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Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 1:53 pm
by neonzx
noblepa wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:10 pm The difference between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated is that the unvaccinated may be shedding the Covid-19 virus, in addition to those skin cells. The vaccinated are shedding only skin cells.
But isn't it, as the skin cells themselves, the virus would already be dead when shed? Why would the virus be alive but the skin cells dead?

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 2:17 pm
by noblepa
neonzx wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:53 pm
noblepa wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:10 pm The difference between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated is that the unvaccinated may be shedding the Covid-19 virus, in addition to those skin cells. The vaccinated are shedding only skin cells.
But isn't it, as the skin cells themselves, the virus would already be dead when shed? Why would the virus be alive but the skin cells dead?
I was actually referring to the spread of the virus through the water vapor in exhaled breath. This is, I believe, one of the primary means of transmission; the virus hitches a ride on the droplets of water vapor in the exhaled breath of the carrier. That's why masks DO work.

Perhaps I should have used quotes on the word "shedding" in that sentence.

And, since the anti-vaxxers can't explain how the vaccination alters one's "genetic material", or even exactly what that genetic material they are talking about, or the mechanism by which such shed genetic material can harm others, it doesn't really matter if the skin cells are living or dead. They still contain genetic material.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 2:33 pm
by p0rtia
LM K wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:42 pm
Antivaxxers flat out reject science. They believe that vaccine shedding will give others the disease that the vaccine is used against. :brickwallsmall:
I believe the technical term is cooties.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 2:54 pm
by LM K
neonzx wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:53 pm But isn't it, as the skin cells themselves, the virus would already be dead when shed? Why would the virus be alive but the skin cells dead?
Vaccines using live cells can cause shedding of live cells, but almost no vaccines use live cells except for the influenza vaccine.

We shed cells when we exhale. Shedding isn't just skin; but I don't know the difference between transmission vs shedding.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 10:57 am
by Lani
Screenshot_2021-05-10 .png
Screenshot_2021-05-10 .png (183.96 KiB) Viewed 2592 times

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 11:09 am
by noblepa
LM K wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 2:54 pm
neonzx wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:53 pm But isn't it, as the skin cells themselves, the virus would already be dead when shed? Why would the virus be alive but the skin cells dead?
Vaccines using live cells can cause shedding of live cells, but almost no vaccines use live cells except for the influenza vaccine.

We shed cells when we exhale. Shedding isn't just skin; but I don't know the difference between transmission vs shedding.
I seriously doubt that the anti-vaxxers have any idea what "shedding" really means, or how it might transmit the disease or some other horrible condition.

It just sounds scary.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 11:25 am
by Tiredretiredlawyer
Cooties!!!!! :rotflmao:

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 11:54 am
by bob ... 4932673538

"Your kids will cherish my three YouTube accounts and my emails from Mike Zullo!"

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 1:06 pm
by Suranis
neonzx wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:53 pm
noblepa wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:10 pm The difference between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated is that the unvaccinated may be shedding the Covid-19 virus, in addition to those skin cells. The vaccinated are shedding only skin cells.
But isn't it, as the skin cells themselves, the virus would already be dead when shed? Why would the virus be alive but the skin cells dead?
Its not the virus they are worried about, its the vaccine. It "Changes your DNA" and then the people who have been vaccinated start spreading mind control skin cells wherever they go, infecting everyone they come on contact with with mind control. Its one of the latest shit that's been doing the rounds.

I think I'll call myself the idiot whisperer.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 12:48 am
by poplove
“Is my family going to need to wear masks to protect ourselves from the vaccinated?” :roll: ... vaccinated

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 1:08 am
by neonzx
poplove wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 12:48 am “Is my family going to need to wear masks to protect ourselves from the vaccinated?” :roll: ... vaccinated
My nutty neighbor took two-steps back when I lifted my sleeve and showed her my bandaid from jab #1. :roll:

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 2:21 am
by LM K
poplove wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 12:48 am “Is my family going to need to wear masks to protect ourselves from the vaccinated?” :roll: ... vaccinated
neonzx wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 1:08 am
poplove wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 12:48 am “Is my family going to need to wear masks to protect ourselves from the vaccinated?” :roll: ... vaccinated
My nutty neighbor took two-steps back when I lifted my sleeve and showed her my bandaid from jab #1. :roll:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 2:49 am
by neonzx
LM K wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 2:21 am
neonzx wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 1:08 am
poplove wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 12:48 am “Is my family going to need to wear masks to protect ourselves from the vaccinated?” :roll: ... vaccinated
My nutty neighbor took two-steps back when I lifted my sleeve and showed her my bandaid from jab #1. :roll:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I think I've said, but she believes the vaccines contain "programs" that will be activated in 2 years. Most of us do not challenge her on her conspiracies. Just smile and nod. 8-)

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 8:42 am
by northland10
poplove wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 12:48 am “Is my family going to need to wear masks to protect ourselves from the vaccinated?” :roll: ... vaccinated
Yes, wearing a mask and self-distancing will protect you from protein/vaccine shedding. Please proceed.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 11:31 am
by Tiredretiredlawyer

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 1:55 pm
by noblepa
northland10 wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 8:42 am
poplove wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 12:48 am “Is my family going to need to wear masks to protect ourselves from the vaccinated?” :roll: ... vaccinated
Yes, wearing a mask and self-distancing will protect you from protein/vaccine shedding. Please proceed.
For the safety of all concerned, I think that this person should move to a deserted island, somewhere in the South Pacific.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 2:14 pm
by noblepa
I have a FaceBook account that I don't pay much attention to.

My sister-in-law, in Florida, has some friends she was discussing covid with.

One poster started on about how "how come all the other flus have achieved herd immunity without vaccines?".

I tried to point out that, first of all, we don't have herd immunity to the flu. Millions of people get it every year. The fact that more don't get it is probably due to the vaccines available to fight it.

Secondly, immunity is achieved primarily through one of two ways: receiving a vaccine, or contracting the disease. In either case, your body is triggered to produce antibodies for the disease.

A conservative estimate is that we need 70 percent of the population to be immune in order to say that we have herd immunity. The number is actually probably higher.

The population of the US is approx. 330,000,000. Seventy percent is 231,000,000 people who would have to contract the disease in order to develop natural immunity. There is also no sure knowledge of how long such immunity will last.

The last I remember hearing is that the fatality rate for Covid-19 is about 4 percent. That means that 9,240,000 people would die before herd immunity were achieved naturally.

And that is just the US.

There has not been a reported case of smallpox anywhere in the world in the last 30+ years. (ETA: I just googled it. The last natural case of smallpox was in 1977. In 1978, there was a lab accident that killed one person, in Birmingham, UK. The disease was officially declared eradicated in 1979, so more than 40 years ago)

Why? Vaccines!

Vaccines work.

Are vaccines 100 percent effective? No. But most are pretty good.

Do vaccines sometimes have undesirable side effects? Yes. But it the case of the Covid-19 vaccines, the side effects are trivial compared to the disease itself. So far, I have heard no reports of anyone dying from the vaccine. Many people have died of the disease. You can't even calculate how much better it is to be vaccinated than to contract the disease, because it involves dividing by zero.

I can almost, sorta, kinda understand someone who is hesitant to receive one of the vaccines, because they are new and were developed somewhat more quickly that is normal for vaccines. I don't agree, but this is not a totally irrational fear.

OTOH, the ones who insist that Bill Gates or George Soros is injecting us with microchips that will track our every move, or control our thoughts, or that the vaccines are intended to kill 90 percent of the world population, are simply morons. Its depressing how many of them there are.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 2:22 pm
by Estiveo
The population of the US is approx. 330,000,000. Seventy percent is 321,000,000 231,000,000 people who would have to contract the disease in order to develop natural immunity. There is also no sure knowledge of how long such immunity will last.
Fixlexia'd yer dyslexia.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 2:24 pm
by noblepa
Estiveo wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 2:22 pm
The population of the US is approx. 330,000,000. Seventy percent is 321,000,000 231,000,000 people who would have to contract the disease in order to develop natural immunity. There is also no sure knowledge of how long such immunity will last.
Fixlexia'd yer dyslexia.
Thanks. I caught that and fixed my post.

