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Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 1:34 pm
by Tiredretiredlawyer
We have a new Fogbow term and acronym!!!!!
raison: ultra-MAGA crazed conspiracy theory riddled Big Lie fake elector everything bad people. And then some.
THANK YOU, raison! :clap:

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 1:51 pm
by raison de arizona

These chumps talking about how smooth the elections used to go in teh days of yore, here's a clip from the AZ Republic from fifty years ago.
(11-8-1972, Arizona Republic. City Chaser, page A-10)
Image ... 2937210880

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 2:35 pm
by raison de arizona
You know you've reached the bottom when Shiva starts debunking you, but that won't stop Rasmussen from running with it. Remember this when you look at their "polls."
The AZ - abc15 - Data Guru @Garrett_Archer wrote: Good Morning Rasmussen!

FYI, every point in this thread is from the attention seeking Jovan Pulitzer. Who's work was so shoddy that it was removed from the audit report.

Please don't take my word for it. The audit's own Dr. Shiva debunked Jovan for the AZ State Senate.
Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll wrote: Welcome Election Deniers!

The only place in America voters ever got to examine all of their own 2020 ballots after certification was Maricopa County AZ. The AZ Senate authorized & supervised this OFFICIAL audit by voter-volunteers.

They found a lot of problems. Read on


Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 4:01 pm
by raison de arizona
Tiredretiredlawyer wrote: Fri Aug 05, 2022 12:49 pm Badge of Honor for Richer.
He took it in stride, of course, a consummate professional. They didn't even bother notifying him of any of this, he found out about his censure from Garrett Archer's tweet.
Barry Markson @BarryMarkson1 wrote: Az GOP exec board censures Republican @stephen_richer for tabulation of vote despite it not being within his purview and despite all of their party supported candidates winning. So, you won but there still has to be election fraud without evidence? Way to stay on brand.
Stephen Richer—Maricopa Cnty Recorder (prsnl acct) @stephen_richer wrote: Hahaha. Tabulation and Election Day was very publicly taken back by the Board (at the encouragement of GOP) in 2019. And is very clearly the Board’s in title 16.

Oh well. I’m fine with it. Proud of the Board and @MaricopaVote and @maricopacounty

Nice to find out this way…

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 9:04 pm
by raison de arizona
Rogers took Townsend by 19 points, but it cost her $1.7M in a rural State Senate race to do it. The job pays $24k, plus another ~$4-7k depending where they live. (This district would be on the $7k or so side.) Anyway, Rogers is suddenly strangely silent on election integrity. Well, except for 2020, still loud about that one.

Senator Kelly Townsend 🇺🇸 @AZKellyT wrote: I am wondering why @WendyRogersAZ isn’t involved in helping voters find recourse regarding their disenfranchisement in Pinal county…
Senator Kelly Townsend 🇺🇸 @AZKellyT wrote: As a consolation, it took $1,732,200.27 to beat me. 😉

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:16 am
by Luke
Thank you RDA, that is just incredible to hear $1.7M for the $24K job. It's like Tina Peters raising more after she lost than during the race. This ridiculous theatre has to cross the line somewhere for independent voters and disgusted GOP voters with some morals.

Rusty Bowers had to set all his tweets to no reply unless mentioned, that's so sad for America. Would have posted while I imagine we agree on nothing policy-wise, his patriotism and duty to his oath make him a hero. Sucks that message can't even get through.

RDA, what do you think Ducey will do with this insane slate of grifters? Think he will endorse them? Or stay silent?

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:58 am
by keith
raison de arizona wrote: Fri Aug 05, 2022 1:51 pm :lol:

These chumps talking about how smooth the elections used to go in teh days of yore, here's a clip from the AZ Republic from fifty years ago.
(11-8-1972, Arizona Republic. City Chaser, page A-10)
Image ... 2937210880
Oh yeah, will I didn't work THAT election, but I did work the next three or four that were run by the City of Tucson.

The City and the Pima County used to alternate providing the computer services for the counts when there were offices for both City and County on the ballot. As far as the actual counting went, ours always ran very smoothly. Those were the days of the punch cards that towards the end of their use caused havoc because of inexperienced handling of 'hanging chads' by Florida folks. Of course I was in the computer center, I can't answer for anything that went on at the polling stations, but I can tell you that the City Attorney and the County Recorder were very focused on making sure things didn't stuff up.

We never had problems with hanging chads during my day. I was the Systems Programmer who would only get called if something went wrong with the operation system during the counting process, but I was in the computer center otherwise getting paid for doing nothing (my software 'never' broke thank you very much), so they gave me other tasks and it was a great experience.

