Trump Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Nick Fuentes Groypers Milo Brandon Straka

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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

All your favorites! From Akbar to Foggy's pal Amy Kremer ---

New Details Suggest Senior Trump Aides Knew Jan. 6 Rally Could Get Chaotic
Text messages and interviews show that Stop the Steal leaders fooled the Capitol police and welcomed racists to increase their crowd sizes, while White House officials worked to both contain and appease them.
by Joshua Kaplan and Joaquin Sapien
June 25, 5 a.m. EDT
ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as they’re published.

On Dec. 19, President Donald Trump blasted out a tweet to his 88 million followers, inviting supporters to Washington for a “wild” protest. Earlier that week, one of his senior advisers had released a 36-page report alleging significant evidence of election fraud that could reverse Joe Biden’s victory. “A great report,” Trump wrote. “Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” The tweet worked like a starter’s pistol, with two pro-Trump factions competing to take control of the “big protest.” On one side stood Women for America First, led by Amy Kremer, a Republican operative who helped found the tea party movement. The group initially wanted to hold a kind of extended oral argument, with multiple speakers making their case for how the election had been stolen. On the other was Stop the Steal, a new, more radical group that had recruited avowed racists to swell its ranks and wanted the President to share the podium with Alex Jones, the radio host banned from the world’s major social media platforms for hate speech, misinformation and glorifying violence. Stop the Steal organizers say their plan was to march on the Capitol and demand that lawmakers give Trump a second term.

ProPublica has obtained new details about the Trump White House’s knowledge of the gathering storm, after interviewing more than 50 people involved in the events of Jan. 6 and reviewing months of private correspondence. Taken together, these accounts suggest that senior Trump aides had been warned the Jan. 6 events could turn chaotic, with tens of thousands of people potentially overwhelming ill-prepared law enforcement officials.
One of the Women for America First organizers told ProPublica he and his group felt they needed to urgently warn the White House of the possible danger. “A last-minute march, without a permit, without all the metro police that’d usually be there to fortify the perimeter, felt unsafe,” Dustin Stockton said in a recent interview. “And these people aren’t there for a fucking flower contest,” added Jennifer Lynn Lawrence, Stockton’s fiancee and co-organizer. “They’re there because they’re angry.”

Stockton said he and Kremer initially took their concerns to Pierson. Feeling that they weren’t gaining enough traction, Stockton said, he and Kremer agreed to call Meadows directly. Kremer, who has a personal relationship with Meadows dating back to his early days in Congress, said she would handle the matter herself. Soon after, Kremer told Stockton “the White House would take care of it,” which he interpreted to mean she had contacted top officials about the march. Kremer denied that she ever spoke with Meadows or any other White House official about her Jan. 6 concerns. “Also, no one on my team was talking to them that I was aware of,” she said in an email to ProPublica. Meadows declined to comment on whether he’d been contacted. A Dec. 27 text from Kremer obtained by ProPublica casts doubt on her assertion. Written at a time when her group was pressing to control the upcoming Jan. 6 rally, it refers to Alexander and Cindy Chafian, an activist who worked closely with Alex Jones. “The WH and team Trump are aware of the situation with Ali and Cindy,” Kremer wrote. “I need to be the one to handle both.” Kremer did not answer questions from ProPublica about the text. ... al#1081606
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by RVInit »

This is why we need an independent press. They can force the issue. The top planners of this event need to be held to account, no matter how high up it goes. Keep digging.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by filly »

Do read Swalwell's response.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

This Pro-Trump Lawyer Was a Rising ‘Stop the Steal’ Star. His Firm Erased Him
In the months since Trump’s failed coup, government documents have further revealed the extent of attorney Kurt Olsen’s behind-the-scenes crusade to try to keep him in power.
Adam Rawnsley Senior Researcher Asawin Suebsaeng Senior Political Reporter
Published Aug. 15, 2021 5:03AM ET

In late 2020, as then-President Donald Trump was waging a multi-front campaign to cling to power, a little-known attorney and self-described former special ops commander began working on Trump’s behalf, badgering senior Justice Department officials in an effort to rope them into the plot. In the months since Trump’s failed coup attempt, government documents and emails have further revealed the extent of this attorney Kurt Olsen’s behind-the-scenes crusade to try to keep him in power. The twice-impeached former president had clearly taken a shine to Olsen and his work. But since the fallout from the 2020 presidential election, it appears that Olsen’s former colleagues want to distance themselves from him—to the point where his onetime law firm has effectively disowned him and airbrushed him from its history.

