Post Roe Abortion Problems

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Justice Alito has issued an administrative stay of Judge Kacsmaryk's ruling in the #mifepristone case until 11:59 p.m. ET on Wednesday.

Bottom line: No part of Kacsmaryk's ruling will go into effect at midnight tonight.
"For completeness," this is the stay pending stay. SCOTUS could:

1. Do nothing, and let this stay expire;
2. Grant a full stay pending full briefing;
3. Kick it back to the circuit(s), with instructions; or
4. (Especially this SCOTUS) Go full shadow-docket and rule on the merits.
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Post by AndyinPA »

MIRAMAR, Fla. — Anya Cook did not want to push. But sitting on the toilet, legs splayed wide, she knew she didn’t have a choice.

She was about to deliver her baby alone in the bathroom of a hair salon. On this Thursday afternoon in mid-December, about five months before her due date, she knew the baby would not be born alive.

Cook tried to tune out the easy chatter outside, happy women with working wombs catching up with their hairdresser. At 36, she’d already experienced a long line of miscarriages, but none of the pregnancies had been more than five weeks along. Now she had to deliver a nearly 16-week fetus — a daughter she’d planned to call Bunny.


In rhinestone sandals and biker shorts that showed off her bump, she strolled up and down the aisles with Derick on her arm, feeling the gaze of other women in the store. They went to Target next for a maternity swimsuit. Then to Yard House for a celebratory steak.

“I felt finally that I belonged,” Anya said. “I felt like my body was no longer broken.”

Anya’s water broke the following Wednesday, just after 10 p.m., as she was walking out of a TGI Friday’s.

She felt a rush of warm liquid on her legs, whipping around to see if someone had doused her with a glass of water. Then she put her hand in her underwear.

“Derick, look,” she remembers saying, holding out her wet fingers. “Something’s not right.”

Edited for typo,
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TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly vetoed a bill on Friday that could have penalized doctors accused of not providing enough care to infants delivered alive during certain kinds of abortion procedures.

In a statement on her website, Kelly, a Democrat, called the legislation “misleading and unnecessary.”

The legislation could have subjected doctors to lawsuits and criminal charges in certain kinds of abortions and in circumstances when doctors induce labor to deliver a fetus that is expected to die within minutes or even seconds outside the womb. Kelly vetoed a similar bill in 2019.

“Federal law already protects newborns, and the procedure being described in this bill does not exist in Kansas in the era of modern medicine,” Kelly said Friday. “The intent of this bill is to interfere in medical decisions that should remain between doctors and their patients.”

Kansas’ Republican-controlled Legislature gave final passage to the bill earlier this month, and in both chambers, the bill passed with a veto-proof majority. Still, the bill’s fate has been uncertain in a legal and political climate that’s made Kansas an outlier on abortion policy among states with GOP-led legislatures.
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Post by jemcanada2 »

It’s Canada, but ends up being a debate about abortion. Trudeau has an impromptu debate with a university student about several things, including being pro-choice.

I really like how Trudeau handles the conversation in a calm and respectful manner, while getting the student to admit he supports issues that his political party votes against. ... peg-video/
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Post by RTH10260 »

Opinion piece
An anti-obscenity law from 1873 was discarded for decades. Now the anti-abortion movement wants it back
Anthony Comstock’s crusade against women gained him the moniker of ‘moral eunuch’. Today’s anti-choice zealots are following in his footsteps

Moira Donegan
Wed 19 Apr 2023 11.00 BST

Anthony Comstock thought that his fellow soldiers in the civil war talked about sex too much. When he signed up to serve for the Union in 1863, he saw soldiers behaving the way soldiers tend to do: they drank, and cursed, and made dirty jokes. This spectacle so scandalized Comstock’s Christian morality that he devoted the rest of his life – both in public crusades and in his position as inspector of the US Postal Service – to performing what he called “weeding in God’s garden”.

He rallied against women’s suffrage, secured the arrest and prosecution of his political enemies, and toured colleges and churches, giving speeches meant to whip his audience into a censorial frenzy. One of his targets, a New York abortion provider called Madame Restell, committed suicide after being entrapped and arrested by Comstock, who had posed as a husband seeking birth control pills. He sent others to jail for selling sex toys, or marketing abortion medications, or preaching free love. In short, Comstock became an anti-“obscenity” advocate: one of the most ideological and extreme enforcers of public morality in the nation’s history.

None of this was popular at the time: with his zealous investigation of other people’s sex lives and sadistic pursuit of incarceration for those he found insufficiently pious, he creeped out and alarmed even the comparatively repressed Victorian-era American public. But Comstock attracted some followers, and his efforts bore fruit in the Comstock Act, an 1873 federal law that criminalized the mailing of “obscene, lewd, or lascivious” material. This meant that Americans could be punished for mailing contraception, abortion drugs or implements, sex toys, pornography, or any information about contraception, abortion, or the prevention of venereal disease, or even personal letters with sexually suggestive content. And yes, the act really was enforced: Comstock and his allies appointed censors to comb through the mail, even trying to stop certain medical anatomy textbooks from circulating within the US. Later, in 1909, the Comstock Act was expanded: its censorship would no longer apply to just the US Postal Service, but to any kind of commercial transport of this “obscene” material, even by private carriers.

The twist? This law is still on the books. And now, the anti-choice movement is looking to revive it, in order to eradicate legal abortion nationwide. Both a district judge in Texas and a panel of the fifth circuit court of appeals have already signaled their endorsement of the notion that it is illegal to send abortion instruments through the mail – not just abortion pills, like mifepristone, but any instrument that can induce an abortion – including the tools, like dilators, speculums and curettes, that providers use in surgical procedures. The issue will now inevitably be taken up by the supreme court. And if the federal judiciary – or a future Republican presidential administration – decides to read the Comstock Act this way, then all abortions can be effectively banned throughout the US, with little more than the stroke of a pen. ... -obscenity
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Post by Dave from down under »

FYI ... /102244974

Canberrans seeking an abortion will be able to access the healthcare service free-of-charge from today, as the ACT government's pledge to make reproductive care more accessible becomes a reality.

Key points:
Abortions will be free for Canberrans up until 16 weeks' gestation
The ACT government has pledged $4.6 million over four years
Canberra's peak body for women's health says distressing patient stories show more work is needed

The government made the commitment in August last year, announcing the services would also be accessible to people without a Medicare card.

The initiative to remove out-of-pocket costs will cost the government $4.6 million over four years and aims to improve access to affordable, accessible health services as part of the ACT Women's Plan 2016-26.

ACT Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith said they were proud to see the change take effect.
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Post by chancery » ... confession

Paul Campos, at the Lawyers Guns & Money blog
I actually thought that today the SCOTUS might toss out Judge K’s utterly absurd preliminary injunction in the abortion pill case in an unsigned per curium opinion, thus using this occasion to prove once and for all that the Court is Above Politics, so stop threatening us with term limits, expansion, investigation of our griftier members etc.

Instead we got this:
The Supreme Court has temporarily extended women’s access to an abortion pill until Friday while the justices consider whether to allow restrictions on mifepristone to take effect as a legal challenge to the medication’s Food and Drug Administration approval continues.

In an order signed by Justice Samuel Alito on Wednesday, the court indicated it will act by Friday night. Alito provided no explanation for why the court put off a more lasting decision.
What this means is that there’s some sort of Very Serious Argument going on among the justices about how to deal with this situation.

Let me try to put this legal proceeding into terms that non-lawyers can appreciate.

Suppose a group called Americans For Real Democracy filed a suit asking me, an overfed long-haired leaping gnome, a federal judge, to grant a preliminary injunction barring the US Congress from considering further legislation until California is granted 13 senators, thus reflecting the state’s share of the nation’s total population.

Furthermore, suppose that nobody in this group has ever even been to California, and in fact they all currently live in France. Suppose the reason they give for asking me to grant a preliminary injunction is that their legal claim — that California has a constitutional right to 13 senators — is very likely to succeed on the merits, and in addition they will all individually and collectively suffer irreparable harm if any further legislation is passed by Congress while California only has two senators, not 13.

Now here’s the thing: I personally think California should have 13 senators, because I consider the US senate to be a horrible institution. But here’s the other thing: this lawsuit doesn’t have any basis in the actual laws of the United States, at all. It’s not even a “creative “argument, boldly going to strange new worlds, new civilizations, where no legal argument has gone before. It’s preposterous, frivolous, utterly without merit, and something that any member of the bar should be sanctioned for arguing.

And the most absurd part of it is the claim that if I, a district judge somewhere to the south of New York City don’t grant a preliminary injunction to stop the Congress from passing laws until this highly likely to succeed legal claim has it’s full day in court, I will be violating the legal rights of Americans For Real Democracy, as they munch on foie gras in Lyon or wherever.

That’s what’s going on here. That the SCOTUS didn’t instantly lift the injunction in this case is simply giving some sort of credibility to legal claims that, to put it mildly, have none.

This analogy breaks down at some point, however, and that point is this: If I were to issue an injunction barring Congress from legislating until California got its 13 senators — an outcome, again, which I passionately favor as a political matter — I don’t think I’d get glowing profiles in the NYT and the WAPO, quoting a right winger or three about what an objective and careful judge I am, who would never let my political beliefs get in the way of my strictly legal judgments.

In this as in so many other ways, we are involved in a very asymmetrical form of war by other means.
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Anti-Abortion Activist on 10-Year-Old Rape Victim: ‘A Woman’s Body Is Designed to Carry Life’

Kylie Cheung
Wed, April 19, 2023 at 10:15 PM GMT+2·

Ohio Republicans held hearings this week for multiple bills intended to block an abortion rights ballot measure from getting a statewide vote this November—probably because they know Ohioans would to pass it. It’s all a fairly transparent response to the results of last November’s elections, which saw abortion rights win in all five states that put the issue to popular vote.

At one of these hearings on Tuesday, Laura Strietmann, head of Cincinnati Right to Life, addressed the gutting case of a 10-year-old rape victim in the state who was forced to travel to Indiana for abortion last July, because Ohio’s ban doesn’t include a rape exception. “While a pregnancy might have been difficult on a 10-year-old body, a woman’s body is designed to carry life. That is a biological fact,” Strietmann said, referring to a child victim as a woman for political convenience.

This language, of course, is sadly common among anti-abortion activists and their Republican allies. They frequently adultify pregnant children, who are legally below the age of sexual consent, and refer to them as women or argue that they would make good parents—ironically, all while accusing LGBTQ people of child predation. Just earlier this year, a bill in Tennessee that would threaten rape victims who seek abortions with three years in prison for “lying” about being raped referred to child victims as young as 12 as “women.”

Streitmann followed up her heinous comments with yet more disinformation: A child’s body is “not designed to have disgusting death instruments remove her pre-born child from her womb,” she said, claiming this “is a statistical fact.” Actually, abortion is a highly safe medically procedure, whereas forcing a child or adolescent to give birth has a relatively high risk of death and severe, painful health complications like obstetric fistula.

Streitmann’s purposeful disinformation is one thing, but I’m stuck on the unique cruelty of her comments. Ohio’s abortion ban compounded the lifelong trauma inflicted upon a child rape victim by forcing her to travel across state lines for a health service she was denied in her home state—almost a year later, the child remains the center of gross lies and dehumanizing political talking points.

Streitmann further lied that Dr. Caitlin Bernard, the Indiana doctor who offered the child an abortion, “did not report the rape” (public records prove Bernard did) and said she was “sorry the mother permitted” the abortion. The Right to Life leader’s dishonesty is a consistent through-line in her testimony, which makes sense: Anti-abortion leaders have to rely on deceitful tactics to make up for the fact that the cruel policies they’re pushing are deeply unpopular with voters. ... 00389.html
(original: Jezebel)
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Post by Resume18 »

“While a pregnancy might have been difficult on a 10-year-old body, a woman’s body is designed to carry life. That is a biological fact,” Strietmann said, referring to a child victim as a woman for political convenience.
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Post by AndyinPA »

Pregnancy is dangerous to all women. It's extraordinarily dangerous to young girls.

I have a relative who's very tiny (a gymnast who thought seriously about going into the Olympics). Each of her three pregnancies and deliveries were complicated by her small size.
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Post by Volkonski »

Steve Herman
#SCOTUS preserves access to #abortionpill, rejecting a judge’s restrictions while the legal case continues.
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Post by Volkonski »

CNN Breaking News
The Supreme Court protects access to a widely used abortion drug by freezing lower-court rulings that placed restrictions on medication abortion
The Supreme Court on Friday protected access to a widely used abortion drug by freezing lower-court rulings that placed restrictions on its usage.

As a result, the US Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the drug mifepristone and subsequent actions that made it more easily accessible will remain in place while appeals play out – potentially for months to come.

Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito publicly dissented.
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NY Times gift: Live Updates: Supreme Court Ensures, for Now, Broad Access to Abortion Pill

(Includes link to PDF of decision.)
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Post by bob »

This is about the best (realistic) outcome. Stayed through at least the cert. petition.

I expect the 5th now will be reasonably quick, but not excessively so.

My WAG is this be argued at SCOTUS, next term. With a ruling in 2024.
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Post by pipistrelle »

I am :shock: by Alito and Thomas.
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Post by Kendra »

Justice Alito's assertion that the Biden administration would not follow a legitimate order from the Court is unwarranted & completely unbefitting a Supreme Court justice.
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Post by raison de arizona »

That’s just Alito being Alito.
Puesto Loco™ @PuestoLoco wrote: Remember, Alito is the racist asshole who called Obama a liar at the SOTU when Obama said Citizens United would invite foreign money into election campaigns.
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Republican Graham loses cool over abortion after supreme court pill ruling
Senator deflects questions with false claim Democrats want a ‘barbaric’ law allowing abortions on demand until birth

Richard Luscombe
Sun 23 Apr 2023 16.44 BST

Republican frustration with the supreme court decision which on Friday blocked restrictions on a widely used abortion pill spilled into public on Sunday, as the South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham lost his cool in a television interview when challenged on his flip-flopping position.

Graham, who last September proposed a national 15-week abortion ban only a month after insisting it was an issue for states to decide, became angry on CNN’s State of the Union, deflecting questions with false claims Democrats wanted a law allowing abortions until birth on demand.

The flustered senator accused his interviewer, Dana Bash, of covering for opponents he said wanted to see “barbaric” late-term abortions “out of line with the rest of the civilised world” and commonplace, he said, only in China and North Korea.

“No, no, no, you [in the] media keep covering for these guys,” Graham shouted. “They introduced legislation that allowed abortion on demand with taxpayer funds to the moment of birth, that’s the law they want to pass and nobody in your business will talk about it.”

Bash replied she was covering for nobody and had frequently challenged Democrats on the issue.

The official position of the Democratic party is to codify federal protections for abortion, guaranteed by the Roe v Wade decision of 1973 until overturned by the supreme court last year, that permitted the procedure until “fetal viability”, generally accepted to be at about 24 weeks’ gestation.

The spectacle of Graham’s anger underscored how Republicans are struggling to find a cohesive response to Friday’s ruling over the abortion pill mifepristone and on abortion in general.

Many analysts and party members believe the issue cost votes in last year’s midterms, following the supreme court Dobbs v Jackson ruling that overturned Roe v Wade. ... ill-ruling
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Pilot who offered flights to women for medical care fired from seminary job
Greg Williams offered transportation for women seeking out-of-state care after the supreme court’s Dobbs decision last year

Ramon Antonio Vargas in New Orleans
Tue 25 Apr 2023 02.21 BST

About three weeks after the US supreme court last year struck down the federal right to abortion, Greg Williams, a volunteer pilot for a group that provides free flights to people who need to travel for medical care, posted a Facebook message.

“If any women need to make an unexpected trip from the south to, say, Illinois or New Mexico or Virginia for reasons that are none of my business, I can provide safe, private air transport that would get you where you need to go and back the same day at a price that will work for you,” Williams wrote on 28 June 2022.

Williams acknowledges the message mentioned an area which has largely outlawed abortion and three states which have acted to preserve access. The post did not explicitly mention abortion – because Williams’s day job was teaching Greek and Latin at a college for prospective Catholic priests near New Orleans.

The Benedictine-run St Joseph Seminary College has a policy against publicly expressing beliefs contrary to the established teachings of the Catholic church, which stridently opposes abortion. Despite the fact that a majority of Americans believe abortion should be legal in most or all cases, according to recent polling, Williams wanted to comply with school policy. It didn’t matter. The school fired him a week later.

“Your Facebook post publicly and deliberately advocated a position contrary to the official teaching of the Catholic Church,” said the termination letter that St Joseph’s rector, Gregory Boquet, gave Williams on 5 July. “The decision is to terminate your employment … effective immediately.” ... minary-job?
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I'd like to buy that man a beer.
My Crested Yorkie, Gilda and her amazing hair.

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Post by raison de arizona »

Cruz and Cornyn couldn't be bothered to listen to their constituent.
Acyn @Acyn wrote: “I wanted to address my senators, Cruz and Cornyn.. I would like for them to know that what happened to me is a direct result of the policies they support. I nearly died on their watch and I may have been robbed of the opportunity to have children in the future”
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Post by AndyinPA »

They. Don't. Care.
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Post by raison de arizona »

AndyinPA wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 4:07 pm They. Don't. Care.
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” —John Adams
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