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Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 7:30 pm
by Dave from down under
More detail on charges here ... 7037022af5

Radovanovic, 53, is listed to appear in Lismore Local Court on September 13.

his son is scheduled to appear at the Byron Bay Local Court on September 27.

On Thursday afternoon, the teenager was handed a court appearance notice for four offences including failure to comply with a noticed direction, fail to comply with electronic registration through QR check-in facilities, and refusal to wear masks.

The father has form as well as being a COVID denier ... 45e3a13112

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 7:20 am
by sugar magnolia
My grown children are going to put me in my grave yet. My oldest spent all her money and vacation to come home to the States to get her vaccine. My middle child is a fucking trumper and won't take the vaccine for all the usual reasons, and my youngest child didn't take the vaccine because of reasons she can't really verbalize. My middle called me the other night and spent over an hour trying to justify not getting the shot. He didn't want a discussion about why or why not, he just wanted to make me agree with him. It didn't work. He thinks it's immoral to shame people, he's in the lowest risk category (not even close - male, cancer survivor, mid-30s, works with the general public, doesn't wear a mask, etc) his body, his choice, not proven yet, big pharma, ad nauseam.

Within 12 hours of the mind-bending conversation with my son, my youngest daughter tells me she needs to go get tested. She woke up with the sniffles and 2 hours later has no sense of taste or smell and a sore throat I sent her off to the covid clinic and sure enough, she tested positive. Her partner is getting tested today and the pediatrician just said keep an eye on the baby and if she shows any symptoms, they'll have her tested too. My worst fears have come true and one of them is positive, with a baby in the house. Apparently, they think quarantine means wear a mask around the house and stay in 2 rooms, one being the bedroom she shares with her partner. FUCK. You don't sleep with a mask on, and "only being around them when you eat" is about the worst time. I just can't even any more. Get the partner tested today and if he's negative, pack his ass and the baby off to stay with his parents (or us) and get the hell away from each other.

This is what happens when places like day cares (she works at one and thinks that's where she picked it up) don't make their employees and parents get the fucking vaccine. Or even wear masks, for that matter. My VET has more safety procedures in place than the day care, for god's sake. Her partner is a social worker and was off for 3 days a couple of weeks ago because they had a positive case in their maskless, jabless office, but that apparently made zero impression on them.

I feel bad because it's my kid that's sick, and hope she doesn't get any sicker, but my sympathy is not very deep at this point, other than worrying myself crazy over the baby. I feel so frustrated and helpless and angry and so many other emotions. I also want to go over there and beat their asses for being such absolute dipshits. I want to call my son and scream at him about his stupidity, too.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 7:40 am
by Lani
:shock: I don't even know what to say, except I hear you. Need a hug? :bighug:

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 8:10 am
by Uninformed
Wow! Hope it all turns out well. :doh:

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:08 am
by Dave from down under
You have every right to tell them to grow up and stop being irresponsible wilfully foolish children.

Talk to the fathers parents - they, like you, may care about the baby more than the piss poor excuse for parents.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:17 am
by Volkonski
:( :bighug:

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:24 am
by Tiredretiredlawyer

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:28 am
by bill_g
If it's any consolation to you Sugar, four people in our shop that hav taken a vacation out of state this summer have returned positive. They're weary of the Covid, want to see family in Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, etc, really enjoyed themselves, come home, and within days feel the symptoms. We are seriously considering modifying our vacation policy to include a mandatory quarantine after your vacation.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:45 am
by jez
Over the last year or so, the Bank I work for has been doing Work from Home like many other businesses. Those that have to go into an office only do so because of their job function, such as monitoring/working with the data centers. Even those places are disinfected daily, there is distancing enforced, health checks before entering, and mask mandates.

There have been rumbles the last couple of months about return to office. This does not affect me as of now. I was hired WFH and will probably stay that way for the foreseeable future. But others are not so lucky, sadly. They just recently did a mandatory survey of vaccination status. They are not requiring vaccinations as part of employment, but very much encouraging it.

With the Delta variant surging, things are being put on hold again for returning to the office. They are looking at doing a 2/3 model. Work 2 or 3 days from office, the 2 or 3 days at home. They have found that a majority of the jobs can be done from home with only the occasional trip to the office.

I may, eventually, be forced into an office at some point. Not any time soon, but things are heading that way. If so, chances are good I'll end up in Minneapolis, which wouldn't be too bad. Dad is just down the road in NoDak, so it would be easier to visit. (Yes, he's vaxxed and still masks in public. He may be a RWNJ Boomer, but some thing he takes seriously.)

Aside: Just realized my dad isn't a Boomer. He was born in '43, so just a couple of years late for that title.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 12:29 pm
by AndyinPA
Sorry to hear about that, Sugar. I hope for the best for them.