Olsen’s recurring appearances in the ongoing Capitol Hill investigations into what led to the MAGA riot on Jan. 6 raise some glaring questions. How did a virtually unknown private attorney and associate of extreme MAGA personalities stumble his way into influencing the functions of the executive branch—to the degree that the most senior DOJ personnel had to concoct plans to fight off his onslaught? For 18 years, Olsen worked as a partner at Klafter, Olsen & Lesser, a small New York-based law firm he co-founded. But shortly after he signed on to help Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s failed bid to overturn the 2020 election at the Supreme Court, the firm changed its name and registered a new website—without Olsen’s name in the URL—on Feb. 24. Now, where Olsen’s bio used to be, a disclaimer says, “Kurt Olsen is not affiliated in any way with Klafter Lesser LLP.” Partners at Klafter Lesser did not respond to requests from The Daily Beast for comment. Olsen did not provide comment, either. Emails released by the House Oversight Committee and reporting by Politico show that after the election, the Maryland attorney rose from relative obscurity in conservative politics to capture the ear of then-President Trump. Despite his access, several lawyers and administration officials intimately involved with the anti-democratic effort did not know or simply couldn’t remember Olsen—a reflection of the disjointed and chaotic state of post-election MAGA politics as different factions pushed competing authoritarian ideas and fought amongst themselves

Out of six knowledgeable Trumpworld sources contacted for this story, several said they hadn’t directly dealt at all with Olsen, though they knew Trump was enamored by the ideas he was selling. One former senior Trump aide said they purposely avoided contact or involvement with Olsen, describing his legal theories as pure “nonsense.” Predictably, none of that trepidation from Trump administration brass prevented the then-president from embracing Olsen or his fringe legal opinions. Olsen’s ascent to the heights of MAGA activism began in December 2020 when Paxton put together a Supreme Court case to toss out Joe Biden’s electoral victory in Pennsylvania. The Texas attorney general reached outside his office for help and appointed two special counsels to assist in the case: Lawrence Joseph, a conservative attorney with experience filing briefs at the Supreme Court supportive of conservative causes and figures, and Olsen, whose office sat a few floors down from Joseph’s firm in the same Washington, D.C., office building.

The move placed Olsen, who had little-to-no national profile in conservative politics, at the tip of the spear in the Trump-backed effort to overturn the 2020 election in court. Prior to his legal career, the attorney “served as a Naval Special Warfare Officer assigned to SEAL Team Five” who “has traveled extensively in the Middle East and Far East, primarily as a special operations platoon commander,” according to a since-deleted bio at his former firm. Paxton’s Supreme Court suit ultimately failed when all nine justices unanimously voted to throw it out on the grounds that the state of Texas lacked the standing to bring the case. Despite the suit’s failure, Olsen’s star continued to rise among the increasingly bizarre world of “Stop the Steal” notables. Emails sent by Olsen to Justice Department officials, obtained by the New York Times and House Oversight Committee, show that after the Supreme Court tossed the Texas suit, Olsen managed to get in touch with Trump himself to brief him on an effort to revive the case. At some point after the Texas suit’s failure, Olsen managed to get in touch with the president to pitch him on the idea of having the Justice Department bring a suit “modeled after the Texas action,” which would theoretically sidestep the lack of standing that had doomed the state-led effort. “The President of the United States has seen this complaint, and he directed me last night to brief AG Rosen in person today to discuss bringing this action,” Olsen wrote in an email to the Justice Department. “I have been instructed to report back to the President this afternoon after this meeting.”

Olsen never got his meeting with Rosen, and the acting attorney general never took up Texas’ quixotic attempt to overturn the election. But, as Politico reported this month, the president’s interest in Olsen’s work grew so intense that in December, Trump himself made a point of bothering Rosen about the 54-page draft complaint that Olsen had been pushing to the highest levels of the federal government. According to Politico, Rosen recently told Senate investigators that he counseled the then-president that the draft complaint was, at best, a waste of time. Furthermore, Olsen’s name also appeared on a memo that was hand-delivered to Trump in his very last days in office—a memo that also appeared to include a recommendation on resorting to “martial law if necessary.” When pillow magnate and staunch Trump ally Mike Lindell visited the White House to brief Trump and administration officials and attorneys on his wild claims of Chinese hacking efforts in the 2020 election, Olsen’s name even appeared in a photo of documents Lindell brought to Trump, next to figures like Sidney Powell and Kash Patel, as suggestions for who Trump should appoint to senior positions during his quest to stay in power.

Lindell’s fondness for Olsen continued into the post-Trump era. As Lindell’s “cyber symposium” in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, was ongoing last week, Olsen commented on a Washington Times story and was referred to as a member of the MyPillow CEO’s team of lawyers. Olsen’s reported presence on Lindell’s legal team shows how he isn’t done associating himself with doomed efforts to overturn the 2020 election results or to reinstall Trump. The Aug. 11 Washington Times article in which Olsen is featured is headlined, “Cyber expert says his team can’t prove Mike Lindell’s claims that China hacked election.” ... m?ref=home

Meanwhile, Ali (Alexander) Akbar is still grifting on Telegram. He has a "Members Only" grift he shut down during Stop The Steal but he says he's bringing it back. His "political analysis" is $500/year (just make check to "Ali", guess the bank won't take "Alexander" since it's "Akbar") at
To join Ali Alexander's Membership Program with an annual membership, please send a check for $500 to this address:

Ali A
5801 Golden Triangle Blvd.
Suite #103, #255
Fort Worth, TX 76244
Make the check out simply to "Ali", and write "Membership Program" on the memo line.
Election Integrity Memo released by Stop the Steal protest movement founder
Ali Alexander, the strategist behind the election integrity protests that swept the nation in 2020, has released next steps for the patriot movement.

We've licked our wounds and now it is time to, again, fight back.

I released the highly anticipated 12-page election integrity memo. Apparently, I still terrify Democrats and demagogues fighting to keep elections opaque.