One of my main tasks was to sit at a desk and inspect the card decks for such hanging chads. With Dem and Rep and Ind inspectors watching over my shoulder at every move. If I found an even slightly out of whack chad, I'd show it to the inspector, who would say 'see if it falls out', and I'd brush my hand over it lightly. If it fell out, that was the end of it. if it stayed in, the inspector would have a closer look to see if it was just hanging in by a stubborn corner or whatever. In other words was it an obvious attempt to cast that vote or not. Problems that couldn't be obviously determined were passed on to adjudicators and they weren't my problem anymore.

The biggest thing that I couldn't figure out how they did it was the folks who insisted on punching holes where there weren't any perforated chads to punch out. They would stick the ballot in the machine incorrectly, not putting the registration holes over the alignment pegs, and then punch holes anyway. The must have used a hammer to get them through 'cause those suckers were difficult - the styli were not pointed, they were flat.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 11:59 am
by raison de arizona
orlylicious wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:16 am Thank you RDA, that is just incredible to hear $1.7M for the $24K job. It's like Tina Peters raising more after she lost than during the race. This ridiculous theatre has to cross the line somewhere for independent voters and disgusted GOP voters with some morals.

Rusty Bowers had to set all his tweets to no reply unless mentioned, that's so sad for America. Would have posted while I imagine we agree on nothing policy-wise, his patriotism and duty to his oath make him a hero. Sucks that message can't even get through.

RDA, what do you think Ducey will do with this insane slate of grifters? Think he will endorse them? Or stay silent?
They really done Bowers dirty. He really pissed them off along with Ben Toma, Majority Leader of the AZ State House, multiple times. Ben Toma is my guy, a Republican who got RINO signs slapped all over his signs on the roadways. Together they blocked all the crazy election laws the MAGAts were pushing, along with a symbolic legislative celebrations of Roe v. Wade falling. Disgusting.

As far as a Ducey endorsement, I haven't thought about it too much. My gut feeling though is that the MAGA slate has talked a lot of crap about him collectively and individually, specifically Kari Lake. It would be eating an awful lot of crow for Ducey to endorse any of them. I'm expecting the best they'll get out of him is some lukewarm milquetoast statement of general support for Republican candidates, along the lines of the Robson statement.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:04 pm
by raison de arizona
keith wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:58 am Oh yeah, will I didn't work THAT election, but I did work the next three or four that were run by the City of Tucson.

The City and the Pima County used to alternate providing the computer services for the counts when there were offices for both City and County on the ballot. As far as the actual counting went, ours always ran very smoothly. Those were the days of the punch cards that towards the end of their use caused havoc because of inexperienced handling of 'hanging chads' by Florida folks. Of course I was in the computer center, I can't answer for anything that went on at the polling stations, but I can tell you that the City Attorney and the County Recorder were very focused on making sure things didn't stuff up.

We never had problems with hanging chads during my day. I was the Systems Programmer who would only get called if something went wrong with the operation system during the counting process, but I was in the computer center otherwise getting paid for doing nothing (my software 'never' broke thank you very much), so they gave me other tasks and it was a great experience.

One of my main tasks was to sit at a desk and inspect the card decks for such hanging chads. With Dem and Rep and Ind inspectors watching over my shoulder at every move. If I found an even slightly out of whack chad, I'd show it to the inspector, who would say 'see if it falls out', and I'd brush my hand over it lightly. If it fell out, that was the end of it. if it stayed in, the inspector would have a closer look to see if it was just hanging in by a stubborn corner or whatever. In other words was it an obvious attempt to cast that vote or not. Problems that couldn't be obviously determined were passed on to adjudicators and they weren't my problem anymore.

The biggest thing that I couldn't figure out how they did it was the folks who insisted on punching holes where there weren't any perforated chads to punch out. They would stick the ballot in the machine incorrectly, not putting the registration holes over the alignment pegs, and then punch holes anyway. The must have used a hammer to get them through 'cause those suckers were difficult - the styli were not pointed, they were flat.
Wow keith, thanks for sharing your experience! I'm still :lol: at the Systems guy inspecting hanging chads. I shouldn't be though, I was the Systems guy at a company once where I got put in charge of shoveling the walk of snow and ice in the morning, by virtue of the fact that I was invariably the first one there. Systems folk wear many hats!

