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Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 2:21 pm
by p0rtia
Hot take from a bit ago on MSNBC:

Laurence O'Donnell, in the overflow room (I think): T appeared to be looking at his papers, and the top paper appeared to be a picture of the crowd at his rally.

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 2:24 pm
by p0rtia
2:22 Monday May 13 PM : Lawyer-head explains that circumstantial evidence is just fine to prove a case (discussing Cohen testifying this discussions with T during the week of Stormy negotiations).

Narrator: And the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming.

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 2:59 pm
by Rolodex
p0rtia wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 2:21 pm Hot take from a bit ago on MSNBC:

Laurence O'Donnell, in the overflow room (I think): T appeared to be looking at his papers, and the top paper appeared to be a picture of the crowd at his rally.
Trump is in major need of binkies and blankies. Tuberville and Vance were some morning blankies, and now they can go on Fox or twitter and denigrate the trial, Cohen, Daniels whoever. They will claim they "were IN THE COURTROOM!!!" and so know what's really going on.

Pics of large crowds are definitely nice binkies he can can sucking in.

And I've seen several places that there's a better view of trump in the overflow room.

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 3:11 pm
by p0rtia
New Lawyer-head eager to give his take, following testimony from Cohen that T said "work it out with Allen" and that he called/spoke with T at every step of the road, supported by call logs and common effing sense:

"We still haven't seen any evidence that T directed AW and MC to falsify the pay=back scheme."

:brickwallsmall: :brickwallsmall: :brickwallsmall:

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 4:08 pm
by bob
Cohen's testimony seems to contain a fair amount of, "The defendant told me...." Which is causing the bird-site pseudolawyers to scream "HEARSAY!!!1!"

Despite there being a hearsay exception for statements against penal interest by a party-opponent, or that the statements are being used for a non-hearsay purpose, such as circumstantial evidence of the defendant's intent and state of mind.

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 5:04 pm
by Maybenaut
chancery wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 12:51 pm
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Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 6:15 pm
by Foggy
I think the media really is working hard to prevent a conviction.

They want a horse race in November. It's infuriating.

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 6:19 pm
by much ado
Foggy wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 6:15 pm I think the media really is working hard to prevent a conviction.

They want a horse race in November. It's infuriating.
The jury is not supposed to see any media coverage. So they are not supposed to be affected. Isn't that right?

Do the IAALs here think there might be a problem?

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 6:43 pm
by p0rtia
much ado wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 6:19 pm
Foggy wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 6:15 pm I think the media really is working hard to prevent a conviction.

They want a horse race in November. It's infuriating.
The jury is not supposed to see any media coverage. So they are not supposed to be affected. Isn't that right?

Do the IAALs here think there might be a problem?
I didn't take the media coverage to be directed at the jury; it was pablum for the public, and thus more of the same horrible coverage of fuckhead. There was an obvious parallel approach to the media coverage of Biden v fuckhead: they're both flawed and therefore equal, and nothing can be proven about T.

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 6:49 pm
by sterngard friegen
Foggy wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 6:15 pm I think the media really is working hard to prevent a conviction.

They want a horse race in November. It's infuriating.
Rest easy, Pappy. Six weeks before election day Trump's support will collapse and we will see states like Florida and North Carolina become Biden Country.

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 7:10 pm
by realist
sterngard friegen wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 6:49 pm
Foggy wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 6:15 pm I think the media really is working hard to prevent a conviction.

They want a horse race in November. It's infuriating.
Rest easy, Pappy. Six weeks before election day Trump's support will collapse and we will see states like Florida and North Carolina become Biden Country.

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 7:23 pm
by Kendra
With the Michael Cohen we've gotten used to in the last couple of years, it's been interesting seeing the older videos coming out this afternoon from 2016, etc. and his then fierce loyalty to tfg. What a change. #ETTD

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 7:34 pm
by bob
much ado wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 6:19 pmThe jury is not supposed to see any media coverage. So they are not supposed to be affected. Isn't that right?

Do the IAALs here think there might be a problem?
As in any case, the court orders the jurors not to consume any media about the case. And most don't. It is rare to find a juror who will admit to violating this order. (Intentionally; it is more common for jurors to admit to inadvertently hearing about the case.)

The press (and the public more generally) has a First Amendment right to the courts. It would be an extremely rare (unprecedented, almost) case for the judge to disallow reporting. The system relies on jurors taking their oaths seriously.

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 7:39 pm
by much ado
Thanks, Bob, that's what I thought.

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 8:29 pm
by Suranis
Stonekettle Station

So, you mortgage your house and take out a loan, hiding it from your wife, in order to make a secret pay six-figure payment to a porn actress...
One day, your wife finds out. Because, Buddy, she's going to find out.
How's THAT conversation go?
You mortgaged OUR HOUSE to pay off a porn star?
Hey, relax. It wasn't MY porn star.
You're gonna laugh when I tell you. Beside, he's rich, he'll pay us back. Probably. And I totally won't go to jail. You look nice, have you lost weight?
I mean, I can't even sneak a fucking chocolate chip cookie without my wife immediately knowing and she's not even in the HOUSE.
How the hell do you hide $130,000 from your wife?

