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The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 9:29 am
by p0rtia
What brought down the USA, daddy?

Inaction, daughter, inaction.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 3:09 pm
by Gregg
Foggy wrote: Fri May 19, 2023 9:14 am I think Biden should just declare the debt ceiling unconstitutional and we're paying our debts like every other civilized country, and tell them to sue if they don't like it. Get 'em, Unca Joe!
And as loud as the butt hurt Republicans and media screams, we all know that any Republican President would do exactly that before he let Congress raise taxes on billionaires by a farthing.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 6:06 pm
by Kendra
:brickwallsmall: :brickwallsmall:

Trump Admin probes into Hillary Clinton’s conduct ended without finding any criminal wrongdoing

The Benghazi probe—which McCarthy himself admitted sought to damage her politically—found no wrongdoing


How many times can one woman be exonerated before they leave her alone?
Byron Donalds wants to open a congressional investigation into [checks notes] ... Hillary Clinton

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 6:25 pm
by Slim Cognito

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 6:54 pm
by AndyinPA

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 9:29 am
by Ben-Prime
Except there's this, isn't there?
What the Twenty-Seventh Amendment Says
"No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened."

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 9:46 am
by pipistrelle
Gregg wrote: Thu May 18, 2023 10:11 pm
RTH10260 wrote: Thu May 18, 2023 4:07 pm tsk tsk tsk --- "withhold" reads like the get it once the debit limit is raised --- it ought to read they will forfeit the salary.
The Constitution very explicitly forbids withholding the pay of Congress or Federal Judges. If the US defaults, they are likely the only ones who will get paid.

I was wrong about that, it applies only to Judges...
Article III, Section 1:

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.
I would read "diminished" as reduction in pay, not withholding. "During good behavior"-hmmm.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 7:16 pm
by Gregg
No, the courts have ruled on this a few times, it wasn't even clear they could be subject to income tax not so long ago.
A Judge is getting paid, and getting every penny of what he's owed. Furthermore, you can give them raises but not take it back.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 2:35 pm
by RTH10260
US debt ceiling talks ‘productive’ as Biden and McCarthy to meet 10 days from deadline
A Sunday night phone call between the president and Republican House speaker was reported to have struck a more positive tone

Mon 22 May 2023 00.46 BST

US president Joe Biden and House Republican speaker Kevin McCarthy have held a “productive” phone call on the continued impasse over the debt ceiling and promised to meet on Monday after Biden returned to Washington.

McCarthy, speaking to reporters after the call, said there were positive discussions on solving the crisis and that staff-level talks were set to resume later on Sunday.

Asked if he was more hopeful after talking to the president, McCarthy said: “Our teams are talking today and we’re … meeting tomorrow. That’s better than it was earlier. So, yes.”

Biden, who arrived back at the White House late on Sunday evening after his trip to Japan, said the call with McCarthy had gone well. “We’ll talk tomorrow,” he said.

Speaking from the G7 summit in Japan on Sunday, Biden said he would be willing to cut spending together with tax adjustments to reach a deal, but the latest offer from Republicans on the ceiling was “unacceptable.” ... m-deadline

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 5:02 pm
by raison de arizona ... 12928?s=20
Joseph Zeballos-Roig @josephzeballos wrote: 👀 Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) telling me the quiet part out loud on how McCarthy is maneuvering through debt limit talks:

“I believe the one-person motion to vacate has given us the best version of speaker McCarthy and I think he's doing a good job.”

More from Gaetz, who rejects any debt limit compromise with the White House: “I think my conservative colleagues for the most part support Limit, Save, Grow, & they don't feel like we should negotiate with our hostage.

Default would almost certainly throw US into recession

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 5:50 pm
by Phoenix520
I know you remember this from 2014.
Tfg on Fox:
A lot of people live better without having a job, than with having a job. I’ve had it where you have people and you want to hire them, but they can’t take the job for a period of nine months because they’re doing better now than they would with a job.”
“You know what solves it? When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell, and everything is a disaster, then you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be, when we were great.”
That’s his idea of “ fixing” things. He’s infected so many with his “thinking”, which is only concerned with his needs and desires. He’s cavalier about it because he knows he’ll be almost totally unaffected by an economic crash but his base has not thought things through. They will be affected. And they won’t blame Republicans.

I hope someone on Twitter reminds everyone. Cough*Orlylicious*cough

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 10:33 am
by Kendra

He had 4 years to try and hold people accountable. He came up with nothing except humiliating losses and a report. But you guys keep hyping old John and hope that someday people in 2023 might suddenly regain interest in the 2016 election. Good luck.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 11:09 am
by AndyinPA

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 11:49 am
by Kendra

Your regular reminder that the Republican Speaker of the House and the Republican Chair of the House Judiciary Committee both ignored congressional subpoenas.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 3:54 pm
by AndyinPA ... ns-resign/
U.S. Rep. Chris Stewart plans to resign his seat in Congress, possibly as soon as this week.

Multiple sources have confirmed to The Salt Lake Tribune that Stewart announced his plan to resign, citing ongoing health issues with his wife. It was unclear what those health issues may be.

First elected by Utahns in 2012, Stewart is serving his 6th term in Congress. In 2022, he won reelection over Democrat Nick Mitchell by over 30 percentage points.
I don't really know anything about Utah's law for this, but it will just end up as another republican.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 4:20 pm
by Slim Cognito
I guess the question is...a reasonably sane Republican or a wackjob Republican? In the meantime, that's one less vote for McCarthy.

