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2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:01 pm
by sugar magnolia
Volkonski wrote: Sun Aug 13, 2023 8:22 am A florist? Perhaps the moisture seeped into the watch movement.

When I was a boy I would get cheap watches as Xmas gifts. None of them lasted very long.

Then in high school I won a good quality Swiss watch in a Boston area science competition. I wore that watch until retired.

I remember an episode of the "Mr. Novak" TV series which aired when I was in high school in which the principal, played by Dean Jagger, mentioned that his school's clock system was malfunctioning because it showed the wrong time compared to his watch which he had had for 20 years. I found that unbelievable. ;)
She never changed the actual watch, just the watchband and it worked perfectly for me for years after she died.I now have a Timex that has worked great for me until the last couple of years and now runs the battery down within a matter of months. Even had the last 2 batteries tested when they were replaced and they were "dead Jim" both times. Batteries weren't even a year old.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:09 pm
by Luke
Apparently, Woody Harrelson endorsed RFK Jr. Is there any reason to pay attention to him? He seems nuts and so far I've only seen Republicans think he has a chance. But they also think Michelle Obama will run. I've really just ignored him, he seems like an anti vaxxer waste of time.

The spoon fail was from a long time ago. Remember this lady?

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:33 pm
by neonzx
orlylicious wrote: Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:09 pm Apparently, Woody Harrelson endorsed RFK Jr. Is there any reason to pay attention to him? He seems nuts and so far I've only seen Republicans think he has a chance. But they also think Michelle Obama will run. I've really just ignored him, he seems like an anti vaxxer waste of time.
Never saw Woody Harrelson's politics, but I enjoyed the characters he played on film and TV. Is this where actors end up near the end of their career shelf-life? RWNJ? Can't get a gig cause Hollywood does not want to be associated with them anymore?

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:53 pm
by Estiveo
Woody's always been a few joints short of a lid. He lost whatever goodwill I had for his acting with his weird covid denial antivax monologue on SNL.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 3:32 pm
by Slim Cognito
Yeah that.

Woody Harrelson amused me but I never had him on my Take Advice From Celebrities Bingo Card.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 3:33 pm
by Suranis
I'm not sure why Celebrities endorsing anyone would mean anything. Woody Harrelson is a great actor, no question, but that does not mean he has spent a second thinking about any big issues nor does it mean he is qualified to talk about anything other than Acting technique.

But in any case celebrities are just used in "appeals to authority" when one needs someone to back up whatever opinion one already has.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 10:16 pm
by Luke
That was a poorly worded message. It happens. What I meant was about RFK Jr when I said, "Is there any reason to pay attention to him? He seems nuts and so far I've only seen Republicans think he has a chance."

With Woody, he's got a super long and interesting family history, Woody's Dad was a hitman.
What fans of the famous actor may not know is his father has an extremely checkered past, with participation in drug rings and charges for murder.
Charles was then hired by Texas drug lord Jimmy Chagra for $250,000 to kill U.S. District Judge John H. Wood Jr., aka “Maximum John” who was named as such due to his long sentences for drug offenses. Before Chagra was set to be tried, Charles shot the judge in the small of his back with a single bullet on May 29, 1979 as he was getting into his car. It was the first U.S. federal judge to be murdered. ... d-4686436/

I can see endorsements like Taylor Swift influencing young people, but most who have been around longer have their own opinions.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:50 pm
by raison de arizona
If only that was the worst thing he's done.
Jon Cooper @joncoopertweets wrote: DISGUSTING!! What sort of person walks BAREFOOT down a plane aisle — in first class, no less. Even worse, it was on his way to the toilet! 🤮

RFK Jr is a really strange dude.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 3:31 pm
by Flatpoint High
kinda like this: ... twice.html ?
“I was on it in 1993,” Kennedy said. “And I went to Florida with my wife and two children to visit my mom over Easter. My wife had some sort of relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell.” He said the second trip was also with his wife at the time, Mary Richardson, and his four children to go fossil-hunting in South Dakota. You know, standard family-trip fare.
Kennedy noted that this was before any of the alleged sex crimes were public knowledge, back when Epstein was just a mysterious financier without a college degree who was known for being surrounded by extremely young women all the time. Watters did not ask a follow-up about Richardson’s relationship with Maxwell, Epstein’s convicted madam, even though Maxwell knew several members of the Kennedy family.

“I’ve been very open about this from the beginning,” Kennedy said. The candidate also noted that he was never on Epstein’s jet without his family and opined that all information surrounding Epstein’s life and death should be made public. Yet viewers at home saw his face over a rather brutal chyron — “RFK JR: I WAS ONLY ON EPSTEIN’S PLANE TWICE.”

It makes sense that a presidential candidate would need to be transparent about his connection to one of the most notorious men of our lifetimes. (Or not: Donald Trump has not exactly been forthcoming about his many, many interactions with his old Palm Beach friend.) Unfortunately for Kennedy Jr., his statement has a few flaws in it. Kennedy claimed that he was on a flight to Palm Beach, Florida, for Easter in 1993. But Epstein’s flight logs from the early ’90s show that RFK Jr. and family members flew with Epstein and Maxwell from Teterboro airport to Florida on February 17 and that they flew back on February 27 — almost two months before the Easter holiday that year. There is also no record in any publicly available Epstein flight logs of the Kennedy family’s fossil-collecting trip to South Dakota.
It is not a crime for a politician to get a date wrong 30 years ago in a life full of private air travel and famous people. But if Kennedy — who also makes an appearance in Epstein’s infamous little black book — is encouraging full transparency around this issue, he may want to get his own details ironed out between now and next November.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:43 pm
by raison de arizona
Mike Sington @MikeSington wrote: “Please play the clip.” This is how it’s done, and needs to be done with Trump too. Robert F. Kennedy Jr is stopped in his tracks with a fact check. Kudos to Kasie Hunt. (Video: MSNBC)

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:02 pm
by Ben-Prime
raison de arizona wrote: Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:43 pm :lol:
Mike Sington @MikeSington wrote: “Please play the clip.” This is how it’s done, and needs to be done with Trump too. Robert F. Kennedy Jr is stopped in his tracks with a fact check. Kudos to Kasie Hunt. (Video: MSNBC)
Maybe it was just me, but the sound quality of that clip was terrible ... unless RFKJR really does sound like Katherine Hepburn, in which case I take it back.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:05 pm
by raison de arizona
Ben-Prime wrote: Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:02 pm Maybe it was just me, but the sound quality of that clip was terrible ... unless RFKJR really does sound like Katherine Hepburn, in which case I take it back.
He does:

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:07 pm
by AndyinPA
He sounds like that, caused by a rare medical problem. The sound, for me, was good.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:28 pm
by Ben-Prime
Ah. I'd never actually heard him speak before, just seen written transcripts of what he says, so Today I Learned Something.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 6:09 am
by Sam the Centipede
I didn't know of his speech problem. I wish it were worse so the asshole could not speak promote his nonsensical anti-vaccine views. Is that harsh? No. Because persuading people, especially parents, to reject vaccines causes unnecessary disease and death. He is a killer. Not with his hands, but with his words.

He lies so much. He IS anti-vaccine, vaccines have been tested (the tests he says are needed would be unethical and cause more unnecessary deaths), mercury is not an issue and never was medically important.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:28 am
by p0rtia
He could speak like an angel but it wouldn't change the fact that he grifts off of conspiracy theories with a level of arrogant inhumanity that is astonishing. ... 60440.html
YouTube removes Robert F Kennedy Jr video featuring bizarre claim that polluted water makes children transgender

“I think a lot of the problems we see in kids, particularly boys, it’s probably underappreciated on that how much of that is coming from chemical exposures, including a lot of the sexual dysphoria that we’re seeing,” Mr Kennedy Jr said during the interview.

He claimed that children were "swimming through a soup of toxic chemicals" many of which he claimed were "endocrine disruptors."

“There’s atrazine throughout our water supply,” he said. "Atrazine, by the way, if you in a lab put atrazine in a tank full of frogs, it will chemically castrate and forcefully feminise every frog in there. And 10 per cent of the frogs, the male frogs will turn into fully viable females able to produce viable eggs if it’s doing that to frogs. It could, there’s a lot of other evidence that it’s doing to human beings as well."

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:31 am
by Dave from down under
Exposure to mercury can cause mental issues..

He is as mad as a hatter!

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:18 pm
by keith
Dave from down under wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:31 am Exposure to mercury can cause mental issues..

He is as mad as a hatter!
Long exposure to elemental mercury like old fashioned hatter's processes, maybe,

Mercury in compounds with other elements not so much if at all,

Minute quantities of mercury compounds like those once used to stabilizw some vaccines virtually zero.

Non-existent mercury compounds in modern vaccines literajjy zero..

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:24 pm
by Dave from down under
At uni - went along to a lecture at the morgue titled
“Dying for love”

It seems that some people inject mercury into their penis in the belief that it improves their potency.. :crazy:

There was photos.. :sick:

I wish anti-vaxxers could be held accountable for all the harm they do.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:28 pm
by Suranis
Dave from down under wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:24 pm It seems that some people inject mercury into their penis in the belief that it improves their potency.. :crazy:
It didn't work for m... uh... someone I heard about.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:52 pm
by Reddog
Hmmm. A couple things;

1. He said he’s been fighting 40 years to get Mercury out of fish. The way I understand it is there is and always has been Mercury in fish. There is some added Mercury from human activity e.g. burning coal. The only way to get mercury out of fish is to get rid of all naturally occurring Mercury. Seems like he’s tilting at windmills. FDA has suggested limits on eating large fish at the top of the food chain.