My daughter, SIL, and grandkids left today for LA. Adults are vaccinated with Moderna, granddaughter will be eligible the day they get home, grandson is seven. They agonized over going or not going, ended up deciding to go, as they have canceled trip after trip after trip. They have a private house, and plan to do only outside stuff. They are passionate about masking, and upgraded their masks for this trip. The kids have never stopped masking, and the adults have mostly kept up masking, too. They have both worked at home for a year and a half, but have recently gone back to their offices, although my daughter's office is pretty loose with the policy. I am very nervous, and this is going to be a bad week + worrying about them.

I'm not sure how much of a fun week it's going to be. My SIL broke a finger on July 4, had surgery two weeks ago on it. My daughter took a bad fall last week, and is limping around on a bad knee.

My granddaughter just came home yesterday after a week away at camp. She says it was the trip of a lifetime--because she never wants to do it again. (She was so looking forward to it.) It rained a LOT, and we had the hottest weather of the summer. Some kids called their parents, and they came and got them. Several kids fainted from heat stroke, and one was taken away in an ambulance. An ambulance was called for another girl, but they were able to stabilize her. The staff did all they could, but the cabins aren't air conditioned.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 1:22 pm
by LM K
bill_g wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:28 am If it's any consolation to you Sugar, four people in our shop that hav taken a vacation out of state this summer have returned positive. They're weary of the Covid, want to see family in Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, etc, really enjoyed themselves, come home, and within days feel the symptoms. We are seriously considering modifying our vacation policy to include a mandatory quarantine after your vacation.
I'm so sick of people's wants.

I really want to slap these people. Do I get to slap them? No.

As a psychologist, I probably should be more understanding of covid fatigue. I'm not. Those fucking around can do better.

I think required quarantine is brilliant.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 1:43 pm
by Volkonski
Just heard that our 11 year old great niece in NC has Covid. :shock:

Her mother is a teacher. Her brother was about to leave for college.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 2:01 pm
by AndyinPA

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 2:15 pm
by Volkonski
Not a great start to the school year. :(

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:02 pm
by Volkonski
Volkonski wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:22 pm Our SIL the lawyer is getting tested today. His symptoms include fatigue and coughing.

Students return to our daughter's school on the 19th. She has phoned the parents of her students to let them know that she will wear a mask in the classroom. So far no antimask pushback.
Our SIL tested negative. :biggrin:

He interviewed for a new job today that would be all CPS, no criminal defense.

Our great niece is symptomatic with fever and sore throat. Seems she contracted it from her birth father on a recent visit (her parents are divorced). He also is positive, a breakthru case, he is vaccinated.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 12:08 am
by Phoenix520
We Fogbowsers came out of the 1st and 2nd waves relatively unscathed. I know there were some tragic outcomes with family/friends, but seems we were really lucky.

This wave , sadly, not so much. Sending protective and healing light to each of you. :bighug: Keep trying to stay safe.

Sugar, I feel your frustration. None in my family is a whackaloon about COVID and I don’t live in trumpville or even adjacent so I’m surrounded not by raging morons but by people going about their business without flipping out about every.little.thing.

It must be very different for your kids. No matter how rational, hearing the bullshit day after day from just about everyone, so certain they know, has gotta have an effect, like the endless click debaits about whether coffee is good or bad for you; or carbs; or yadayada. Eventually you stop listening, tune it out.

Primal Scream therapy. Yup. That might be next. Next meetup, we can all climb into a 98.6° hot tub and scream it out. 😜

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 2:14 am
by Maybenaut
There’s no mandates currently in Virginia. In Fairfax county about half the people are masked in public. Here in Trump-land, no masks. I went to Harrisonburg today (home to James Madison University - go Dukes!), and went to Bed, Bath and Beyond looking for curtains. I was pleased to see a sign that said they require masks regardless of vax status.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 12:29 pm
by slq
I have the :sarcasm: pleasure of deposing 2 RWNJ COVIDIOTs next week. The anti-vax, anti-mask is al over his FB page. The dep is set in Oregon, where the sane governor issued an order on August 13 requiring masks indoors. I'm trying to get the 2 deponents to agree to Zoom. But there's also a significant chance that they will no-show, no matter how it's conducted. FB posts indicate the husband is at least a borderline sovcit. They moved to Oregon in an attempt to avoid a judgment, which didn't work.

I'm planning to use a mask and a face shield and to take a face shield for the court reporter. I'm also going to buy a new box of masks for the deponents to use, so at least they know they are fresh. I anticipate a battle over the masks, but I won't allow them to avoid the deposition due to the mask mandate. Too convenient.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 1:09 pm
by MN-Skeptic
LM K wrote: Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:56 am
MN-Skeptic wrote: Sun Aug 08, 2021 12:33 am
My niece will be attending a very conservative Christian college in a Twin Cities' suburb. At this time, they do not have a vaccine mandate. She will be turning 18 in early September. I sure hope she elects, on her own, to get the vaccine. I hope the college issues a mandate, or that her friends on campus turn out to be gung ho on vaccines. She'll also be in my suburb's community symphony orchestra beginning this fall. Maybe there will be pressure from fellow cellists.