And may I say, good on him for putting his family first. I bet McCarthy did some begging big-time to keep him on board.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 5:21 pm
by bob
It begins: Politico: House conservative threatens to push ousting McCarthy over debt deal:
“It is inescapable to me. It has to be done,” said House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Dan Bishop.

Conservative angst over the debt deal has triggered Kevin McCarthy’s biggest fear — threats to oust him from the speakership.

Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) on Tuesday became the first House conservative to explicitly state he is considering a push to oust McCarthy over his recent deal with President Joe Biden.

“Absolutely,” Bishop told POLITICO in an interview, when asked about using the tool to force out a sitting speaker. “It is inescapable to me. It has to be done.”

The procedure Bishop is considering would essentially trigger a vote of no confidence against McCarthy — a tool that’s been weaponized by the conservative House Freedom Caucus against the past two speakers in attempts to keep party leaders from leaning too much towards the center.

It would only take one House member to decide to trigger the vote, which would then require a simple majority to oust the speaker.

It’s not clear yet if Bishop will go ahead with his threat: He noted he wants support from other colleagues before he takes such a move.

“I don’t make single decisions like that alone. And so it depends on what the members who have courage” also do, he said.

During a press conference hosted mainly by members of the House Freedom Caucus on Tuesday, members were asked who believed ousting McCarthy was on the table — only Bishop raised his hand.

But privately, others echoed his thinking. Another Freedom Caucus member, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said an attempt to oust McCarthy is an option.
"For completeness," Bishop voted against McCarthy's speakership for the first three days, and switched only on the fourth day.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 5:28 pm
by pipistrelle
So much contempt for Americans. The mind reels.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 5:40 pm
by Slim Cognito
I'm guessing Dems will not vote to oust McCarthy in favor of an even wackier asshat, and probably not enough Rs to make a simple majority. Am I wrong?

But if McCarthy is ousted, are we back to the same fight, 14+ votes to get a new person?

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 5:45 pm
by bob
Slim Cognito wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 5:40 pm I'm guessing Dems will not vote to oust McCarthy in favor of an even wackier asshat, and probably not enough Rs to make a simple majority. Am I wrong?
I presume the Democrats will support McCarthy before the debt-ceiling vote. No bet on after.
But if McCarthy is ousted, are we back to the same fight, 14+ votes to get a new person?
Yep; back to the majority-not-plurality position that started this session.


The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 6:03 pm
by SuzieC
Bring it on! Let's see who they try to elect as the next Speaker/Clown.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 7:33 pm
by Kendra
Republican Ralph Norman is complaining that he can't read the 99 page bill to raise the debt ceiling in 72 hours.

Meanwhile, the Trump tax scam passed by Republicans was a 500-page bill that received a vote within HOURS the same night it was presented to Congress. It was so hastily written and voted on, that it even had handwritten additions to the bill scribbled into the margins.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 7:52 pm
by Kendra

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 8:15 pm
by Suranis
Yawn. Call me when they do something, other than say something vauge for social media.

The 118th Congress with Kevin "My Kevin" McCarthy, Speaker /Clowns

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 12:00 am
by W. Kevin Vicklund
Welcome, Monsieur, come join the clowns
And meet the best ringleader in town
As for the reps, all of them crooks:
Who got their seats by cooking the books
Seldom do you see
Crooked men like me
A gent of ill intent
Who's content to be

Speaker of the house, doling out the chairs
Ready with a handshake and some put on airs
Tells a saucy tale, makes a little stir
Constituents appreciate a good old slur
Owe the Freedom Caucus some favors
It'd cost me to be nice
‘Cause nothing gets you nothing
Everything has got a little price!

Speaker of the house, keeper of the zoo
Going to have to throw to them a bone or two
Pandering their whines, carrying their weight
Punishing the queers and anyone who isn’t straight
When you’re a spineless leader
Everybody's bosom friend
I do whatever pleases
Jesus! Won't they bleed me in the end!

Speaker of the house, witless little slime
To get the spot they had to vote all of fourteen times
Servant to Boebert, butler to Matt Gaetz
Beholden to a party full of lifelong hate!
Everybody's boon companion
Everybody's whipping boy
Here they come with their valises
Jesus! Won't they skin you to the bone!

Bills beyond compare
Bills beyond belief
Nix the regs and make them wonder where’s the beef
Tax cuts in due course, add a little fat
Making of the sausages with tit for tat
Whackjobs are more than welcome
Wall street is occupied
Racking up those charges
Plus, some little extras on the side!
(Oh Santos!)

Charge 'em all the fees, extra as you please
Two percent for armoring up the damn police (Hand it over!)
Here a little slice, there a little cut
Three percenters want to pull the purse strings shut
When it comes to these deficits
There are a lot of tricks he knows
How it all increases, all those bits and pieces
Jesus! It's amazing how it grows!

I used to dream of a Saudi prince
But God Almighty, have you seen what's happened since?

Speaker of the house? Boebert’s little bitch!
Couldn’t hold a candle to that turtle Mitch!
Cunning little brain, useless little twit
Thinks he's quite a leader but he’s got no wit
What a cruel trick of nature landed us with such a louse
God knows how we’ll keep her living with this creeper in the house!

Speaker of the house!
Speaker and a half!
Confronter, party leader
Don't make me laugh!
Servant to Boebert, butler to Matt Gaetz
Hypocrite and toady and inebriate!
Everybody bless the leader!
Everybody bless this house!
Everybody raise a glass
Raise it up the Speaker’s ass
Everybody raise a glass to the Speaker of the House!