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INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:56 pm
by Grumpy Git
Foggy wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:13 pm
I don't - okay, I try not to make excuses for the insanity of the US and the crazy people here. But there are bad national decisions in lots of places (cough, Brexit, cough). In fact, I never understood the reasons why the British sacked Churchill after WWII, when he's still so revered over here.
I'm afraid I'm lacking in my knowledge of Churchill and Britain's immediate post-war history to explain Winston's political demise, but there are instances of people with much better international reputations than at home, Margaret Thatcher and Lech Walesa for example.

As for Brexit it was indeed an utterly crazy step backwards, but the damage being done because of it is only a internal financial one, which can be rectified starting when the Tories are kicked out of office next year, which is guaranteed.

It is true that every country has its fair share of crazies, but I would argue that your country's danger is the greater concern right now, because although unlikely, IF Trump wins next year, the repercussions for your country and for the world are just too horrible to contemplate.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:57 pm
by bob
Trump: “Irrefutable Report” on 2020 “Fraud” to be Released Monday
SPOILER: The "report" will be refuted, disfuted, nonfuted, unfuted, and (most importantly) ignored by any legal authority.

And the late-night comedians, if they weren't on strike (or honoring them), would have had a field day (field night?) with it.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:08 pm
by Grumpy Git
bob wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:57 pm And the late-night comedians, if they weren't on strike (or honoring them), would have had a field day (field night?) with it.
Ha! I bet the late show hosts are chomping at the bit with everything go on these past 3 months.

You can guarantee when they do return, the first gag will be - Did we miss anything? :lol:

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:27 pm
by Volkonski
George Takei :verified: 🏳️‍🌈🖖🏽
They just don’t get it. Acts that are perfectly legal and normal become overt acts in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy when they’re part of the plan to commit a crime.


I fear Mr. Sulu may have been a victim of autocorrect. ;)

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:28 pm
by bob
Volkonski wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:27 pm They just don’t get it. Acts that are perfectly legal and normal become overt acts in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy when they’re part of the plan to commit a crime.
To be fair, some of the usual fearmongers know that; they're relying on their audiences not knowing that.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:43 pm
by bob
With little else to grasp, the dead-enders aren't happy with the court's explanation about the premature docket:

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:45 pm
by bob

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:58 pm
by Kendra
Just heard on MSNBC, Meadows has moved to have his Georgia charges moved to Federal Court.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:00 pm
by bob
Kendra wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:58 pm Just heard on MSNBC, Meadows has moved to have his Georgia charges moved to Federal Court.
Because that worked so well in New York.... :roll:

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:22 pm
by raison de arizona
Mark Meadows Files to Move His Georgia Indictment From State to Federal Court
The ex-White House chief of staff was indicted alongside 18 others, including former President Trump, for their roles in attempting to overturn the state’s 2020 election results

Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows filed Tuesday to move the Fulton County election case brought against him from state to federal court in Georgia.

The filing comes fewer than 24 hours after he, alongside former President Donald Trump and 17 others, were indicted on charges stemming from Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ case.

Meadows’ attorney George Terwilliger wrote in the filing that Meadows was acting in his capacity as chief of staff and did not nothing “criminal per se.”

"Nothing Mr. Meadows is alleged in the indictment to have done is criminal per se: arranging Oval Office meetings, contacting state officials on the President's behalf, visiting a state government building, and setting up a phone call for the President," Terwilliger argued.

The filing is rooted in a federal law Terwillinger and Atlanta-based attorney Joseph Englert said that allows for the “prompt removal of a “criminal prosecution . . . commenced in a State court . . . against or directed to” a federal official, “in an official or individual capacity, for or relating to any act under color of [his] office.”

"This is precisely the kind of state interference in a federal official's duties that the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution prohibits, and that the removal statute shields against," said Terwilliger.

He added that Meadows also intends to file a motion to dismiss the indictment completely.
:snippity: ... eral-court

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:27 pm
by Greatgrey
raison de arizona wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:22 pm
Mark Meadows Files to Move His Georgia Indictment From State to Federal Court
The ex-White House chief of staff was indicted alongside 18 others, including former President Trump, for their roles in attempting to overturn the state’s 2020 election results

Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows filed Tuesday to move the Fulton County election case brought against him from state to federal court in Georgia.

The filing comes fewer than 24 hours after he, alongside former President Donald Trump and 17 others, were indicted on charges stemming from Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ case.

Meadows’ attorney George Terwilliger wrote in the filing that Meadows was acting in his capacity as chief of staff and did not nothing “criminal per se.”

"Nothing Mr. Meadows is alleged in the indictment to have done is criminal per se: arranging Oval Office meetings, contacting state officials on the President's behalf, visiting a state government building, and setting up a phone call for the President," Terwilliger argued.

The filing is rooted in a federal law Terwillinger and Atlanta-based attorney Joseph Englert said that allows for the “prompt removal of a “criminal prosecution . . . commenced in a State court . . . against or directed to” a federal official, “in an official or individual capacity, for or relating to any act under color of [his] office.”

