Trump Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Nick Fuentes Groypers Milo Brandon Straka

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Trump Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Nick Fuentes Groypers Milo Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

Thanks to google cache, but only back to 2/12

by Jcolvin2 » Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:14 am
chefboyardont wrote: ↑Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:25 am
noblepa wrote: ↑Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:21 pm
neeneko wrote: ↑Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:49 pm
chefboyardont wrote: ↑Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:28 pm
Ali Alexander has discovered a video game platform from which he can broadcast his nonsense, or at least one that hasn't caught him yet. Now he's threatening to abolish the free press and establish a new mega MAGA city in South America so he can build a new society of like-minded nutbars that will take over civilization.
How many attempts have there been so far to establish libertarian paradise in South America so far? I recall it being at least a couple.
Can you say "Jim Jones"?
Or the Boys from Brazil. I'll bet Jackie Speier has a few ideas on how to ferret them out.
Ali Alexander and the Proud Boys from Brazil.

With apologies to David Bowie (Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars):
Donald played the crowd
Jamming good with Alex and Rudy
And the Proud Boys from Brazil
He played it back handed
But made it too far
Became the special man
Then they were Donald's fans

Donald really spewed
Twitter fights and a comb-over hairdo
Like some slumlord from Queens
He could sick 'em by smirking
He could leave 'em to hang
They came on so goaded, man
Small hands and spray-on tan

So where were the Proud Boys
While the police tried to hold the crowd?
With just Ms. Bobert to guide us
So we bitched about the Steal
And searched for Pence with some zeal

Donald played for time
Jiving us the election was stolen
His followers were just crass
He was a spazz
A FOX-talking ass
He took it all too far
But, boy, could he play a crowd

Making love with his ego
Donald sucked up into his mind, ah
Like a MAGA messiah
When the crowd had killed a man
He had to break up the band

Donald played the crowd

neeneko wrote: ↑Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:49 pm
chefboyardont wrote: ↑Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:28 pm
Ali Alexander has discovered a video game platform from which he can broadcast his nonsense, or at least one that hasn't caught him yet. Now he's threatening to abolish the free press and establish a new mega MAGA city in South America so he can build a new society of like-minded nutbars that will take over civilization.
How many attempts have there been so far to establish libertarian paradise in South America so far? I recall it being at least a couple.
As an aside, another example: a fairly nasty, but small, cult in Costa Rica is that founded by YouTube guru Teal Swan, who is a nasty piece of work, but her good looks rope a lot of horny Millenials in.

I love the complete inability to think with numbers that Ali shows in his fever dream of a MAGA paradise in South America. Essentially, half the population of South America is in Brazil, with 213 million people. The next biggest country is Colombia at 51 million. Half the countries in South America have lower population than the 10 million people Ali fantasizes about taking with him.

There is no way that any of these countries would open their doors to 10 million crazed Yankees that all think overthrowing the US government is a good idea. If the entitled Yankee gringos don't get what they want, it's not hard to assume that they will next try to overthrow whatever local government is hosting them. And since they are gun cultists, they're going to either try to bring guns from the US or will try to acquire locally. No South American government is going to take the chance.

But let's ignore that problem for the sake of fun. It is laughable that 10 million Yankees who don't know the language would be able to generate enough income by providing somethig that the local economy wants so that they would be self-sustaining. There's no way they would be able to pay their own way. And there's no way a government could absorb the social welfare costs of feeding all those bozos until they figure out how to fit into the economy.

And then there's the culture fit. I can't imagine any locals wanting to go into business with a bunch of gringos, no matter how much money the gringos claim to have. The gringos don't speak the language, have no respect for or understanding of their culture, and are going to be the ugliest Americans one could ever imagine.

The only country that could possibly accommodate this fantasy is Brazil, because of their large population, and because of Bolsonaro's dictatorial fantasies, which are like Trump's but writ larger. But they're not going to be able to acquire land for 10 million people anywhere near the industrial cities. They'll have to go out in the country. Building a new city out in the middle of nowhere is something that Brazil did once before, with Brasilia, the capital city, which was carved out of the jungle as part of a compromise between the coast and the interior. But that was a national pride project, funded with tons of soverign debt and I'm sure the cost and corruption was ludicrous.

Finally, of course, the whole crew will go "Lord of the Flies" pretty quickly. Everyone will want to be the boss of something, and it will quickly collapse in rubble, even at the scale of a couple hundred true believers.

Ali's proposal reminds me of this lame piece of idiocy from 2013: ... hind-walls. A scamster bought some land in the most rural part of the Idaho panhandle to build a planned town of 7,000 survivalist poots surrounded by walls and centered around a gun factory.

Post by Orlylicious » Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:02 pm
This is absolutely true.
Akbar on Telegram is moving forward with MAGA City. Great idea, having them leave the USA sounds very pleasant. The Fogbow should get behind this, maybe bake a good bye cake? :P

ALI ALEXANDER 🇺🇸, [11.02.21 23:51]
“The FBI is investigating so let’s give up our rights.”

— New Slaves

How about you go to hell without us?

ALI ALEXANDER 🇺🇸, [12.02.21 13:52]
You have to move.
Y’all have to fortify:


Then we have to fortify:

North Carolina

Flee New York, California, and the like. Move you and your family while you can still transfer some of your wealth and get out safe. I’m serious. We’re at the end of a historic cycle and it’ll be nasty. I’ve tried to allude to this for five years. Many of y’all have picked up the hints and unifying theory behind all of the messages I taught for years. It’s coming. ⏰

ALI ALEXANDER 🇺🇸, [12.02.21 14:10]
Soon(?), I’ll be looking for about 25 families that want to be neighbors with me. We need community and safety.

Unfortunately, high bar of entry since we’ll all be buying land together and building on top of it. Liquidity required.

Gosh, wonder if The Spork knows about this? Oh, liquidity required. That leaves The Spork out. What a shame.

Post by Orlylicious » Sat Feb 13, 2021 8:32 pm

Thanks Foggy, Lloyd was an distinguished addition to the august Dead Birthers topic.

Seditionist Brandon Straka, after being bounced repeatedly from bulk email services, tries again:
Stand with me!

Brandon Straka via
Wed, Feb 10, 2:29 PM (3 days ago)

Stand with me!

Dear Patriot Family,

Milestone! I think this is the last “test” email that my new mass email service will require me to send before I’m able to email 100% of you and send pictures, links, videos, etc.

Although the time I’m going through right now is extremely tough, please know that my team and I are continuing to work on projects that are going to have a positive and uplifting impact for all people in our country. One thing I’ve been feeling more than anything the past few weeks is absolutely tired of all the hatred and fighting. It’s sickening to the soul. I know we can do better. And we WILL.

Now that the onboarding process for me with this email platform is complete, I can send you more robust emails going forward.

Many of you have been asking how to financially support as I’m going through this legal defense and all this turmoil. I’ll send you links in the next email.

I’ve loved being a voice and mountain for all of you. Now, I’m leaning into all of you to be my mountain, and to patiently stand with me until we have moved past this painful time.

All my love to each of you and your families,

Brandon Straka


This is a new mass email platform that I’m utilizing to communicate with you. It requires an initiation process in which the first week or so of emails are sent in small batches until their system recognizes that this is not a “spam” account. So, for some of you this is the first email you will be receiving from me, some of you got one or two last week. By the end of this week I should be able to send emails to all of you and include links and pictures, etc.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!"
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

Straka's preliminary hearing continued until 5/25/2021. More time to grift!

He's sending lots of email begging even though he's raised over $100K.
Brandon Straka via
Tue, Feb 23, 6:49 PM (17 hours ago)

Hey all!

This is a quick email to give you notice-

I spoke with my attorney today and was given permission to put out a video. I know many people have been very worried and want to hear directly from me.

Tonight at 8pm ET on my Facebook page:

I will be streaming a live video message from me. Please tune in and please join in the chat!!

Thank you!!!!
Here's his video:
Brandon Straka was live.
A special message from Brandon Straka on 2/23/21
To contribute to Brandon’s defense fund click:
To subscribe to Brandon’s email list go to:

The philosophy I learned that replaced fear with POWER.
Brandon Straka via
Tue, Feb 23, 12:13 PM (1 day ago)

All things together for good...

Dear Patriot Family,

I want to share with you today a philosophy that came to me as a result of the clarity and wisdom that sobriety brought me.

As many of you know, I made a decision 6 years and 1 month ago to end a years long abusive relationship with drugs and alcohol, and join a 12 step program to get sober. Nobody made me do it. I wasn’t in any legal trouble, I wasn’t being given an ultimatum by friends or family- I just knew and had known for a very long time that the way I was living my life was destructive and harmful, and that I was destined for something much greater than being a pitiful addict.

Thankfully, I got it right on the first try.

On Jan. 18th, 2015, I had my last drink. Days before that I had done cocaine for the last time. I’ve never gone back since and have no intention of ever doing so. Sobriety has given me the life that I always dreamed of.

But my life pre-sobriety was one of virtually non-stop, self-inflicted brutality and peril. Don’t get me wrong- I had an ENORMOUS amount of fun being a young (and dare I say dashingly handsome😋) young man running around New York City for years being an extroverted social butterfly and the center of attention. I thought I was having the time of my life. I should have known better, because such excess always comes with a cost. I was constantly losing jobs (which were low level employment to begin with), I was constantly losing friendships, I was always in a panic about paying my rent, and this self-inflicted poverty made me vulnerable to all kinds of external and internal abuses.

I often found myself without a place to live, with no money, and nobody in my life to give me solid guidance, discipline, and the love I so desperately needed.

Many times throughout these years I failed to see the connection between my own behavior and the condition of my life. I often felt like a victim. Like my hardships were everybody else’s fault. Life wasn’t fair and it was EXTRA unfair to me. So why shouldn’t I just drink and do drugs and make myself “happy”?

The truth is I always knew I was living this mad existence on borrowed time. It wasn’t right. And some day it would have to end. I was meant to do something much more than this.

When I chose to get sober I had to take a hard look at the piles of messes in my life I had created for myself over the years, and I had to do the hard work of accepting responsibility and taking accountability for these problems.

I often have heard people say, “Everything happens for a reason”. That just never felt right to me.

To me, that sounds too much like releasing one’s self from responsibility for the energy, happenings, and events that transpire in our lives. Yes, many times things have happened in my life and it was clear to me that there seemed to be a plan or perhaps even a divine external energy that had made this occurrence in my life transpire so as to bring me something or show me something or teach me some sort of lesson.

But what about the many other things that happened, often times things that seemed beyond coincidence, which just seemed to leave my life in a state of chaos and confusion, with no apparent “silver lining” anywhere in sight.

That’s when I began to realize that I was viewing the events of my life in a limited, unilateral, one-dimensional way.

My belief system has changed entirely now.

Things in life happen. Some are good. Some are bad. Some are devastating. Some of these things happen for a reason. That reason may be shown to us immediately, or it may take years for that reason to be shown to us. I’ve gotten fairly good at this point at identifying those things that are happening in my life for a specific reason which is being shown to me without much action or participation on my part.

However, and this is the key- some things happen... and there is no reason at all. They just happen. And sometimes these things are cruel, ferocious, and annihilating. BUT, this is where the solution comes in. We, as human beings, are NEVER powerless. We always have the power of creation, adaptability, change, imagination, production, and action.

When I learned and embraced this philosophy a giant weight was forever lifted off my shoulders. I never again had to waste energy basking in feelings of fear and worry about what could be, because the truth is- things happen. And there may never be a reason PROVIDED for this happening. But I ALWAYS have the ability to CREATE a reason for the happenings and hardships of my life.

In terms a child can understand: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Right now I am in the toughest spot of my life. I’ve never faced this type of pressure or existential threat. But I have made a CHOICE. And that choice is to use this time of silence to reflect, look inward, identify where I’ve succeeded and where I’ve failed, begin changing the behaviors that aren’t serving me well- and utilize this time of silence to work, plan, create, and become better and stronger than I was a month ago, a year ago, than I ever have been.

Although it may feel very difficult to have this space between us right now, take comfort and solace in knowing that when you see me again, I know we will both be energized, filled with gratitude, and inspired by what is coming next. My team and I have incredible things coming that will give you renewed hope, faith, and inspired vision for our future. Trust me. You’re going to be thrilled.

Would I have CHOSEN to be in the situation I’m currently in?

Ummmmmm... that’s a solid NO.

But this is the situation. I’m not going to waste any time LOOKING for reasons.

I’m going to create them.

All my love,
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!"
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

Oh yeah, Akbar. "These people are dangerous and insane. Do you have my back?— @AliAlexander" :lol:

Akbar 2021-03-04_14-44-58.jpg
Akbar 2021-03-04_14-44-58.jpg (89.96 KiB) Viewed 10405 times

The people love Akbar. :P

Akbar 3-5-21.JPG
Akbar 3-5-21.JPG (78.78 KiB) Viewed 10405 times
Angie Provitt, [05.03.21 18:50]
[In reply to ALI ALEXANDER 🇺🇸]
Praying Gods divine protection all around you. Also we condemn every evil word spoken spoken against you and declare that no weapon formed against you shall prosper in Jesus name.

Ali Alexander, [05.03.21 18:51]
[In reply to Angie Provitt]

And what do y'all think of this idea?
Keepinthefaith, [05.03.21 18:51]
[In reply to ALI ALEXANDER 🇺🇸]
This sounds crazy but maybe it’s a psychological impact that really works for me. Write this persons name on a piece of paper and fill up a plastic container w water and freeze his name effectively freezing him from saying anything more negative about you. I affirm when I put The water filled container in the freezer that this person can no longer harm me verbally or in any other way

Since racism and misogyny are never enough, add a dash of homophobia to young Nick Fuentes --

Nick.JPG (35.79 KiB) Viewed 10405 times


Brandon Straka grifting update. His lawyer keeps saying STFU:
Brandon Straka was live.
Brandon Straka goes live with #WalkAway PAC Director Damien Jarrett to discuss his story and some exciting new developments with The Prople’s PAC.

His "legal defense fund" is up to $166,024.00. Insane.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!"
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Baidn »

That new way of thinking Straka is pushing sounds to me just like intentional delusion, am I alone in feeling that way? Just "I'm going to CREATE a reason why things are happening to me" sounds like saying you're going to start viewing yourself as a targeted individual because your life choices are so bad that being an unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic seems like a good way to turn things around :shock:
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by bill_g »

orlylicious wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:21 pm
Since racism and misogyny are never enough, add a dash of homophobia to young Nick Fuentes --

A quick Biology 101 reminder for Nick: Moms and Dads all around the planet conceived every Gay person since the dawn of time. They still hold the lead in making more, and God seems good with that. He hasn't done anything to stop the process.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Tiredretiredlawyer »

bill_g wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:32 am
orlylicious wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:21 pm
Since racism and misogyny are never enough, add a dash of homophobia to young Nick Fuentes --

A quick Biology 101 reminder for Nick: Moms and Dads all around the planet conceived every Gay person since the dawn of time. They still hold the lead in making more, and God seems good with that. He/She hasn't done anything to stop the process.
FIFY. Love your Biology 101 lesson.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Baidn »

Tiredretiredlawyer wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 9:08 am
bill_g wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:32 am
orlylicious wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:21 pm
Since racism and misogyny are never enough, add a dash of homophobia to young Nick Fuentes --

A quick Biology 101 reminder for Nick: Moms and Dads all around the planet conceived every Gay person since the dawn of time. They still hold the lead in making more, and God seems good with that. He/She hasn't done anything to stop the process.
FIFY. Love your Biology 101 lesson.
It's personally amusing to me to think of Rush Limbaugh and other RWNJ con artist finding out God is nonbinary just before being flushed down to hell.
"...don't teach a man to fish. He's a grown man and fishings not that hard." Ron Swanson the worlds only good libertarian
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by bill_g »

Tiredretiredlawyer wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 9:08 am
bill_g wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:32 am
orlylicious wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:21 pm
Since racism and misogyny are never enough, add a dash of homophobia to young Nick Fuentes --

A quick Biology 101 reminder for Nick: Moms and Dads all around the planet conceived every Gay person since the dawn of time. They still hold the lead in making more, and God seems good with that. He/She hasn't done anything to stop the process.
FIFY. Love your Biology 101 lesson.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by RVInit »

Tiredretiredlawyer wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 9:08 am
bill_g wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:32 am
orlylicious wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:21 pm
Since racism and misogyny are never enough, add a dash of homophobia to young Nick Fuentes --

A quick Biology 101 reminder for Nick: Moms and Dads all around the planet conceived every Gay person since the dawn of time. They still hold the lead in making more, and God seems good with that. He/She hasn't done anything to stop the process.
FIFY. Love your Biology 101 lesson.
I used to attend a certain meeting where, whenever I read words where mention of a higher power were used, I would use the pronoun "she". There was one member that would invariably get up from the table and walk around the room looking like he was in actual pain because, realizing what type of meeting we were both attending, couldn't really say anything. Those were some delicious times. :lol:
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Tiredretiredlawyer »

RV- Good for you!!!!! Every time I was around my hyper sanctimonious brother in law I ALWAYS said the word f**k. When my father in law learned I did it on purpose, he laughed out loud!
"Mickey Mouse and I grew up together." - Ruthie Tompson, Disney animation checker and scene planner and one of the first women to become a member of the International Photographers Union in 1952.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

Akbar was on YouTube with Carpe Donktum who was also banned from Twitter. They should call it "Losers on Losers". :P

ETA: Parts of it are a dash interesting, they talk about 1/6 and their perception of what happened. Carpe also talks about how he "ate slept and breathed politics for 4 years" and since Nov has taken a break, only 2 live videos. They both agree a lot of the DL2XIT supporters are not active, and that's what Twitter looks like. There's a lot of denial and wound licking going on.
ALI ALEXANDER 🇺🇸, [09.03.21 20:34]
Did a show with Carpe Donktum today. We celebrated the demise of a partisan write who masquerades as a journalist. Sad! 😅

You’ll want to watch the whole episode. Super rare appearance by yours truly.

Carpe and Akbar are happy because Luke O'Brien lost his job at HuffPo. Luke wrote a long piece on Akbar -- hadn't seen it but the dopes brought it up.
03/07/2021 10:09 am ET Updated 1 day ago
How Republican Politics (And Twitter) Created Ali Alexander, The Man Behind ‘Stop The Steal’
A HuffPost investigation reveals many links, past and present, between the far-right extremist and the GOP establishment.
By Luke O'Brien

High above Constitution Avenue, on a rooftop terrace, “Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander gazed down at the U.S. Capitol and the chaos he’d helped unleash.

A mob of President Donald Trump’s supporters had just stormed the U.S. Capitol, forcing members of Congress to scramble for safety. White nationalists, QAnon cultists and Make America Great Again extremists roamed the halls hunting for politicians. Some carried zip-tie handcuffs. One wore a sweatshirt that read “Camp Auschwitz.”

“I don’t disavow this,” Alexander said, pointing to the scene below.

The longtime Republican political operative had spent months working with Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and far-right activists, such as Mike Cernovich, to organize nationwide protests aimed at invalidating Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential win. Alexander knew plenty of influential Republicans, like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who led an effort in the Senate to dispute the election results. He had connections to the Republican Attorneys General Association, which was also involved in promoting the rally-turned-riot.

Alexander had plenty of friends in low places, too: far-right Twitter influencers and grifters; members of the violent neo-fascist Proud Boys gang who showed up at his protests; Nick Fuentes, a prominent far-right extremist who participated in 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Fuentes said in 2019 that he could accurately be described as a white nationalist, being both “white” and a “nationalist,” and just two days before the riot he seemingly encouraged his followers to kill legislators.

Unsurprisingly, several of Alexander’s previous Stop the Steal events had inspired bloodshed. But none of them ― and nothing in American history ― compared to what happened Jan. 6.

The warning signs were ominous. Before the rally, white nationalists and militia members talked about smuggling guns into D.C. Pro-Trump internet forums crackled with homicidal chatter and plans to lay siege to the Capitol. And the Proud Boys were back in town. They’d turned out by the hundreds for Alexander’s two other Stop the Steal events in Washington. Brawls and stabbings occurred after those demonstrations. The Proud Boys attacked residents. In December, they ripped a Black Lives Matter banner off a Black church and burned it in the street. Their leader, Enrique “Henry” Tarrio, was arrested on Jan. 4 with high-capacity firearms magazines as he entered the city.

At the rally, the president whipped up demonstrators with a speech on the White House Ellipse, where Alexander had a front-row seat. “We will not take it anymore,” Trump said. “We will stop the steal.” The demagogue then pointed his supporters toward the heart of American democracy.

The mob arrived at the Capitol just before 1 p.m. Insurrectionists smashed through barricades and police lines. Once inside, they looted and vandalized. They urinated and defecated on floors. One of them scrawled “Murder the media” on a set of doors. Many were far-right extremists, including a Proud Boy allegedly looking to kill then-Vice President Mike Pence. Men carrying a flag from Fuentes’ “America First” group prowled through the building. Another Alexander associate, Tim “Baked Alaska” Gionet, a veteran of the Charlottesville rally, livestreamed himself inside the Capitol and was later arrested.

But it was the fate of Ashli Babbitt, a military veteran and QAnon conspiracy theory devotee, that crystallized to what lengths some would go on behalf of Trump. On Twitter, Babbitt was in thrall to MAGA propagandists and Stop the Steal organizers such as Jack Posobiec — one of Alexander’s close friends and a prolific spreader of disinformation, including the Pizzagate sex trafficking conspiracy theory that in 2016 resulted in a pro-Trump gunman storming a restaurant in Washington, D.C. On Jan. 5, Posobiec tweeted a photo of a plane loaded with Trump supporters traveling to Washington and described them, seemingly in jest, as “domestic terrorists.” Babbitt retweeted the message. It was her penultimate act on a platform that helped radicalize her.

The next day, she stormed the Capitol and tried to force her way through a broken window into the House chamber. A Capitol Police officer shot her in the neck. Babbitt died.

Police would later find pipe bombs outside the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee offices. They’d find Molotov cocktails in a nearby truck. National security experts declared the attack domestic terrorism. Seven people died in the mayhem or by suicide in the immediate aftermath, including three Capitol Police officers.

“I do not denounce this,” Alexander reiterated from his rooftop perch, impassively surveying the Capitol grounds in a video posted to Twitter by one of his associates and preserved by Kristen Doerer at Right Wing Watch.

On Twitter, Alexander had called violence a “natural right.” He was a prominent influencer on the platform, with almost 200,000 followers. “I am a sincere advocate for violence and war, when justified,” he tweeted in 2019. “I recognize no law above what is natural and good.” A militant Christianity has permeated his extremism; he has spoken often about being an agent of God.

Insomuch as he was a zealot, however, he was also out to make a buck. His Jan. 6 protest, which he’d dubbed the Wild Protest after Trump promoted his “March to Save America” event on Twitter ― “Be there, will be wild!” the president tweeted ― had brought in almost $200,000 in donations in just over two weeks. On his Stop the Steal site, Alexander hawked $45 T-shirts, $40 baseball caps and $75 yard signs. A bumper sticker cost $17.76. On merchandise site Gumroad, he sold self-designed “New Crusades” T-shirts for $55. Alexander hadn’t bothered to set up a business or a nonprofit, he admitted on his personal site, where he peddled a “persuasion” class for $198. Stop the Steal donations flowed initially into his personal accounts. In mid-November, his lawyer, Baron Coleman, who has also served as local counsel in Alabama for Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes, registered a limited-liability company, or LLC. One of Alexander’s partners set up a political action committee.

To radical Republicans, he was worth it. Alexander, 36, represented the possibility of a multiracial far-right coalition and put a diverse sheen on a movement founded on white supremacy. And he did it from within. A lifelong product of Republican politics and activism who’d radicalized in step with his party, Alexander embodied a turn toward outright fascism. His Stop the Steal movement was simply a Trumpified extension of decades of Republican efforts to invalidate Democratic votes, especially Black ones, with false accusations of “fraud.”

The day before the riot, Alexander bounded onto a stage in Freedom Plaza in downtown Washington to prepare protesters for “rebellion.” “Victory or death!” he cried, leading Trump supporters in a chant. Proud Boys and militia members were in the crowd. Some carried knives and clubs. “These degenerates in the deep state are going to give us what we want or we are going to shut this country down!” Alexander shouted as a cold rain fell. “Our government should be afraid.”

Petty Crime, Conservative Politics
Ali Alexander was once Ali Abdul-Razaq Akbar. Alexander, who was born in Texas, claims his father was an exchange student from a “prominent family” in the United Arab Emirates who abandoned him and his Black mother when Alexander was a toddler. He says his mother raised him by herself in Fort Worth, where he went to Fossil Ridge High School. Even then, he was a conservative political junkie who liked to talk about the big sponsors he’d land who would take him to the “hieghts of the Hill” one day, as he wrote in 2005.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by AndyinPA »

Long read. ... table-main
In a country where disinformation was spreading like a disease, Celina Knippling resolved to administer facts to her mom like medicine­. She and her four siblings could do nothing about the lies that had spread outward from Washington since Election Day, or the violence it had provoked. But maybe they could do something to stop dangerous political fantasies and extremism from metastasizing within their family. Maybe they could do something about Claire.

And so on one Saturday in February, Celina meticulously assembled a spreadsheet of every court case filed by former president Trump and his allies to contest the 2020 election. From her home outside Baltimore, she coded by date, state, case number and outcome. She analyzed how many lawsuits had been won, lost or dismissed and on what grounds. She broke down whether the presiding judges had been appointed by Democrats or Republicans.

Celina, 50, was not overly hopeful. She knew that her mom no longer trusted the mainstream media to tell the truth, nor the country’s democratic institutions to adjudicate an election she was certain had been stolen. It was her anti-Trump children, Claire Ryan contended, who were brainwashed.

Nevertheless, Celina gathered her spreadsheet and her notes and emailed them to Claire, 71, who lived in Maine with Celina’s stepfather. She had to know whom her mother trusted more: her own children, or strangers on the Internet.

She got her reply an hour later.

Claire suggested that Celina watch a video called “Absolute Proof” being promoted by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, one of the most visible proponents of the false narrative that the election had featured widespread voter fraud. The 120-minute-long video was hosted on a platform called Rumble and purported to reveal conclusive evidence that the 2020 election had been stolen from Trump. It repackaged claims that had already been disproved by the media and dismissed by the courts, which was spelled out in the exhaustive set of court filings and links Celina had sent her mom.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Suranis »

Baidn wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 9:14 am It's personally amusing to me to think of Rush Limbaugh and other RWNJ con artist finding out God is nonbinary just before being flushed down to hell.
God does not have a Gender because God is not Human. You might as well talk about Light having a Gender. In fact many Christian Mystics talk about their sense of God's Presence changing from male to female and back.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Baidn »

Suranis wrote: Sat Mar 13, 2021 12:24 pm
Baidn wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 9:14 am It's personally amusing to me to think of Rush Limbaugh and other RWNJ con artist finding out God is nonbinary just before being flushed down to hell.
God does not have a Gender because God is not Human. You might as well talk about Light having a Gender. In fact many Christian Mystics talk about their sense of God's Presence changing from male to female and back.
This discovery would equally amuse me :P
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


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Trump supporters' favorite new chat app has ties to shady Chinese 'spiritual movement': report
Brad Reed
March 16, 2021

Supporters of former President Donald Trump are flocking to a new chat app that has ties to the shady Falun Gong spiritual movement that has been called a cult by critics.

Politico reports that mobile application SafeChat, which Trump supporters have started using in greater numbers as alternatives to major social media networks Facebook and Twitter, is linked to the Falon Gong movement, which staunchly supported Trump because of his confrontational attitude toward the Chinese government.

"According to a review of corporate records and online activity by Politico, SafeChat has close links to The Epoch Times, an English-language media outlet affiliated with Falun Gong," the publication writes. "It's part of a growing network of Falun Gong-affiliated media outlets that is creating its own far-right social media pipeline -- one that amplifies MAGA themes while promoting the agenda of groups dedicated to the ouster of the Chinese Communist Party."

Elise Thomas, an analyst at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, tells Politico that Falun Gong's overall goal seems to be pushing MAGA fans into taking its own views of the Chinese Communist Party, which for decades has repressed Falun Gong followers.

"There's a concerted effort by anti-Chinese Communist Party voices to move right-wing voters and QAnon followers against China," she said. "The fact that people associated with the Falun Gong are trying to use SafeChat to tap into the MAGA-sphere is definitely concerning."
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by tek »

Supporters of former President Donald Trump are flocking to a new chat app that has ties to the shady Falun Gong spiritual movement that has been called a cult by critics.
Useful idiots.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by somerset »

tek wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:08 pm
Supporters of former President Donald Trump are flocking to a new chat app that has ties to the shady Falun Gong spiritual movement that has been called a cult by critics.
Useful idiots.
What's amusing is that Falun Gong might best be described as China's version of Scientology.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Azastan »

tek wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:08 pm
Supporters of former President Donald Trump are flocking to a new chat app that has ties to the shady Falun Gong spiritual movement that has been called a cult by critics.
Useful idiots.
I know someone's a useful idiot if they share a post from the Epoch Times.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by bill_g »

Pro-tip: Make a donation to just about any Catholic charity, and you'll get on Epoch Time's mailing list with an endless supply of "free issues" for bird cage liners.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by sugar magnolia »

bill_g wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:14 am Pro-tip: Make a donation to just about any Catholic charity, and you'll get on Epoch Time's mailing list with an endless supply of "free issues" for bird cage liners.
What is the connection with Catholic charities? I, and most of my family and friends, have made donations to various Catholic charities and have never received a copy of it.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by somerset »

sugar magnolia wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:54 am
bill_g wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:14 am Pro-tip: Make a donation to just about any Catholic charity, and you'll get on Epoch Time's mailing list with an endless supply of "free issues" for bird cage liners.
What is the connection with Catholic charities? I, and most of my family and friends, have made donations to various Catholic charities and have never received a copy of it.
My guess is that some charities have sold their list, and the demographics of those lists include folks who are susceptible to religious propaganda.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Suranis »

Honestly I've never heard of anything like that, and I don't' think there's any love lost between the CC and Falun Gong. I did a search for that online and All I could find was an article about Charities exchanging mailing lists, from 2004, that said a lot of charities did it at that time ... w&cpid=244

So I'm calling questionable on that.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by bill_g »

sugar magnolia wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:54 am
bill_g wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:14 am Pro-tip: Make a donation to just about any Catholic charity, and you'll get on Epoch Time's mailing list with an endless supply of "free issues" for bird cage liners.
What is the connection with Catholic charities? I, and most of my family and friends, have made donations to various Catholic charities and have never received a copy of it.
I "encode" my donations with misspellings of my name so I can track who sells my contact info. Some very nice nuns in Illinois that need their sanctuary foundation fixed gives out info to the Epoch Times, America Needs Fatima, and scads of others.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by somerset »

bill_g wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 1:08 pm
sugar magnolia wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:54 am
bill_g wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:14 am Pro-tip: Make a donation to just about any Catholic charity, and you'll get on Epoch Time's mailing list with an endless supply of "free issues" for bird cage liners.
What is the connection with Catholic charities? I, and most of my family and friends, have made donations to various Catholic charities and have never received a copy of it.
I "encode" my donations with misspellings of my name so I can track who sells my contact info. Some very nice nuns in Illinois that need their sanctuary foundation fixed gives out info to the Epoch Times, America Needs Fatima, and scads of others.
It's more likely that they sell the information, not give it out freely.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by somerset »

Suranis wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 12:41 pm Honestly I've never heard of anything like that, and I don't' think there's any love lost between the CC and Falun Gong. I did a search for that online and All I could find was an article about Charities exchanging mailing lists, from 2004, that said a lot of charities did it at that time ... w&cpid=244

So I'm calling questionable on that.
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As an aside, the Catholic Church operates within China. It's low-key, but there. For example, there are two Catholic Churches in Shenzhen. The oldest one is in Nanshan, which used to be the only place where foreigners were allowed to live and the newer (and much larger) one is in the Futian district.

I don't see the church jeopardizing their presence in China by cozying up to the Falun Gong or Epoch Times
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