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Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:51 pm
by Grumpy Git
The Lindell Report from earlier is now available, see my previous post above for content info.

The video title is so dumb, Lindell didn't realise the Twitter screenshots were from a court document. :lol:

Lindell's brainfart starts 11mins in, and continues at 14m40s after one of his nonsense compilations.

Someone Just Leaked Mike Lindell's Private Texts - But Who and Why? ... ho-and-why

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:03 pm
by Grumpy Git
orlylicious wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:51 pm And why isn't KARI LAKE on that flyer?
I didn't even notice, that's going to bruise her ego! :lol:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:25 pm
by Luke
ROFL, Mike truly is having a fit over the text messages that are in a court exhibit.

One message even includes... Zullo!


:lol: Rharon knows more than Mike.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:58 pm
by Grumpy Git
Okay legal eagle orlylicious, where can I find this document referring to Mary Fanning's text messages with Lindell?? :biggrin:

linedll.png (48.12 KiB) Viewed 994 times

When I type in the case number I can't find an entry for 06/29, :shrug:

Just this from 07/20 ... 415693/16/

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 12:29 am
by northland10
Grumpy Git wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:58 pm Okay legal eagle orlylicious, where can I find this document referring to Mary Fanning's text messages with Lindell?? :biggrin:


When I type in the case number I can't find an entry for 06/29, :shrug:

Just this from 07/20 ... 415693/16/
The docket for the mc case, from Courtlistener. ... ontgomery/

The docs in blue have been purchased by a Pacer user that has RECAP installed on their computer.

Somebody purchased document 2, which is the one you asked about. Here is the link: ... 93.2.0.pdf

p.s. I a not a legal eagle myself but I spend lots of time and money trolling on Pacer.

pps. All the referred to exhibits are now available. Somebody I know pulled exhibit P and then noticed, they were all available on CourtLIstener. Somebody else must be running around as well.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 3:03 am
by Luke
Northland is awesome. Reorganized the Protopage a bit last week, moved cases into tabs at the top. Added Smartmatic v Montgomery into the Dominion/Smatic tab. ... ontgomery/

The cases are all at

Those 'zibits have been available since June :lol: Lindell was talking about his "first lawyers" tonight on the show. Pretty funny how nuts he was going, blaming the CIA, Deep State, Judges... everybody but himself.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 5:30 am
by Grumpy Git
northland10 wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 12:29 am The docket for the mc case, from Courtlistener. ... ontgomery/

The docs in blue have been purchased by a Pacer user that has RECAP installed on their computer.

Somebody purchased document 2, which is the one you asked about. Here is the link: ... 93.2.0.pdf

p.s. I a not a legal eagle myself but I spend lots of time and money trolling on Pacer.

pps. All the referred to exhibits are now available. Somebody I know pulled exhibit P and then noticed, they were all available on CourtLIstener. Somebody else must be running around as well.
Much obliged to you and orlylicious for the info. :thumbsup:

All this Pacer malarkey is new territory for me, and most of the legal jargon in court documents goes over my head and/or sends me to sleep, but I do like to grasp the basics, to try and understand the size of the legal dungheap that Mike Lindell is knee or neck deep in. :lol:

dinocrap.jpg (101.88 KiB) Viewed 949 times

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 6:33 am
by Grumpy Git
Just caught a bit of Morning Joe, their guest lawyer has a hunch that the Georgia indictments for Trump will happen next week, if they do I'm going to be LMAO bigtime watching Mike Lindell in major conspiracy rant meltdown, when the media totally ignore his event to cover the real news.


Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 6:41 am
by Sam the Centipede
Grumpy Git wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 6:33 am Just caught a bit of Morning Joe, their guest lawyer has a hunch that the Georgia indictments for Trump will happen next week, if they do I'm going to be LMAO bigtime watching Mike Lindell in major conspiracy rant meltdown, when the lamestream media totally ignore his event commit treason to cover the real news up the stolen election.

Korrektid to show MikePillow's vision of what he will do. What a guy!!

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 6:46 am
by neonzx
Grumpy Git wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 6:33 am Just caught a bit of Morning Joe, their guest lawyer has a hunch that the Georgia indictments for Trump will happen next week, if they do I'm going to be LMAO bigtime watching Mike Lindell in major conspiracy rant meltdown, when the media totally ignore his event to cover the real news.