"This is precisely the kind of state interference in a federal official's duties that the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution prohibits, and that the removal statute shields against," said Terwilliger.

He added that Meadows also intends to file a motion to dismiss the indictment completely.
:snippity: ... eral-court
Unanimity rule?

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:55 pm
by Luke
I'm really happy to see Wendybird's comment, and hope people who are lurking will join in the discussion. The Fogbow has always thrived with lots of people commenting. So if you've been lurking, please sign up and help us debunk falsehood and join in the making of mock.

MAGAts have lost their minds more than ever. The seething, anger, hate and threats are super high. They are circling their wagons and blindly lashing out at almost everything.

From reading them, I am positive that many of them are foreign actors and bots seeking to stoke dissention and encourage violence and division. If the comments fit in their preconceived narrative, Quadfectee supporters embraces it.

Tom Fitton is crying and seething.
Tom Fitton @TomFitton 18h
The latest Democratic Party political indictment of Trump and other innocents is brazen election interference and part of the worst attack on the First Amendment in modern American history.

Benzo @Benzo_ForReal 17h
Tom, what’s this email about? It was sent on Halloween of 2020

Luke Johnson 🇺🇸 @Orly_licious
Tom Fitton was either pretty psychic about "the planned unlawful effort to overturn the results of the election", or a co-conspirator. Because Trump & 18 others were charged in Georgia for that. So far, looks like Tom, aka Individual-1, remains an unindicted co-conspirator.

Luke Johnson 🇺🇸 @Orly_licious
Tom, aka Individual 1, is this sour grapes because you're only an unindicted co-conspirator in the Georgia Election Criminal Enterprise Indictment? At least you can take comfort in the fact you're not an attorney, so you can't be disbarred like Giuliani (& soon, Eastman & Clark).

On this, I didn't even comment, just posted things that conservative judge Michael Luttig publicly said. Because it was to PBS, they ignore the comment and dump on PBS. This was the mild tweet:

Luke Johnson 🇺🇸 @Orly_licious
Conservative retired judge Michael Luttig: "Trump corroded & corrupted American democracy" Influential group of Republican legal voices call for a Jan 2024 trial date be set for Trump for his attempt to overturn the presidential election. #TrumpIndictment

The replies to again, a simple reposting of Judge Luttig's comments have provoked over 130 hateful replies, even threatening violence against me for posting it (that was reported to Twitter, their reporting system is actually more effective under Musk... many of my reports have been acted upon and much more quickly than pre Musk. Bizarre). They are excited that the tweet was "ratioed" (more comments than likes) which is about the dumbest thing I'd ever heard of. But if you want to see some outrageous delusion, goalpost moving, deflection and complete misunderstanding, check out the replies.

On the other hand, Larry Sabato and I swapped a few tweets about how obvious all these charges were. We watched all of this happen, it's not our fault that the Quadfectee's (h/t Bob) supporters were in constant denial and didn't pay attention.

* Quick question: Is anyone still having a problem seeing Tweets here?" *

Larry Sabato @LarrySabato 20h
Two impeachments and four indictments (with too many counts to, well, count) for Donald Trump. This is what happens when voters foolishly elect an evil megalomaniac and incorrigible buffoon to the presidency.

Quote Jon Cooper @joncoopertweets 21h
🚨🚨 MAJOR BREAKING: Trump has just been INDICTED by Fani Willis — his FOURTH criminal indictment, and one with some of the most serious charges against him.
Multiple indictments were also handed down by the grand jury against a number of Trump allies.
More details below. 👇

Luke Johnson 🇺🇸 @Orly_licious
And we saw and lived through this coming. From 1-64 post election cases, to Sidney & Jenna's "Elite Strike Force", to Rudy's unfortunate hair dye. Trump folks can remain defiant or in denial, but the world saw most of the 41 counts in this indictment.
It's really not worth it to tweet anything for a few days about all this... there's just blind hatred which ultimately is based on fear. These folks are seeing America change and they are frightened about what will happen. Especially the older folks. There's a reason President Obama talked about clinging to God and guns... it's been wildly overplayed by the GOP, but there is truth in the fear. I think this is their last gasp, demographically and issue-wise.

Palate cleanser: Geraldo with "Rico Suave". Remember this? :P

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:06 pm
by Luke
BONUS: After a slow start, the shut up and support DeSantis tweet has gone viral. They don't like it. :smoking:

𝓡𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀☆· ˖° ♥️🤍💙 @RL9631 Aug 14
What is wrong with these people?! Are they all sick in the head?
This is outrageous!
But then we have those who support this guy DeSantis and they are constantly correcting us the President Trump supporters if we say something much less obnoxious and much, much less offensive!!!… Show more

Luke Johnson 🇺🇸 @Orly_licious Aug 14
Look, it's been made clear to you. If Ron DeSantis gets the GOP nomination, Trump supporters have to shut up, sit down, and be excited to support DeSantis. That's just how it is. The RNC said so and so did Kevin McCarthy. So don't get any other kooky ideas. Ronna says, "Or else".

