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trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:36 pm
by Dr. Ken
raison de arizona wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:32 pm Hopefully this pic makes it to a few certain judges…

(tfg fondling a firearm)
It's like the fake dinners with trump contests and I'll buy everyone food in the restaurant. It's there for his supporters without him following through.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:47 pm
by pipistrelle
He's under felony indictment. Doubt he can buy a gun. Doubt the store can sell him one legally. But he's above such petty things.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:55 pm
by raison de arizona
Two faced.

(Same reporter confirms tfg purchased the gun, then later confirms that he DIDN’T purchase it. He can’t make up his mind :shrug: )
Ron Filipkowski @RonFilipkowski wrote: First half of clip: I was there, we can confirm Trump got that gun today.

Second half of clip: Will the fake news stop reporting Trump got that gun. I was there he didn’t .

What a difference a couple hours can make. Same reporter.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:58 pm
by raison de arizona
Donald Trump's campaign spokesman tweeting that his boss just committed a federal crime by buying a gun while under felony indictment.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 7:01 pm
by Suranis
He looks like those 2 guys are shoving an electrode up his rectum. I've never seen a more "I don't fucking want to be in this freaking store, and I don't want to be within 5 meters of these 2 losers" expression in my like. Including that time Romney drank that diluted Orange Squash at that event and let slip his "oh God get me out of here" expression when he thought no-one was looking.

Really, its like his skin is trying to crawl away from touching those 2 guys beside him.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 7:03 pm
by raison de arizona
Oh and in a totally unrelated coincidence, tfg chose the gun store that supplied the AR-15 from the recent racist Dollar General shooting in Jacksonville.

Total coincidence. ... s-shooting

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:47 pm
by RTH10260
Holding a firearm would get any other person indicted for a felony lose their freedom and await trial in jail. Even being near firearms as being in a dealers shop. No firearms at home. ;Technically no meeting with people carrying firearms (... think Secret Service ;) )

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:08 am
by Dr. Ken
Once again admitting he falsified his financial statements

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:30 am
by Suranis
He's in a screaming panic that people are not believing his lies, and thinks if he repeats them louder that people will believe him.

He managed to make the media repeat his message by screaming "No Collusion" and convince everyone that "Collusion" was the issue Mueller was looking at when he knew that he was technically innocent of that. Now he is shouting 15 different excuses at once and the media is basically ignoring them all.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:36 am
by NewMexGirl
Trump waves around the word “disclaimer” as though it’s some kinda magic incantation that permits him to lie, cheat and steal with no consequences. In fact, it did work for him for several profitable decades. The State of New York has a lot to answer for.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:39 am
by Suranis

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 12:14 pm
by RTH10260
WATCH The Stunning First 9 Minutes Of Kristen Welker’s Trump Interview That Were Edited Out Of Meet the Press

Tommy Christopher
Sep 23rd, 2023, 10:38 am

The stunning first 9 minutes and 44 seconds of Kristen Welker’s interview with ex-President Donald Trump were largely edited out of Meet the Press — but they’re an illustrative 9 minutes 44 seconds.

Welker and NBC News spent several days last week promoting the interview by dropping preview clip after preview clip — including exchanges in which Trump said that he never even wanted to “think about” pardoning himself while president and that he will definitely testify under oath, and another in which Welker took a stab at confronting Trump over his age — as well as more anodyne clips like his musings about the attractiveness of the “concept” of picking a woman to be his running mate and the contents of the letter he left for President Joe Biden in the Oval Office.

As soon as the announcement was made that Welker would be interviewing Trump and throughout the preview period, criticism grew about the decision and the format of the interview — so much so that NYT reporter Peter Baker addressed it on-air during the show.

Then on Sunday, the interview aired on Welker’s first turn as permanent moderator of Meet the Press, and turned out to be the blizzard of falsehoods, misleading statements, and evidence-free attacks that many predicted it would be.

Criticism followed, much of it focused on the falsehoods and Welker’s performance, of which CNN’s Oliver Darcy said “Welker seemed ill-equipped to handle Trump’s trademark bravado. Lacking any noticeable fire in her belly, she at times timidly tried to set the facts straight. But Welker lacked the necessary fervor and apparent grasp of the subject material the massive platform requires to effectively counter Trump.”

But the footage aired during Meet the Press didn’t tell the whole story — not even close. The full interview ran 78 minutes, the first 9-10 minutes of which vividly showed the challenge Welker faced, as she spent most of that tine trying to get Trump to “move on” from a lie that she repeatedly told him had been debunked. ... the-press/

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 1:12 pm
by Dr. Ken

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 2:20 pm
by RTH10260
MTN comments on the mindset of the former guy and some rambling by Jr

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 8:25 pm
by raison de arizona
tfg statement on ruling
► Show Spoiler

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 10:07 pm
by Suranis
His "statement" only got 5 and a half thousand likes on Truth Social. Not exactly lighting up the intertubes. :bored:

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 8:12 am
by bill_g
I'm surprised his response is as metered and measured as that. I don't read his every word. I merely scanned through it. I thought for sure he would be apoplectic and unable to react beyond sputtering.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 9:42 am
by Slim Cognito
Pretty sure that’s after aides rewrote it a dozen times to keep him from getting in more trouble.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:05 am
by raison de arizona
bill_g wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2023 8:12 am I'm surprised his response is as metered and measured as that. I don't read his every word. I merely scanned through it. I thought for sure he would be apoplectic and unable to react beyond sputtering.
He’s just getting cranked up. Here he goes this morning.
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
He still hasn’t learned that the disclaimer clause is NOT the out that he thinks it is.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:08 am
by bill_g
Okay. THERE'S the man we are know and loathe.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:11 am
by Dr. Ken
100 times 18 million? So he's now inflating it more than his son and claiming the property is worth 1.8 billion?

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:14 am
by raison de arizona
I also note that they are claiming it is a residence. tfg just did it and dared them to sue him. I’m not so sure someone else could buy it and easily make it their residence. FWIW.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:16 am
by Suranis
Dr. Ken wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:11 am 100 times 18 million? So he's now inflating it more than his son and claiming the property is worth 1.8 billion?
That's what Eric the Ignored said last night, so its obviously been a figure decided upon by the size of Daddys need to compensate for something.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 2:48 pm
by Kendra ... AA1clznt|1
As his Republican rivals gather onstage in California for their second primary debate, former President Donald Trump will be in battleground Michigan on Wednesday night working to win over blue-collar voters in the midst of an autoworkers’ strike.

The Republican front-runner's trip comes a day after President Joe Biden became the first sitting president in U.S. history to walk a picket line as he joined United Auto Workers in Detroit. The union is pushing for higher wages, shorter work weeks and assurances from the country’s top automakers that new electric vehicle jobs will be unionized.
:snippity: T
rump is scheduled to deliver primetime remarks at Drake Enterprises, a non-unionized auto parts supplier in Clinton Township, about a half-hour outside Detroit. The company makes automotive and heavy-duty truck components including gear shift levers for semi-trucks, which would be hurt by a shift to electric vehicles, said Nathan Stemple, the company's president.

trump (the former guy, defamer, and rapist)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 2:50 pm
by Slim Cognito
He’s speaking to striking union workers at a non-unionized shop. Yeah, that’ll work.

Hey, I used to make pretty good money, doing medical transcription, for a person with my education. Then they started shipping it off to India for a quarter of what we made and the quality went to hell. Then voice recognition came along. It evolved to the point where it was pretty darn good if the speaker took the time to use it correctly. And I found myself out of work.

Adapt or die.