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Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 6:52 pm
by FiveAcres
When it was televised, I was afraid that it would turn into a circus. However, it didn't and I think they did a good job of letting the general public see what the jury was seeing.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 6:55 pm
by northland10
Annrc wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:11 pm Totally agree LM K. I also went to Breitbart. The division in our country is unbelievable. The remarks are devastating and disgusting.
[RWNJ]The country was unified when people knew their place and stayed there.[/RWNJ]

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:32 pm
by Dave from down under
because of it's timing and the issue..

Police shooting of 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant labelled 'tragic' by White House

A knife can be deadly..

A gun far more so..
(and also to others near the one aimed at)

The decision to shoot, rather than use the gun as a club to subdue, is so situational dependent... ... /100086164

As tragic as this is..
and for all my opposition to the use of deadly force when there are alternatives,
in this case..
it appears justified.
even though I wish that it didn't happen.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:56 pm
by LM K
I find it terrifying that the cop shot the teen when the teen was standing right in front of another person.

However, Sugar Magnolia will be able to clarify this if she wishes to do so.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 8:23 pm
by Maybenaut
LM K wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:56 pm I find it terrifying that the cop shot the teen when the teen was standing right in front of another person.

However, Sugar Magnolia will be able to clarify this if she wishes to do so.
Off Topic
I feel awful that I haven’t watched any of these videos. I didn’t watch a single George Floyd video, although I did see a lot of stills. I didn’t watch this video either, and I probably won’t. Part of me thinks that since I have an obligation to be a well-informed citizen, I should pay attention for the sake of the victims if for no other reason. But I’ve also spent a great deal of my professional life dealing with some of the worst behavior that mankind has to offer, and I’ve pretty much reached my saturation point.

I’m glad that some of ya’ll are taking it for the team, so to speak, and describing what’s in these videos. I, for one, really appreciate it.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 8:46 pm
by noblepa
LM K wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:56 pm I find it terrifying that the cop shot the teen when the teen was standing right in front of another person.

However, Sugar Magnolia will be able to clarify this if she wishes to do so.
Early reports (which may turn out to be false) are that she was attacking another girl with the knife.

If that is the case, it may (repeat MAY) be that he saved the other girl's life.

So far, the facts seem to be quite a bit different than in the George Floyd case. But, as I said, early reports are sometimes wrong or misleading.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 8:50 pm
by LM K
noblepa wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 8:46 pm
LM K wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:56 pm I find it terrifying that the cop shot the teen when the teen was standing right in front of another person.

However, Sugar Magnolia will be able to clarify this if she wishes to do so.
Early reports (which may turn out to be false) are that she was attacking another girl with the knife.

If that is the case, it may (repeat MAY) be that he saved the other girl's life.

So far, the facts seem to be quite a bit different than in the George Floyd case. But, as I said, early reports are sometimes wrong or misleading.
The police video cuts just before the shooting, so it's unclear to me about the knife. It is possible that this was a justified shooting. I hope to see a complete video.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:10 pm
by Dave from down under
The footage in the link I posted shows her with the knife attacking the other girl when she is shot.
(there is a full speed and then slow speed repeat - it isn't as graphic as a lot that is shown on the news, the knife is evident and in hand)

The proximity of the girl being attacked both argues for and against shooting the girl wielding the knife.

IMO in the time that it would have taken for the officer to reach the struggle, one or more knife wounds could have been inflicted.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:22 pm
by Dave from down under
The final frames where the girl (black top, blue jeans) with the knife is thrusting the knife at the girl/woman in pink who was against the car is shown.

18 seconds to register the situation and respond.
Including registering that the girl with the knife had just tried to slash the girl in the skirt, who only avoided it by falling backwards.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:24 pm
by noblepa
I live in Cleveland, more than 100 miles from Columbus, so I have no personal knowledge of this shooting.

However, in the few cases where I have had personal knowledge of a news story (never a shooting, mind you) it has been my experience that, especially in early reports, the news media gets, at best half of the story. Further, the half that they do get is half wrong.

Therefore, I try not to form any firm opinions on any news story I read, particularly regarding an event like this, until it has had a little time to "age", if you will.

In a few days, more details will emerge and it will be easier to come to an informed opinion.

As tragic as the death of any sixteen year old girl is, I hope that this does not turn out to be another George Floyd type incident. Even if it turns out that the officer was justified, there will be a lot of people eager to second guess his actions.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:34 pm
by Dave from down under

This is why body cameras must be mandatory for all police.

It is also why the early release of the images that were is important.

Yes - images can be taken out of context - yes they can be sensationalized (snuff flick type).

However stopping the footage at when the shots were fired was appropriate - because it covered just enough to put the event into context.

There will now be an investigation, it may be that first impressions are wrong.

