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George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:56 pm
by Foggy
Ah, so it's sort of like a belated Christmas gift, he's going to give his constituents the gift of a new story of his life!

But I suspect there's something really bad in his past, and it's going to come out.

My signature discounts the Information Age, but you can't really live off the grid, or you end up in the California (or maybe Arizona) desert, living in a wooden shack.

This man has left a trail. People have known him and what he's been doing.

I think the truth will emerge sooner than later.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:11 pm
by tek
I notice he didn't campaign on Public Integrity

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:39 pm
by Phoenix520
I saw a comment yesterday on Elmo’s playpen that implied he was in some kind of trouble in Brazil and had fled to the US. Can’t track it down though.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:43 pm
by raison de arizona
Phoenix520 wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:39 pm I saw a comment yesterday on Elmo’s playpen that implied he was in some kind of trouble in Brazil and had fled to the US. Can’t track it down though.
I heard that too, he bounced on a warrant or something, I want to say.

ETA: NYT says "criminal charges for check fraud in Brazil"
more details here: ... icans.html
► Show Spoiler

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:49 pm
by Foggy
Yeah, apparently he stole a checkbook from an elderly gentleman and wrote some checks, and there's an active warrant out for his arrest ... in Brazil.

So that explains maybe a few days of his past: Stole a checkbook, wrote checks. In Brazil.

That leaves a lot of his past activity remaining to be discovered. :popcorn:

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:50 pm
by Flatpoint High
raison de arizona wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:43 pm
Phoenix520 wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:39 pm I saw a comment yesterday on Elmo’s playpen that implied he was in some kind of trouble in Brazil and had fled to the US. Can’t track it down though.
I heard that too, he bounced on a warrant or something, I want to say.
he was charged w/check fraud in Brazil and perhaps lying about his grandparents being Holocaust survivors - records show they were actually born in Brazil.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:12 pm
by Foggy
Okay, that's what I mean, now we know a fact: his grandparents were born in Brazil. That's going to lead to them being found and interviewed, which will lead to more facts.

If that's true. Okay, records show. I'll buy that.

And I must say, lying about your résumé is wrong. Lying about being gay is weird. But lying about a connection to the Holocaust is fucking evil.

Don't try to get my vote by telling me your grandparents were victims of the Holocaust, because the Holocaust was real, and you're just using it as a prop. The Holocaust isn't a prop.

Edit: This, again, is why I question whether he's gay, something I rarely, if ever, have done. If he'd lie about his own grandparents, if he'd trade on a fake imaginary connection to the Holocaust, then he'd lie about his sexuality in order to get votes. I am suspicious.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:16 pm
by RTH10260
Obviously another case of Only.The.Best.(R-__)

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:41 pm
by Kendra
Might be fun watching the Hill reporters following him around all day asking tough questions. :boxing:

I haven't seen Fox reporting on this yet, if someone sees it and how they spin it, please post here.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:41 pm
by pipistrelle
He’s going to deliver inflation. Marvelous!

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:03 am
by Dr. Ken

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:28 am
by Suranis
He would be far from the first person to pretend to be homosexual for publicity. Philip Chevron of the Pouges did it for years. A friend of mine was the wife of an Irish Musician and she told me it was an open secret in the industry that he was secretly straight.

No skin of my nose, I never was a fan of the Pouges so :shrug:

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:50 am
by Ben-Prime
Kendra wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:41 pm Might be fun watching the Hill reporters following him around all day asking tough questions. :boxing:

I haven't seen Fox reporting on this yet, if someone sees it and how they spin it, please post here.
At this rate, there's enough fabrication in this resume to make an entire season out of a reality show where each episode is reporters chasing him about one specific lie.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 6:40 am
by Foggy
Suranis wrote: Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:28 am ... she told me it was an open secret in the industry that he was secretly straight.
Secretly straight.

Yanno, I became an adult in the early '70s. We didn't have no "secretly straight" back then.

I am living in a world far beyond the scope of my imagination. And that's okay today. The world keeps spinning and I keep learning new things, and today I learned secretly straight.

And I think this George dude is secretly straight and openly gay, and full of the stuff that comes out the back of horsies.

Terrific story, though. Everything the dude has ever said is a fib. But hold on, I have predicted that reporters will uncover what he's really been doing since he left high school, it's only a matter of time.

The only variables are, will we find out before January 3rd, and if it's bad enough, will the Republicans refuse to seat him.

