Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris

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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Luke »

Rev Dr Laity Esq must be having a lovely Thanksgiving weekend, he's been posting tons on his Facebook that barely anyone is reacting to.

Isn't this nice? And he carries the theme forward beautifully.

RL1.JPG (81.98 KiB) Viewed 1942 times

RL2.JPG (69.01 KiB) Viewed 1942 times

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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Sam the Centipede »

Oh poor 'ickle Laity, the Supreme Court justices won't have time to <insert whatever crap he pushes now> if they're busy implementing Lindell's Thanksgiving Day demands!
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Luke »

Rev Dr Laity Esq should be on a plane right now to San Diego, this could be "Big 'Plan B'"! He's been so quiet lately, doesn't he realize the hopes and dreams of the Republic of Birfastan are on his massive shoulders?? Could ANT VOMIT be the key that unlocks all this?

Instead he's on a posting binge on Facebook right now and nobody's engaging with his content.

Foggy may need to give him a call and get him refocused on what's important.

Ant Vomit.JPG
Ant Vomit.JPG (52.74 KiB) Viewed 1868 times
Overturn Laity.JPG
Overturn Laity.JPG (36.5 KiB) Viewed 1868 times ... N5e3rlqC14

Conservatives prepare new push for constitutional convention
BY REID WILSON - 12/08/21 06:00 AM EST

SAN DIEGO — Conservative lawmakers will mount a new push to call a constitutional convention aimed at creating a balanced budget amendment and establishing term limits for members of Congress in an effort to rein in what they see as a runaway federal government. State legislators meeting at the American Legislative Exchange Council’s policy conference here last week hope to use Article V of the Constitution, which allows state legislatures to call a convention to propose new amendments. “It’s really the last line of defense that we have. Right now, the federal government’s run away. They’re not going to pull their own power back. They’re not going to restrict themselves. And so this Article V convention is really, in my opinion, is the last option that we have,” said Iowa state Rep. John Wills (R), the state’s House Speaker pro tempore who backs the convention.

At least two-thirds of states must pass a call to force a convention; so far, 15 states have passed the model legislation proposed by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a conservative group that backs free markets and states’ rights. Bills have passed at least one legislative chamber in another nine states, and bills have been introduced in 17 more states. The 15 states that have passed measures so far all have Republican-controlled legislatures and Republican governors; another nine states totally controlled by the GOP have yet to finalize passage, according to Convention of States Action, a project of the conservative group Citizens for Self-Governance. Once a sufficient number of states have approved a call to a convention, Congress gets to set the initial rules. Article V says any proposed amendments would have to be ratified by three-quarters of the states to take effect. “It’s a very high bar, very difficult to do,” said Stuart Adams (R), the president of the Utah state Senate and ALEC’s chairman. But like many provisions in the Constitution, Article V leaves much open to interpretation: Nothing in its 143 words describes the process by which a convention would be run or the delegates who would meet and vote on potential amendments. The founding document’s requirement that any new amendments be ratified by three-quarters of states was a requirement the last constitutional convention ignored. “Congress can purport to make whatever rules it wants for the convention. The convention can then throw them in the trash, which is certainly what the convention in Philadelphia did in 1787,” said David Super, a constitutional law expert at Georgetown Law. “There’s no guarantee that they will follow the ratification procedures. The only precedent we do have, they didn’t follow the ratification procedures.”

It is not even clear that state calls for a constitutional convention must be limited to narrow or specific topics. While the ALEC draft legislation mentions a balanced budget amendment and term limits, others have issued calls for a convention meant to tackle limits on Congress’s ability to levy taxes, or gun control, or rolling back the right to an abortion. Along with the 15 Republican-led states that have approved ALEC’s model legislation, another five Democratic-led states — Vermont, California, Illinois, New Jersey and Rhode Island — have approved calls for a convention focused on campaign finance reform. The group behind that proposal, called Wolf-PAC, was founded a decade ago by the progressive commentator Cenk Uygur. “What we’re seeing is they’re kind of putting all these applications into one basket,” said Rebecca Timmons, a communications coordinator at Common Cause, which opposes the Article V convention. “There are no guardrails.”