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:19 pm
by pipistrelle
orlylicious wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:16 am This ridiculous theatre has to cross the line somewhere for independent voters and disgusted GOP voters with some morals.
Here's the thing. At this point if you're still a Republican, you're not "disgusted," you're not "moral," and you're not "moderate." You're a fascist supporter. I'm not seeing any turning back from embracing fascism anywhere. I'd be happy to be wrong.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:27 pm
by northland10
Found a little promo video from 1957 explaining how the new mechanical machines are better than paper ballots in that it prevents you from making mistakes that will void your ballot and disenfranchise you.

I do miss them sometimes. It always felt like you were really doing something when you voted, and that final level pull sealed the deal.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 7:26 pm
by raison de arizona
raison de arizona wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 11:59 am As far as a Ducey endorsement, I haven't thought about it too much. My gut feeling though is that the MAGA slate has talked a lot of crap about him collectively and individually, specifically Kari Lake. It would be eating an awful lot of crow for Ducey to endorse any of them. I'm expecting the best they'll get out of him is some lukewarm milquetoast statement of general support for Republican candidates, along the lines of the Robson statement.
Doug Ducey @DougDucey wrote: This is going to be an important election given the issues our state is facing and it’s important for Arizona Republicans to unite behind our slate of candidates. 2/

As co-chairman of the Republican Governors Association, our organization is already active on the airwaves supporting Kari Lake’s candidacy. Congratulations to Kari on a hard-fought victory and to all the candidates who will be carrying the GOP banner in November. 3/
Doug Ducey, two weeks ago:
► Show Spoiler
“Kari Lake is misleading voters with no evidence,” Ducey said in an interview on CNN’s State of the Union. “She’s been tagged by her opponents with the nickname ‘Fake Lake,’ which seems to be sticking and actually doing some damage.”

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:59 am
by raison de arizona
This was mentioned in the Michigan Audit topic, here it is from the AZ side...
Senate ‘audit’ leaders Doug Logan and Ben Cotton are facing a Michigan criminal probe

Doug Logan, the CEO of the Florida-based firm hired by the Arizona Senate to conduct the partisan “audit” of the 2020 Maricopa County election, is under investigation for allegedly illegally obtaining Michigan voting machines and breaking into them.

The office of Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, a Democrat, has petitioned the Michigan Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council to name a special prosecutor to investigate Logan and others who falsely believed the election was stolen from Donald Trump and then set out to gather evidence by gaining access to ballot tabulators. Other targets of the probe include Arizona “audit” subcontractor Ben Cotton, the founder of the digital forensics company CyFIR, of CyFir who was supposedly in a hotel room in early 2021 when the breach of the tabulation equipment allegedly took place.

The request for a special prosecutor is part of an ongoing investigation that also includes the Trump-endorsed candidate expected to run against Nessel, Matthew DePerno, who has said that Logan and surfer turned conspiracy theorist Conan Hayes worked with him on the flawed Antrim County report.

The petition filed Friday asking for a special prosecutor alleges that DePerno and two others, Stefanie Lambert Juntilla and GOP state Rep. Daire Rendon, “orchestrated a coordinated plan to gain access to voting tabulators” used in Roscommon, Barry County and Missaukee counties.
:snippity: ... nal-probe/

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:06 pm
by Tiredretiredlawyer
:violin: :groupdance:

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:16 am
by raison de arizona
Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan faces criminal probe in Michigan voting machine plot

Within days of being tapped by the Arizona Senate to lead its partisan election review, Cyber Ninjas' CEO Doug Logan was holed up in a Detroit-area hotel room illegally taking apart voting machines, Michigan authorities say.

Logan, who had little or no election experience, worked with a group who "gained unauthorized access and compromised tabulators" from multiple Michigan counties in a plot to prove voter fraud, according to newly released records from the Michigan Attorney General's Office.

Authorities say Logan was part of a conspiracy, along with eight other prominent figures, in the movement to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

In a petition to appoint a special prosecutor, the Michigan Attorney General's Office said additional charges could include using a computer system to commit a crime, willfully damaging a voting machine, malicious destruction of of property, fraudulent access to a computer and false pretenses.

Logan wasn't the only Arizona "audit" contractor named in the probe. Authorities said Ben Cotton, the president of a Virginia-based cyber security firm called CyFIR, was in the hotel room when the election machines were breached.

Cotton is a Trump supporter who at the height of the ballot recount took copies of Maricopa County's election data and its server to a remote cabin in Montana.
:snippity: ... 293951002/

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:15 pm
by raison de arizona
The AZ - abc15 - Data Guru @Garrett_Archer wrote: I've seen a lot of traffic on here today of people saying that Arizona needs to go back to paper ballots.

I would remind you that we are a paper ballot state. Otherwise the audit folks would have had nothing to count.

