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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:51 pm
by Annrc
They’re awful!

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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 4:00 pm
by Kendra
Slim Cognito wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:46 pm Is it just me or do those lips just keep growing? I swear it's like Steve McQueen fighting off the blob.

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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:08 pm
by Suranis
What the hell is going on with her? I never thought she was particularly great looking since she hooked up with Jr, but before she was at least presentable on camera with evenly presented makeup. But in the last few months she looks like a clown. Those red cheeks is new and terrible, and ya those lips are full of WTF. Is it just that she cant afford her old makeup person anymore?

Or is it that Donald is telling her to look terrible as he is looking terrible? The reason I think this is that I cant be the only person that noticed that JR and Eric both sprouted those half beards at the same time, so they had to have been ordered to do it by Daddy who was already looking worse and worse. Someone looking better than him on camera would infuriate DUMBUS.

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Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 5:52 pm
by neonzx
Jr. wants Drag Queens into a wood chipper.


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Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 7:34 pm
by sugar magnolia
Throwing people into a wood chipper is "family friendly" to him?

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Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 7:47 pm
by pipistrelle
sugar magnolia wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 7:34 pm Throwing people into a wood chipper is "family friendly" to him?
Think he's mocking the idea that exposing kids to drag queens can be family friendly.

But he's just an attention seeker.

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Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 1:08 am
by Gregg
Based on the news, I'd say your church's youth pastor is a bigger risk to children than drag queens.

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Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 5:43 am
by Suranis
I would say there is probably the same proportion of Child Molesters in Drag Queens as Pastors. People have tried for years to point to one group or another as having more child molesters and it does not ever pan out.

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Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 7:05 am
by northland10
I would expect a higher potential percentage of groomers/potential molesters to be among teachers, coaches, scouters, youth ministers, pastors, or any other youth serving role than in something like a book reading drag queen. Why?

One word


There are limited opportunities for a 1 on 1 contact when reading to a group of children in a library. The other positions have far greater potential for grooming and are also in the position to create trust and emotional bonds with children and parents. One article I read not long ago had the father saying about the abuser he allowed his child to be alone with, "he seemed okay."

Abusers look for opportunities and weak spots to exploit. Drag queen book readings have less of those.

The right is big on it now because it triggers their audiences' obsessions and need to blame the other for things that happens not by the other but by those close to them.

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Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 2:11 pm
by RVInit

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Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 2:13 pm
by AndyinPA

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Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 9:15 pm
by johnpcapitalist
Suranis wrote: Sun Apr 30, 2023 5:43 am I would say there is probably the same proportion of Child Molesters in Drag Queens as Pastors. People have tried for years to point to one group or another as having more child molesters and it does not ever pan out.
Every day on Reddit's /r/PastorArrested forum, there are multiple stories of pastors arrested, almost always for child sexual abuse. A small number of stories concern embezzlement of church funds. Only occasionally are there other issues.

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Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 9:40 pm
by Suranis
johnpcapitalist wrote: Sun Apr 30, 2023 9:15 pm Every day on Reddit's /r/PastorArrested forum, there are multiple stories of pastors arrested, almost always for child sexual abuse. A small number of stories concern embezzlement of church funds. Only occasionally are there other issues.
Ok. That wasn't actually my point, but good they are being arrested. And their arrests being reported. It only took 30 freaking years... *mutter mutter*

However, I'll just point out that is a voluntary database - people volunteer info to it. So they might be more enthusiastic about hunting down and reporting one kind of crime because its sexy. Just because its not in a reddit thread does not mean embezzlement etc has not happened.

That also does not mean that Drag Queens are not getting arrested for stuff. Firstly you would have to have a Reddit thread for that, and second Unlike being a Pastor you can be a crossdresser and not have anyone have anyone have any idea when you are arrested.

So... ya, whatever.

As noted above Its opportunity that's the big issue. Yes crossdressers can be Teachers and Sports coaches etc. So unless you have TeachersArrested and SportscoachesArrested reddits you are not getting the full incomplete picture from reddit. At least on the proportion of Jobs getting voluntarily reported. That's assuming, of course, that people are just as enthusiastic about reporting them as Pastors for Child molesting.

trump spawn

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 10:59 pm
by johnpcapitalist
Suranis wrote: Sun Apr 30, 2023 9:40 pm However, I'll just point out that is a voluntary database - people volunteer info to it. So they might be more enthusiastic about hunting down and reporting one kind of crime because its sexy. Just because its not in a reddit thread does not mean embezzlement etc has not happened.

That also does not mean that Drag Queens are not getting arrested for stuff. Firstly you would have to have a Reddit thread for that, and second Unlike being a Pastor you can be a crossdresser and not have anyone have anyone have any idea when you are arrested.
A couple of points here. First, I should mention that the overwhelming majority of reports in that particular Reddit thread are Protestant pastors, particularly evangelicals.

One of my primary responsibilities in the numbers part of my job is assessing data quality. I am certainly aware of the limitations of anecdotal data and am not saying the trend on Reddit "proves" anything. There's an old saying: "The plural of anecdotes is not data." That said, anecdotes can often be good indicators that there is something going on that your current data doesn't cover. It's a bad idea to dismiss anecdotal data out of hand, though you should certainly assess it a bit before using it.