Over the course of the nation’s history, every state except Hawaii has passed legislation calling for a constitutional convention, albeit on different grounds. States had submitted more than 700 calls for conventions through 2010, according to a database maintained by Friends of the Article V Convention, a supportive group. A 2010 report by the Congressional Research Service laid out the few occasions in modern history in which states have come close to forcing a convention. In the late 1960s, a push to reform legislative apportionment gained 33 petitions, just one short of the 34 necessary to force a convention. The first push for a balanced budget amendment earned support from 32 states in the 1980s, two short of the necessary mark.

Supporters of the Article V convention say they are not concerned about a runaway circus, in which topics far afield from the planned agenda dominate the discussion. If a convention passed an amendment outlawing abortion, or the Second Amendment, or anything similarly divisive, legislatures in many states would not give final approval, Wills said. “I don’t know that anything is set in stone. I’d like to see a well-rounded convention. I’d like to see us tackle the problems in general, with one fell swoop,” Wills said in an interview. “Let’s just tackle the problems that we have now and be done with it. Versus, you know, trying to deal with it to the future.” But there is no guaranteed time frame under which states would have to act on proposed amendments. Anything that might emerge from a convention could potentially lie dormant until one party sweeps to power. “It’s going to be hanging over the country for the rest of time, waiting for a wave election to give them control over enough states,” Super said. “The only rules are sitting there in Article V.” ... convention

Laity could get this done with his strategery and outstanding people skills!
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Gregg »

If we're gonna have a balanced budget, maybe we should enforce that on everyone, and outlaw commercial debt. Let's see how many of these knutsacs want to go without a credit card or a car loan.
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Ben-Prime »

Gregg wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 8:35 pm If we're gonna have a balanced budget, maybe we should enforce that on everyone, and outlaw commercial debt. Let's see how many of these knutsacs want to go without a credit card or a car loan.
Or a mortgage. Or is that not in the same category of debt?
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Luke »


Dammit, Realist and I were hoping for a nice, relaxing Christmas. Now we're PANICKED again! Laity is on the loose! :crying: Fabulous redactions. Super idea for a rubber stamp.

Laity Completes “natural born Citizen” Mail Campaign
3 hours ago by Sharon Rondeau
Were the Founding Fathers “Sovereign Citizens?”

(Dec. 17, 2021) — On Wednesday New York State citizen and registered voter Robert C. Laity completed a letter-writing campaign to all 535 members of Congress advocating for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to define the term of art, “natural born Citizen” found in Article II, Section 1, clause 5 as one of three sole requirements for the president and commander-in-chief.

“My first letter was written in June To Brian Higgins (my Rep). The last was written last night and is in the mail,” Laity told The Post & Email on Thursday, although he informed us of his effort at the time it was launched.

His first letter to his own congressman, Brian Higgins, reads:

6-19-21 Higgins.JPG
6-19-21 Higgins.JPG (80.31 KiB) Viewed 1739 times

(Personal information redacted)
“I revised the letter a bit during the last (6) months as you will see,” Laity wrote in his email. “The letter to Clyburn, and some others, includes an L.B. Johnson Executive Order regarding the duty of Federal employees to conduct themselves ethically.”

The final letter sent Wednesday to Rep. James Clyburn (SC-6) reads:

12-15-21 Clyburn.JPG
12-15-21 Clyburn.JPG (87.46 KiB) Viewed 1739 times

A letter December 6, 2021 letter Laity received from Higgins refers to “birthright citizenship” and the 14th Amendment rather than “natural born Citizen,” a distinction Laity made in his response.

12-6-21 From Higgins.JPG
12-6-21 From Higgins.JPG (107.24 KiB) Viewed 1739 times

12-16-21 To Higgins.JPG
12-16-21 To Higgins.JPG (120.97 KiB) Viewed 1739 times

12-16-21 To Higgins 2.JPG
12-16-21 To Higgins 2.JPG (40.95 KiB) Viewed 1739 times

Laity has long advocated for the definition of “natural born Citizen” as an individual born in the United States to parents who were at the time U.S. citizens. Since 2008, he has filed lawsuits and ballot challenges with regard to the presidential candidacies of Barack Hussein Obama II; former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal; current sitting vice president Kamala Harris; U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz; U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio; and others as mentioned in his letter to Higgins.

In addition, Laity has petitioned the New York State Board of Elections (NYSBOE) as to its error in contending that the constitutional citizenship requirement for the nation’s chief executive is “born a citizen” rather than “natural born Citizen,” as is stated in Article II.

The stated requirement remains the same as of press time. :lol:

Requirements to Hold Office

This table lists the required citizenship, age, residency and statute to hold a statewide office.
President of the United States Born a citizen 35 years 14 years in country United States Constitution Art. II § 1 ... -campaign/

Rev Dr Laity Esq's "BIG 'PLAN B'" is steaming along! So many letters, so much effort.
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Jim »

orlylicious wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 4:07 pm HUGE BREAKING NEWS!

Rev Dr Laity Esq's "BIG 'PLAN B'" is steaming along! So many letters, so much effort.
But by writing these letters, does he now admit Obama was eligible to be president and there needs to be a change to the Constitution so that anyone else without 2 citizen parents would not be eligible?
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Sam the Centipede »

Laity forgot to mention his real criterion: that the president must be white.
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Luke »

15 hours ago and not a single comment on Laity's Breaking News at the massively popular Post and Email. :cry: It must be that those damn Obots are interfering with the comment system!

On the other hand, Laity hasn't promoted his own story on his Facebook page. But instead, maybe he's turned over a new leaf and is going to stop the racist nonsense?!

Laity Kindness.JPG
Laity Kindness.JPG (102.52 KiB) Viewed 1669 times

Yeah, no.

Ditz.JPG (23.1 KiB) Viewed 1669 times

And in example #17898 of RWNJ media nobody else knows about, Laity is ANGRY about this!

FIJ.JPG (40.4 KiB) Viewed 1669 times

Wait what? You have to be a reader of The Blaze for this important news story. Brava Sarah Taylor for the intrepid reporting. Maybe Rharon should hire her? Foggy asked about 90-Day Fiance a while back --

Reality star makes more than $100,000 selling farts in a jar: Report
SARAH TAYLOR December 16, 2021

Reality star Stephanie Matto, best known for her her stint on TLC's "90 Day Fiancé," is selling the results of her flatulence in jars at $500 a pop — and the item is apparently popular: Matto has reportedly made more than $100,000 over the last month alone selling her own personal aroma.

What are the details?
Matto, a 31-year-old wannabe celebrity, has been sharing posts to her social media channels about selling her gas. In November, Matto tweeted, "Whats the perfect holiday gift this year you ask? A beautiful packaged, wrapped, and custom made fart in a jar starting at $500 ..." Later that week, she made a TikTok video boasting that she made nearly $50,000 that first week selling the jarred flatus.

In the video, a smiling Matto insisted that she likely moved as much product as she reportedly did because she has a "really good personality." "And also because I'm hot," she added. ... LQh_fp3ops
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Sam the Centipede »

:lol: "Farts in a jar" is a pretty good metaphor for Laity's rantings!

Except he doesn't make money from his logorrheaic verbal flatus. :(
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by bob »

orlylicious wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 3:34 am 15 hours ago and not a single comment on Laity's Breaking News at the massively popular Post and Email. :cry: It must be that those damn Obots are interfering with the comment system!
Rondeau's editors were bizzy trying to unionize. ;) But there are [url= ... ent-429202]comments[/now]; e.g.:
Laity wrote:I thank the Post and Email for continuing to cover this issue. It is very important that we do not allow anyone with foreign allegiances or encumbrances to attain to OUR nation’s highest sovereign offices.

It may very well be prudent not only to enforce the Natural Born Citizen requirement for President and V.P. but to also EXTEND the NBC requirement to ALL Senators and Congressmen. It has become quite evident that many congress persons are now representing, not their own U.S. Congressional districts but, FOREIGN interests.

I cite as an example of this, Omar’s anti-Semitic and anti-American support of Islamic terrorist groups, her illegal procurement of U.S. Citizenship and her other acts of fraud against the United States. Together with other members of “The Squad”, these Congress members appear to be advocating for persons outside the U.S. having interests that are not in keeping with U.S. interests.

Our President, Joseph Biden is complicit with Obama’s usurpation of the Presidency, involved in activities that are prohibited under the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act and is engaged in quid pro quo with our nation’s enemies such as Communist China.

Pelosi and Schumer are complicit with these activities as well.

Kamala Harris is in office illegally. OUR highest offices have been severely compromised by criminal racketeering.

Obama,Biden,Harris,Pelosi, both Clintons, et al, should ALL be in prison for treason. I suspect that the Justice Department has been looking the other way for a very LONG time. I have a pending formal complaint against each and every U.S. Attorney General since Eric Holder and up to Merrick Garland for nonfeasance and malfeasance in office for ignoring the national security issue of the criminal usurpation of our Presidency during time of war.

This amounts to TREASON and carries the death penalty under U.S. Law, if convicted.
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by northland10 »

Is Putin giving Trump a reach-around considered an encumbrance?
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by notorial dissent »

Laity got a pretty succinct, and polite, FOAD letter from his Congresscritter, and of course it went right over his head.

I am pleased to see that he is still self sanctioning with his on going letter harassment writing. At least he is not wasting court resources at the moment.
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Luke »

Thanks Bob! The Obot blockade must have been lifted by Patriots and now there's a FLOOD of comments there, a huge victory for Rharon's tech team.
It may very well be prudent not only to enforce the Natural Born Citizen requirement for President and V.P. but to also EXTEND the NBC requirement to ALL Senators and Congressmen. It has become quite evident that many congress persons are now representing, not their own U.S. Congressional districts but, FOREIGN interests.
Fabulous idea. I call upon my supporter to DEMAND Robert Laity write another 535* letters with this prudence! :P

No reply from Laity to these de minimis comments: :lol:
Garret Hobart says:
Friday, December 17, 2021 at 7:55 PM
So 535 letters were mailed, with one response received so far.

Dennis Becker says:
Friday, December 17, 2021 at 7:40 PM
Any other responses from members of Congress besides Rep. Higgins?

Congressional staff members often sort mail by zip code. If it is not a code from their district, they forward it to the appropriate Congress member.

They use programs similar to this: ... y-zip-code
Would be funny if Higgins got 524 letters forwarded to him. He should send that reply to Laity 524 more times. :smoking:

* 535. TY Bob!
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by bob »

P&E comments:
Laity wrote:Every single Congressman and Senator has now been informed of the controversy surrounding the issue of Natural Born Citizenship as relates to Obama and Harris, as well as Biden and Pelosi’s complicity with the treasonous acts that I have accused them of. They cannot further deny any knowledge of the issue.

A pit bull will only relax its jaw to get a better grip. I like the “Bull dog” analogy.

* * *

This is my LIFE’s mission now. I am (70) years old. I WILL be pursuing this issue until I die if necessary.

* * *

A deluge starts with one drop of water.
Whadda drip. :roll:
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by notorial dissent »

:snippity: :snippity:
Laity wrote:Same old tired Laity blather... blah blah blah

:snippity: :snippity:

This is my LIFE’s mission now. I am (70) years old. I WILL be pursuing this issue until I die if necessary.

* * *
This is so truly sad and pathetic on just so many levels and perfectly sums up the faux Rev Dr's wasted, pathetic life.

A deluge delusion starts with one drop of water false premise and proceeds from there.
Whadda drip. :roll:
I don't know which is sadder, the faux Rev Dr Laity or the ones who encourage and enable him.
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by bob »

notorial dissent wrote: Sun Dec 19, 2021 10:27 pmI don't know which is sadder, the faux Rev Dr Laity or the ones who encourage and enable him.

P&E comments:
Laity wrote:The Declaration of Independence was a “Letter” to King George III.

* * *

How would you know that the letters are being ignored. Perhaps a new “Natural Born Citizen” Amendment is being worked on right now. I can assure you, if we keep electing ineligible and constitutionally barred people of mixed foreign allegiances to our highest offices IT WON’T MATTER ANY MORE!! The U.S. will be no more.

* * *

[Congress members] have been exposed and don’t want to incriminate themselves most likely. Which is their 5th Amendment right. They won’t be able to ignore the issue forever. Better question is who will last longer, these criminal, treasonous miscreants. Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Harris, et al, or those seeking that these traitors be brought to the bars of Justice?

* * *

I was once told by one of my superiors in the U.S. Navy that my “Tenacity is only outweighed by the voracity of [my] appetite”. I was a bit overweight in the Navy, as I still am. That said, I am still quite tenacious and pertinacious. I WILL see these usurpers sent to prison, if it’s the last thing I do. I love the United States of America. Had my Grandparents not left Europe when they did, I would have probably been caught up in the Soviet invasion of Poland or the Nazi invasion of Poland.
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by noblepa »

Jim wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 4:27 pm
orlylicious wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 4:07 pm HUGE BREAKING NEWS!

Rev Dr Laity Esq's "BIG 'PLAN B'" is steaming along! So many letters, so much effort.
But by writing these letters, does he now admit Obama was eligible to be president and there needs to be a change to the Constitution so that anyone else without 2 citizen parents would not be eligible?
He claims that several SCOTUS rulings mandated his definition of NBC (he's wrong, of course), so why does he feel that an amendment is necessary? If SCOTUS had, in fact, ruled that NBC means born here to citizen parents, that would be the law of the land.

If his definition is really the law, but is not being followed, he needs to find a way to have it enforced. What makes him think that his proposed amendment would be followed any more than his imaginary SCOTUS rulings.
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by noblepa »

Laity wrote: This amounts to TREASON and carries the death penalty under U.S. Law, if convicted.

These morons claim to love the Constitution and to follow it implicitly, but they don't seem to have bothered to read it.
US Constitution wrote: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. . . .
That's pretty clear to me. The actions he has ascribed to Biden and Harris, even if true, do not fit the definition of treason.

OTOH, many of them will argue that Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and every confederate soldier DID NOT commit treason, even though they clearly waged war against the United States.

But then, we all know that their definition of treason is "anything I don't like", or "anything any Democrat does".
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by northland10 »

Laity was an idiot when this started over 10 years ago. He has not improved with age.
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by W. Kevin Vicklund »

It's hard to believe, but I've been an anti-birther for over 22 years now - nearly half my life. I started researching the Natural Born Citizen clause to counter accusations that McCain wasn't eligible back when he ran for the 2000 election. :oldman:
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by northland10 »

W. Kevin Vicklund wrote: Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:12 am It's hard to believe, but I've been an anti-birther for over 22 years now - nearly half my life. I started researching the Natural Born Citizen clause to counter accusations that McCain wasn't eligible back when he ran for the 2000 election. :oldman:
I bet Laity paid it no nevermind until it was Obama running in 2008.
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by notorial dissent »

northland10 wrote: Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:51 am
W. Kevin Vicklund wrote: Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:12 am It's hard to believe, but I've been an anti-birther for over 22 years now - nearly half my life. I started researching the Natural Born Citizen clause to counter accusations that McCain wasn't eligible back when he ran for the 2000 election. :oldman:
I bet Laity paid it no nevermind until it was Obama running in 2008.
Gee, ya think!!!!!!!
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Luke »

Hey! This sounds like something the 699th has been working on, well done Gregg! How soon will he be in Camp Laity?

Camp Laity.JPG
Camp Laity.JPG (34.2 KiB) Viewed 1256 times
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Re: Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by notorial dissent »

Well, at least now the faux Rev Dr Bobby has something new to fret about and obsess over.
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