As rapid as the Delta variant can spread, I don't think colleges can ignore Covid this fall. It can spread like wildfire on a campus.
Orchestras were and are hit hard with covid. Orchestras have missed one season. The likelihood of a full 21-22 season is slim.

There will be pressure in the orchestra for players to vaccinate. Players sit really closely to each other and playing classical music can be physically demanding. I play the cello; it can be a workout.

I'm sure there are a fair number of orchestras that mandate covid vaccines. It's not possible to socially distance on a the concert stage or in rehearsal rooms. Orchestras are too big for social distancing. You have 60-100 musicians sitting close enough to get in each other's way (I've been stabbed by a neighbor's bow during rehearsal more than once) for 2-3 hour rehearsals. Approx 30-40% of musicians have to drain saliva from their instruments. :sick: That's gross under the best of conditions.

SIL would rather her daughter become infected with covid and be treated with an experimental drug than be vaccinated with a vaccine that 50.5% of Americans have received? (Pfizer is expected to be fully approved by Labor Day.)
My SIL texted me today that my niece won't be in the community orchestra. They require a vaccination card. Even if my niece was vaccinated today, she wouldn't be fully vaccinated for 6 weeks. My niece is disappointed, but her parents haven't changed their minds about vaccinating her. I did talk to my SIL today. She and my physician brother are concerned about serious side effects from the vaccines. They feel it's better to avoid the vaccine and just use Ivermectin if my niece does get Covid. :roll: I'm trying to convince my SIL that even if they use Ivermectin, my niece could experience Long Covid and that should be avoided at all costs. My brother and SIL are firm believers in vaccinations. It's just this one which gives them pause because there are so many authoritative articles talking about bad outcomes from the vaccine and studies touting the effectiveness of Ivermectin.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 1:58 pm
by RVInit
Sending everyone who is personally affected (family, etc) my love and best wishes. I am so sorry for any of you having to deal with wackadoo family or breakthrough, or situations where a loved one can't get vaccinated. I am very lucky I think. Even my Trump humping family members got the vaccine, although one is being stubborn about masking, I guess because we can't just be 100% reasonable if we are Trump humpers, can we? But I have no children (good thing and bad thing) and I live alone and can fairly well control my exposure even though I live in a hotspot. I can afford to order food, knock on wood, and am working from home. So, I know I am among the very fortunate. But I feel so much for those of you dealing with much worse than I am having to deal with.

:grouphug: :lovestruck: :lovestruck: :lovestruck:

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 3:05 pm
by Foggy
Off Topic
Phoenix520 wrote: Tue Aug 17, 2021 12:08 am Primal Scream therapy. Yup. That might be next. Next meetup, we can all climb into a 98.6° hot tub and scream it out. 😜
I took the real Primal Scream therapy for a couple years in '72 -' 73. There was no hot tub at any temperature, only thick foam mats with a sturdy naugahyde cover that you could pound on and not destroy.

Didn't cure all my problems, but I assure you that it was a phenomenally different altered state of consciousness that I have never experienced before or afterward. I had some realizations that gave me a whole new understanding of my early life, and it was enormously effective in turning my stress and negative thoughts into a calmer, more enjoyable state of mind. It was great, and an hour session left you feeling better than you would think possible for three or four days.

We called it "getting in touch with your feelings" but that in no way describes how powerful and effective it was. I'd get back into it later today if I could, but as you suggest, the actual therapy that worked was taken over by kooks and grifters with hot tubs, and there's no way of finding the real deal anymore.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:51 pm
by AndyinPA
One of my best friends contacted me today to tell me that she has Covid. She was sitting in the ER waiting to start the antibody treatment. She has no idea how or where she got it. She has been very careful, vaccinated, and is still masking when she feels it necessary. Also, she's very high risk, immunocompromised. She already uses oxygen at night and has lung damage from an autoimmune disease. I'd guess she'd be one getting one of the boosters soon.

We were all going to Iceland next week. I guess it's good we cancelled. We are supposed to be going to Portugal and Spain next month. I guess that's not happening either.

I've been nervous all week because of my family in LA. Now I'm worried about Judy.

And it all just adds to my fury that something like this could be turned so political.

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 6:19 pm
by Dave from down under

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 6:40 pm
by Volkonski

Re: Coronavirus on a Personal Basis

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:49 am
by keith
The closest its hit to so far: one of our best friends was in a 'red zone' supermarket hotspot at the same time as a positive case from that asinine Bar Mitzvah party over the weekend.

So she is on 14 day self-isolation.

Her brother and sister and we are available to provide deliveries of anything she needs, but its an effing drag.

Idiot assholes.