds Putin’s invasions and totalitarianism, and the environmental standards in Russia in oil production are lower than in US, so it is preferable to produce oil and gas in the US.

Thirdly, there is a need for increase in renewable energy production and the need to decrease the dependence on oil. For example, US government can provide temporary tax waivers to manufacturers of electric cars, like Tesla, with the understanding that those savings will be passed directly to consumers. This plan would make electric cars much cheaper, more affordable. Electricity is already more affordable than gasoline. The end result of this policy would be a significant reduction in the need for oil, less oil imports from Putin, less money going to feed Putin’s war machine.

There are more policies that could be instituted, at least temporary, until the invasion into Ukraine ends and reparations are paid to Ukraine and its citizens.

I would love to discuss this matter further. I hope to get answers, not just for myself, but for US citizens who are deeply concerned with the situation in Ukraine and possibility of it spiraling further into World War III.

Respectfully, /s/ Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
:twisted: ... roduction/ :twisted:

* This may come as a shock to Taitz, but: the Keystone Pipeline exists; it is a thing; it has been delivering oil for over a decade. Biden revoked the permit for the proposed Alberta-Nebraska extension shortcut.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by W. Kevin Vicklund »

Also, too, the type of oil that that would be transported in that pipeline is generally not used in the US, instead being exported mostly to China.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by northland10 »

Thirdly, there is a need for increase in renewable energy production and the need to decrease the dependence on oil. For example, US government can provide temporary tax waivers...
WTF does she think the Dems have been trying to do for years? Her favorite politicians have been trying to cut the legs out of renewable energy.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

According to Wiki Ukrainian Air Force has 225 planes. Why don’t they use those planes to bomb the convoys of Russian tanks? Where is Ukrainian Sec of Defense, Chief of Staff, Sec of Air Force?
:roll: ... air-force/ :roll:

Is there no problem Taitz cannot fix??!? :roll:

But nice to see this Useful Idiot of Russia be unambiguously against her former puppet masters.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Foggy »

No, she's right this time. I'm sure the Ukrainian military is structured exactly like the US military, yesno?

Whaddya mean, it's a different country? :confuzzled:
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by RTH10260 »

bob wrote: Sat Mar 05, 2022 2:09 pm
According to Wiki Ukrainian Air Force has 225 planes. Why don’t they use those planes to bomb the convoys of Russian tanks? Where is Ukrainian Sec of Defense, Chief of Staff, Sec of Air Force?
:roll: ... air-force/ :roll:

Is there no problem Taitz cannot fix??!? :roll:

But nice to see this Useful Idiot of Russia be unambiguously against her former puppet masters.
Wrong place to actully post the correct reply: the Ukranians do target that 40 mile long convoy. They use drones. Drawback: the drone carries only a single small bomb. Not effective against tanks. But it takes out the Grad trucks with their multiple rocket launcher. And makes the soldiers that are hanging out make a run.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Suranis »

Also: Why bother? That convoy hasn't moved in days, the trucks are very likely to be out of fuel with dead batteries. Basically, why waste the bombs? Plus, the Ukrainians can wander over and grab the material for themselves if/when the situation improves.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

(Un)surprisingly, some of Musk's fanbois are birthers:

This isn't the only exchange like this.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

I had an "interesting" "discussion" with a Musk fanboi (on the bird site).

According to the fanboi: Musk may be natural-born citizen because:

1. Musk's maternal grandfather was a U.S. citizen [this is true].
2. Musk's maternal grandfather conveyed U.S. citizenship to Musk's mother (despite her not being born in the United States).*
3. Musk's mother then conveyed U.S. citizenship to Musk (despite him not being born in the United States).
4. There is sekrit not fully litigated English law that says citizenship-by-descent is different when it is natural-born-citizenship-by-descent; in other words, it is possible that Musk is a natural-born citizen (under English law, as it existed at the time of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution) but not a U.S. citizen (under contemporary U.S. law).