Have a great rest of the weekend.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 4:49 am
by raison de arizona
raison de arizona wrote: Thu Jul 21, 2022 7:47 pm Clown show lolsuit hearing earlier today, Lake and Finchem with the backing of Lindell and lawyering of Dershowitz, Logan as an expert witless. Haven’t seen anything noteworthy. ... rizona.pdf
Thrown out on standing.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:03 am
by Sam the Centipede
I glanced at the dismissal, which makes one wonder: "how many times does the judge say 'NO!'"

As a suit, its a 6-axis fail; whichever direction the plaintiffs move or spin it, it fails.

My non-lawyerly mind thinks that such disingenuous nonsense shouldn't get anywhere near a court, it should hit a fast track route to a rubber DENNIED stamp with the proviso that if the nutters really believe they have a case they can pay a bond before wasting the court's and the defendants' time and money. Yeah, I know, access, feedom, universal, blah blah, but for this crap?

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:54 am
by p0rtia
raison de arizona wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:16 am
Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan faces criminal probe in Michigan voting machine plot

Within days of being tapped by the Arizona Senate to lead its partisan election review, Cyber Ninjas' CEO Doug Logan was holed up in a Detroit-area hotel room illegally taking apart voting machines, Michigan authorities say.

Logan, who had little or no election experience, worked with a group who "gained unauthorized access and compromised tabulators" from multiple Michigan counties in a plot to prove voter fraud, according to newly released records from the Michigan Attorney General's Office.

Authorities say Logan was part of a conspiracy, along with eight other prominent figures, in the movement to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

:snippity: ... 293951002/

Well, well, and again I say well.

Then I say, what on Earth was he thinking to get involved it this pretty damned clearly illegal shit practically from day one.

Then I think, man, this above-the-law attitude is everywhere. And power = cocaine.

I so hope that he and the grifters he road in on get locked up for a long, long, and again I say long time.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 8:06 pm
by raison de arizona
FWIW word on the street is the True the Vote is planning to release their "evidence" pay-per-view a la convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza.
The AZ - abc15 - Data Guru @Garrett_Archer wrote: From a source: There is a group called Team America that is laying the ground work for 24 hour surveillance of drop boxes in November.

They are connected with True to Vote, the group that has claimed abuse of drop boxes through harvesting but has not yet released evidence.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:42 am
by Tiredretiredlawyer
The Fogbow has already solved that problem. Doxx 'em with prepaid pizzas and balloons.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 9:09 pm
by raison de arizona
The man is a saint with all the wack-nut stuf he puts up with.
Stephen Richer—Maricopa Cnty Recorder (prsnl acct) @stephen_richer wrote: 🧵There's an email going around to different @MaricopaGOP districts that says:

"We need to bombard the AZ Recorder's Office with requests for Nov 2020 election information.

All Arizona election data will be destroyed Sept. 1!"

No. No it won't.

As a result, we have received 173 records requests in the past week for the November 2020 cast vote record.

In the past, the @RecordersOffice typically didn't receive 173 records requests in a year.

We have received many hundreds of requests in the last month alone.

ARS 16-624 requires that we keep records from the November 2020 election for 24 months, so I don't know where that Sept. 1 date is coming from.

But, as I have said publicly, even at that time we're not deleting files from the Nov 2020 election.

Also, it's for the cast vote record. Very, very, very few people know how to use this.

Also, you can just ask me. ... 3515302912

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:35 pm
by bob
Paul Gosar, Mark Finchem, Anthony Kern must pay $75k in attorney fees for losing a defamation lawsuit against a Democratic ex-legislator.
No doubt the rubes already covered the grifters' costs.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 12:09 pm
by raison de arizona
The AZ - abc15 - Data Guru @Garrett_Archer wrote: GOP Corporation Commissioner Jim O'Connor sent a letter to AZ County Supervisors, Recorders, Elections staff and Sheriffs asking them to stop using voting machines.

His evidence is a misrepresented report of errors during an L&A in Colorado. He also attended the Lindell summit.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa & Other Arizona County Election Audits - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Pulitzer / Fann / Birther Ken Bennet

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:13 pm
by Ben-Prime
raison de arizona wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 12:09 pm
The AZ - abc15 - Data Guru @Garrett_Archer wrote: GOP Corporation Commissioner Jim O'Connor sent a letter to AZ County Supervisors, Recorders, Elections staff and Sheriffs asking them to stop using voting machines.
Based on his own description of his position, I'm wondering what at all intersection there is between his requests and his actual portfolio of duties.