Did you hear the one about the agnostic, dyslexic insomniac who was up all night wondering if there really was a dog?

Dyslexics of the world, Untie!

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 2:30 pm
by Atticus Finch
noblepa wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 2:24 pm
Estiveo wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 2:22 pm
The population of the US is approx. 330,000,000. Seventy percent is 321,000,000 231,000,000 people who would have to contract the disease in order to develop natural immunity. There is also no sure knowledge of how long such immunity will last.
Fixlexia'd yer dyslexia.
Thanks. I caught that and fixed my post.

Did you hear the one about the agnostic, dyslexic insomniac who was up all night wondering if there really was a dog?

Dyslexics of the world, Untie!
Dog hates dyslexia.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 2:44 pm
by northland10
noblepa wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 2:14 pm One poster started on about how "how come all the other flus have achieved herd immunity without vaccines?".
What have I been getting poked with every year? Impressive that this person can walk around the world and not notice the annual Flu Shot posters at all the various pharmacies and grocery stores that have pharmacies.

Of course, and there is no herd immunity but they are saved a bit by others taking the vaccine to reduce the spread.

The flu counts were really, really low this year. Masks and social distancing work.

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 3:01 pm
by p0rtia
Yeah, the difference is the mortality rate, and severity:
The death rate among COVID-19 patients was 18.5%, while it was 5.3% for those with the flu. Those with COVID were nearly five times more likely to die than flu patients, according to the study published online Dec. 15 in the BMJ.

The study also found that COVID-19 patients were four times more likely to require breathing machines, nearly 2.5 times more likely to be admitted to intensive care, and stayed in the hospital an average of three days longer than flu patients.
Though I suspect that 18.5 will come down, since we got much better at keeping people alive as the year went on. ... ta-shows#1

And this:
COVID-19: There have been approximately 3,319,169 deaths reported worldwide. In the U.S, 582,848 people have died of COVID-19 between January 2020 and May 12, 2021.*

Flu: The World Health Organization estimates that 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide. ... vs-the-flu

And for some scare your pants off numbers, check out this Lancet study (scroll to the tables in Results): ... 0/fulltext

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 4:15 pm
by Kendra
Geez. We just had a woman who refused to wear a mask and refused to order her one piece of stinking stucco metal trim over the phone. :crazy:

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 4:44 pm
by PaulG
I am way behind on this thread...
Pastor Gallups tweets wrote: DENTIST, DOCTOR, HOTEL, etc. : "Here, you gotta fill out this COVID form before we can serve you."

YOU: "Let me have it." front of them, scribble an unlegible signature on the paper and in 5 seconds or less check NO to every one of the questions. Hand it back. Enjoy.
Isn't this normal? I've filled out these forms, I know the questions so I kind of skim them quickly. Thankfully, I never have any symptoms listed so I answer no. And aren't all signatures illegible? Is he going to deny he signed the form? How old is he?

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaccers, Etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 4:52 pm
by bob
PaulG wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 4:44 pmIsn't this normal? I've filled out these forms, I know the questions so I kind of skim them quickly. Thankfully, I never have any symptoms listed so I answer no. And aren't all signatures illegible? Is he going to deny he signed the form? How old is he?
Short answer: It is Gallups.

This tweet was immediately preceded by one saying he would only share his medical history with his doctor or dentist. Two of the three in his parade of horribles "demanding" his medical history. :confuzzled:

Gallups has repeatedly said that he's symptom-free. So if he isn't lying, why scribble a signature?

Gallups' "point" is that he believes contact tracing can be frustrated by an illegible signature. But a business provider isn't relying on your signature; it is relying on the PII contained in your credit card. Or its records from your previous visits. :doh:

Gallups believes he's smart because he's contrarian, and he enjoys the edgelord attention.