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Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:10 am
by neonzx
:sick: :vomit:

Um, at no stage of adult was he physically 'hot'.

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:57 pm
by RTH10260
Now that's a political platform to run the world leading nation on :brickwallsmall: :cantlook:

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 1:30 pm
by AndyinPA

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:43 pm
by RTH10260
The dear candidate really LOVES YOU! Do not forget him in this time of need!

No, he does not need your love, but your hard earned $$$

MTN Ben Meiselas has received the email
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Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:10 am
by Chilidog
Found this on reddit.
IMG_2283.jpeg (439.16 KiB) Viewed 660 times

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:00 am
by raison de arizona
Conservative Group Creating List Of Fed Workers It Suspects Could Resist Trump

From his home office in small-town Kentucky, a seasoned political operative is quietly investigating scores of federal employees suspected of being hostile to the policies of Republican Donald Trump, a highly unusual and potentially chilling effort that dovetails with broader conservative preparations for a new White House.

Tom Jones and his American Accountability Foundation are digging into the backgrounds, social media posts and commentary of key high-ranking government employees, starting with the Department of Homeland Security. They’re relying in part on tips from his network of conservative contacts, including workers. In a move that alarms some, they’re preparing to publish the findings online.

With a $100,000 grant from the Heritage Foundation, the goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agenda — and ripe for scrutiny, reclassifications, reassignments or firings.

“We need to understand who these people are and what they do,” said Jones, a former Capitol Hill aide to Republican senators.
:snippity: ... 128dca2d16

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:27 am
by RTH10260
Opinion piece
Republicans have a ghoulish tactic to distract from Trump’s criminality
Trumpists are painting Biden’s border policies as a nexus of vicious crimes so we forget the former president is a felon

Sidney Blumenthal
Tue 25 Jun 2024 12.01 CEST

Donald Trump is already showcasing the big surprise he will spring on Joe Biden at their debate. It’s not a surprise; it’s his most morbid, ghastly and predictable trick.

On Friday, his campaign arranged and publicized a telephone call to the mother of a young woman who had been murdered by an undocumented immigrant to express his heartfelt sympathy. That day, the former president posted three similar stories of gruesome murders on his Truth Social account. “We have a new Biden Migrant Killing – It’s only going to get worse, and it’s all Crooked Joe Biden’s fault. He’s a disgrace to the Office of President, he’s a disgrace to America. I look forward to seeing him at the Fake Debate on Thursday. Let him explain why he has allowed MILLIONS of people to come into our Country illegally!”

In the debate, Trump will cast the president as responsible for those who stalk, rape and kill innocent young women. He will accuse Biden and his policies on the border of being the source of vicious crimes. Biden will be the villain. He will be shown to have no empathy. He will be exposed as secretly conspiring to unleash a reign of terror. He will be unveiled as the criminal. The chivalrous Trump will ride as the white knight to rescue vulnerable women from swarthy rapists and killers. The original scenario of this plot was The Birth of a Nation.

Trump’s planned attack in the debate is pulled from his repertoire of ploys like a hack comedian on the Strip drawing from a roomful of old joke files. For years he has exploited these tragedies as set-ups and the anguished parents as props. According to Fox News, “he has lent hope and compassion to those who have lost family members or other loved ones in recent years due to heinous acts committed by individuals who had come to the US illegally”. Alongside its portrayal of Trump as the sincere consoler of the grieving, truly a minister of souls, Fox News helpfully highlighted a story headlined: Illegals Charged with Murder, Rape and Kidnapping in a Week of Shocking Crimes Across the US. (Hyped after that, the next story: Transgender Utah Woman Shot Parents Dead.)

Trump has been deploying this gambit since his first campaign in 2016, which featured a cavalcade of members of stricken “angel families”. Most recently, in February, before Biden’s State of the Union Address, he called the parents of a young woman allegedly murdered by an undocumented immigrant and afterward described how the “beautiful young woman” was “barbarically attacked”. ... r-policies

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:29 am
by RTH10260
Chilidog wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:10 am Found this on reddit.

:horse: the guy has no fantasy to create better memes

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:40 am
by RTH10260
Opinion piece
‘Jesus is my saviour, Trump is my president.’ Why the religious right is rooting for a convicted conman
From selling Bibles to extolling the Ten Commandments, Trump has been courting evangelicals all year. And despite his shortcomings, it is working as well as ever

TArwa Mahdawi
ue 25 Jun 2024 16.27 CEST

What were you doing at 1.22am on Friday morning? I was engaged in my favourite hobby: sleeping. Donald Trump, it seems, was also busy with his favourite pastime: being unhinged on social media. In the early hours of Friday, Trump hit the well-worn caps lock key on his digital device and started “truthing” on his Truth Social platform.


