Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"

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Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by Luke »

Happy 228th day that Bill Mitchell has been suspended from Twitter!

Recap about Bill from VOX if you've forgotten about him:

Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter
In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes among people who hate them.
By Ezra Klein @ezraklein Oct 24, 2016, 10:10am EDT ... l-mitchell

He has a Telegram channel but only 3028 subscribers.

He's still grifting, now through GiveSendGo, but it's nothing like the go-go days before his predictions were totally blown out of the water. Goal : $10,000 Raised : $3,476 But hey, money is money.

Guess he used some grift to make a new website though the genius didn't use his name in it so it's not indexed anywhere :lol:

Anyway, Bill has a mad about Seb Gorka. How could anyone be mad at that little teddy bear?
BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [27.03.21 07:19]
I never ceased to be amazed at how many educated liberals I meet in real life. I mean, they're not idiots, but they are SO misinformed.

I speak to them and it is clear from our conversation that the #Media has rotted their brains and denied them the ability to think critically. It's like their minds run a 24/7 loop of CNN propaganda.

You know how many times I've heard, "Trump is a liar!," or "Trump is a racist!," or "Trump is a misogynist!," and yet, when I ask for actual evidence of any of these things, they have no answer and just get angry. If they do have an answer, it is one obscure, misinterpreted data-point like "Charlottesville!" or "Rosie O'Donnell!"

As Reagan so beautifully said:

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [27.03.21 07:23]
Liberal: "Trump is a liar!"

Me: "Really? Ok, how often would you say he lies?"

Liberal: "Constantly!"

Me: "Wow, that's a lot. Name the three biggest lies Trump told in the past week..."

Liberal: *crickets*

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [27.03.21 13:02]
The old thing about me supporting #RedFlagLaws has come up recently.

As you will recall, at the time, Trump himself was fully in support of red flag legislation and I was merely backing up the boss.

I learned a valuable lesson then that guns are the third rail of Conservatism, you simply don't touch it. Not a problem. I won't in the future. 🙂

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [27.03.21 13:28]
As long as I'm slaying ghosts from the past, allow me to address the accusation that I "defrauded my fans of $15,000 by promising to move to DC then moving to Miami."

Of course, this is all a complete lie dreamed up by loser trolls based upon a #FakeNews DailyBeast article. Regardless, I'll explain:

I was living in Charlotte, NC because my mother was dying. I was deciding where I wanted to move after my time was up there and I considered DC as I was raised there and obviously, it is the seat of power.

Meanwhile, I had use GoFundMe for YEARS as a vehicle to raise money to support my work. Fans had already been very generous and it was clear to everyone that this is what the GoFundMe was for - to support my work. The GoFundMe's all mentioned this specifically on their site. There was NO deception.

Anyway, I was on about my 5th GoFundMe campaign and the thought of moving to DC was on my mind. In a few tweets I mentioned this at the same time I was promoting the GoFundMe, although the GoFundMe itself said NOTHING about DC. Regardless, I eventually moved to Miami after my mother passed because I was offered a job providing PR for a new social media platform.

Ok, so some of the trolls and haters grabbed onto this and reached out to DailyBeast (a far left rag famous for #FakeNews against Conservatives) and they wrote a long article about how I had "ripped off my fans" and moved to Miami instead of DC! The fact these trolls went to DailyBeast with the article tells you A LOT about their motivations. Also, prior to publishing their hit piece, DailyBeast never reached out to me for comment.

Ok, so seeing blood in the water, about 20 other liberal rags republished the DailyBeast hit piece (and again, no one bothered reaching me for comment.) This made it look like "big news" when in fact, it was just the left me-tooing itself.

This became a BIG deal for few months. Apparently, I had "bought a new condo in Miami with the $15,000!" Lol, as if and I wish. Condos here cost a million bucks. $15,000 might last you 2 months in Miami, just existing.

Regardless, I offered on Twitter to repay any of my fans who had donated and felt misled. Guess what? ZERO TAKERS. That's because people who donate to me KNOW what the money is for. The people BENT over this weren't even my donors. They were haters and trolls.

So anyway, that's what happened. Just a hitpiece in the DailyBeast created by trolls and haters. All BS.

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [27.03.21 13:47]
One more ghost from the past as long as I'm at this.

I used to be good friends with Sebastian Gorka. He was on my show as a guest several times. Now we are enemies. What happened?

Well, as you may know, Gorka hated Q from the start and attacked them regularly even though they had never said anything about him. Meanwhile, I had two Q pundits on my show to hear what they had to say about #Russiagate and explain the movement.

It was during this time that apparently some Q people doxed Gorka, I'm assuming because he had been attacking them non-stop for months. Of course I had nothing to do with that and had no knowledge of it or how and even if it was actually done.

After I interviewed the one Q pundit, I received a call from Gorka THREATENING TO SUE ME FOR CONSPIRING WITH Q TO DOX HIM!

Lol, I just laughed because I had NOTHING to do with any of that mess. I just interviewed a guy on my show and during the interview, GORKA'S NAME WAS NEVER MENTIONED.

Regardless, after this, Gorka went on a campaign slandering me to anyone who would listen. I ran into Gorka at the White House Social Media Summit. I asked him if we could bury the hatchet on this and that it was all so ridiculous. He told me, in front of other people, to "go f*ck myself!"

Gorka can be a hothead, as we've all seen.

Oh well, so much for being diplomatic.

Anyway, that's it. A lot of drama from Gorka for nothing.
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by Luke »

Bill Mitchell launched his revised stye. Took him months and it doesn't look any different. Still called YVN (Your Voice Network) and that's not indexed so it's really hard to find. is about the worst possible choice. He's down to only 3,011 subscribers on Telegram. Here's his Rumble video explaining the excitement.

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [13.04.21 10:00]
So a black man is shot by police. #BLM believes he was perceived as a dangerous criminal because he was black and mistreated by police. They claim this is racist.

So what does #BLM do in response? Burn cities and loot - just like the dangerous criminals they claim they are unfairly profiled as - thus PROVING the police were right to profile them.

In the twisted Liberal mind, ALL of this makes perfect sense.

Maybe we can throw $30 million at them and make it go away for a day?

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [13.04.21 10:18]
On the one hand, Trump should never have trusted McConnell, who is clearly a CCP embedded asset.

But on the other hand, what choice did he have? McConnell was the Republican Senate Majority Leader and was the gatekeeper over Trump's entire legislative agenda. Trump literally had no choice but to work with him. In business, I feel confident Trump would have fired McConnell. In government, he could not.

I feel badly for President Trump. He was thrown headlong into a viper's pit. It is a miracle he accomplished as much as he did.

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [13.04.21 12:42]
I went through a lot of emotions when the election was stolen in broad daylight from Trump and I gave a lot of thought to my path forward.

You know what never even occurred to me though?

Not voting in 2022.

I mean, if a murderer is trying to break down my door, I don't kill myself so he cant get me. If he gets in, at least I can put up a fight and who knows, maybe I'll kill him instead.

But I'll fight.

My recommendation for 2022 is fight.

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [14.04.21 16:58]
In a free and fair election, Democrats will be crushed in 2022 in a #RedWave that makes 2010 look like the overslosh in the kiddie pool.

And that's it, isn't it? Will it be a free and fair election?

Well, if you rob a major NY city bank in broad daylight once, you may have a harder time doing it again. Also, in 2020, the GOP itself drove the getaway car. I can't see that happening in 2022.

There are many factors in play in 2022 that differ from 2020:

For one thing, House races are local affairs. Democrats stole the White House by dumping millions of fake ballots for Biden in 4 major blue cities, flipping the states. In House races, this would only allow them to win blue seats they'd already win anyway.

In 2018, America was tired of the Paul Ryan Congress's fecklessness. They gave Democrats a shot. This will be the opposite effect in 2022.

There is a reason why new presidents get their asses handed to them in their first midterms - America likes divided government.

In 2020, Democrats only had to steal 4 deep blue cities with election officials and judges friendly to their cause. In 2022, to accomplish the same, they'd have to steal an entire country, one district at a time.

In 2020 there was Covid. Will there be another manufactured pandemic scare in 2022? Unknown. We'll see.

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [21.04.21 13:38]
[ Photo ]
Ok, the new website for YourVoice™ America is officially launched and ready. It's very cool and can be enjoyed on mobile or desktop. Stop by now and watch out introductory video. The video will autoplay but you need to tap it to hear the sound.

Lots of great MAGA Content coming soon. This show used to do a million plays a week on Periscope. Watch and find out why!

Look like the site is from the Carl Gallups Skool of Web Design :lol: And the video he wants everybody to watch is below the default viewport. :lol:
YVA.JPG (164.54 KiB) Viewed 3472 times
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by fierceredpanda »

I choose to believe that Bill Mitchell isn't actually a real person. No real person's head looks like that. He's basically Max Headroom 2.0.
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by pipistrelle »

He’s all better now? Wasn’t he the guy who was having his lungs suctioned or something?
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by Luke »

He survived the lung operation, they drained his blood and lowered his temperature to remove the nodules. Sadly for Bill, he seems to have been forgotten during his absence and the GOP wipeout. It's more than 6 months since his Twitter account was banned. But he's still grifting and posting on Telegram. Here's his new YourVoice programming (which as mentioned is at, which is the worst possible name for indexing) which doesn't appear to be getting much attention. Only 3,000 Telegram subscribers and dropping. These links have text around them, but Bill is so dumb he doesn't realize the text doesn't copy, just the links as below.

Ann Vandersteel is a truly vile troll. She's one of Bill's best friends and was the point person when Bill was hospitalized.

Ann gets banned a lot. Keep telling Foggy to stop hanging out with Ann but don't know if he's heeded the warning. :P

ANN V.JPG (60.44 KiB) Viewed 3299 times
Ann V Twitter.JPG
Ann V Twitter.JPG (62.12 KiB) Viewed 3299 times

So, of course, Miki Booth loves her and lapped her up at the recent Tulsa Health & Freedom COVIDfest. (Pic is from Miki's FB, not on Bill's Telegram).

Miki Ann.JPG
Miki Ann.JPG (76.46 KiB) Viewed 3302 times

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [26.04.21 17:13]
Ok team, the brand new YourVoice™ Network website is up and running and we have an exciting new show for you tonight! Each show comes in 4 15 minutes segments so pick and choose what you like. The site is Please check it out.

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [27.04.21 09:52]
Let's see.

No one supports the Biden agenda. No one watched the #woke Oscars. The NBA is dying.

But 82 million voted Democrat?

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BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [28.04.21 07:27]

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [28.04.21 18:48]

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BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [28.04.21 18:48] ... otsvictory

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [28.04.21 18:48] ... otsvictory

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [28.04.21 18:48] ... otsvictory

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [28.04.21 18:49] ... otsvictory

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [29.04.21 20:43]
Here's last night's show in case you missed it. Make sure to bookmark the new site. ... otsvictory
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!"
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by Luke »

Bill is still losing Telegram followers, only 2,958 now. Desperation is setting in.
BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [28.05.21 07:22]

We've checked the books and unless YourVoice™ America can raise $10,000 in the next 30 days, we'll have to close up shop and I'll have to quit social media. We'd love to be here for the midterms, but unless we can raise funds, I can't continue to do this.

If I've helped you in the past and you'd like to see YourVoice™ America continue into the future to be a voice of truth for the midterms and beyond, please give generously. If not, I'm sorry but we'll be gone after June.

Thanks for your love and support in the past. ... AEG5X5UEWU
He only got 20 comments on this post and many were trolls (not me, he doesn't need my help).

Luke Wilmoth, [28.05.21 08:39]
[In reply to BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel]
If you’d cover the election audits more people would be more inclined to give. There’s a lot going on with it that the media refuses to report so many have turned to people like Patrick Byrne and Mike Lindell. I don’t see you talk about it hardly at all. Trump hasn’t given up. Just feeling like some are missing the ball on this.

Carol Grueneich, [28.05.21 09:11]
[In reply to BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel]
People are broke and struggling to feed their families and put a roof over their heads. Just saying

Villunia Malicki, [28.05.21 09:43]
[In reply to BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel]
Any corporate sponsors out there?

Gustin Zilch, [28.05.21 10:49]
[In reply to BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel]
I don’t understand why not having a network would cause you to quit social media. Or why you would use garbage PayPal instead of GiveSendGo. If you did GiveSendGo I’d be way more inclined to give. I loved your election 2020 coverage

Pam, [29.05.21 12:17]
[In reply to 𝓒𝓵𝓪𝓾𝓭 𝓜𝓪𝓻💜]
Exactly! We can respectfully disagree. I have always looked at chat rooms like being a guest in someone's home. We should treat each other the same way we would as a dinner guest in someone's home.

