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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by noblepa »

neeneko wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:59 pmIf he is going to partner with anyone, it will probably be a social media company (likely with a bit of state backing) that has a service already and is looking for some branding to get itself noticed. Or in the case of something quietly state backed, someone willing to pay in order to keep access to trump's base. It is also possible that there is no interested partner and no real plan to implement his own, but his team is hoping that the fear of new right wing competition might get Gab or Parlor back to the negotiating table with more favorable terms.

I can't see any government in the US partnering with any social media company. I'm not even sure that would be legal.

If you mean a foreign state, which foreign state would want to pay Trump for the use of his name? I suspect that his name is no longer necessary to get access to his base. They just need to spout the same kind of lies that Trump does.

I think that the relative success of OAN, NewsMax, Gab, and other right-wing media outlets has shown that Trumpism no longer needs Trump to thrive.

Bottom line: I don't think that Trump will invest the kind of money needed to build a social media outlet of the size that he needs, and I don't think anyone with that kind of money is going to want to hitch their wagon to a falling star. Why pay him millions of dollars, when they can reach the suckers conservative base without him?
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by filly »

noblepa wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 2:16 pm
filly wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:22 pm I could see Trump setting up a (shitty, hackable) platform and then charging users $4.99 a month (or more) to use it. There seem to be enough rubes/idiots/traitors in this country that it might sell for a while.
To get the kind of adulation that his ego requires, he needs a platform with 10,000,000 users, not 10,000. A 10M user platform will be quite expensive and difficult to set up. I 10K user platform won't get by on $50,000 per month.

Its a case of "go big or go home".
He's not looking for adulation, he's looking for more money from the rubes.
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by Foggy »

Of course, he's going to do all the coding and tech work himself. He told us once, and I clearly remember, that he knows more about the cyber than anybody. I'm sure he knows just as much about building a social media platform as he did about being president. :blackeye:

But if he does contract that work out, it will never happen. He doesn't choose people who know what they're doing, in fact, he prefers to pick people who are really, really bad at what they do - Michael Cohen being a crappy lawyer, Harold Bornstein being a crappy doctor, Brad Parscale being a crappy campaign organizer, Jared Kushner being the crappiest diplomat in world history, et cetera. The important thing isn't whether the developer knows how to build a big new social media platform. No, the important thing is that he tells Trump how wonderful he is twenty times a day.

... and that means the developer won't be capable of creating a WordPress website (WordPress runs 40% of the world's websites now).
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by northland10 »

filly wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:25 pm
noblepa wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 2:16 pm
filly wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:22 pm I could see Trump setting up a (shitty, hackable) platform and then charging users $4.99 a month (or more) to use it. There seem to be enough rubes/idiots/traitors in this country that it might sell for a while.
To get the kind of adulation that his ego requires, he needs a platform with 10,000,000 users, not 10,000. A 10M user platform will be quite expensive and difficult to set up. I 10K user platform won't get by on $50,000 per month.

Its a case of "go big or go home".
He's not looking for adulation, he's looking for more money from the rubes.
Oh, he still wants the adulation and is desperate to remain relevant and in the news. Severe Narcissism does not turn off quickly, especially when his father will still not love him. Money is just another measure of how much the rubes adore him. He gets to combine his greed for cash with his desperate need for attention and worship. It's a twofer.
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by noblepa »

northland10 wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:25 pm
filly wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:25 pm
noblepa wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 2:16 pm

To get the kind of adulation that his ego requires, he needs a platform with 10,000,000 users, not 10,000. A 10M user platform will be quite expensive and difficult to set up. I 10K user platform won't get by on $50,000 per month.

Its a case of "go big or go home".
He's not looking for adulation, he's looking for more money from the rubes.
Oh, he still wants the adulation and is desperate to remain relevant and in the news. Severe Narcissism does not turn off quickly, especially when his father will still not love him. Money is just another measure of how much the rubes adore him. He gets to combine his greed for cash with his desperate need for attention and worship. It's a twofer.

Perhaps I worded my statement poorly. My point is that he wants a yuuuuge platform, not a tiny one. Building the kind of platform that he wants, either to stroke his ego, generate revenue, or both, takes a lot (A LOT) of money. I seriously doubt that he is willing to spend that kind of money. He wants to find someone else to pay for it, while he reaps the income and praise. No bank will lend him money for that.

I also doubt that any of the potential backers with that kind of money, who might want an "uncensored" conduit to talk to the Trump faithful, really want to cut him in on the deal. As I said in another post, I think that it is no longer necessary for Trump to be involved, to stoke the flames of Trumpism. I think he lit the flame, and it has now taken on a life of its own.

Also, if Trump or someone else does succeed in starting a new social media platform, they are going to get on their knees every day and thank God for section 230. When the members start spewing all kinds of hate and slander, and fomenting more insurrections, they will need the protection that section 230 provides to shield them from the lawsuits and criminal prosecutions.
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by Suranis »

Its also possible that he thinks its going to be like the Apprentice where they paid him 60 mill a year just to show up a couple of times a week and read a script. Fork out any of HIS money? Fuck that.
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by Luke »

Foggy wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:17 pm Of course, he's going to do all the coding and tech work himself. He told us once, and I clearly remember, that he knows more about the cyber than anybody. I'm sure he knows just as much about building a social media platform as he did about being president. :blackeye:

But if he does contract that work out, it will never happen. He doesn't choose people who know what they're doing, in fact, he prefers to pick people who are really, really bad at what they do - Michael Cohen being a crappy lawyer, Harold Bornstein being a crappy doctor, Brad Parscale being a crappy campaign organizer, Jared Kushner being the crappiest diplomat in world history, et cetera. The important thing isn't whether the developer knows how to build a big new social media platform. No, the important thing is that he tells Trump how wonderful he is twenty times a day.

... and that means the developer won't be capable of creating a WordPress website (WordPress runs 40% of the world's websites now).
Well, to be fair, Rudy is the cyber specialist with his cybersecurity firm :lol:

DL2XIT's podcast with Lisa Boothe is at ... e-podcast/ if you want to hear it on desktop vs. iTunes and have it tracked. Didn't listen, his voice and content is upsetting and it's been wonderful to be able to pass on his bullsh*t.

Lots of articles are out there about news ratings going down -- well, duh, democracy isn't being threatened every day, America isn't being looked at as a joke or an adversary to our allies, and folks are happy with how President Biden and Congress are working to make life better. What's to watch? They're missing the point it's a feature, not a bug. The DL2XIT supporters can't understand most people don't want to be in a cult with no values or ethics, just an "own the libs" mentality. While it seems like it on Twitter, folks we're talking to, even supporters, are starting to move on. Even DL2XIT on the podcast mentioned guys who would be good running for president if he doesn't.
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Re: trump (the former guy)


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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by Luke »

:lol: This:
Why Trump Would Make the Most Boring Social Media Site Ever
The self-obsessed former president doesn’t realize social media won’t work if it only serves one person.
By JACK SHAFER 03/22/2021 07:02 PM EDT
Jack Shafer is Politico’s senior media writer.

To Donald Trump’s previous failures as airline owner, football team operator, steak entrepreneur, magazine publisher, university proprietor, casino owner, mortgage lender, vodka merchant and all the rest, prepare to add failed social media entrepreneur to the list. According to Trump adviser Jason Miller on Fox News on Sunday, the former president will start his own platform “in probably two or three months.” Trump has held “high-powered meetings” about the start-up at Mar-a-Lago, Miller added. “This is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media.” This idea, which deserves to be catalogued next to the trial balloon the Trump camp sent up at the beginning of the year about him starting his own TV network, has little to no chance of succeeding as a business venture. Like the vaporous trial balloons he sent up during his presidency—to replace Obamacare, defeat Covid-19, not play golf because he would be too busy working, eliminate the federal deficit, get Mexico to pay for the wall and release his tax returns—this new Trump promise by proxy to take on Facebook and Twitter, which banned him after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol for glorifying violence, is doomed to crash like the Hindenburg.

Standing up a social media platform is so completely outside of Trump’s areas of business expertise—real estate, resorts and licensing—that if he does succeed in launching it, there’s very good reason to expect it will flame out the way his other dilettantish forays into airlines, sports, education and booze did: with losses and lawsuits. Silicon Valley has been filled to overflowing already with the compost of social media ventures—Friendster, Vine, FriendFeed and Yik Yak, just to name a few—that failed to dethrone Facebook and Twitter. Most notably, Google, whose parent company now has a market cap of $1.4 trillion and which knows a thing or two about technology, made at least four runs at creating a social media company to compete with Facebook: Google Buzz, Google Wave, Orkut, and Google+. All failed miserably. What does Donald Trump have that Google didn’t? Well, Trump’s people would tell you, he has the effervescence of Donald Trump! When Trump’s Twitter account was revoked in January, he had almost 90 million followers. Surely, some of those will follow him to a new social media site, but even millions following one guy won’t be enough to make the site viable. If you want to follow one guy, signing up for his email service is enough. But people open social media accounts to reach whole, expanding networks of people with varied interests. A thriving social media site allows you to itch all the niches of your personality. You might come for politics but also be looking for other people who share your interest in wine or movies or macramé or the Cistercians. A social media site based primarily on an allegiance to the monoculture represented by Trump and his political positions would soon become pretty boring for even the dead-endingest of Trump dead-enders. If too identified with Trump, the new platform would become an anti-social media site and repulse people. If not identified enough with Trump, the new platform would cease to have any reason to exist. So, why bother?

One of the reasons Trump’s social media presence became essential reading was that as president his every utterance and burp made news. If he tweeted a promise to incinerate some foreign foe, everybody wanted to be there to hear it firsthand, especially liberals who despised and feared him. But reduced now to a geriatric golf cheat whose only true power comes from political fundraising and supporting candidates who will primary his Republican enemies, Trump’s clipped messages have lost their former valency and there’s nothing he can do, short of regaining the presidency, to winning his old network back. Trump’s political potency depends on convening an audience of not just Trumpies but other conservatives and a good number of liberals who feel a need to monitor him. You can’t own the libs if the libs aren’t listening.

A smarter play for Trump would be to find a social media host that he could devour parasitically the way he did the Republican Party. Both Gab and Parler would be excellent choices for Trump. In fact, he already seems to have taken a run at Parler, according to a February story in BuzzFeed, which reported that the Trump Organization and social media upstart Parler had negotiated giving Trump a 40-percent interest in the company if he made it his primary social network. This would work to Trump’s satisfaction because it would cost him nothing—he loves using other people’s capital in his businesses—and it reunites him with Rebekah Mercer, who co-founded Parler and whose family supported his campaigns. But the limitations of starting his own site are only mirrored at Parler. He could bring in more of his supporters and curious looky-lous, but that would still not make for the variety needed to establish a vibrant social media network. Another downside is that Parler has only a reported 15 million users compared with Twitter’s 187 million, and its smartphone app has been banned by both Apple’s app store and Google Play for not moderating messages promoting violence, limiting its usability.

Perhaps the greatest limitation to a Trump-led social media entity is Trump’s narcissistic personality. Would he be willing for his social media site to grow into a space that might threaten his propagandistic ambitions? It seems illogical. For as long as we’ve observed Trump, we’ve known that he looks inward only and has no skill at internalizing other people’s personalities, ideas or motivations. We can only laugh at a two-dimensional man who hopes to become a mogul in the three-dimensional world of social media. He’d be better off reentering the steak business. ... ver-477513
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by sad-cafe »

. But reduced now to a geriatric golf cheat

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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by Dave from down under »

Lying liar lies ... /100022944

Former US president Donald Trump said he left a letter "from the heart" to his successor Joe Biden on his way out of the White House.

It was one of a few talking points the former US leader raised during a long-form interview with Lisa Boothe, a Fox News contributor who has launched a podcast.

Aside from continuing his claims that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, Mr Trump also stuck to familiar issues such as his border wall policy, said he fast-tracked the coronavirus vaccine development and hinted he was considering his own social media platform.

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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by fierceredpanda »

There's also no way that the Apple or Android app stores would host a Trump social media app in the wake of January 6. A social media site that isn't available on those two app stores isn't going to get off the ground any more than a 757 with no working engines. (See what I did there?)
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by zekeb »

Of course he can create a web page. The problem being that anyone can infiltrate a web page, including government agents. That alone would scare half of his unwashed athletic supporters away.
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by Uninformed »

Dave from down under wrote: Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:58 am Lying liar lies ... /100022944

Former US president Donald Trump said he left a letter "from the heart" to his successor Joe Biden on his way out of the White House.

It was one of a few talking points the former US leader raised during a long-form interview with Lisa Boothe, a Fox News contributor who has launched a podcast.

Aside from continuing his claims that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, Mr Trump also stuck to familiar issues such as his border wall policy, said he fast-tracked the coronavirus vaccine development and hinted he was considering his own social media platform.

“from the heart” - :rotflmao:
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by tek »

What does Donald Trump have that Google didn’t? Well, Trump’s people would tell you, he has the effervescence effluvium of Donald Trump!
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by noblepa »

Uninformed wrote: Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:53 am
“from the heart” - :rotflmao:

Assumes facts not in evidence. The man has no heart.
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by zekeb »

Uninformed wrote: Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:53 am
Dave from down under wrote: Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:58 am Lying liar lies ... /100022944

Former US president Donald Trump said he left a letter "from the heart" to his successor Joe Biden on his way out of the White House.

It was one of a few talking points the former US leader raised during a long-form interview with Lisa Boothe, a Fox News contributor who has launched a podcast.

Aside from continuing his claims that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, Mr Trump also stuck to familiar issues such as his border wall policy, said he fast-tracked the coronavirus vaccine development and hinted he was considering his own social media platform.

“from the heart” - :rotflmao:
That' why Biden wouldn't release the content of the letter. It was from trump's "heart."
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by Atticus Finch »

Uninformed wrote: Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:53 am
Dave from down under wrote: Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:58 am Lying liar lies ... /100022944

Former US president Donald Trump said he left a letter "from the heart" to his successor Joe Biden on his way out of the White House.

It was one of a few talking points the former US leader raised during a long-form interview with Lisa Boothe, a Fox News contributor who has launched a podcast.

Aside from continuing his claims that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, Mr Trump also stuck to familiar issues such as his border wall policy, said he fast-tracked the coronavirus vaccine development and hinted he was considering his own social media platform.

“from the heart” - :rotflmao:
We now know what is smaller than Trump's hands.
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by noblepa »

If the letter truly came from Trump's heart, we can guess what it might have said.
Dear usurping, dimwitted MOFO,

You stole the (*^%$^*^% election and denied me my rightful place as King President of the United States of Trump, the greatest president the country has ever known. This is not to mention the revenue I've lost by not being recognized as President.

I should have won that election. In fact, I did. I am still the legitimate President. It is only because of those mofo's in GA, PA, WI, MI and NC who committed treason against me by not finding the votes necessary to throw the election my way. That, and those ^%$%$#&$ Dominion voting machines, designed and built by Hugo Chavez' ghost.

They will all pay. They had an obligation to deliver the election to me and they let me the country down.

I hope that you and Kamala rot in h**l. If she gives you any trouble, just grab her by the ****y.

I hope you die of leprosy.

Donald J. Trump
That may not actually be what he wrote, but I'm sure that was what was in what passes for a heart when he wrote it.
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by filly »

Virtuoso, the world’s largest luxury travel network, whose motto is “the best of the best,” has quietly removed all 10 Trump-branded hotels and resorts from its list of preferred partners, as first reported by Zenger News. Pages on Virtuoso’s website that once showcased Trump properties now lead to 404 “page not found” errors.

A spokesperson for Virtuoso confirmed that Trump Hotels ceased being a preferred partner earlier this month, but declined to elaborate. “As a rule, we don't talk about why we engage in non-renewals with partners,” said Misty Belles, managing director of global public relations for the company. “And we don’t talk about why they exit just as a courtesy for them and everyone involved.”

Regardless of how Trump Hotels left Virtuoso, the departure could hurt Trump’s hotel management and licensing business, which Forbes reported to be down $24 million since 2019, as well as his golf resorts in Miami and Europe, which are down another $120 million. ... ainTwitter
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by AndyinPA »

"Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought. To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears… To be led by a liar is to ask to be told lies." -Octavia E. Butler
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by Gregg »

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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by LM K »

filly wrote: Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:13 pm
Virtuoso, the world’s largest luxury travel network, whose motto is “the best of the best,” has quietly removed all 10 Trump-branded hotels and resorts from its list of preferred partners, as first reported by Zenger News. Pages on Virtuoso’s website that once showcased Trump properties now lead to 404 “page not found” errors.

A spokesperson for Virtuoso confirmed that Trump Hotels ceased being a preferred partner earlier this month, but declined to elaborate. “As a rule, we don't talk about why we engage in non-renewals with partners,” said Misty Belles, managing director of global public relations for the company. “And we don’t talk about why they exit just as a courtesy for them and everyone involved.”

Regardless of how Trump Hotels left Virtuoso, the departure could hurt Trump’s hotel management and licensing business, which Forbes reported to be down $24 million since 2019, as well as his golf resorts in Miami and Europe, which are down another $120 million. ... ainTwitter
Hitting Trump's pocketbook is an incredibly effective way to cause actual pain to Trump.

Imo, Trump is terrified of the general public learning about his tax returns and the Trump Organization taxes.
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Re: trump (the former guy)


Post by LM K »

Donald Trump Spends His Days gossiping, golfing and plotting revenge on RINOs
Donald Trump seems calm. Hanging out at Mar-a-Lago, his palatial club in West Palm Beach, Florida, the former president plays golf, mingles with members of the club, calls old business friends in New York and Florida. The frustration and anger that followed his election loss is not visible on the surface, friends say.

But, they add, the anger is still very much there. According to several Trump allies who spoke to Newsweek on background, the former president has spent much of his time at Mar-a-lago plotting what to do—and what not to do— between now and the mid term elections in 2022. They say he has not decided whether to run again in 2024, and won't anytime soon, because his presence freezes the Presidential race for the GOP. They also say he has ruled out trying to start a social media or digital broadcasting company—widely rumored in 2020— saying it would be too time consuming and too expensive to pull off. Even though Trump remains "intensely frustrated" with the bans on him on Facebook and Twitter, the idea of starting some sort of competing presence ''was always mostly speculation; there wasn't much to it. It's too heavy a lift," says a former senior campaign aide who requested anonymity to speak freely.
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