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The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:31 pm
by much ado
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

―Omar Khayyám

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:06 pm
by RTH10260
raison de arizona wrote: Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:41 am
CSPAN @cspan wrote: U.S. House votes to send Articles of Impeachment against President Biden to the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees, 219-208.
I hope they speak about and quote Hunter Bidens laptop long and far ... :cantlook:

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:39 pm
by Kendra
Rep Lauren Boebert (R-CO) just walked out of Speaker McCarthy’s office. Refused to answer any questions about her scuttled attempt to force vote on impeachment of Pres Biden. She speeds away.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy just told us he supports moving forward two Trump Impeachment expungement resolutions. Including for Jan 6

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:43 pm
by p0rtia
Kendra wrote: Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:18 am I don't have a link yet, but there was some discussion on Morning Joe that Stefanik and MTG are trying to enter some king of legislation/resolution to expunge tfg's two impeachments from the Congressional records.
This has been simmering for a while. I thought it was Stefanik’s territory, so I wonder how she feels about sharing the limelight w her chief rival.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:47 pm
by Phoenix520
I read something, probably on twitter, that implied Marjo is using dear Elise to push this forward as she doesn’t want her name as sponsor. I think she sees writing on that wall.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 3:59 pm
by Annrc
Elise is pushing the expungement of ‘Jan. 6’ and mtg is sponsoring the expungement of 2019 impeachment surrounding ‘the perfect call’. Mtg posts often on her Facebook account. Breitbart, and Washington Times both have articles out which are posted on mtg’s fb page.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:13 pm
by Gregg
Dave from down under wrote: Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:04 pm And yet they try to re-write it.
I'm positive that I read somewhere that exactly that is a sure sign of an autocratic regime.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao....people like that try to re-write history. What are they going to do next, photoshop out all the pictures of Trump with the few hundred "All the best People" who turned out to be just the guys who got coffee or the worst people ever?

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:32 pm
by AndyinPA
Don't give them ideas.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:37 pm
by Gregg
My idea would be to introduce a Motion to Vacate every morning with my bacon and eggs, and twice on Sunday. Let the phucker run for Speaker every day of his life. If nothing else it keeps them all tied up too much to do any damage otherwise.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:40 pm
by Tiredretiredlawyer
much ado wrote: Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:31 pm The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

―Omar Khayyám

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 7:07 pm
by Kendra
Cross posting :crazy:

Rep. Troy Nehls says he believes Biden knew the Titan sub imploded days before but withheld it from the public to divert attention away from Hunter’s situation, and that Congress should launch an investigation.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 7:12 pm
by Ben-Prime
much ado wrote: Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:31 pm The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

―Omar Khayyám
That was my first Gmail sig, many years ago. :)

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 9:05 am
by RTH10260
Jim Jordan spearheads 'cynical' and 'wildly partisan' GOP effort to chill anti-disinformation research

Alex Henderson
June 19, 2023

A combination of universities and think tanks have been sounding the alarm about disinformation, warning that outright lies could influence the outcome of elections in the United States. But some Republicans, according to the New York Times, are not happy about their work — including House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (D-Ohio) and former Donald Trump aide Stephen Miller.

In an article published by the New York Times on June 19, journalists Steven Lee Myers and Sheera Frenkel report that Jordan and others GOP lawmakers are claiming that the anti-disinformation efforts are designed to suppress conservative speech online.

"The House Judiciary Committee, which in January came under Republican majority control, has sent scores of letters and subpoenas to the researchers — only some of which have been made public," Myers and Frenkel explain. "It has threatened legal action against those who have not responded quickly or fully enough…. Targets include Stanford, Clemson and New York Universities and the University of Washington; the Atlantic Council, the German Marshall Fund and the National Conference on Citizenship, all nonpartisan, nongovernmental organizations in Washington; the Wikimedia Foundation in San Francisco; and Graphika, a company that researches disinformation online."

In Louisiana, Miller, who heads the MAGA group America First Legal, has filed a class-action lawsuit against anti-disinformation researchers — making, Myers and Frenkel report, similar claims to Jordan on the House Intelligence Committee. The Trump ally has described his lawsuit as "striking at the heart of the censorship-industrial complex," but Miller's critics believe he is the one trying to silence those he disagrees with.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 9:07 am
by Dave from down under
I’m waiting for the GOP to table a resolution of support of their master, Putin.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:39 pm
by raison de arizona
That’s chilling RTH. And of course Stephen Miller is in the middle of it.

Here is a gift link to the note in depth NYT article it is based on: ... ticleShare

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 1:25 pm
by Kendra


announces its FIRST subpoena for “Proximal Origins” author Kristian Andersen’s private communications with the paper's co-authors & related info on COVID-19 origins.

We are following the breadcrumbs of a COVID cover-up straight to the source!

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 2:36 pm
by Slim Cognito
I'm confused as to what was covered up? That people died? That more people actually died than reported? That Fauci sounded the alarm on a pandemic? As much as those idiots want to pretend Fauci is some evil genius trying to do....hellifIknow, do they think they'll convince normal people who got sick, knew people who got sick or died, people who are still suffering with long-term effects, that it ain't no thang? I bet everyone here knows at least one person who died. My son's cousin's husband was a strapping, healthy 40 yo and he was gone in no time. I have lots of friends suffering with long covid. This just boggles my mind.

(Also too, I remember sitting in a doctor's waiting room, masked, and two women were talking about this horrible gestapo mask requirement and, in the course of their convo, one of them admitted her husband died of it.

You just can't reason with the unreasonable. )

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 2:39 pm
by Kendra
Have they passed any meaningful legislation yet?

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 2:39 pm
by tek
claiming that the anti-disinformation efforts are designed to suppress conservative speech online.
Well, they are designed to suppress disinformation online. Potayto, potahto..

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 2:43 pm
by June bug

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 7:01 pm
by Gregg
Kendra wrote: Sat Jun 24, 2023 2:39 pm Have they passed any meaningful legislation yet?
A bipartisan debt limit bill that drove half of them stark raving mad.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 8:18 pm
by northland10
They whine about immigration but as a Republican Congress actually ever past any meaningful changes to immigration or increased funding for border enforcement? They didn't even pass finding for Trump's wall.

I don't recall the MAGA wing introducing bills to make harsher immigration laws, even for show. Instead, they want to impeach Biden for it but do nothing themselves.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 8:27 pm
by raison de arizona
:thumbsup: Schiff’s response to censure.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 8:59 pm
by much ado
Gregg wrote: Sat Jun 24, 2023 7:01 pm
Kendra wrote: Sat Jun 24, 2023 2:39 pm Have they passed any meaningful legislation yet?
A bipartisan debt limit bill that drove half of them stark raving mad.
"Drove them stark raving mad"?

It's a very short trip. Some had already reached their destination.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:21 am
by bob
Kendra wrote: Sat Jun 24, 2023 2:39 pm Have they passed any meaningful legislation yet?
The lunatics in the House know everything they would want is DOA in the Senate and the White House. So their best case scenario is to pass something Manchin and Sinema would approve, and dare Dark Brandon to veto it.

But the Freedumb Caucus has no incentive for meaningful bipartisan legislation. And neither does McCarthy, if he wants to keep his station.