Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Kriselda Gray »

Sam the Centipede wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 4:20 am You have patience … or too much free time! ;)
Yeppers! :mrgreen:
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by johnpcapitalist »

orlylicious wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:07 am "You people best be pondering when in 2-4 months from today, somewhere approaching 100,000,000 Americans die from every sort of disease known to mankind, due to AIDS as the result of being Vaxterminated or the Nasal Testing, or from the shedding of those Vaxxed and/or Nasal Tested."

#FatRambo also said the dollar would collapse before the end of 2021. Remember how we all panicked? Well, there are still a few weeks left...
As we all know, Karl has been predicting the imminent collapse of the dollar at least since I've been a Fogbow 1.0 member and follower of the poot world in January 2016. Near as I can figure, Karl and far right nutjobs like him have been predicting the collapse of the dollar more-or-less ceaselessly since we went off the gold standard in 1933.

Why do so many people, even the better part of a century later, think that returning to the gold standard is a good thing? Ron Paul used to rant about that and his son, the junior senator from Kentucky, has hinted that he'd make that a part of his presidential agenda if he runs.

It's natural to feel like your assets are somehow safer when money is tied to some sort of tangible external commodity or item. Precious metals were naturals, because they wouldn't rust or corrode over time (though silver will oxidize, oxidation can be easily removed without taking too much metal with it), and because they were rare enough that the money supply wouldn't increase too quickly. Importantly, it was possible to assess silver coins for quality because of Archimedes' discovery of the idea of density (the thing with the bath and running naked through the street yelling "Eureka!"). So you could figure out if someone was paying you in coins that had been cut with base metal reasonably easily. That turned out to be extremely important in international trade.

Interestingly, most economies that were dependent on a precious metal standard used silver until the 17th or 18th century, when England ended up on the gold standard for reasons that I can't seem to recall, and that spread globally when their empire grew. I am sure that self-imagined economics genius Krazy Kapt. Karl has no idea that, ideally, he should be clamoring to return to a silver standard. But I digress...

Poots don't understand that money is now and has always been an abstract idea. They're somehow terrified that "the powers that be" can somehow magically revalue fiat money (stuff backed only by promises of the government and not tangible assets, the system we have now) to wipe out the value of the peasants' meager savings.

Poots don't understand that there are actually very effective ways of valuing fiat money, especially in the modern era (post-1971, when the US pioneered market-based exchange rates). In this system, market participants (whoever wants to put capital to work and speculate on exchange rates) determine the value of a currency relative to others. Essentially, this is a bet on the economy of the country whose currency you're trading. When the US economy is doing well, it strengthens relative to others, and vice versa. This has nice benefits in balancing trade. And it gives policymakers some short-term tools to handle issues like unemployment and inflation more effectively than when currency value is tied to an arbitrary standard like a legislated price of gold.

And what's particularly ironic is that poots don't understand that countries tinkered with the value of their currency all the time when it was on the gold standard. It was called "debasing the currency" and it has happened throughout human history, from Roman times onwards, usually without telling the populace... This resulted in inflation and eroded the value of savings, just as inflation in a fiat currency economy does today. So there really is nothing that the gold standard would protect us from.

Amusingly, some poots fantasize about inventing a new form of money, one that's free from tinkering from the eeebil gummint. Pretend judge Anna quite frequently talks about the idea of a currency that's based on what people bring to the economy, which values their labor and the products they produce. She sketches out a sweeping vision where everyone would contribute to increasing the wealth of the country, which would make things more affordable and which would increase consumer income. Essentially, she's doing a great job of describing the US Dollar and other freely convertible fiat currencies from advanced economies.

The return to the gold standard would likely cause the very collapse of the US economy that Karl perpetually fears. Somebody else (Gregg, perhaps) might undertake to explain why it's apocalyptic, since I don't have time to think it all the way through, but it most assuredly is.

And modern economies, especially the US dollar, don't just collapse overnight. If the dollar ever collapsed, it would take generations to unwind everything that's pinning it in place. It's the world's reserve currency and it will remain that way for a long time. Every time the US hits a recession, in the months-long interval before it drags the rest of the world down with it, the usual suspects (Russia, China, etc.) all trot out the same tired propaganda about how it's time to have a new global reserve currency, one that they just happen to control. Like Churchill said about democracy, the dollar is a terrible global reserve currency, but it's better than the alternatives.

