Yeah, rather than install caching plugins on all my WordPress sites, I moved them to Cloudflare. And spent a lot of last week learning how to configure the Cloudflare plugin for WordPress. I've had a Cloudflare account forever, so long I don't even remember why I stopped using it lo these many moons ago. But now I have just enough knowledge about it to be dangerous.
On the bright side, that seems - for now - to have solved the problem of Fogbow becoming unreachable for half an hour every day. But I'm still working on it.
We have a WordPress site on Fogbow, of course, on our home page. I gotta work on that.
But apparently Cloudflare and our forum software (phpBB) do not play well together, because Cloudflare wants to serve you a web page that it cached (stored) on its servers, which means you can't see anybody else's posts (or your own posts) until Cloudflare gets around to refreshing its cache.
So until I know EZACKLY how to add JUST THE WORDPRESS FILES to Cloudflare without any caching of the forum, I will refrain from fixing what ain't broke.
BUT as always, more will be revealed.
And to bill_g, we got hit with a glutinous mass of entropic dissolution, boy, you bet I had to drain the electron glands then!