This memo includes where the audits should take place and the scope of the probes we're looking for. We've even outlined and prioritized states (and some counties) where these efforts should take place.

We're not all talk. We have over a dozen legislative fixes that we're suggesting to our allies in the various state legislatures. This exceed the typical GOP voter reforms. Our proposals will create more predictable elections, punish bad actors, reign in runaway courts, and provide clarity for legal remedies when a fraudulent election occurs.

Stop the Steal's memo also connects the deplatforming issue to electoral politics, sets the board for the 2022 midterm elections, and argues why we should fight the falsehoods of January 6th.

The memo is in five sections.

Audits and protests
Legislative action and electors
2022 midterm elections
Network effects and deplatforming
Narrative over January 6th
You must print this memo out. Text a link and start a conversation with fellow patriots. Email blast a list of your associates. Then spread it around on social media. This was the secret sauce behind the Stop the Steal protests. It was our peer-to-peer movement, word of mouth.

I've been deplatformed so it is my sincere hope that you'll share the link to the memo several times on your social media channels of the next couple of weeks.

God bless you and may He save our country from the hell we're being pulled into by this dark order of freaks.

If you'd like to mail me a letter or a donation check, please go here.
Here's his 12 page "Election Integrity Memo":
(263.83 KiB) Downloaded 131 times
Here's Akbar's takedown of the GOP and his "better way".
RNC is focused on losing (still)
21 JUL 2021 • 1 MIN READ
Here's what the RNC sent out versus what I would be championing.

Don't give a dime to any of the Republican party institutions. They're not representing us. Give to Stop the Steal.

This is why they deplatformed me—to protect the Republican Party establishment from representing the majority of Americans who don't want mandatory vaccines, draconian lockdowns, and opaque elections.

Spread the word, there is a better way!

Akbar Screen-Shot-2021-07-21-at-6.51.16-PM.png
Akbar Screen-Shot-2021-07-21-at-6.51.16-PM.png (145.66 KiB) Viewed 3637 times

As always, why isn't Akbar in jail?
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


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He, like Little Baby Num Num, is a snitch
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

Cross posting since so many of our pals here are included:

The Gateway House of Boys is OUTRAGED!
Pelosi’s January 6 Committee Requests Communications Between Trump WH Officials and Top Conservatives, Including Reporter Jack Posobiec, Scott Presler, Alex Jones and Brandon Straka
By Cristina Laila
Published August 25, 2021 at 12:56pm

Pelosi’s January 6 committee issued its first records request on Wednesday and targeted a group of conservative reporters, operatives and pundits.

The far-left committee also requested National Archives for records of Trump’s White House.

The Democrats are seeking 9 months worth of contacts between Trump’s White House and a group of conservatives, including Scott Presler, General Flynn, Ed Martin and Human Events Sr. Editor Jack Posobiec.

Among the voluminous requests, the committee is seeking 9 months worth of contacts between the Trump WH and this group of outsiders, including Enrique Tarrio, George Papadopoulos and Jack Posobiec.
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) August 25, 2021

Jack Posobiec responded: “This is completely illegal and my lawyers will make short work of it. These ugly communists want to go full Stalin and Gestapo as they flail about to distract from the failures of the dementia patient they got as president who even Obama called a ‘f*** up.’ Be cautious!”

This is completely illegal and my lawyers will make short work of it
These ugly communists want to go full Stalin and Gestapo as they flail about to distract from the failures of the dementia patient they got as president who even Obama called a ‘f*** up.’ Be cautious!
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) August 25, 2021

Posobiec said it’s clear the Democrats are after his sources and he’s not giving them up.

It’s clear they are after my sources. Not giving them up. Don’t care what letter they send me. It’s not happening. Not afraid to take a stand to protect these patriots.
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) August 25, 2021 ... -posobiec/
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

Poor bunny. And they spelled patriot wrong. :smoking:

OrlyLicious @Orly_licious 49s
#Insurrectionist Lawsuit: STOP THE STEAL LLC, ALI ALEXANDER, a/k/a Ali Abdul Razaq Akbar, a/k/a Ali Abdul Akbar and BRANDON J. STRAKA are among the sued by 7 #CapitolPolice Officers. #WalkAway & Brandon whine (& spell "patriot" wrong). #LockThemUp Filing: ... .1.0_1.pdf

Brandon Straka's First Amendment Rights Are Under Attack!
#WalkAway Campaign PAC via
Mon, Aug 30, 3:16 PM (5 days ago)

Dear Patrtiot,

Last week you may have heard that 7 Capitol Hill police officers filed a lawsuit against President Trump and a number of other individuals, one of whom is Brandon Straka.

Of all the attacks to come after Brandon and the #WalkAway movement, this has been the most difficult to take. Here at #WalkAway, we have always been proud supporters of our law enforcement and the #BackTheBlue movement. Neither Brandon nor the team would ever support attacks on the police.

This latest lawsuit is just one of a number of attacks on Brandon's First Amendment rights, as everything he or our team have ever stated is protected by our sacred Constitution. It is disheartening that the very people who are there to protect those rights, and the mantra of innocent until proven guilty, are spearheading this latest setback.

