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Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:31 am
by Dave from down under
The Sydney protest lost momentum after one of its key organisers, Anthony Khallouf, was jailed yesterday for breaching public health orders.

Police said the Victorian man had travelled from Queensland to NSW without a reasonable excuse, in breach of COVID-19 public health orders.

Khallouf was yesterday sentenced to eight months prison, with a non-parole period of three months, after pleading guilty to four counts of not complying with a direction and one count each of encouraging the commission of a crime and making false representations resulting in a police investigation.

The 29-year-old was a key figure behind a July rally in Sydney that attracted thousands of anti-lockdown demonstrators.

He encouraged his thousands of followers on social media and on encrypted messaging apps to attend today's protest.

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:33 am
by Uninformed
Now he’ll learn what a real lock-down is; hope he enjoys being with his new co-habitees. :biggrin:

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:39 am
by Dave from down under
I’d rather decades than months for him and his kind..

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:46 am
by Uninformed

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:48 am
by Slim Cognito
If he can't, I think you need a new deity.

If my English-as-second-language Burrito Truck lady can understand me thru a mask, pretty sure God can manage.

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:02 am
by bill_g
So, silent prayers are never heard?

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:11 am
by Azastan
bill_g wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:02 am So, silent prayers are never heard?
Or the prayers of those who are mute?

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:25 am
by northland10
Jim Bakker never disappoints. He's always there to remind us that God, Jesus, and the Bible are nowhere near his ministry.

Last year, in the early stages, when we were new to this, I was mentioned during one of our meetups that my choir would not be singing together for quite a while. A fellow Fogbower, I forget which one, mentioned singing with masks on. I poo poo'd the idea thinking it would not work and we would have to wait until it all was manageable without masks. I was wrong.

It turns out singing with masks is, while not ideal, not as bad as I expected. It can be a bit annoying in the process and yes, some vowels and consonants are muffled, but it is so good to be singing together again as either the choir or the congregation and be able to do it safely. When you sing on Zoom, you only hear yourself.

Still, it was quite a long time before we did sing together in the same location. Due to Diocesan rules and our own process of coming back together, we were not in person (and at the time, still outdoors) until this May with only me singing. Then we added more (about 4-5 outside). Then we aloud the congregation to hum (but not sing). Then indoors, no more than 4 fully vaxxed singers. Then, during the mask debate it was decided that we would allow singing by all (choir and people) and stay fully masked for everybody.

I have not figured out what we might do with rehearsals. With some choir members having moved away and still some concerns of long time singing together on a night (along with needed cleaning protocols), we may just start with simpler stuff and an earlier run-through rehearsal than we do now. Little steps.

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 12:05 pm
by raison de arizona

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 1:31 pm
by RTH10260

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 7:54 pm
by Dave from down under
Obviously I’m an Australian

I’ve I had enough of these dangerous stupid criminals who want people to get ill and die.

Arrest them all,

Try them all,

And if found guilty
Jail them

Keep doing that till there is not one of them on the streets

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:03 pm
by SuzieC
Anti masker and vaxxer Phil Valentine died today of COVID. I think he was a RWNJ radio host.

There is a reddit thread called HermanCainAward. I'm sure Phil will be a winner today.

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:34 pm
by scirreeve
Local Portland cop watcher and general nut job Robert West (aka Rapey Bob) is supposedly in the hospital with COVID (I saw several reports of it on twitter but am not 100% sure). He is an affiliate of all the local RWNJ groups and I never saw him wear a mask.

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:43 pm
by keith
Dave from down under wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 7:54 pm Obviously I’m an Australian

I’ve I had enough of these dangerous stupid criminals who want people to get ill and die.

Arrest them all,

Try them all,

And if found guilty
Jail them

Keep doing that till there is not one of them on the streets

Re: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:46 pm
by LM K
Tiredretiredlawyer wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:02 pm I wonder how people would react if they were asked to sign a document stating they agree to forego all medical treatment for COVID. They likely would sign it then get COVID and beg for medical treatment.

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:42 pm
by AndyinPA

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:21 pm
by scirreeve
This is rapey Bob being a "journalist". I don't wish ill on anyone but I don't give a fuck what happens to this asshole.
Capture.JPG (59.27 KiB) Viewed 1284 times

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 11:39 pm
by raison de arizona
Moar footage from down under.

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:58 pm
by Shizzle Popped
My subdivision has a Facebook page. I don't really do FB but I use it to keep an eye on what's going on in the neighborhood (roughly 350 houses). We generally do a pretty good job of taking care of our neighbors so I try not to stir up a lot of trouble. Keep in mind that I'm a liberal living in deep suburban Indiana which is pretty close to bible belt conservative. I generally don't get into any of the local pissing matches outside of bitching about the fact that the only place we can get our mailboxes from charges $200 for the same thing I can get from a local home center for $30 other than the specific vinyl lettering that I could probably reproduce on a Cricut for $20.

Anyway, a couple of days ago a nurse from a local hospital that lives in the neighborhood posted something about a petition to get the local school district to require masks in school. She got absolutely hammered by the anti-mask idiots. I've sent her a private message in support but I haven't said anything publicly and I feel bad about it. I think I've already alienated a number of people with my bitching about really stupid HOA crap that I'm reluctant to get into political crap that isn't going to change anybody's mind anyway. I would say something if I thought it would matter but it won't. Then today somebody posted a response to the mask petition appealing to anybody who cared about 'freedom'. I want to SCREAM! These people don't give a f**k about anybody but themselves. They don't care who they kill as long as it doesn't affect them.

:torches: :fuckyou:

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 10:13 pm
by Dave from down under
I wonder if this is how some of the inhabitants of Easter Island saw the 1860's...

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 12:34 am
by MN-Skeptic

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 8:54 am
by Slim Cognito
I'm ready to Escape from New York these bastards. Give them a state (I won't single one out) grant any sensible locals refugee status, build them their beloved wall to keep them in and let them Darwin themselves.

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:07 am
by Luke
LOVED that LM K! Gave you credit, tweeted it out and absolutely will use it with the COVIDIOTS.

Forbes had an article that says employers might start charging $50 for non-vaxxed folks.

ELIJAH @ElijahSchaffer Aug 21
They are going to be imposing financial penalties for the unvaccinated. Second class citizens. Fined for their medical status, this has to be illegal but courts will likely do nothing.
Coming Soon For The Unvaccinated: A $50 Monthly Paycheck Deduction From Your Employer
Employers are beginning to tack on a special surcharge of up to $50 a month for unvaccinated workers, according to the health benefits consultancy Mercer.
Quoted from the article:
OrlyLicious @Orly_licious
Replying to @ElijahSchaffer
Exactly: "Aside from public health reasons to encourage vaccination & keep workers & their families healthy, there is also a financial reason. #COVID can lead to serious illness & expensive hospital stays that cost workers & company-paid insurance, triggering premium increases."
COVIDIOTs went nuts in the replies even though hadn't written it, it was just a quote from the article if they'd bothered to read it. The replies are braindead. Am getting better at not responding to the replies which as a bonus makes them angrier.

Emerald Centurion @Emerald65014445 Aug 21
Replying to @Orly_licious and @ElijahSchaffer
Same could be said of obesity. You do not have the right to use torture to compel someone’s choice

This "chart" is going around. The lengths they go to when it's just a vax like for the flu, smallpox or tons of others, still can't understand it. But also don't get how SovCits can turn a minor ticket into a felony. FREEDUMB!

COVID Chart.jpg
COVID Chart.jpg (196.14 KiB) Viewed 1029 times

Posted by a 3 incher with a 73% BotSentinel rating.

PS: Could the topic title please include COVIDIOT to make it easier to search for please?

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:20 am
by RTH10260
I didn't see it mentioned, but a deduction on salary for unvaccinated may be fine if the company has to make extra testing of the subjects.

Re: Spreadnecks: Coronavirus Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 11:57 am
by Frater I*I
I've had an experience like this, the last company I worked for had a great health insurance plan...just one snag, for the company to get that sweet, sweet, low rate for it's employees it had to go virtually tobacco free. No smoking or and tobacco use on the facility site, we had to go across the street to smoke, and tobacco users had to pay an additional $150 a month for health insurance.