To state the obvious: Musk was not born in the United States, and his parents weren't U.S. citizens when he was born. (A "foreigner," in the vernacular.)

But, to quote the sage Steve Perry, "Don't Stop Believing!"


* I have not extensively researched Musk's mother and maternal grandparents, but they extensively traveled the world. Nor have I extensively researched the citizenship laws when Musk's mother was born. But it appears she either never acquired U.S. citizenship (due to her parents' extensive traveling) or perhaps lost it (due to her lack of residency in the United States) before his being born.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by W. Kevin Vicklund »

If mother was never resident in the US, she can't pass birthright citizenship on to Elon Musk. I'm assuming father and his family are not US citizens or nationals. My first sentence is true both under English common and statutory law at the time of the Founding, and current US law.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Suranis »

Also, that English law specifically did not grant citizenship through the mother. We researched that one time when we were wondering whether FATUS was a dual British citizen the same way Obama unknowingly was a dual Kenyan citizen till he was 21.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

P&E: Clements: Cyber Symposium “Tainted” by “Fraudster”.

Only one? :rotflmao:

This is, of course, Yet Another Screed against Montgomery (and Fanning). :yawn:

Since March 17, 2017, Fanning and Jones have promoted dozens of Montgomery’s claims, which are often associated with current news stories and almost invariably lead back to his allegation, made in 2013 to then-Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, that a government super-computer, “The Hammer,” had been turned on Americans by the U.S. intelligence community to collect personal information without a warrant.

“The Hammer” spied on Trump, his family, and many of his employees, Montgomery alleged, and gathered personal information on members of the U.S. Supreme Court, other federal courts and prominent media personalities, among others.

Interestingly, for five years, Fanning and Jones have advanced the “Hammer” narrative without presenting any proof of Montgomery’s ever-evolving claims, and although inconsistencies and provably false statements abound in their writing, no corrections or retractions have been made.
"Retractions for thee, but not for me," says Rondeau.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

P&E comments:
[some jerk*] wrote:Perhaps Fanning is relying on statements such as this one in 2017 from Mike Zullo: “So we don’t know what this Russian hacking is about, but the other thing Montgomery did alert us to is…[three-letter government agencies] have the ability to make it look like a foreign entity did the breaching when it was actually done within the borders of the United States.”

Or did Zullo retract that assessment?
Rondeau wrote:The Post & Email asked Zullo about your comment, and his reply was, “That statement stands.” He also said he “is of the opinion that everything that happened in 2020 is actually domestic” and “Stay tuned for future articles.”

* :whistle:
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Luke »

This account calls itself TruthSocial but it's not. But here they go around and around and around again...

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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Kriselda Gray »

orlylicious wrote: Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:11 am This account calls itself TruthSocial but it's not. But here they go around and around and around again...
Oh, I wish I could remember the list of things - aside from the fact that Obama was born in Hawaii - that are wrong with that "certificate." There's a bunch of them like the name of the hospital being wrong for the time when Obama was born, the doctor not working there at that time, etc.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by northland10 »

I think we have many different places on Doc's blog, and NBC's, and RC's that go through all that is wrong with He Lucas Smith's Obama BC.

In any case, I see the Russian trolls and their friends are still working hard to stir the pot.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Sam the Centipede »

Kriselda Gray wrote: Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:57 am
orlylicious wrote: Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:11 am This account calls itself TruthSocial but it's not. But here they go around and around and around again...
Oh, I wish I could remember the list of things - aside from the fact that Obama was born in Hawaii - that are wrong with that "certificate." There's a bunch of them like the name of the hospital being wrong for the time when Obama was born, the doctor not working there at that time, etc.
One of the rtells is the use of mm/dd/yyyy dates on this fake - that is an American thing and I am fairly sure that nowhere in the British sphere of influence would use that format, it would be day first. And I suspect more likely to have the month name in letters. So amateurish.
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