2. I will guess that I’m not the only one here that Merthiolate or Mercurochrome in their medicine cabinet, as children, for cuts and scrapes, (Iodine also). I guess it was effective, I never got a bad infection. (Off topic, my Mom was old-fashioned she used poultice for splinters, burns etc)

3. Mercury was used as a treatment for Syphilis. Whether it was injected at the scene of symptoms I do not know. Movie about that I remember from when I was young about Dr. Ehrlich’s Magic Bullet (Salvarsan). It used an Arsenic compound that had fewer side effects.

4. RFKjr. Is a nut. Maybe mercury poisoning. But nuts get votes too also, I guess.

My guess is over a hundred years ago, if you were injecting Mercury, people would suspect you had Syphilis

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 11:01 pm
by pipistrelle
Reddog wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:52 pm 2. I will guess that I’m not the only one here that Merthiolate or Mercurochrome in their medicine cabinet, as children, for cuts and scrapes, (Iodine also). I guess it was effective, I never got a bad infection. (Off topic, my Mom was old-fashioned she used poultice for splinters, burns etc)
I had gravel embedded in my knee that had to be scraped and dug out (bike accident). We used that stuff like crazy. It burned (but then anything would if you have gravel embedded in your skin).

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:30 am
by W. Kevin Vicklund
Reddog wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:52 pm Hmmm. A couple things;

1. He said he’s been fighting 40 years to get Mercury out of fish. The way I understand it is there is and always has been Mercury in fish. There is some added Mercury from human activity e.g. burning coal. The only way to get mercury out of fish is to get rid of all naturally occurring Mercury. Seems like he’s tilting at windmills. FDA has suggested limits on eating large fish at the top of the food chain.

2. I will guess that I’m not the only one here that Merthiolate or Mercurochrome in their medicine cabinet, as children, for cuts and scrapes, (Iodine also). I guess it was effective, I never got a bad infection. (Off topic, my Mom was old-fashioned she used poultice for splinters, burns etc)

3. Mercury was used as a treatment for Syphilis. Whether it was injected at the scene of symptoms I do not know. Movie about that I remember from when I was young about Dr. Ehrlich’s Magic Bullet (Salvarsan). It used an Arsenic compound that had fewer side effects.

4. RFKjr. Is a nut. Maybe mercury poisoning. But nuts get votes too also, I guess.

My guess is over a hundred years ago, if you were injecting Mercury, people would suspect you had Syphilis
I thought he started to say vaccines, then remembered that they've been out of vaccines for 20 years now, so pivoted to fish (there's a bit of a catch right before he says fish, but I could always be applying my own bias here).

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 5:05 am
by Sam the Centipede
As keith pointed out, there is a huge difference biologically between the inorganic forms of mercury, quicksilver itself and simple salts on the one hand, and the organic compounds, including those used in the past (not now) in minute quantities as stabilizers and preservatives in vaccines.

Antivaxers and quacks like to take a chunk of real science and misrepresent it to support their lies, ignoring all refutations. They then exploit those verbal and non-verbal cues that uninformed people might use to evaluate "should I trust this source?"

One of Kennedy's filthy perversions is his claim that modern vaccines have not been tested in clinical trials against inactive placebos. Pedantically this might be correct, and I have often heard professionals who should be more precise talking about the control arm of a clinical trial as "placebo" :fingerwag: But a clinical trial does not ask "is this new treatment better than doing no treatment?"; rather, it asks "is this new treatment better than our current standard of care?"

Only when there is no current standard of care is the control arm a placebo. And then it should be a mix of placebo (i.e. no treatment but the patient receives the same care from a doctor/nurse/researcher) and no treatment at all, to assess the placebo effect.

It is rare for this to be the situation. The obvious recent example is the vaccines for SARS-CoV–2, where they was no vaccine and a huge vulnerable population available for trials. It is now more difficult to assess me vaccines for variants as so many people have high levels of immunity and the incremental benefit is so much smaller.

Another example is the drug fezolinetant (Veoza) for treating not flushes in menopausal women. It is another brilliant piece of applied science, attacking one specific protein in the brain implicated exclusively in hot flushes. Even then it also must be trialled against standard of care, which includes HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for patients who are comfortable with and eligible for HRT. Placebo or no intervention is only appropriate for the non-HRT cohort. (Placebo was also reasonably effective in the trials!)

Science produces brilliant innovations like that but ignorant wreckers like Kennedy get air time for their murderous nonsense. Do placebo-controlled trials of childhood vaccines and many of the control arm would suffer or die, so that would be grossly unethical. Kennedy literally advocates killing children.

2024: RFK Jr - Antivaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Jan 17, 1954 - Capricorn / Horse

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 8:31 am
by Tiredretiredlawyer
Suranis wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:28 pm
Dave from down under wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:24 pm It seems that some people inject mercury into their penis in the belief that it improves their potency.. :crazy:
It didn't work for m... uh... someone I heard about.