As always, despite these attacks on Brandon, the #WalkAway Campaign PAC wants to emphasize our support for all law enforcement. We will continue to #BackTheBlue and do not condone violence in any form against the men and women who go out of their way to risk their lives and make our communities safer.

For Liberty,

Damien Jarrett & the #WalkAway Team

Paid for by the #WalkAway Campaign PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

Nebraska News reports Brandon's prelim is in Oct.

#WalkAway's #BrandonStraka: #NewsChannelNebraska 9/20 video update. Preliminary hearing in Oct. #J6 Brandon Straka is accused of violating 3 federal laws incl disorderly conduct & obstructing law enforcement. Facing at least 5 years in prison if convicted.

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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

Aha! Had missed this about Akbar, very nice.
After the Capitol riot, ‘Stop the Steal’ organizer Ali Alexander was scrambling to hide his digital footprint
The 'Stop the Steal' founder's data was swept up in the breach of web hosting company Epik.
Mikael Thalen Mikael Thalen Tech Published Sep 20, 2021 Updated Sep 20, 2021, 11:38 am CDT

Just days after supporters of former President Donald Trump violently stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, Ali Alexander, one of the primary organizers of the rally that day, appeared to be busy, attempting to hide his ties to dozens and dozens of websites calling the 2020 election stolen. Domains tied to Alexander that pushed Stop the Steal, which the Daily Dot reviewed, including ones he publicly posted on as himself, were scrambled in the wake of the riot to hide ownership. But hacked documents show they trace right back to Ali and an anonymize service from the web hosting company Epik.

In the run-up to the failed insurrection, which was sparked by weeks of false allegations regarding widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, Alexander had positioned himself as the movement’s de facto leader with his “Stop the Steal” campaign. At a Dec. 19 rally in Arizona that he spoke at, Alexander made his intentions for Jan. 6 clear: He and his legion of followers would do whatever was necessary to stop Congress from certifying the electoral votes of President Joe Biden’s victory. According to the Washington Post and Daily Beast, Alexander was already working with far-right Republican legislators to plan the Jan. 6 rally. “We’re going to convince them to not certify the vote on Jan. 6 by marching hundreds of thousands, if not millions of patriots, to sit their butts in D.C. and close that city down, right?” Alexander said that December day. “And if we have to explore options after that…”

Alexander has been a prominent backchannel in Republican politics for nearly two decades. He’s also pled guilty to felony charges under a previous name, when he was known as Ali Akbar. He’s been friendly with far-right operatives like Laura Loomer and Jacob Wohl. He also has ties to Roger Stone, who is under investigation for his role in fomenting the Capitol riot. At the time of the Capitol riot, Alexander had almost a quarter of a million Twitter followers
Alexander had opted to entrust his web addresses with the domain registrar company Epik, which offers a domain privacy feature known as “Anonymize.” The decision would, theoretically, keep the public from discovering which domains he owned. Yet on Sept. 13, the hacking collective Anonymous announced that it had pilfered a decade’s worth of data from Epik, a company known best for hosting extremist websites. Although the company initially claimed to be unaware of a breach, Epik CEO Rob Monster later said in a bizarre, four-hour-long video conference that hackers had obtained a backup of its data. Released online in a torrent, the 180-gigabyte data cache included, among other things, domain registrations and account credentials as well as the personal details of individuals who had registered some of the internet’s most notorious far-right domains. Analysis of the data by the Daily Dot was able to link an email tied to Alexander to 122 separate domains. On Jan. 15, the far-right figure received an email to a ProtonMail address thanking him for setting up an Anonymize account..
Lots more: ... itol-riot/
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Post by Luke »

Pro-Trump social media influencer and speaker at Jan. 5 rally pleads guilty to disorderly conduct in Capitol riot
By Spencer S. Hsu Today at 9:44 p.m. EDT

An earlier version of this article misstated that Straka was a Fox News contributor. This article has been corrected.

A social media influencer who spoke at a pro-Donald Trump rally in Washington on Jan. 5 pleaded guilty Wednesday to disorderly conduct during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Brandon Straka, 44, a former New York City hairstylist, admitted in plea papers to recording himself during the Capitol breach in front of a mobbed entrance, urging a crowd to wrest away a riot shield from a police officer and shouting: “Take it! Take it!” At another point, according to plea papers, Straka stood behind a crowd of people trying to push their way in, yelling, “Go! Go!” Straka, who launched the #WalkAway social media campaign, promoted himself as a gay former liberal and has encouraged voters to leave the Democratic Party. He amassed more than 550,000 Twitter followers and wrote opinion pieces after posting a viral video in May 2018 describing why he left the Democratic Party.

Straka pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in prison. Prosecutors dropped a felony count of impeding police during civil disorder. In a plea agreement, Straka promised to cooperate by turning over social media and other evidence and to participate in a law enforcement interview. Straka is one of several Jan. 5 rally speakers and MAGA influencers to be arrested, and one of the first to plead guilty. At a “Stop the Steal” rally at Freedom Plaza that day in Washington, Straka was a scheduled speaker where he addressed attendees as “patriots” and urged them to “fight back,” referred several times to revolution, the FBI said. “We are sending a message to the Democrats, we are not going away, you’ve got a problem!” Straka said, according to the FBI.

