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Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:04 pm
by neonzx
raison de arizona wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:44 pm
Ron Filipkowski @RonFilipkowski wrote: Mike Lindell has arrived at Bedminster for Trump’s speech tonight. He calls on all Republican candidates to drop out of the race tonight and endorse Trump.
See, kids. That PSA tv commercial from the 80s -- Egg into trying pan "This is your brain... this is your brain on drugs. Any questions?"

The crack cocaine permanently damaged him. Sad.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 9:10 pm
by Frater I*I
neonzx wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:04 pm :snippity:
See, kids. That PSA tv commercial from the 80s -- Egg into trying pan "This is your brain... this is your brain on drugs. Any questions?"

The crack cocaine permanently damaged him. Sad.
As I've mentioned in this thread before, I still think he got sold and smoked some rat poison covered in orajel....

Mike Lindell at Bedminster

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:06 pm
by Grumpy Git
Mike Lindell's interview on RSBN last night, from Bedminster, full of his usual lies, fantasies, contradictions and vast amounts of cow dung.

Starts after the ad, skip to 8m 40s ... 13-23.html

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:23 pm
by MN-Skeptic
Adam is live tweeting this today -

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:28 pm
by Grumpy Git
Cheers for that. Lindell gave a brief summary of the case to Bannon. ... -case.html

Mike Lindell gets excited about new report

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 11:57 am
by Grumpy Git
What do you make of this Halderman report that just got released?

It's casting doubt on the safety of elections in Georgia using Dominion machines. The tech stuff goes right over my head but the main conclusion is worrying if true. Mike Lindell is already having a field day with this.

My technical findings leave Georgia voters with greatly diminished grounds to be confident that the votes they cast on the ICX BMD are secured, that their votes will be counted correctly, or that any future elections conducted using Georgia’s universal BMD system will be reasonably secure from attack and produce the correct results. No grand conspiracies would be necessary to commit large-scale fraud, but rather only moderate technical skills of the kind that attackers who are likely to target Georgia’s elections already possess. Unfortunately, even if such an attack never comes, the fact that Georgia’s BMDs are so vulnerable is all but certain to be exploited by partisan actors to suppress voter participation and cast doubt on the legitimacy of election results.

Full document ... 9ec6b49d95

Lindell on Bannon's show talking about his court case yesterday, regarding getting his phone back from the FBI, and this report.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:02 pm
by RTH10260
Expert Report Submitted on Behalf of Plaintiffs Donna Curling, et al.

I guess we can guess the quality of this expert whitness by who the submitter is ...

(prejudice much?)

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:16 pm
by Grumpy Git
I've been checking around, Alex Halderman has a good reputation in IT circles, he's a professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:48 pm
by somerset
I've skimmed the document, although I haven't read it in detail. Like a lot of cybersecurity papers, it's mainly a theoretical analysis of vulnerabilities. It talks about weaknesses that *could* be exploited, not exploits that have actually occurred.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 4:42 pm
by Slim Cognito
I think we've known, since Bush jr's time, that voting machines are suspectable to hacking. The GOP didn't give a RA until they started losing.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 5:07 pm
by sugar magnolia
The report is also a couple of years old I think.

Mike Lindell gets excited about new report

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 5:47 pm
by RTH10260
Grumpy Git wrote: Thu Jun 15, 2023 11:57 am What do you make of this Halderman report that just got released?
Full document ... 9ec6b49d95
Just getting to look at the document, a first note: this is from a 2017 lawsuit.
Curling v. Raffensperger (1:17-cv-02989)
District Court, N.D. Georgia
Last Updated: June 15, 2023, 11:16 a.m.
Assigned To: Amy Mil Totenberg
Citation: Curling v. Raffensperger, 1:17-cv-02989, (N.D. Ga.)
Date Filed: Aug. 8, 2017
Date Terminated: Oct. 26, 2018
Date of Last Known Filing: June 14, 2023
Cause: 28:1443(1)Removal from State Court - Civil Rights

Nature of Suit: 440 Civil Rights: Other
Jury Demand: Plaintiff
Jurisdiction Type: Federal Question ... ensperger/

ETA. while scanning thru the document:

The researcher points out that the bad actor would need access to the physical machines.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 5:53 pm
by RTH10260
Curling v. Raffensperger


Question Presented

Whether Georgia's electronic voting system diminishes the voter's First and Fourteenth Amendment right due to threats of inadequacy and inaccuracy.

Alleged Acts

Georgia's electronic voting system was designed to have an audit trail, but trail was never implemented. Further, the electronic voting software relies on outdated versions of Windows that are no longer supported. In 2006, an expert determined that the electronic voting system used by Georgia has serious security flaws. There is not evidence that Georgia took steps to protect the electronic voting system after security threats were identified. Additionally, the electronic voting system works with the Global Election Management System that is linked to a public-facing internet-connected computer and then transferred to a lockable USB drive. Then the files are transferred to a private computer for storage. Three ballot builders are contractors and may build ballots from their own homes. In sum, the electronic voting system was particularly susceptible to manipulation without detection.


The plaintiffs requested a preliminary injunction to prohibit the use of the software for upcoming elections. The court considered the preliminary injunction in two separate prongs. First, in future election after the immediate off-year election, the hardships and public interest balances requires granting the preliminary injunction. Second, the upcoming election did not support the preliminary injunction because the hardships outweighed the public interest.