BUT it may be that doing so addresses concern/anger before more damage is done.

ps. IIRC In NSW an investigation occurs when-ever a police officer draws their gun.
and not sure if this has gone ahead.. ... omatically

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:39 pm
by neonzx
My initial impression is that this was a good shoot. (although I don't know why the officer fired 4 times).

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:43 pm
by Dave from down under
4 seems... excessive..
but I understand how easy that is to do with an automatic and adrenaline.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:09 pm
by Suranis
Ya, I'm not seeing any real controversy on this one.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:11 pm
by Phoenix520
Like maybenaut, I haven’t watched the video and probably won’t.

As you say, initial reports are often wrong or incomplete. The first thing I heard about it, just minutes after it happened, was that her grandmother had already taken the knife from the girl before the police arrived.

I’m guessing this is not borne out by the video?

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:12 pm
by Slim Cognito
Kate520 wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:11 pm Like maybenaut, I haven’t watched the video and probably won’t.

As you say, initial reports are often wrong or incomplete. The first thing I heard about it, just minutes after it happened, was that her grandmother had already taken the knife from the girl before the police arrived.

I’m guessing this is not borne out by the video?
Doesn't seem to be. Time will tell.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:14 pm
by neonzx
Kate520 wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:11 pm As you say, initial reports are often wrong or incomplete. The first thing I heard about it, just minutes after it happened, was that her grandmother had already taken the knife from the girl before the police arrived.

I’m guessing this is not borne out by the video?
Correct. She still had it, swinging it around. Watch the bodycam video.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 11:31 pm
by Dave from down under
The Grandmother may have taken away the 1st knife, but in the video she has a knife until shot.

She may then have dropped that knife when shot.

and so may not have had the knife on her thereafter.

Who ever (a male?) that was kicking the girl on the ground also is part of the events.. and likely not in a good way.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 8:17 am
by pipistrelle
I remembered another officer was convicted after killing a Black kid and wondered what happened to him. He’s not done well in prison. ... al-custody
“He remains under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Department of Corrections, but is not in our custody,” she said. “For safety and security purposes, the Department does not discuss details concerning the placement of offenders who have transferred under the terms of the Interstate Corrections Compact Agreement.”

Although he was convicted in state court, Van Dyke has been held in federal prison due to the notoriety of his case. He was initially moved to a prison in Connecticut following his sentencing in January, but was transferred to Otisville after he was attacked by his fellow inmates in February.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:10 am
by RVInit
Chauvin is going to face the same issues. I could see some angry people subjecting him to the same treatment he dished out to Floyd. Not saying I hope, wish, or condone that in any way whatsoever. It wouldn't surprise me if he ends up in some country club federal prison because of threats on his life.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:18 am
by tek
just a little more proof that were far, far away from this being over..

Fall River mayor says post criticizing George Floyd shared on police department Facebook page is ‘unacceptable’
The post, which has since been deleted, was shared from a pro-law enforcement account and said “Chauvin immediately stood and calmly placed his hands behind his back. Imagine where we’d be if George had done the same,” according to The Herald News.


“Chief Jeff Cardoza has been diligently working to change the culture of the Fall River Police Department and I will personally be following up with the Chief to address lingering opinions like those shared today,” Coogan continued. “While I am saddened by the harm that the statement has caused, it has reminded us of the hard work we have yet to do to create transparent, strong relationships between the FRPD and our community.”

In a separate Facebook post, the police department said the post was shared by personnel who meant to post to his or her own page. ... table.html

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:19 am
by Kendra

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:24 am
by tek
too easy: "Where does George Floyd go to get the rest of his life back?"

Hey Dersh: Do we have an appeal filed yet? If not, your yapping is speculative.
Let's see some motions and filings, not your smug piehole on TV.

Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:25 am
by fierceredpanda
Ex-cops tend to not be very popular with their fellow inmates.
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Re: Chauvin Jury deliberation poll

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:15 am
by sugar magnolia
Just gonna drop this here for completeness.
'I tried to stop the bleeding': Family devastated after 13-year-old fatally stabbed by former friend
A family is broken after a 13-year-old girl was stabbed to death in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The teen's father said the pain is immeasurable and described her as the glue that held them all together.
Investigators said the teen was taken to Cincinnati Children's Hospital where she died after the stabbing Monday night.

"I held her. I watched her as she died. I watched her, you know. All I could do was just hold her, hold her," Maurice Jackson said.

Devastation, heartache and loss are all emotions that Jackson, Nyaira Givens' father, is feeling after her sudden death.

"I tried. I tried to stop the bleeding," Jackson said.

Cincinnati police said Givens was stabbed to death by another 13-year-old girl during a fight near the family's home.

:snippity: ... lSKf8K9N-w
Full story at the link.