There isn't enough :popcorn: in the world.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 9:47 am
by Tiredretiredlawyer
Foggy: and if it's bad enough, will the Republicans refuse to seat him.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You've been working WAAAAAYYYYYYY too hard, Foggy.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 9:54 am
by pipistrelle
It sounds like he was trying to tick all the liberal boxes — gay, minority, etc., to "trigger the libs." Another wannabe celebrity with zero interest in governing or improving anything.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 10:04 am
by Foggy
TRL, he's going to release a new story next week.

Which we all know will be a fantasy, but then the truth will come out. I deeply believe that.

Suppose he was sent to prison for a felony, and that's what he really did after high school?

Depending upon the nature of the felony, that could get even today's GOP off the mark, but I admit it's unlikely.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 11:10 am
by Kendra ... r-AA15Afy2
CBS News has spoken with a pastor, Father Jose Carlos da Silva, of Saint Rita's Catholic Church, in Long Island City, Queens, who says he knew Santos' family, the Devolders, well. The Devolders came to the church once in a while, he told CBS News. The family, including George Santos, was Catholic, says da Silva.

He also said that when Santos' mother, Fatima Devolder, died in 2016, Santos approached him to ask for help from the church. Da Silva had ministered to the family during Devolder's illness, and soon after she died, Santos told da Silva that the family couldn't afford a funeral.

A memorial mass was held at the church, which held a collection for the family. Da Silva said he didn't count the money collected, but recalled that the amount raised was significant, and that he handed the collection directly to Santos. But da Silva's portrayal of the family's financial condition is at odds with the biography presented by Santos.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 11:17 am
by Foggy
Ah, well now George can work that into the new story he's planning on telling us next week.

Yes, my mom died, and I'm rich but I decided it was an excellent opportunity to grift some money from the church. :batting:

Next week is gonna be fun!

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 11:53 am
by RTH10260
Rep. George Santos Now Appears to Have Lied About His Grandparents Fleeing the Nazis

Susan Rinkunas
Wed, December 21, 2022 at 11:40 PM GMT+1

On Monday, we learned that Representative-elect George Santos (R-N.Y.) allegedly fabricated large parts of his biography, including where he went to college, his employment history, and losing multiple employees in the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Santos didn’t comment for the New York Times piece, but hours after it published, his lawyer shared a bizarre statement on Twitter in which he denied nothing and misattributed a quote to Winston Churchill.

Now, Jewish outlet The Forward has done its own investigation on Santos, and based on their review of genealogy websites, they allege he is not Jewish as he has claimed and that his grandparents did not flee Nazi persecution in Europe during World War II. ... 00708.html
(original: Jezebel)

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:13 pm
by Kendra

This story talks about hopping from rental home to rental home skipping out on back rent each time. So, where did the $700K he loaned his campaign come from if he can't afford rent? This isn't a candidate "padding his resume." It's federal crimes.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:23 pm
by Kendra ... rications/
Senior House Republicans were so keenly aware of alleged inaccuracies and embellishments in Rep-elect George Santos’s professional biography, that the topic became a “running joke,” multiple insiders close to House GOP leadership told The Post.
“As far as questions about George in general, that was always something that was brought up whenever we talked about this race,” said one senior GOP leadership aide. “It was a running joke at a certain point. This is the second time he’s run and these issues we assumed would be worked out by the voters.”

“When the story dropped everyone was like well yeah that makes sense. That’s all what we kind of thought,” the aide added, noting that his financial and biographical details didn’t always add up.

A second insider close to GOP leadership called the allegations against Santos “mostly stuff we already knew,” adding that “there were questions. Things weren’t adding up.”
Santos was elected during the midterms last month to represent the Long Island and Queens-based 3rd District and replace retiring Democrat Tom Suozzi. He forms a critical part of Republicans narrow 222 to 213 majority in the chamber.

Given that paper-thin margin, there was almost no chance the incoming congressman would face any sanction from leadership over the issue, House insiders said.

“The most important purpose that Santos serves is voting for Kevin McCarthy, until then nobody’s going to do anything,” the second insider said. “He won his election. He’s a member of congress. Too bad for Democrats. Should have figured this all out beforehand. He will have committee assignments.”

Reps for McCarthy did not respond to request for comment.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:29 pm
by pipistrelle
There were more than "questions."

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:39 pm
by Foggy
I am not gonna link to Daily Beast, too many ads, too hard to read, hell with 'em.

But now we have Russian money backing this dude Santos.

And the dude is a cheap grifter, ducking out on rent in a lot of places, no money to show.

So the key question above is, where did the lying sack get $700K to loan his campaign? The DB story is about $56K, but there's a lot more yet to be discovered.

George Santos (R-NY) and his imaginative (but dishonest) résumé

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 2:05 pm
by RTH10260
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