How could he not be rolling in dough when he had Diamond and Silk on? And yet only 229 views. :cry:

Tonight we have Diamond & Silk to discuss motivating the base for 2022. Dr Fauci is on the hot seat for funding of the Wuhan Labs and the NY witch-hunt against President Trump heats up.
5/26 • Full Episode • "Exposing Corruption!"
229 views•Premiered May 26, 2021

Full show:

Starting with D&S:

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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by Slim Cognito »

fierceredpanda wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 2:13 pm I choose to believe that Bill Mitchell isn't actually a real person. No real person's head looks like that. He's basically Max Headroom 2.0.
Now I can't unsee it.
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by tek »

We've checked the books and unless YourVoice™ America can raise $10,000 in the next 30 days, we'll have to close up shop and I'll have to quit social media. We'd love to be here for the midterms, but unless we can raise funds, I can't continue to do this.
Don't threaten us with a good time.
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by Luke »

Bill Mitchell left GAB cause of the racism, hate & negativity. Hide your irony meters.
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by TheNewSaint »

$150 raised of $50,000 goal in 13+ days.
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by Sam the Centipede »

Oh happy days with pootish/trumpist fundraisers! When reality bites and poots discover that "patriots" are as loyal to each other as they are loyal to their country. :nope:

Remember the late Terry Trussell's fundraiser? He had been egged on by super-rich Rodger Dowdell. Great, someone with resources in the struggle for liberty and the right of parents to demand low quality education for their children! But when Trussell was grabbed for his People's Grand Jury cosplay, Dowdell contributed next-to-nothing (I can't remember the sum, perhaps $250, certainly not close to $1,000).
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by Luke »

Yeah, right.
BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [13.10.21 17:31]
Let me be clear. Anyone using antisemitic or racist speech in this chat will be instantly banned, no second chances. I do not tolerate bigotry. And don't call your hate free speech.

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [13.10.21 17:33]
All bigotry MUST be banned from the MAGA movement. The Left uses it as a club to beat us and turn off moderate voters who would have otherwise supported our agenda. MAGA is love, not hate. Zero tolerance policy for bigotry in here. Don't test me.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!"
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by Slim Cognito »

Ha! I read MAGA love as Muskrat Love. Somebody should run with that.
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by Phoenix520 »

BingoBongo said:
The problem with Leftism is that it is based entirely on a LIE.

What lie? They’re so vague about their hate. :roll:
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Re: Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by Luke »


Mitchell Gab.JPG
Mitchell Gab.JPG (57.1 KiB) Viewed 1211 times
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!"
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Bill Mitchell YourVoice™ "Why liberals love Bill Mitchell, Twitter’s most absurd Trump supporter"


Post by Luke »

Bill Mitchell is back on Twitter and he has totally reversed himself, now he's a #NeverTrumper and believes only DeSantis can win.

He runs tons of stupid polls so it's fun to mess them up with reality. Like of course stronger! :lol: :
Bill Mitchell @mitchellvii 9h
Trump's false attacks on DeSantis make Trump look...
Stronger 20.6%
Weaker 79.4%
722 votes
14 hours left
Bill Mitchell @mitchellvii
Serious question. The McConnell Globalists colluded with the Democrats to steal the 2020 election from Trump. What has changed that makes you believe that will be any different in 2024?

They are about to invest a few hundred million in DeSantis. You think they are going to cheat him after that?

DeSantis is the ONLY MAGA candidate who CAN win in 2024. Trump without DeSantis is impossible. Just the reality.
Last edited
4:22 PM · Feb 12, 2023
BM 1.JPG (99.09 KiB) Viewed 486 times

BM OnlyTrump.JPG
BM OnlyTrump.JPG (74.77 KiB) Viewed 486 times

He is totally fuc*ing up his "brand" (that's a joke, like he has one) :lol: and his Twitter feed is funny now, they're calling him a TRAITOR and DeSantis BITCH and all sorts of other MAGAt-hate-inspired-names. Bill is as terrible as ever with his inability to reason or process multiple points of data, but seeing him going nuts over the disgraced loser is really funny.

And some deep, deep thinking. Or clickbait.

Tails.JPG (90.06 KiB) Viewed 486 times

His Twitter feed is at
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!"
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