All the poots and other economic cranks point to post-WWII hyperinflation in smaller economies like Hungary that enabled Communist takeovers. Again, I don't have time to explain why this is meteorite-kills-Earth unlikely in large economies today, but it is. This sort of nonsense is being revived now because of the 2021 spike in inflation we're seeing, about 7% this year, far greater than in recent memory. People are pretty willing to pay more for stuff, because consumer spending has been down in COVID and there's a lot of disposable cash on the sidelines waiting to go to work. So people are paying more to buy a car now even though inventories are low. This inflation, driven by shortages, should revert in 2023 when the supply chain kinks get fixed, and when businesses start to optimize for resiliency instead of efficiency, even if it means doubling inventories.

It must be exhausting to be a poot like Karl, building layer upon layer of ignorant ramblings (either his own or harvested from the seamier corners of the Web) to convince himself that today might finally be the day the dollar collapses. I never find myself thinking that, and live my life without the fear of economic catastrophe I can't control that consumes him.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Suranis »

"Nice stripper clubs"?? That's very christian of him.

And it seems he is lonely. He might figure out at some point that even if people want to hang around Con Patriots, they don't want to hang around with him.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

All the poots and other economic cranks point to post-WWII hyperinflation in smaller economies like Hungary that enabled Communist takeovers.
It had absolutely nothing to do with being occupied by Soviet troops and the government being controlled by Moscow. Nope, nothing at all.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

JPC, as always, your posts and explanations are extraordinary. Thank you, can't tell you how much I enjoy reading & learning from them.

So yes, #FatRambo predicts financial collapse AND 100 million dead. The problem with the laziest poot alive is that he'll have no shame or remorse for lying and being wrong. Either his short-term memory is so fried he won't remember he said it or he's so used to being wrong it's just another pathetic day in his impotent life. Karl P. Koenigs is such a coward he won't even let people reply on his Telegram.

Looks like the least Christian guy we know is getting into the holiday spirit: "It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Fascism". But now, without the Gassy Burro and since his kids won't even talk to him (last we heard), here's what #FatRambo can look forward to:

FatRambo Holidays.jpg
FatRambo Holidays.jpg (47.35 KiB) Viewed 1435 times

This girl has perhaps the worst voice of 2022. But 32K put themselves through it because of its anti-vaxxer, ridiculously stupid message.

#christmascarol #fascism #medicalfreedom
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Fascism (a Christmas Carol)
32,382 views Dec 6, 2021
Lena Belle 1.02K subscribers

Conspiracy Theories are THEORIES, For the vast majority are of veracity.
- Capt. Karl

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Data Reveals COVID Shots Triggering Psychiatric Disorders In Hundreds Of Thousands Of People » Sons of Liberty Media
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Matt Agorist IS A NATIONAL HERO for his most excellent and VITAL reporting on the INSURRECTION and CAPITAL FELONY TREASON by the FEDcoats of The Deep State, BLUEcoats and their DA and Judge enablers. The DAs and Judges are the worst INSURRECTIONISTS and Capital Felony Traitors of total Corruption, against The Constitution and The American people, for their actions and behaviors are what cause the FEDcoats and BLUEcoats to take the LIVES, LIBERTY and PROPERTY thereof. And, almost always get away with it. Stealing, looting, robbing and MURDERING. There is nothing that a BLUEcoat or FEDcoat can't get away with.

Just ask Matt Agorist. He KNOWS! He was one of them, until he repented of his sins. Now he stands on the side of The Constitution, the people and our beloved Father God.

See "The Thought Project".

And, the AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second Amendment LAW will proudly continue to post his publications right here.

- Capt. Karl
OPERATING UNDER Article I Section 8 clause 15 of "The Supreme Law of The Land"

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project.

[Forwarded from Capt. Karl Koenigs]
It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Fascism:

(video above)/quote]
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Sam the Centipede »

Contrary to what the Kraptain suggests, and taking into account his psychotic rants about his imagined UPPER CASE enemies, and his raving about the great revenge his imaginary army will enact, the evidence suggests that it's the absence of vaccination that correlates with psychiatric disorders.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

More #FatRambo Telegram:
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Thanks OL - same old same old. I wonder when the AMFF Navy will sail (rhetorical cuz I know the answer is never). I did a quick tour of his kids and 2 ex wives FB pages. Sadly no mention of Karl. Ex wife #2 did graduate from a community college and is now a paralegal - congrats to her.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Sam the Centipede »

Is it the same old? This is new to me (but hey, I'm not a Karlophile). Karl is not just an army Kraptain, he's going to be a naval Kraptain! From his Telegram post:
Some of us are joining an AMFF Armada, a Fleet of Liv-a-board sized Sailing vessels and go out to Sea with the Mission to return after everyone has Died and restore The whole Constitution, the entire Bill Of Rights, and, most especially, Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, by force of Arms, after nearly all cities are, for all intents and purposes, devoid of human life.
Perhaps more than a Kraptain, Karl could be a Rear Admiral :biggrin:

He tells us – so it must be true, eh? – that the vaccines (all of them?) are 99% graphene oxide. Perhaps a better chemist will correct me, but I think that would be carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, both gases.

As I have read Douglas Adams' The Restaurant at the End of the Universe I approve of the Kraptain's plan to emulate the Golgafrincham Ark B. We should give them a good send off and insist that they remain safe by not returning to these stricken lands for at least – at least! – a year.

Karl's fantasies are not showing him to be a well-balanced person grounded in reality.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by notorial dissent »

I seriously doubt Karl even knows what graphene is.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Azastan »

Sam the Centipede wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:09 am We should give them a good send off and insist that they remain safe by not returning to these stricken lands for at least – at least! – a year.
I wonder if Kap'n Karl has ever been on a boat?
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Estiveo »

Azastan wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:23 am
Sam the Centipede wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:09 am We should give them a good send off and insist that they remain safe by not returning to these stricken lands for at least – at least! – a year.
I wonder if Kap'n Karl has ever been on a boat?
Yeah, there were pics, either here or on OldBow, of him & his latest ex-GF/victim drinking drunkenly on somebody's boat. Don't know if they ever left the dock, but they were on a boat. Drinking.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Foggy »

Oh gosh, if'n he's starting a navy we gotta tell Fitzfundfilcher! :towel:

Myself, I'm going to wait until everybody else dies and then get a free boat. A nice one. :kiss:
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Azastan »

Estiveo wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:36 am

Yeah, there were pics, either here or on OldBow, of him & his latest ex-GF/victim drinking drunkenly on somebody's boat. Don't know if they ever left the dock, but they were on a boat. Drinking.
I think he might find drinking on a boat at the dock is considerably different from being out on the ocean for two or three months, alone, running out of food and water, and not having internet access so he can broadcast his ramblings.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

There were pics on his now nuked FB page of him piloting a boat on Lake Michigan, it was in Green Bay (the bay not the town). He or Rachel posted a pic of a lighthouse that they passed and the twitter folks quickly identified his location based on a search of the light house pic.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Azastan »

scirreeve wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:52 pm There were pics on his now nuked FB page of him piloting a boat on Lake Michigan, it was in Green Bay (the bay not the town). He or Rachel posted a pic of a lighthouse that they passed and the twitter folks quickly identified his location based on a search of the light house pic.
And driving a boat around Lake Michigan is still not piloting a boat across, say, the mouth of the Columbia River in winter.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

Azastan wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:56 pm
scirreeve wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:52 pm There were pics on his now nuked FB page of him piloting a boat on Lake Michigan, it was in Green Bay (the bay not the town). He or Rachel posted a pic of a lighthouse that they passed and the twitter folks quickly identified his location based on a search of the light house pic.
And driving a boat around Lake Michigan is still not piloting a boat across, say, the mouth of the Columbia River in winter.
Or northern Lake Michigan in November (and sometimes October as I have been on some wavy rides on the SS Badger in early October).

I am always impressed that the SS Badger captains can pull into Ludington, drop the anchor to turn the boat around, and then back into the slip. This is a 1950s railroad car ferry (and one of the largest on the lake in that period) without any sort of manoeuvering thruster or tugboat.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by noblepa »

Sam the Centipede wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 4:39 pm Contrary to what the Kraptain suggests, and taking into account his psychotic rants about his imagined UPPER CASE enemies, and his raving about the great revenge his imaginary army will enact, the evidence suggests that it's the absence of vaccination that correlates with psychiatric disorders.
Yeah, but if YOU are psychotic, sane people seem crazy to you.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by noblepa »

Sam the Centipede wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:09 am Is it the same old? This is new to me (but hey, I'm not a Karlophile). Karl is not just an army Kraptain, he's going to be a naval Kraptain! From his Telegram post:
Some of us are joining an AMFF Armada, a Fleet of Liv-a-board sized Sailing vessels and go out to Sea with the Mission to return after everyone has Died and restore The whole Constitution, the entire Bill Of Rights, and, most especially, Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, by force of Arms, after nearly all cities are, for all intents and purposes, devoid of human life.
Perhaps more than a Kraptain, Karl could be a Rear Admiral :biggrin:

He tells us – so it must be true, eh? – that the vaccines (all of them?) are 99% graphene oxide. Perhaps a better chemist will correct me, but I think that would be carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, both gases.

As I have read Douglas Adams' The Restaurant at the End of the Universe I approve of the Kraptain's plan to emulate the Golgafrincham Ark B. We should give them a good send off and insist that they remain safe by not returning to these stricken lands for at least – at least! – a year.

Karl's fantasies are not showing him to be a well-balanced person grounded in reality.
Let's all chip in and give them a few million leaves, so they can buy a loaf of bread when they return.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by noblepa »

northland10 wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:51 pm I am always impressed that the SS Badger captains can pull into Ludington, drop the anchor to turn the boat around, and then back into the slip. This is a 1950s railroad car ferry (and one of the largest on the lake in that period) without any sort of manoeuvering thruster or tugboat.
When I was in high school, my family drove from Ohio to Iowa for a reunion of my mother's family. On the return trip, we took the ferry across Lake Michigan. I don't remember if it was the Badger or one of her sister ships. I do remember that it was still being operated by the C & O Railroad and it still carried freight cars on the lower deck. It was in 1966, IIRC.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Sam the Centipede wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:09 am Is it the same old? This is new to me (but hey, I'm not a Karlophile). Karl is not just an army Kraptain, he's going to be a naval Kraptain! From his Telegram post:
Some of us are joining an AMFF Armada, a Fleet of Liv-a-board sized Sailing vessels and go out to Sea with the Mission to return after everyone has Died and restore The whole Constitution, the entire Bill Of Rights, and, most especially, Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, by force of Arms, after nearly all cities are, for all intents and purposes, devoid of human life.
Perhaps more than a Kraptain, Karl could be a Rear Admiral :biggrin:

He tells us – so it must be true, eh? – that the vaccines (all of them?) are 99% graphene oxide. Perhaps a better chemist will correct me, but I think that would be carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, both gases.

As I have read Douglas Adams' The Restaurant at the End of the Universe I approve of the Kraptain's plan to emulate the Golgafrincham Ark B. We should give them a good send off and insist that they remain safe by not returning to these stricken lands for at least – at least! – a year.

Karl's fantasies are not showing him to be a well-balanced person grounded in reality.
The pretend AMFF Navy is a pretty recent fantasy. Just in the last month or so. And thanks to OL for keeping us updated on Karl's Telegram krazy.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

noblepa wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 9:29 pm
northland10 wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:51 pm I am always impressed that the SS Badger captains can pull into Ludington, drop the anchor to turn the boat around, and then back into the slip. This is a 1950s railroad car ferry (and one of the largest on the lake in that period) without any sort of manoeuvering thruster or tugboat.
When I was in high school, my family drove from Ohio to Iowa for a reunion of my mother's family. On the return trip, we took the ferry across Lake Michigan. I don't remember if it was the Badger or one of her sister ships. I do remember that it was still being operated by the C & O Railroad and it still carried freight cars on the lower deck. It was in 1966, IIRC.
Yeah, that was before my time but was probably one of the 3, Badger, Spartan, or the City of Midland. Now, it is only the Badger and instead of railroad cars, it does cars and semis (and some really big stuff like wind turbine parts and other large items). Its primary focus is tourism. I have taken it often as it avoids the long drive around the south end of the lake. The Spartan is still birthed in Ludington but its only purpose now is as a parts supply for the Badger (they were built at the same time as sister ships).
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

#FatRambo didn't post on Telegram from December 22-27. Detective Scir, what happened? What Karl in the pokey?

He's still making promises about the mighty AMFF Navy: "I promise to Sail into DC with the AMFF Armada within two years time and takeover just exactly like you suggest, when everyone has been Vaxterminated."

As always, posting for reference but tl;dr.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Sam the Centipede »

Maybe Kraptain Karl tied balloons to the OpVec so it won't sink when he drives it into the briney?

Can't you see it in your mind's eye? – the OpVec chugging along, the ensign of the AMFF Armada fluttering from a broomstick mast, followed by five, no, ten, no, twenty, no, a hundred pedalos! And across the shimmering waves orders and responses reach our straining ears: "Furl the scuppers and double grog for the men Mr. Bozo! Steer two points to portboard!", "Aye Kraptain! Midshitman! Splice the gunwales and reef the halyards", "Yo dude! That's a copy! Ten four good buddy!"
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

orlylicious wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 6:36 pm #FatRambo didn't post on Telegram from December 22-27. Detective Scir, what happened? What Karl in the pokey?
LOL - I have no idea where Karl spent Xmas but I hope it sucked. SD jail stuff doesn't show up on Vinelink so no idea (if he is even still there). He has court in SD next week though.
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