trump (convicted felon, defamer, insurrectionist, contemnor, and rapist - $537M)

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trump (convicted felon, defamer, insurrectionist, contemnor, and rapist - $537M)


Post by neonzx »

"A waitress came over, beautiful waitress, and I never like talking about physical. She's beautiful inside. Because you never talk about a person's look...."
No you never do. :? :roll:

Its almost like he is trying to reinvent himself and erase the recorded history.
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trump (convicted felon, defamer, insurrectionist, contemnor, and rapist - $537M)


Post by Resume18 »

WTAF is he babbling about?
Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,
So do our minutes hasten to their end . . .
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trump (convicted felon, defamer, insurrectionist, contemnor, and rapist - $537M)


Post by Suranis »

Who the hell cares.
Hic sunt dracones
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trump (convicted felon, defamer, insurrectionist, contemnor, and rapist - $537M)


Post by Suranis » ... =146467998
One Guy Had A Really Bad Debate and Disappeared. It Wasn’t Our Guy - In the debate Donald Trump was bat-shit crazy. It was in my view his worst major public event since he started running in 2015.. We know from the live polling that night that people recoiled at his performance. While Biden has dropped in the polls since the debate, Trump has not gained.

The evidence the Trump campaign was worried about the Trump we all saw that night was that they’ve taken him off the campaign trail. His first appearance in twelve days was last night, at one of his own golf courses in Florida not in a battleground, and he was just as bat-shit crazy as he was in the debate - praising Hannibal Lechter and going on what can only be described as truly insane rants like this one:

Meanwhile our guy has been out there campaigning in the battlegrounds, leading the world at a NATO Summit, getting aid to flood victims in Texas etc. Since the debate one guy has been out there hustling, doing the work, leading the nation and the world and the other guy, their guy was taken off the trail. I really believe the Trump campaign is worried about him, and as I wrote yesterday, his extremism. They know this version of Trump - more extreme and dangerous, bat-shit crazy on the stump, rapist/fraudster/traitor/felon, is going to be a very hard sell, and it is going to be hard for them to win.

Stuff like this is also going to make it harder for them. Presidential candidates need everyone on board to win a close election. That they are telling Haley to get lost is another sign of how reckless and crazy Trump 2024 is.

Breaking Nikki Hayley is not invited to the RNC Convention, but has released 97 Delegates.

Again, here, in the real world, we should view all this as a sign of weakness and desperation not strength and savvy; another sign that if we do the work we can win this thing, together.
Hic sunt dracones
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