The court directs the state to address the errors in voting assignment (including receiving the wrong ballot, assignment to the wrong precinct, and appearing as an ineligible voter).The precinct must have at least one physical copy of the voter registration list. The state must provide information to voters regarding provisional ballots and work with a cybersecurity firm to improve and modify the voting system.

Legal Issue(s) : Electronic Voting
Applicable Law(s) : U.S. Const. amend 1; U.S. Const. amend XIV.
Region : Americas
Country : United States of America
Language of Decision : English
Court : Trial Court
Election Type : General
Date of decision : Aug 15, 2019 ... mqd?page=2

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 8:24 am
by Grumpy Git
Cheers for the feedback RTH10260.

I know this report had been held back from public view for a while due to legal issues, but Halderman's input seems to have been added July 1, 2021, four years after Curling's original lawsuit.

It just gives loons like Lindell more opportunities to cast more dispersions on the validity of the 2020 voting in Georgia, and I wonder if it weakens Dominion's defamation cases coming up. They still have four more, v Newsmax, v Rudy Giuliani, v Sidney Powell and v Lindell. ... -dominion/

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:15 am
by RTH10260
Grumpy Git wrote: Fri Jun 16, 2023 8:24 am Cheers for the feedback RTH10260.

I know this report had been held back from public view for a while due to legal issues, but Halderman's input seems to have been added July 1, 2021, four years after Curling's original lawsuit.

It just gives loons like Lindell more opportunities to cast more dispersions on the validity of the 2020 voting in Georgia, and I wonder if it weakens Dominion's defamation cases coming up. They still have four more, v Newsmax, v Rudy Giuliani, v Sidney Powell and v Lindell. ... -dominion/
The conclusion above was issued well in advance of the 2020 election and gave the state time to resolve a few issues the court considered worth looking at.

Now let the new plaintiffs show that the state ignored the court ...

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:12 am
by Grumpy Git
It's not the conclusion of the 2017 filing that concerns me but the 2021 conclusion by Halderman.

My technical findings leave Georgia voters with greatly diminished grounds to be confident that the votes they cast on the ICX BMD are secured, that their votes will be counted correctly, or that any future elections conducted using Georgia’s universal BMD system will be reasonably secure from attack and produce the correct results. No grand conspiracies would be necessary to commit large-scale fraud, but rather only moderate technical skills of the kind that attackers who are likely to target Georgia’s elections already possess. Unfortunately, even if such an attack never comes, the fact that Georgia’s BMDs are so vulnerable is all but certain to be exploited by partisan actors to suppress voter participation and cast doubt on the legitimacy of election results.

This is the section of the report that Lindell and his cronies will highlight ad nauseam, casting more doubt about election integrity. Yes it's the 'could happen' v 'did it happen' argument again, but it still potentially could weaken Dominion's defamation cases.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:22 am
by Foggy
Agreed. That's dangerous.

Mike Lindell has the hump with the RNC

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 4:13 pm
by Grumpy Git
As expected, Mike Lindell is pissed off with Ronna McDaniel and the RNC, again.

1. Because McDaniel wants to move away from encouraging GOP voters to turn up only on election day itself.

2. Lindell is desperate for the RNC to endorse his farcical 'Election Crime Bureau', and so far they're giving him the cold shoulder.

This from Talking Points Memo (TPM) who had a chat with Lindell.

Mike Lindell did not mince his words in a recent phone conversation with Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

“That’s the dumbest plan I’ve ever heard,” Lindell said he told McDaniel when the pair discussed the new “Bank Your Vote” initiative, which the RNC launched on Jun. 7.

More ... and-scheme

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 5:57 pm
by Gregg
The fact that Ronna is willing to talk on the phone with Mike Lindell is all I need to know about the RNC to let me get some sleep at night.

They're more screwed than I had thought.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:16 pm
by pipistrelle
Gregg wrote: Mon Jun 19, 2023 5:57 pm The fact that Ronna is willing to talk on the phone with Mike Lindell is all I need to know about the RNC to let me get some sleep at night.

They're more screwed than I had thought.
Yeah, he's got himself inserted all kinds of places he has no business.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:28 pm
by W. Kevin Vicklund
Gregg wrote: Mon Jun 19, 2023 5:57 pm The fact that Mike Lindell claims that Ronna is willing to talk on the phone with Mike Lindell :snippity:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 7:21 pm
by northland10
If she does not take his phone call and play it professionally, Lindell will whine to Trump who will then harass the office. Sometimes, you have to play the game while rolling your eyes when the crazy person calls. The fact that he is mad is that she was still wiling to say, we are not doing what you want.

I am rather convinced that Lindell is a true believer. A bunch of the GOP knows the whole election stealing claim is all bunk but they are willing to use it when it helps them with the base, and not when it is unhelpful. Lindell does not realize it is all bs.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:44 pm
by Grumpy Git
Lindell is doing a live Twitter Spaces chat, just recycling all his usual BS to gullible listeners.

Will report if he says anything new.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:09 am
by Suranis
*Narrator voice* He didn't say anything new.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 4:09 pm
by Grumpy Git
Lindell's finally releasing Dennis Montgomery's data. Looking forward to reading your comments. :biggrin: