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Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 11:02 am
by raison de arizona
Wonder what keeps Boebert up at night? (hint: it's not climate change)
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Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:00 pm
by pipistrelle
Her timeline is worse than Weekly World News.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:00 pm
by p0rtia
The above is still up on Twitter. We are fucking doomed.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:24 pm
by northland10
If that is how we doom our civilization, we would have been destroyed many millennia ago. She does not get the coverage among a large majority of America as it would seem in a place where we watch these things. And if we look at her followers and replies, after you take out the bots and the various foreign actors (and those paid by them), you will likely get a mix of people from both sides. Many of those following her also mock her.

If we look at everything as being the end of it all, that is all we will ever see.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:25 pm
by p0rtia
All true. Civilization will survive--just not this one.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 4:24 pm
by raison de arizona
Boebert tells veterans they're on their own, to their faces. Need more video, but they prolly cheered her. Arg.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 10:18 am
by Tiredretiredlawyer

Start at 5:30.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 10:55 am
by raison de arizona
That's a great bit, but Jimmy Kimmel is still a sexist pig.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:28 pm
by RVInit
I don't know anything about this source, still looking for confirmation. Not sure I should be posting this yet, but someone will correct me if this is not true.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:31 pm
by RVInit
Salon and Hillreporter are reporting the same thing.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:31 pm
by Tiredretiredlawyer
It is true. See the great adventures of Tina thread.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:33 pm
by RVInit ... n-manager/
According to Mesa County District Attorney Dan Rubinstein, the state attorney general’s office and local authorities conducted the searches Tuesday in Mesa and Garfield Counties. The court-ordered search was part of an investigation of alleged election security breaches conducted by Mesa County officials.

Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters did confirm her home was searched. A statement was released from her legal defense fund early Wednesday morning stating, “Today large teams of heavily armed federal agents, using a battering ram to break down doors, raided the homes of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters and several of her friends and colleagues, mostly elderly women in their mid 60s. This is a level of weaponization of the Justice Department we haven’t seen since the McCarthy era. Thank God Tina wasn’t protesting critical race theory at a Virginia school board meeting or they might have brought two battering rams.”

Tuesday night Peters did appear on Lindell TV, a channel ran by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell to speak about the raid. According to Colorado Politics, Peters also spoke on Lindell’s channel saying, “The FBI raided my home at 6 a.m. this morning, accusing me of committing a crime. And they raided the homes of my friends, mostly older women. I was terrified.” She continued by saying authorities searched her house for “about three hours” and “took all of my electronics,” including her phone.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:06 pm
by AndyinPA

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:18 pm
by New Turtle
The first time I ever went to Grand Junction, it was about a year ago and I was coming in from the Utah desert. I thought it was really cool after seeing nothing but white and sometimes red rocks, there is a big patch of green that includes rows and rows of grapes. The town was nice as well, like it was built into the landscape, all the railroad stuff looked like it was maintained regularly. The people were generally nice, never ran into any of the crazies though.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:52 pm
by AndyinPA
We spent a few days there in July before taking the train back East. It is a pretty little town; we also met nice people; and I was a bit surprised to find that it's a right-wing hot spot. That's not the vibe it gave off.

But then, I was only there two days.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:24 pm
by Estiveo
I drove through Grand Junction just before Thanksgiving 43 years ago. It made such an impression that I have absolutely zero recollection of it.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 5:09 pm
by raison de arizona
This censure business got Boebert all het up. She's angry.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 5:37 pm
by AndyinPA


Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 7:48 pm
by northland10
From the article wrote:Wednesday afternoon, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser and 21st Judicial District Attorney Dan Rubinstein released the following statement:

“Yesterday, the 21st Judicial District Attorney’s Office and the Colorado Attorney General’s Office—along with our FBI partners—conducted authorized enforcement actions in support of an ongoing investigation into the alleged election system breach in Mesa County. We have reviewed a statement from Tina Peters’ legal defense fund that claims a level of force during the execution of this joint federal-state law enforcement operation. At no time was force used on Ms. Peters or her home. Ms. Peters was allowed to move around her home and fix herself breakfast while agents gathered items before departing. We are issuing this statement to clear up inaccuracies about what occurred during yesterday’s enforcement action. We will continue to conduct a thorough investigation based on facts and the law, including using proper law enforcement tools such as the judicially authorized search that was executed properly in this matter.”
Could it be that Tina was lying for attention? Shocking. :faint:

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 8:47 pm
by Volkonski

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 7:51 am
by Foggy
Classy. They'll make a great team working in Congress together. :bored:

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 12:05 pm
by Kendra

Over the Thanksgiving break, Lauren Boebert said she was recently in a Capitol elevator with Ilhan Omar when a fretful Capitol police officer ran up.

Lauren Boebert said: “Well, she doesn’t have a backpack. We should be fine.”

Boebert then called Ilhan Omar, “jihad squad.”

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 12:10 pm
by Estiveo

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 12:28 pm
by pipistrelle
Looks like she’s talking to aging wannabe bikers. Her base.

Re: Lauren Boebert - Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Lauren Opal Boebert née Roberts

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 7:02 pm
by Kendra
The mother...

BTW, CNN is showing additional clips from Boebert's little appearance. My God, the comments she made about Mayor Pete and his personal time off for new babies is just... SMDH.