Yeah I know, right? I am still disappointed that is simply an online virtual event and not a big convention center style gathering in Missouri with food vendors and campers setting up tents and people pitching lawn chairs to await admission...

It failed before it even got a chance to fail.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:29 am
by Grumpy Git
A couple of months ago on Twitter I had a run-in with Lindell's new web designer, a clown some of you are familiar with, Joe Oltmann.

So naturally after last night's Lindell Report debacle, I had to drop some more bait. He's so easy to wind-up! :twisted: :lol:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:24 pm
by Grumpy Git
As expected, Lindell is not the only one streaming his circus show next week. Must be a slow response to his streaming registration plan. Poor thing. :lol:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:26 pm
by Chilidog
Grumpy Git wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:08 am Wow. I knew Dennis Montgomery had conned Lindell out of a fair amount of money, but I wasn't expecting it to be $3.1 million! :lol:
Does that number include the house in Florida?

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:28 pm
by raison de arizona
Chilidog wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:26 pm
Grumpy Git wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:08 am Wow. I knew Dennis Montgomery had conned Lindell out of a fair amount of money, but I wasn't expecting it to be $3.1 million! :lol:
Does that number include the house in Florida?
Yes. $2M for the house, and then an additional $1.1M.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 2:04 pm
by Luke
:lol: WTG Git! These guys are the biggest snowflakes, as always all they have is projection. Oltmann did a horrible job on the frankspeech redesign.

Oltmann 2.JPG
Oltmann 2.JPG (102 KiB) Viewed 824 times

Oltmann Git.JPG
Oltmann Git.JPG (59.25 KiB) Viewed 824 times

Oltmann.JPG (62.27 KiB) Viewed 824 times

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Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 2:34 pm
by Grumpy Git
orlylicious wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 2:04 pm :lol: WTG Git! These guys are the biggest snowflakes, as always all they have is projection. Oltmann did a horrible job on the frankspeech redesign.
Knuckle-scrapers like Oltmann are so easy to rile. :biggrin:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:46 pm
by sad-cafe
Grumpy Git wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 6:33 am Just caught a bit of Morning Joe, their guest lawyer has a hunch that the Georgia indictments for Trump will happen next week, if they do I'm going to be LMAO bigtime watching Mike Lindell in major conspiracy rant meltdown, when the media totally ignore his event to cover the real news.

oh please oh please

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:10 pm
by sad-cafe
hey everybody

I want everybody

I want everybody to brannon you know my plan is great everybody

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:05 pm
by Gregg
orlylicious wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:03 am Figured out how to fix LR from Podcast Addict, unsubscribe and resubscribe. His crew is still a joke, they labeled his Aug 7 show "July 7" so that probably messed things up.

Anyway, everybody here has been asking over and over: Who is going to be at the Lindell Event next week? Understandable. For some reason, Mike is doing this on Wednesday, Aug 16 and Thursday Aug 17. Why would he do this on weekdays? THE PLAN is starting at 9am Aug 17, that sure seems like a great time for max coverage.

Here's your big, big lineup!

Hosted by Bannon Howse and Emerald Robinson (you may remember she was fired from Newsmax for being insane about COVID ... e-lindell/)


9:15am: Mike gives a 1 hour teleprompter speech "How We Got Here" revisiting all his "facts". It's the "miracle" of bad things that happened... "bad things are really good things". The event will be streamed in 87 languages.

Then a VIDEO called "Unmasked" (it's on FrankSpeech) that will "bring you back". Whatever ever happened to the "suitcases under tables in GA" and "the 106 (guess he meant 106K) ballot supposedly brought by a truck in Michigan"... all that "evidence". (Which of course was debunked over 2 years ago).

From 10:30am, Emerald Robinson hosts a star studded group of guests called "Election Deniers" but "We didn't change, the footprint of our country did". ? Mike also provides an update on what happened to them:

KEN PAXTON "America's Favorite Attorney General" "He's the guy who saved the State of Texas!" (Impeached May 27 by GOP House, Senate trial in September)
CLINT CURTIS "The 1st guy that wrote algorithms to steal elections (2005 or before), a Democrat" "Only The Netherlands listened to him"
FMR JUSTICE MICHAEL GABLEMAN of Wisconsin "Horrible Robin Vos, GOP House Speaker in WI, ordered his investigation shut down"
TINA PETERS (Felony trial coming)
KEVIN KYRE Paper Ballots/Hand Count Supervisor from Shasta County CA "They have a life-sized cutout of Mike Lindell to help get rid of him" (Recall underway)
MARILYN TODD (New Hampshire)
+ Random People who got police visits and destroyed for their Denialism actions

Then comes a State By State "Hope Report" for 6 hours, starting with Alabama. It's about all the Hope for people in each of those states.

Then comes the "National Hope Report" with MIKE FLYNN, STEVE BANNON, MIKE LINDELL (again) and KURT OLSEN

After that, Mike Lindell (again) takes the stage with KARI LAKE to talk about "media", free speech and The People (including Democrats).

The next day, August 17, starts with a 3 hour leadup to THE PLAN. And then THE PLAN, never done before or talked about in history. "The only way it fails is if millions of people don't watch"/ "Because on August 18, one of two things will happen: either they are going to ATTACK, or they're gomna go silent. My guess is they'll go silent. Maybe they'll Indict Donald Trump to deflect." :lol:

He's also pimping FrankSocial, his social media app, he says it's "really important" to have that for the #LindellEvent. (FrankSocial requires a phone number, but it doesn't authenticate and took a throwaway VOIP number).

Meanwhile, Scoop Rondeau has a story about Mike and Dennis:

Lindell, Montgomery Motions Denied in Protective-Order Case 7 hours ago ... rder-case/
The 699th has a new Armored Dachshund Fighting Vehicle that has been forward deployed for the event....

The Attack Wieners are deployed from the rear basket where they ride with specially designed combat quick release leashes. The front basket can be outfitted with any number of mostly classified weapons systems and treats.



Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 10:34 pm
by Tiredretiredlawyer
I am relieved to know the dogs of war will be unleashed during this event. :P

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 12:35 am
by Grumpy Git
I just noticed that you can now download The Lindell Report, which makes it easier for a much faster skim-through check of his latest ramblings. ... -languages

Nothing much new to report on this latest edition, except that his poster is now up on the event website, still no Kari Lake, has she pulled out? Could be why he only announced Lou Dobbs yesterday, as a late replacement?

Despite the event being invite-only, Lindell is promising a 'large crowd'. Sure Mike. :roll: :lol:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 4:54 am
by Sam the Centipede
I confess to a smidgeonette of curiosity about what MikePillow's plan. Sorry, did I write MikePillow's plan? Surely I meant God's Plan!

:rolleye: Myke tells us on the event's webpage:
This plan […] does not rely on legislation, judges, or legal actions, etc.
:confuzzled: So what could this divine strategy be? Days, weeks , months of praying? Build mountains of pillows? Coupons for votes? Mass demonstrations by literally tens of millions tens of thousands tens of people? Refusal to vote unless Trump is made President For Life? :confuzzled:

An intriguing little puzzle! How has Lindell convicted himself that he has had an idea that is not idiotic, unfeasible, ineffective and destined to never happen? :shrug:

:bored: My curiosity however does not extend beyond waiting patiently for GGit to inform us. Go for it GG! :thumbsup:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 5:02 am
by Grumpy Git
I do recall about a year ago, Lindell getting excited about some app that someone had developed for faster vote counting. I suspect it could be that, he's probably paid a small fortune for the patent hoping to launch it himself one day. :roll:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 5:30 am
by Sam the Centipede
Yeah … but …an app for counting votes seems timorous for God's Secret Infallible Plan, revealed only to the most faithful MikePillow, not even trusted to St. Donald of Trump, that holiest of martyrs. From mass smiting and plagues in ancient Egypt to a download from the Apple Store? – that's a god who has fallen on hard times!

It will be interesting to see how Lindell's coterie (the Idumminati?) respond. Will many experience an epiphany, the belated realization that Lindell is so obviously a complete fuckwit?

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:27 am
by Grumpy Git
Whatever happened to Lindell's plan to offer shares of Frankspeech to his followers?

Did he actually listen to people probably telling him it was a stupid idea?

I've also noticed he's been begging for money much more the last few weeks, funds getting low as his legal costs continue to mount up?

This week is going to be so much fun! :biggrin: