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Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:19 pm
by Luke
This is really scary. We're staying in and used Instacart (cleaning before bringing things in). Can't believe they are letting the rent moratorium lapse during this and taking an August recess, that's a big disappointment. Like Slim said, Carl Gallups Country is already suffering. That's where Catturd is, he's still laughing and joking about it. Idiots.
Florida reports record 21,000 cases in single day, highest since start of pandemic

The state of Florida on Friday recorded its highest ever single-day increase in COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic, with 21,683 new infections, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Friday’s infection surge comes as the Sunshine State is emerging as the new epicenter for the virus. The new tally outpaces the state’s previous peak measured in early January, when daily new cases reached a total of 19,334. Florida on Thursday recorded 17,093 new cases, according to the CDC, even as the state's vaccination rate has recently increased.

On Friday, the Florida Department of Health said there had been a 50 percent jump in new coronavirus cases in the previous week, with more than 110,000 new infections recorded. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has resisted imposing mandatory mask mandates despite the CDC's updated guidance announced this week that vaccinated individuals should mask up indoors in areas with high positivity rates. DeSantis, a frequent critic of coronavirus mitigation measures has also prohibited businesses from requiring customers to show proof of vaccination. DeSantis on Friday went a step further and signed an executive order allowing parents to choose whether their children will wear masks in school, regardless of whether the local school district has implemented a mandatory mask mandate.

As of Saturday, about 58 percent of Florida’s population has received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, with 49 percent fully vaccinated, according to the CDC's vaccine tracker map. The surge in cases has taken a toll on hospitals in the state, with Florida Hospital Association President Mary Mayhew saying Thursday that coronavirus hospitalizations statewide are approaching last year’s peak levels. Despite DeSantis’ pushback to mask mandates, several businesses throughout the state, including Disney World, Universal Orlando Resort and SeaWorld, have reimposed indoor mask mandates for guests to fall in line with the updated guidance. The Florida-based supermarket chain Publix also said Friday that it would be requiring all employees, regardless of vaccination status, to wear masks at work.

The updated CDC guidance was based on research suggesting that vaccinated individuals may be able to spread the highly transmissible delta variant of COVID-19 just as easily as unvaccinated groups. The pace of vaccinations across the country has picked up over the past week as federal officials ramp up their warnings on the danger of the delta variant, with Florida measuring a 15 percent increase in shots administered, according to the state’s health department. ... e-start-of

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 12:06 am
by Lani
Hawaii finally reached completed vaccination rate of 70% for 12+ yo. But we're looking for 70% for the population. That rate is only 60%. But it's slowly rising - 67% population has had the first shot.

Community leaders are going door to door to talk about getting vaccinated, often with a mobile vaccination van nearby. One pastor joined a vax van, bought a bunch of $25 gift cards, and knocked on doors all day until the gift cards were gone and people were vaccinated.

Meanwhile, we hit a new record. 485 new cases today. Previous record was 355 in July 2021. Within a few days we will break the record for most people in the hospitals. Despite the rapidly spreading virus, the Gov and the Lt. Gov aren't showing any interest in re-imposing restrictions. And schools reopen on Monday. :mad:

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 8:49 am
by Slim Cognito
Saw a report about parents rushing to get their kids vaccinated before school starts but it's a month between shots, plus two week beyond that so they're looking at another six weeks before the kids are fully protected.

As for letting parents decide if their kids should wear masks, we all know, we ALL know, that unless ALL kids have to wear masks, no kids will wear masks.* They'll slip into the backpack as soon as they're on the bus, or out of mom's sight.

*There will be some conscientious kids who will wear masks because they know grandma or baby sis is vulnerable, but they'll be bullied, unless the bully also has to wear one.

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 9:20 am
by bill_g
Florida covid death total - 39079
Gov DeSantis margin in 2018 - 32463

Oh oops!

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 2:17 pm
by Volkonski

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 4:38 pm
by Volkonski

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 7:37 pm
by RVInit
I had to go the pharmacy yesterday and was pleasantly surprised at all the people who were lining up to get vaccinated. I think the news may have scared a few people.

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 8:25 pm
by Volkonski

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 8:39 pm
by Lani
Today's new cases are the 3rd highest since 2020.
As of Friday, 108 of the 118 hospital cases were unvaccinated.

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:08 am
by Notaperson
The other day, Florida broke its record for new daily cases. Yesterday it broke its record for hospitalizations.
ORLANDO, Fla. – A day after the state recorded the most new daily cases since the start of the pandemic, Florida on Sunday broke a previous record for current hospitalizations set more than a year ago before vaccines were available.

The Sunshine State had 10,207 people hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19 cases, according to data reported to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

The previous record was from July 23, 2020, more than a half-year before vaccinations started becoming widespread, when Florida had 10,170 hospitalizations, according to the Florida Hospital Association.

“We’re seeing unprecedented numbers of patients, over 96% of whom have not been previously vaccinated,” said Tom VanOsdol, president and CEO of Ascension Florida and Gulf Coast. “So this is a very significant impact for our healthcare system, and for our broader community.” ... lizations/

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:39 am
by RTH10260
The permanent resident of Mar-a-Lago must be happy to see thr greatest numbers for once again :twisted:

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:57 pm
by Notaperson
Heartbreaking thread of tweets from an ICU nurse dealing with the current crush of Covid patients...

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:08 pm
by filly

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:48 pm
by tek
That looks about linear over the past two weeks, so no panic


At least Florida apparently hasn't reported its weekend data yet (just looked on the cdc data page)

so maybe panic.

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 5:19 pm
by p0rtia
It's a crying shame that people dying or having their lives destroyed is what it takes to get another ten million people to get vaxxed.

So glad NY and other states, and businesses, are moving towards mandating vaccines to join in any reindeer games.

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:48 pm
by Notaperson
Louisiana set to break record for COVID hospitalizations: 'Health care delivery is in peril'
"I have every shred of confidence, unless something miraculous happens, that tomorrow we will have the largest number of hospitalized COVID patients throughout Louisiana than at any prior point," said state health officer Dr. Joe Kanter.

The number of people in hospitals has increased at a rate hospital staff said is not sustainable. Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana's largest standalone hospital, accepted 33 emergency federal workers Monday to help stanch the flow of coronavirus patents. It is not enough.

"We are no longer giving adequate care to these patients," said Dr. Catherine O'Neal, the hospital's chief medical officer and a professor at LSU Health New Orleans, painting a dire picture for patients -- those hospitalized for coronavirus or for any other reason. Twenty-three patients were waiting on Monday to transfer from other hospitals into OLOL's ICU, she said. But there are not enough people to care for them.
As the numbers of hospitalized patients continue to rise, the quality of care will inevitably decrease across the state, said Susan Hassig, Tulane University epidemiologist. And not just for coronavirus patients -- anyone visiting the hospital will be affected by the strain too many sick patients puts on the health care system.

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:04 pm
by Notaperson
And now Georgia...

Georgia hospitals report spikes in COVID-19 hospitalizations
“Our staff that are in the front lines are still recovering from the mental and emotional strain of the past 18 months,” Larkins said, while trying to hold holding back tears at a Monday press conference in Gainesville. “Many of them tell me they don’t know if they can take another surge.”

Some are leaving health care, as hospitals struggle to maintain enough staff. Northeast Georgia Health System has turned to agencies to try to find 550 registered nurses to meet demand and to fill empty spots.

Meanwhile, beds are filling up with COVID-l19 patients, and late afternoon Monday many emergency rooms all over the state were urging ambulances to take patients elsewhere. ... RZX5KMGYE/

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:54 pm
by Slarti the White
tek wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:48 pm That looks about linear over the past two weeks, so no panic


At least Florida apparently hasn't reported its weekend data yet (just looked on the cdc data page)

so maybe panic.
Um... no.

with the CNN numbers that filly posted above, we find that growth rate from 28 to 21 days ago was 1.48; from 21 to 14 was 1.65; from 14 to 7 was 1.61; and from 7 to when the post was made was 1.54. That works out to an average growth rate of 1.52 per week, which is to say pretty steady exponential growth. I would still say DON'T PANIC (in large, friendly letters :towel: ) as the vaccines are apparently greatly reducing hospitalizations and deaths. For comparison, when we were last at this level of new cases a day, we were also around 1,000 deaths per day rather than under 300. It would be really nice to have state-by-state per capita new case, hospitalization, and death rates (ideally broken out by vaccinated and unvaccinated people), but it seems like both the data and the visualizations are getting crappier as this drags on. Remember, there are lies, dammed lies, and statistics. About the only thing we can say for sure right now are that the dynamics of the pandemic have changed due to differing vaccination rates, behaviors, etc. in different populations.

So it goes...

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 6:48 am
by tek
I said over the last two weeks, not the last four weeks :batting:

Then again, I'm an engineer and not a statistician ;)

ETA: An engineer only needs two points to define a trend.

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 7:55 am
by Lani
Numbers in Hawaii continue to rise week by week. The 3 day average of new cases hit a peak of 279 in August 2020. Then the number of cases dropped dramatically. Until now. The 3 day average is now 520 new cases. Lots of people, especially visitors, are not taking the situation seriously so the numbers just keep rising.

It's reach the point that parents are reconsidering whether to return their kids to school because the kids or another family member have a high risk factor. Employees are fighting to remain teleworking because they or family members are in a high risk category and on immunosuppressant medications. (BTW, there is also evidence that the vaccine is less effective for people on those medications.) I was in my office today and heard story after story about these situations. People were angry that the state and county governments aren't imposing the restrictions we had until recently. I agreed with them. We're in a worse situation, yet have fewer safety restrictions.

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:46 am
by Suranis
Ireland has gone from 305 cases at the beginning of July to 1352 cases yesterday. Reopening plans continue, however.

A row has broken out between some Bishops of the Catholic Church and the Goverment as they are, not unreasonably I guess, saying its a bit ridiculous to keep a ban on communions in place while people are crowding into bars and restaurants, so they are announcing a resumption of communions and confirmations. Personally I think the Goverment is between a rock and a hard place on this one. And its not like the Bishops are united on this either, as only 6 of the countries 20 or so Bishiops have announced this. I imagine the Bishops are under a lot of pressure as well as some people ant to start receiving communion and going to mass again, and others just want to have the ceremony of the first communion to have a great days out with the kids, with God as an optional extra.

Regardless, you either see this as some of the Bishops going against health board recommendations, or see it as Church services being unfairly victimized when the rest of the country has opened up and they are still being told to shut down. Both have an element of right and wrong to them, which is why there's a lot of division in the Church itself over this. ... 13247.html

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 10:49 am
by MN-Skeptic
Sturgis' Motorcycle Rally begins this Friday. Just another super spreader event.

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 12:34 pm
by RTH10260
But this time they can offer something really new - the Delta Variant :twisted:

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:02 pm
by neonzx
Still WINNING! I didn't know this was an Olympic event. :?

Florida again breaks record for COVID-19 hospitalizations with 11,515 patients ... n-one-day/
The number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 in Florida rose to an all-time high of 11,515 patients in one day, according to data the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released Tuesday.

The data is used by the Florida Hospital Association to track admissions and staffing shortages. The figures also show 2,400 of those patients are in ICU beds.

The previous day, the data showed there were 10,389 COVID-hospitalizations in the state.

The new number breaks a previous record for current hospitalizations set more than a year ago before vaccines were available. Last year, Florida hit its previous peak on July 23, with 10,170 hospitalizations.

Re: Covid-19 Numbers

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:14 pm
by p0rtia
I :heart: Nikki Fried. Twitter is ablaze.