Warrior Renata @Czesc45
Johnson, you need to shut up and sit down on your ass! You’re jumping like a little flea from happiness to see your dream of communism developing in America.
You’re wrong!
President Trump is innocent.
Truth will prevail!
Red Pilled Founder and 44 others Retweeted this reply to you :lol:

And, of course, tons of retweets for Renata's voting machines seethe:

𝓡𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀☆· ˖° ♥️🤍💙 @RL9631
We must eliminate all voting machines.
Please watch this show.
And sign petitions as well at:

https://save-my-freedom-movements.const ...

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:08 pm
by bob
(The attorney for) Meadows makes a not-completely-horrible argument: He was a federal official when the crimes occurred, and what he did was within the scope of his duties. Ergo, federal court, please.

The prosecutor will concede: (1) at the time, Meadows was a federal employee; and (2) most of what Meadows did, e.g., arrange meetings, take phone calls, etc., was in the scope of his duties.

The prosecutor most likely will argue: (1) securing a candidate's re-election wasn't in the scope of his job duties; (2) conspiring to commit massive fraud most definitely cannot be found in any employee handbook, manual, guideline, regulation, or memo.

But, as always, the real sticky point is: What does the 11th want to hear?

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:14 pm
by Ben-Prime
Foggy wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:27 pm And Phoney Fani says she's gonna try all 19 of the racketeers at the same time in the same courtroom.

If you think you've seen all the crazy these people have, I got a feeling that you ain't seen nothin' yet.
I think she's doing it expecting that at some point, in all that chaos, he'll have his Colonel Jessup moment and explode in the courtroom with things he can't unsay.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:21 pm
by sugar magnolia
19 defendants, all of their lawyers, 19 juries plus alternates, assorted court personnel, security, reporters, and god knows who else for one trial. Hope they're coordinating schedules with the Falcons.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:56 pm
by bob
The Quadfectee wrote:They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!
P&E comment:
Micah wrote:LMAO at “riggers”! You’re right, no one likes riggers.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 8:01 pm
by Kendra
Getting tired of these clips of Rudy G and others claiming first amendment BS, especially Roodles. I am no lawyer, but I don't see how doxing those two nice election workers and blasting their names and their false claims of election fraud all over the internet (putting them in danger), qualifies as free speech. Eff you Rudy.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 9:51 pm
by AndyinPA
Got home yesterday in time for the festivities. Interesting evening, to say the least. I don't really care which indictment goes first; I just want a trial to begin, and end in tfg's conviction. And imprisonment, if that's not too much to ask. :pray:

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 9:58 pm
by RVInit
Are we surprised that humpers are all taking some of the individual "acts in furtherance of a conspiracy" and posting all kinds of indignation that this isn't a crime?

Guess they don't know the difference between a Count and an Act that is listed under a Count. Jeez these people are so gullible. And once one of them spews this crap they are all on the bandwagon, no such thing as doing any individual thinking or actually trying to read the indictment with an honest eye toward understanding it.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 10:25 pm
by AndyinPA
They are in a cult; they aren't individual thinkers.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:11 pm
by northland10
Remember, every time the thing is indicated, there is a spike in crazy posts. I believe a bunch of those are trolls (including those I the employ of the MAGA world or in the troll shops of various foreign orgs). They are trying to stir the pot on those who live for outrage, even those on the left (outrage over the indictments or outrage at all the nasty posts means little to them).

They have learned from the FOX MO.

Outrage, is the drug and overrules everything else.

On a different subject, I wonder if the amount of ones indicted was planned for a secondary purpose. Trump and his PAC cannot possibly fund their legal support and trying to get them all working together will be near impossible. How will he keep from from selling him down the river. He may not have enough bus drivers.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:25 pm
by Annrc
I’ve thought the same thing Northland. Willis is probably hoping, or more likely expecting a few to flip against Trump.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:21 am
by keith
Greatgrey wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:27 pm
Mark Meadows Files to Move His Georgia Indictment From State to Federal Court

The filing is rooted in a federal law Terwillinger and Atlanta-based attorney Joseph Englert said that allows for the “prompt removal of a “criminal prosecution . . . commenced in a State court . . . against or directed to” a federal official, “in an official or individual capacity, for or relating to any act under color of [his] office.”
Meadows is a federal official? Who knew? I mean, yes of course, he was once a fed official, but he isn't anymore.

INDICATED #4 - Quadfecta! Perfecta? Georgia v. Donald Trump ET AL - "Find Me 11,780 Votes" - Fani Willis

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:57 am
by Reddog
AndyinPA wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 10:25 pm They are in a cult; they aren't individual thinkers.
Agreed, too also they are expanding their base by hobbling basic critical thinking skills.