The matter of Protestant sexual abuse is certainly something that needs to be covered. I've been working to heal from my child sexual abuse at the hands of a Protestant minister for a decade now. During that time, I've consistently said that the Protestant church will be shown to have an incidence of clergy sexual abuse equal to or greater than that of the Catholic church. (Evidence is strong that clergy sexual abuse is not just a Christian problem, BTW.)

I believe this is due to the decentralized nature of most Protestant denominations, where there is a very weak central governing organization, which mostly rules on doctrinal issues but doesn't have much power to mandate organizational reforms. Pastors in many churches have authority over not only what is said in the pulpit but they often have compliant boards stacked with friends, unquestioned authority over financial matters and more. This means that they can operate as abusers with far less scrutiny. That's often more pronounced in evangelical congregations than in mainstream denominations like Episcopals, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, UU's, etc.

The main difference between the Catholic church and the Protestant world is one of timing... Catholic issues were publicized long ago, and the centralized organization made it an attractive target for litigation. To its credit, the Catholic church has recognized the existential threat and (for the most part -- there are some footdraggers) has been very serious about protecting kids. All Catholic school employees undergo periodic training and procedures for child safety are reviewed, per a friend who's an administrator in a parochial school. I don't have broad data on what happens in the churches, but I would bet it's similar.

I have also long said that the issue of priestly celibacy is a red herring at best and usually represents attempts from some evangelical quarters to demonize the Catholic church, something many fundamentalist groups have been doing for decades if not centuries. The overwhelming majority of abusers of younger kids in the broad population identify as straight. IIRC, it's over 70% across all ages of abuse victims. I'm speculating that those who identify as gay may be more targeted towards older kids (i.e., post-puberty) but it's late at night and I'm not going to dig up what data I can find to support this guess.

In other words, I emphatically do not believe that the Catholic church is structurally more likely to have abusers because of priestly celibacy. I predict that when we look back 20 years from now, the incidence of abusive Protestant clergy, or the incidence of Protestant victims, will be approximately the same or potentially slightly greater than what we've seen with the Catholic church.

Because of the denial among denomination leadership and the attempts to obstruct criminal action (I'm looking at you, Jehovah's Witnesses and Southern Baptists, as particularly egregious examples), it will take a very long time with thousands of lawsuits before those groups come clean.

Returning to the issue about potential underreporting of drag queen abusers, teachers and sports coaches being abusers and the relative incidence of abuse in those populations versus clergy, one could relatively easily set up Google alerts to monitor news for these cases, and could tabulate lists of people arrested by memberships in those groups. While such a data collection strategy would not be complete, it would be feasible to accomplish with relatively little effort.

One should note that right-wing media eager to demonize drag queens would likely ensure that any drag queen arrested for child sexual abuse would get banner headlines. Their thought mode (common in cults) is that if one drag queen is an abuser, that proves all drag queens are abusers, and justifies their persecution of them. In reality, drag queen pedophiles are a problem is only if the incidence of drag queen abusers is greater than the incidence in the population as a whole. If the incidence of child sexual abuse among drag queens is statistically lower than in the gen pop, then we should mandate drag queen story hour.

Lastly, the Reddit thread /r/ByeByeJob often has articles about teachers and sports coaches losing their jobs due to abuse of students. I have not checked to see if there are specific groups for drag queens, coaches and teachers.

trump spawn

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 7:03 pm
by Kendra

Guilfoyle is now selling sheets. She says she has them and says they are great because sometimes their bed gets really hot because Junior is a big guy and really hairy so sometimes she has to kick a leg out to cool down.

trump spawn

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 7:04 pm
by raison de arizona

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Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 7:32 pm
by pipistrelle
Kendra wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 7:03 pm ... 485272066
Guilfoyle is now selling sheets. She says she has them and says they are great because sometimes their bed gets really hot because Junior is a big guy and really hairy so sometimes she has to kick a leg out to cool down.
Puts her in competition with the MyPillow guy.

Jr. is not a big guy by any means.

Never hear of A/C in Florida?

trump spawn

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 7:52 pm
by Kendra ... r/?ref=rss
Donald Trump breaks ground on new golf course dedicated to his mother
“It will be dedicated to my late mother and that is a source of great pride to me and my family. My mother was an incredible woman who loved Scotland.

“She returned here every year and she loved The Queen. I got to know The Queen too during my visits here I love Scotland just as much.”
Edit: off to repost in correct thread. :oldlady:

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Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 8:30 pm
by AndyinPA
He's lying.

Okay, water is wet.

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Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 8:58 pm
by Kendra
AndyinPA wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 8:30 pm He's lying.

Okay, water is wet.
Oops, wrong thread.

trump spawn

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 3:07 pm
by Kendra

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Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 3:39 pm
by raison de arizona
Counterpoint: No one cares what tfgJr has to say and no one is coming for him.

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Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 1:50 pm
by Ben-Prime
And then there's Eric, who would be overjoyed if someone cared enough to even make him think he was a potential target for some kind of media smear campaign.

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Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 7:09 pm
by Kendra

trump spawn

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 7:11 pm
by Foggy
If something you pulled out of your butt is true?

I mean, it stinks, but it isn't true.