441951764_7637103299658340_7482462837572630175_n.jpg (39.6 KiB) Viewed 839 times
He believed trump would pay him back?

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 8:44 pm
by sterngard friegen
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Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 3:35 am
by Mr brolin
Suranis wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 8:29 pm Stonekettle Station

So, you mortgage your house and take out a loan, hiding it from your wife, in order to make a secret pay six-figure payment to a porn actress...
One day, your wife finds out. Because, Buddy, she's going to find out.
How's THAT conversation go?
You mortgaged OUR HOUSE to pay off a porn star?
Hey, relax. It wasn't MY porn star.
You're gonna laugh when I tell you. Beside, he's rich, he'll pay us back. Probably. And I totally won't go to jail. You look nice, have you lost weight?
I mean, I can't even sneak a fucking chocolate chip cookie without my wife immediately knowing and she's not even in the HOUSE.
How the hell do you hide $130,000 from your wife?

He believed trump would pay him back?

One has, from time to time, purchased an expensive, shiny piece of jewellery or the like, for SWMBO without her immediate knowledge..... Making sure to deliver said shiny gee-gaw and card, missive or Billet-Doux before the bills hit the door mat.

We may both have our own relatively small "Mad Moment Money" accounts individually, if you just want to splurge on something for yourself or the other half.

These are the small accommodations that allows for a functioning, functional, smooth, trust based partnership.....

Setting up a Home Equity Line of Credit without letting Madame know, on (presumably) jointly owned property and dumping cash out of it for someone that I know NEVER PAYS HIS BILLS to pay a PORN STAR would probably lead to my singing Castrato for the rest of very short and meaningless life.. :crazy:

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 9:51 am
by Tiredretiredlawyer

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 10:35 am
by MN-Skeptic
Gift link to today's NYTimes live blogging of the case - Live Updates: Cohen Says Trump Approved Payments at White House Meeting

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 11:51 am
by andersweinstein
Legal detail I did not know from the Times Live Blog:
Benjamin Protess on NYT Live Blog wrote:Cohen did not say that Trump personally falsified the records, or even that he explicitly instructed someone else to do so. He did, however, testify that Trump knew the records would disguise the reimbursement as ordinary legal expenses.

Cohen’s testimony was hardly a smoking gun, but it might not have to be for the prosecution to prove its case. Under New York law, the concept of accessorial liability does a lot of heavy lifting for the prosecutors, who need only show that Trump intentionally aided his employees to falsify the records.

Prosecutors can argue that if Trump knew about the false records and did not stop them, as Cohen says, then he aided the crime. I expect they will hammer this point home in their closing arguments.

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 12:05 pm
by Rolodex
As we all know, the prosecution is pulling out all of Cohen's dirty laundry to remove that weapon from the defense. Yeah, he lied. A lot. So why believe him now?

Because, back then, he was lying out of loyalty to Trump. He'd likely done that for years, for a variety of situations we'll never know about. He reveled in being the "fixer" (yes, even if he broke it first). He knows how much trump wanted his own Ray Cohn - a dirty dirty person who would do the unthinkable out of loyalty to the boss. Cohen did all that our of loyalty to the "boss" (he even called him The Boss). I personally don't understand that level of loyalty - was it for strokes? For money? For possibility of access to Important People?*

But there came a point where he realized that loyalty was never going to be returned - even to the point where he went to prison (only partly for stuff he did for turmp, i know). Once he hit that nadir, he realized that he had just been used and there's no point lying for trump any more.

THAT'S why I think he has credibility in this case.

*Beyond having enough money to have a nice life (which I do) I have zero desire for power or being around famous people or anything like that, so this kind of motivation is super hard for me to understand.

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 1:01 pm
by RTH10260
Teh Donald had a press conference befor entering thevcourt, Mike Johnson among a couple of others in his tow.

MTN Ben Meiselas presents some clips
► Show Spoiler

Later Mike Johnson has this to say

ps. the court room is still to cold, i guess he is askingfor a mistrial :twisted:

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 1:19 pm
by tek
Mr. Jeffries needs to have a little chat with Mr Johnson.
Johnson: "the judical system has been weaponized to punish one president, to cover for another"
Them's fightin' words.

eta, exact quote:
"The judicial system in our country has been weaponized against president Trump. The system is using all the tools at its disposal right now to punish one president and provide cover for another," Johnson told reporters outside the court

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 1:35 pm
by neonzx
RTH10260 wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 1:01 pm Teh Donald had a press conference befor entering thevcourt, Mike Johnson among a couple of others in his tow.

MTN Ben Meiselas presents some clips

Later Mike Johnson has this to say

ps. the court room is still to cold, i guess he is askingfor a mistrial :twisted:
:blahblah: :blahblah:
Its all the same speech at these things he calls "press conferences" each morning of a court date. Zero new info here.

And he keeps complaining about the cold courtroom. Doesn't he have any people to buy him a sweater vest or other proper attire?

Bragg Manhattan DA charges tfg? Hush money. tfg “INDICATED!”

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 2:21 pm
by New Turtle
The prosecution is gonna rest after Cohen.