Straka admitted his guilt in court and in a signed statement of facts. But on Facebook this week he addressed 357,000 followers as “Dear Patriots,” thanked them for their patience, and urged them to tune out “negative press . . . likely coming down the pike” as he took the first meaningful step toward concluding “the perils of the situation I am in.” “Hang on tight,” Straka wrote on the site, where he has asked for financial support and plugged a forthcoming “grand relaunch” of his campaign. “Let it come, and let it go. It means nothing. It’s just pointless noise. The best is yet to come. We’re almost there.”

U.S. District Judge Dabney L. Friedrich of Washington set sentencing for Dec. 17 and allowed Straka to remain under supervision in his native Nebraska, where he was arrested in January. ... p_politics
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by bob »

Straka is the one who had that birthday showcase, with him singing?
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

Bob, yes, that's Brandon.

Apparently Facebook is suspending folks to sharing his grifting. Hasn't looked at his page in a while:

Brandon.JPG (47.32 KiB) Viewed 2778 times

Brandon 3.JPG
Brandon 3.JPG (70.72 KiB) Viewed 2778 times

Brandon 4.JPG
Brandon 4.JPG (59.4 KiB) Viewed 2778 times

And this is the post WaPo was referring to...

Brandon 2.JPG
Brandon 2.JPG (68.71 KiB) Viewed 2778 times
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!"
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

AKBAR! :dance:

Akbar's statement on Telegram:
ALI ALEXANDER 🇺🇸, [07.10.21 19:41]
[Forwarded from ALI ALEXANDER 🇺🇸]
STATEMENT 🇺🇸 10/7/2021

Last year, I organized 500 peaceful rallies across this nation asking our government to look into election irregularities, including one on January 5th and two on January 6th. It wasn’t just my lawful right, but also my duty as a concerned citizen.

FBI failures, agitators dressed in militant outfits, and police brutality which escalated into a manufactured “riot” disrupted our two legally permitted peaceful rallies.

There is no place for vandalism or violence in our Stop the Steal movement. I made that clear in countless speeches. I am being targeted because I am a Black patriotic man peacefully agitating an insecure government.

Big Media Corporations and Censoring Social Media Companies have deprived me the traditional right of reply afforded to those accused in the court of public opinion. These accusations, absent of any evidence of wrongdoing, have now been weaponized by a partisan Congressional Committee which lacks public support.

This government will paint anyone who disagrees with it as a “domestic terrorist” to play on the same xenophobia they used to militarize our local police stations and pass the Patriot Act. All this gaslighting will not give Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden the mandate deprived to them by the American voters.


Oct 7, 2021

Bolton, MS—Chairman Bennie G. Thompson today announced that the Select Committee has issued additional subpoenas seeking testimony and records related to the “Stop the Steal” rally that took place on the grounds of the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021. The subpoenas seek deposition testimony from Ali Abdul Akbar, also known as Ali Alexander, and Nathan Martin, who are connected to permit applications for the rally, and request the production of records from those individuals and from Stop the Steal, LLC, an organization affiliated with the event.

Chairman Thompson issued the following statement:

“The rally on the Capitol grounds on January 6th, like the rally near the White House that day, immediately preceded the violent attack on the seat of our democracy. Over the course of that day, demonstrations escalated to violence and protestors became rioters. The Select Committee needs to understand all the details about the events that came before the attack, including who was involved in planning and funding them. We expect these witnesses to cooperate fully with our probe.”

According to documents provided to the Select Committee, an organization named “One Nation Under God” submitted a permit application in December 2020 to the U.S. Capitol Police for a rally about “the election fraud in the swing states” to be held on the U.S. Capitol Grounds on January 6th, 2021.

Nathan Martin’s phone number and email address were listed among the contact information for “One Nation Under God.” A vendor who was also listed on the permit application informed Capitol Police that he was reporting to Ali Alexander and Mr. Martin and identified them both as being affiliated with Stop the Steal. On two of its websites, Stop the Steal advertised the Capitol rally event and sought donations to offset expenses for January 6th.

However, the permit application did not disclose any connection between Stop the Steal and the Capitol rally event. Further, when a Capitol Police official spoke with Mr. Martin at the end of December 2020, Mr. Martin claimed not to have any information about the rally and directed the official to speak with the vendor. According to the police official, the vendor was “shocked” to learn this because he was in “daily communication” with Mr. Martin about the event.

After the January 6th attack, Mr. Alexander released a statement acknowledging that Stop the Steal had obtained the rally permit “for our ‘One Nation Under God’ event.” Mr. Alexander explained that it was the intention of Stop the Steal to direct attendees of the rally on the Ellipse to march at the conclusion of that rally to Lot 8 on the U.S. Capitol Grounds, which is the location for which the Capitol Police granted the permit for the “One Nation Under God” rally. Yet the permit application estimated the event would have only 50 attendees.

According to press reports, in the weeks before the January 6th attack, Mr. Alexander made repeated reference during Stop-the-Steal-sponsored events to the possible use of violence to achieve the organization’s goals and claimed to have been in communication with the White House and Members of Congress regarding events planned to coincide with the certification of the 2020 Electoral College results. Additionally, Mr. Alexander reportedly spoke at a rally on January 5th, 2021, held by the Eighty Percent Coalition at Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., and led the crowd in a chant of “victory, or death.”

Stop the Steal, LLC appears to be a corporate entity affiliated with Mr. Alexander, Mr. Martin, and Stop the Steal. The Terms of Service on a Stop the Steal website refer to Stop the Steal, LLC.

The subpoenas require production of records by October 21st, 2021 and require Mr. Martin and Mr. Alexander to testify at depositions on October 28th and 29th, respectively.

Last week, the Select Committee issued subpoenas to 11 individuals associated with the rally held at the Ellipse on January 6th, 2021 prior to the violent attack on the Capitol. Additionally, the Select Committee has issued subpoenas seeking records and testimony from four individuals closely tied to the former President in the days surrounding the January 6th insurrection.

The letters sent today can be found here:

Ali Alexander
Nathan Martin
Stop the Steal, LLC
Here's Akbar's letter: ... 0Final.pdf and STS got one too also. ... %20STS.pdf

Word version of Akbar's:
U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515
ADAM 8. SCHIFF, CALIFORNIA 1202) 225-7800

October 7, 2021
Ali Abdul Akbar
also known as Ali Alexander

Dear Mr. Alexander:

Pursuant to the authorities set f011h in House Resolution 503 and the rules of the House of Representatives, the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol ("Select Committee") hereby transmits a subpoena that compels you to produce the documents set forth in the accompanying Schedules A and B by October 21, 2021, and to appear for a deposition on October 29, 2021.
The Select Committee is investigating the facts, circumstances, and causes of the January 6th attack and issues relating to the peaceful transfer of power, in order to identify and evaluate lessons learned and to recommend to the House and its relevant committees corrective laws, policies, procedures rules, or regulations. The inquiry includes examination of how various individuals and entities coordinated their activities leading up to the events of January 6, 2021.

The investigation has revealed credible evidence of your involvement in the events within the scope of the Select Committee's inquiry. According to documents provided to the Select Committee, a purported organization named "One Nation Under God" submitted a permit application on or about December 21, 2020, to the United States Capitol Police ("USCP") for a rally to be held on the U.S. Capitol Grounds in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021, about "the election fraud in the swing states."1 Nathan Martin's phone number and email address were listed among the contact information for "One Nation Under God,"2 and the listed mailing address is the same address provided on your personal website soliciting donations to be mailed to you.3 A vendor who was also listed on the permit application informed the USCP that he was reporting to you and Mr. Martin, and identified you both as being with Stop the Steal ("STS").4 STS advertised the Capitol rally event on at least two of its websites ( and and on

1 Documents on file with the Select Committee.
2 Documents on file with the Select Committee.
3 Compare Documents on file with Select Committee with
4 Documents on file with the Select Committee.

Mr. Ali Alexander Page 2

these same websites sought donations to offset expenses for January 6th.5 However, the permit application did not disclose any connection between SIS and the Capitol rally event. Further, when a USCP official spoke by telephone with Mr. Ma1tin on or about December 28, 2020, Mr. Martin claimed not to have any information about the rally and directed the official to speak with the vendor.6 According to the USCP official, the vendor was "shocked" to learn this because he was in "daily communication" with Mr. Maitin about the event.7

After the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol, you released a statement acknowledging that SIS had obtained the rally permit "for our 'One Nation Under God' event."8 You explained that it was the intention of Stop the Steal to direct attendees of an earlier rally on the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. on January 6th held by Women for America First and "sponsored" by Stop the Steal to march at the conclusion of that rally to Lot 8 on the U.S. Capitol Grounds, which is the location for which the USCP granted the permit for the "One Nation Under God" rally.9 Yet the permit application estimated the event would have only 50 attendees. 10

According to press reports, in the weeks before the January 6th attack, you made repeated reference during Stop-the-Steal-sponsored events to the possible use of violence to achieve the organization's goals and claimed to have been in communication with the White House and Members of Congress regarding events planned to coincide with the certification of the 2020 Electoral College results.11 Indeed, you repeatedly spoke at a rally on January 5, 2021, held by the Eighty Percent Coalition at Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., and led the crowd in a chant of "victory, or death."12

5 Documents on file with the Select Committee; WILD PROTEST, (Dec. 23, 2020) [ ...[] ("President Trump wants you in DC January 6" and that they "must take to the US Capitol lawn and steps to tell Congress #DoNotCertify on #JAN6!"); STOP THE STEAL, (Dec._27, 2020) [[] (displaying promotional video for ""and directing visitors toa donation link to "Help Offset Jan 6 Expenses"). According to that donation website, Stop the Steal had raised more than $183,000 by January 6th. STOP THE STEAL, January 6 - Wild Protest- US Capitol, (Jan. 6, 2021) [ l06005123/­ capitol].
6 Documents on file with the Select Committee.
7 Documents on file with the Select Committee.
8 Ali Alexander, Statement on Illegitimate Impeachment and January 6th,
9 Ali Alexander, Statement on Illegitimate Impeachment and January 6th,
10 Documents on file with the Select Committee.
11 Olivia Little, "Stop the Steal" Organizer Bragged About a Phone Call with 'People from the White House' Weeks Before the Insurrection, (Media Matters, Jan. 29, 2021), ... tion/stop­ steal-organizer-bragged-about-phone-call-people-white-house-weeks.
12 Jack Brewster, Jan. 6 Rally Organizer Ali Alexander Reappears And Urges Followers To 'Gather Together Once Again To Fight' (, June 14, 2021), ... n-6-rally­ organizer-ali-alexander-reappears-and-urges-followers-to-gather-together-once-again-to-fight/?sh= 53dfc8d3bc24.

Mr. Ali Alexander Page 3

Stop the Steal, LLC ("STS LLC") appears to be a corporate entity affiliated with you and Stop the Steal. The Terms of Service on, which website you allegedly called "the home of the rebellion against an illegitimate government,"13 specifically refer to STS LLC.14 The registered agent of STS LLC is a member of the law firm, the Baron Coleman Law Firm, that you reportedly have acknowledged represents you.15 And the registered agent reportedly acknowledged that you "set up" STS LLC.16
Accordingly, the Select Committee seeks documents and a deposition regarding these and other matters that are within the scope of the Select Committee's inquiry.
A copy of the rules governing Select Committee depositions, and document production definitions and instructions are attached. Please contact staff for the Select Committee at 202-225- 7800 to arrange for the production of documents.

Bennie G. Thompson Chairman

13 Complaint, ,r 130, Smith, et al. v. Trump, et al., (D.D.C. 1:21-cv-02265-APM), ECF No. I.
15 Michael Edison Hayden, Law Firm Tied to Far-Right Fringe Registers Stop the Steal LLC in Alabama (Southern Poverty Law Center-Hatewatch, December 18, 2020), ... /law-firm­ tied-far-right-fiinge-registers-stop-steal-llc-alabama (linking to Business Entity Records on STS LLC available on website for Alabama Secretary of States, ... il?corp=82 l 150).
16 Soo Rin Kim, Funding Behind "Stop the Steal" Movement Shrouded in Myste1y (ABC News, Feb. 24, 2021), https://abcnews.go.corn/US/funding-stop ... d=76052632.
Jan. 6 committee subpoenas 'Stop the Steal' rally organizer
Ali Alexander said in a since-deleted video that he worked with three House Republicans to pressure lawmakers to overturn Trump's election loss.
By KYLE CHENEY and NICHOLAS WU 10/07/2021 03:51 PM EDT

The Jan. 6 select committee on Thursday subpoenaed Ali Alexander, a key figure behind the “Stop the Steal” movement that aided former President Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election. The subpoena, one of three issued Thursday by the House panel investigating the Capitol attack, targets a divisive hard-line conservative who had regular communication with Trump allies, including some congressional Republicans, in the crucial weeks after President Joe Biden's win. “The rally on the Capitol grounds on January 6th, like the rally near the White House that day, immediately preceded the violent attack on the seat of our democracy,” Chair Bennie Thompson said in a statement on the committee's third round of subpoenas, referring to the "Stop the Steal"-sponsored event that metastasized into a riot. “Over the course of that day, demonstrations escalated to violence and protestors became rioters. The Select Committee needs to understand all the details about the events that came before the attack, including who was involved in planning and funding them. We expect these witnesses to cooperate fully with our probe.”

In addition to Alexander, the subpoenas target Nathan Martin, another organizer of the pre-insurrection rally, and the Stop the Steal organization. A previous round of 11 subpoenas targeted other Trump allies who helped organize various events in the run-up to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. And four close Trump associates — including former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows — are facing a Thursday subpoena deadline to turn over documents to the committee. Martin and Alexander have two weeks, until Oct. 21, to respond to the panel’s demand for documents. The committee set an Oct. 28 deposition for Martin and a Oct. 29 deposition for Alexander, while the group Stop the Steal has one week to produce documents. Martin confirmed receipt of the subpoena but declined to comment. Alexander said in a since-deleted video that he worked with Reps. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) and Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) to attempt to use Congress’ Jan. 6 session certifying Biden’s victory as a chance to pressure lawmakers to overturn the electoral results. “We four schemed up to put maximum pressure on Congress while they were voting,” Alexander said in the video.

It’s unclear if any of the subpoena recipients intend to comply with the committee’s orders. Trump has directed Meadows and other close aides to defy the committee’s demands, a likely precursor to an intense legal battle to force them to cooperate. Trump himself intends to block the National Archives from sending his former White House’s records to the committee, which promises to ignite another significant court fight. Some watchdog and civil rights groups had raised concerns about the panel’s plans to seek information from those related to organizing the rallies. The Project on Government Oversight sent a letter to the committee on Tuesday urging them to use caution with individuals’ private data. “While claims of election fraud were baseless and have seriously undermined public faith in our democracy, false and grossly offensive speech is still constitutionally protected. Accordingly, we urge the committee to be especially cautious in its demands for records that could implicate First Amendment rights or set precedent for future demands that chill First Amendment-protected activities,” wrote POGO executive director Danielle Brian. ... zer-515608

Little monkey boy is worked up.

Cern Ali.JPG
Cern Ali.JPG (36.15 KiB) Viewed 2681 times

Cern Ali 2.JPG
Cern Ali 2.JPG (35.1 KiB) Viewed 2681 times

Cern Ali 3.JPG
Cern Ali 3.JPG (81.53 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

Jacob Wohl released his interview with Ali Akbar three days before J6 from his ManUp show.

FINAL INTERVIEW: Ali Alexander Speaks with Jacob Wohl 3 Days Before January 6th
264 views Oct 9, 2021

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Post by Luke »

Jakey got a YT strike on the Akbar interview.

Jacob Ali.jpg
Jacob Ali.jpg (37.2 KiB) Viewed 2453 times

But on Telegram, he notes it's still on Rumble.

You can still see the interview on Rumble
Jacob Wohl Interviews Ali Alexander Just Before January 6
In his last known public interview, Ali Alexander speaks with Jacob Wohl on his Censored.TV show "Man Up with Jacob Wohl", just days before January 6.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by bob »

(Baked) tots and pears.
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Post by Luke »

Here at Fogbow so many people longingly say, "Gee, when will we get more video of Brandon Straka?" Dreams come true and here's an hour of the pokey little seditionist from YouTube and GETTR. What a treat, right? And we're in luck -- he's still soliciting character letters to present to the court.

2.350 views is one of the lowest counts he's ever had... maybe just early from posting, or maybe the crazy train has rolled on. But Brandon is saying Don't Stop Believin'.

Brandon Straka LIVE Tonight! (11/26/21)

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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by bill_g »

(deliberately not clicking to prevent him one more view)

And now Journey - Don't Stop Believing. In its day, it was on such heavy rotation on the radio, I would immediately hit the knob to a different station when it came on ... if I could. Everyone else cranked it to eleven and broke the knob off. As a result the lyrics are permanently carved into my skull. I was witness to so many drunken air guitar solos. Ugh.

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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


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OMG, you're a victim, bill_g. :violin: :crying:
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I know. First World problems. Oy vey.
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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

Akbar via Zach. Remember all the times Foggy and all of us gathered around the fireplace to watch Akbar's Periscopes where he was going to take over the Georgia capitol, return DL2XIT to office and got into screaming matches about Foggy's pal Amy Kremer? Good times. Akbar is totally pointing the finger at Foggy's pal Amy Kremer about taking the rally instructions away in the video below, that's whom he's trying to finger.
Jan. 6 Organizer Ali Alexander Will Comply With Subpoena Because He’s Broke
Zachary Petrizzo Media Reporter Updated Nov. 27, 2021 8:17PM ET / Published Nov. 27, 2021 7:56PM ET

Ali Alexander, one of the main organizers of the Jan. 6 “Stop the Steal” rally that preceded the deadly Capitol riot, has announced that he will comply with a congressional subpoena over his role in the attempted insurrection. In a video posted to Telegram on Saturday evening, Alexander appeared on camera for the first time in months, saying he will be “privately deposed in December,” while adding that he doesn’t plan on fighting the subpoena because he doesn’t have “money to spend on legal bills.”

“The only reason I’m going is because I don’t want to go to jail. So under the threat of imprisonment and spending tens and tens and tens of thousands of dollars on lawyers, I will be privately deposed before this committee in December,” he said.

Following Steve Bannon’s indictment in early November, Alexander spun himself into a tizzy, making the case that one must live life “accept[ing] that you will die.” Speaking in the third person, Alexander added in his Saturday Telegram post that he would “not [be] backing down” from the congressional committee that he claims is attempting to “imprison him.” Alexander didn’t return a Daily Beast request for comment on Saturday evening.

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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Frater I*I »

Ummmm...funny, Capitan Dipshit made a recording on top of a hotel near the Capitol, where he's glad about the assault on our democracy and proclaiming he's "not sorry" for fomenting such, now suddenly he's claiming it was a government instigation... :bored:

Dear Cthulhu the right wing isn't even trying with their lies anymore....
"He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see, He tries to tell me what I put inside of me
He's got the answers to ease my curiosity, He dreamed a god up and called it Christianity"

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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by Luke »

Exactly Frater. Akbar is the worst. Good that Lin Wood is calling him DEEP STATE.

Sorry Foggy, there wasn't room in the tweet to say "Foggy's pals Amy & Kylie Kremer". If you're really hurt I can post another tweet making that clear.

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Re: DL2XIT Supporters Lost Their Minds - Insurrection! #StopTheSteal Ali Alexander Brandon Straka


Post by MsDaisy »

The Trump Conspiracy Is Hiding in Plain Sight
Antebellum pro-slavery radicals spoke freely of secession and violence; Democratic Party paramilitaries planned their attacks on Reconstruction governments in public view; and the men who codified segregation into Jim Crow did so in the open. Bad actors, in other words, do not always make their plans in secret.

When people plot to do wrong, they often do so in plain sight. To the extent that they succeed, it is at least partly because no one took them as seriously as they should have.

And so it goes with the plot to restore Donald Trump to power over and against the will of the voters. The first attempt, prefigured in Trump’s refusal in 2016 to say whether he would accept the results of the presidential election, culminated in an attack on the Capitol this year, broadcast on camera to the entire world. Since then, the former president and his allies have made no secret of their intent to run the same play a second time.

Steve Bannon, a former Trump adviser and White House official, hosts a popular far-right podcast where he has urged his listeners to seize control of local election administration. “It’s going to be a fight, but this is a fight that must be won. We don’t have an option,” he said in May. “We’re going to take this back village by village … precinct by precinct.” ... -2024.html
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