Trump’s outpouring of religious appreciation wasn’t inspired by some sort of road to Damascus moment, it was prompted by politics. Louisiana recently became the first state in the US to require the Ten Commandments be posted in school classrooms – galvanising other Republican states into saying they plan to follow suit. ... ted-conman

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:33 am
by pipistrelle
TTC? He couldn’t be arsed to spell it out?

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:32 am
by Kendra
In the debate, Trump will cast the president as responsible for those who stalk, rape and kill innocent young women.
???? What will he say when we get the next white Ted Bundy? Hmmmm?

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:04 pm
by pipistrelle
Kendra wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:32 am
In the debate, Trump will cast the president as responsible for those who stalk, rape and kill innocent young women.
???? What will he say when we get the next white Ted Bundy? Hmmmm?
Somewhere on Fogbow I posted about a (white American) Nazi who raped and killed his friend's little girl. She had an unusual name, but of course I can't find it. Let's see if he brings that up.

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:47 pm
by northland10
pipistrelle wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:04 pm
Kendra wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:32 am
In the debate, Trump will cast the president as responsible for those who stalk, rape and kill innocent young women.
???? What will he say when we get the next white Ted Bundy? Hmmmm?
Somewhere on Fogbow I posted about a (white American) Nazi who raped and killed his friend's little girl. She had an unusual name, but of course I can't find it. Let's see if he brings that up.
J.T. Ready didn't rape his girlfriend's daughter or grandaughter but he killed them, his girlfriend, his girlfriend's daughter's fiance, and himself.

Biden was VP at the time so it was probably his fault, along with Obama.

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:00 pm
by pipistrelle
northland10 wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:47 pm
pipistrelle wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:04 pm
Kendra wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:32 am
???? What will he say when we get the next white Ted Bundy? Hmmmm?
Somewhere on Fogbow I posted about a (white American) Nazi who raped and killed his friend's little girl. She had an unusual name, but of course I can't find it. Let's see if he brings that up.
J.T. Ready didn't rape his girlfriend's daughter or grandaughter but he killed them, his girlfriend, his girlfriend's daughter's fiance, and himself.

Biden was VP at the time so it was probably his fault, along with Obama.
I found that story when looking for the other. The granddaughter was 1.

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 4:04 pm
by raison de arizona
Biden-Harris HQ @BidenHQ wrote: A racist Trump claims Black people like him because he’s a convicted felon and has a mugshot

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:01 pm
by RTH10260
I guess Hunter Biden now qualifies as candidate too, also. :violin:

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:18 pm
by Dr. Ken
raison de arizona wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 4:04 pm Despicable.
Biden-Harris HQ @BidenHQ wrote: A racist Trump claims Black people like him because he’s a convicted felon and has a mugshot
They got that look on their face like this fucking cracker ass

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 2:25 pm
by raison de arizona
Mike Sington @MikeSington wrote: When you think Trump can’t go any lower, he always does. In one of the most distasteful ads ever created, the Trump Campaign openly questions whether President Biden will live another four more years.
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Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 2:35 pm
by Suranis
So, he is putting out adverts talking about how well Biden did in the debate before the debate even happens? Now that's confidence.

(I'm just going by the thumbnail, I'm not clicking that shit)

And of course the "left wing" Commenterati wont bother talking about that aspect because they are all about pushing Turnip as much as anyone else.

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 4:15 pm
by roadscholar
Donald Trump is to governing America what Stockton Rush was to deep-sea submersibles.

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 7:10 pm
by Kendra ... 9733502572

???? Do the Eagles still have rights to their song? If yes, how do we ask them?

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 7:20 pm
by Suranis
Probably, which is why he is using it, to get news coverage and to play the victim

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 7:29 pm
by Kendra ... 7440572595

tfg getting greeted by the crowds as he arrives for the debate. Independent video/reporting of these "crowds" or I don't believe it.

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 7:34 pm
by Suranis
I only see 10 people in that video, tops.

Donald J. Trump 2024

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 7:36 pm
by raison de arizona
Dafuq does he care, he's an old man and will be dead in the next few years anyway. Not like he gives a shit about the world he is leaving for his grandchildren.
Really American 🇺🇸 @ReallyAmerican1 wrote: BREAKING: Convicted felon Trump tells a crowd of supporters "global warming is fine," mocking a dire issue so important to Gen Z and other voters. REMINDER: He downplayed COVID too.

🚨Make sure EVERYONE sees this.