Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by Luke »

LM K these are for you from his Telegram...

The Professor's Record, [23.08.21 09:42]
Last Wednesday many of you emailed and called my university's administration on my behalf. You fought for me.

Your voices were ignored by most, but were heard by one man with integrity.

One man responded in courage.

My Dean, Jim Hoffman.

Dean Hoffman was ordered by the university to come to my morning class and see if I was complying with the mask mandate.

If I was in noncompliance, he was ordered to terminate, and remove me, in front of all of my students.

Dean Hoffman showed up to my class.

I was not wearing a mask.

It was an ominous sign.

I recorded the class wondering if what would be captured would be my public humiliation.

Instead of being removed from my class, Dean Hoffman handed me the teaching excellence award I refused to pick up the day before because I would not mask up.

He spoke graciously to me in front of my students.

He made no demands that I comply.

He asserted his strong belief in the exercise of free speech.

He then left me to teach my class.

For that act of courage, Jim Hoffman was informed this past Friday he is no longer the Dean of the Business College.

You asked him to stand by me.

He did.

Jim Hoffman did the right thing.

Jim Hoffman acted with integrity.

Thousands reached out on my behalf.

Now I ask that you all send Jim Hoffman your love and support for his sacrifice for freedom.

Please email him and leave a voicemail for him. Please show your love and appreciation.

I can bear the hurts thrown my way.

It hurts me far more to know others are suffering on my behalf.

In the subject line of your email, please write: "Thank you Jim Hoffman for your Courage."



Please let Jim know how courageous his act was, so that other administrators will also find their courage.

The Professor's Record, [23.08.21 12:53]
The wicked delight in the suffering of Christ loving servants.

Yesterday, access to my university email was restored in order to let me see the letter sent by administration notifying me of my "gross misconduct."

Emails from a few gloating Marxist faculty members made their way to my inbox.

I cannot access my office, computer, or respond to student concerns.

I'm a little bummed about office access, because my office door is covered with my children's artwork, and I have hundreds of books. I love my books. But I really love my kid's artwork.

Administrative "kangaroo court" proceedings will now ensue.

Under the law, I am required to exhaust all administrative remedies before appealing whatever decision is made to a district court.

I don't have much hope that a district court in Marxist New Mexico, will provide any better chances at justice, but fight we must.

Vengeance is the Lord's.

I will trust in His perfect justice, and do what I can as a steward of the gifts and resources He has given me.
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by fierceredpanda »

I mean, give the man credit: He seems to be self-aware enough to understand that he's completely boned in court. Sure, he's blaming it on "Marxist New Mexico" but let that pass as a bit of sending one's mail to the wrong address. All he really has left is the realization that he is up shit crick without means of propulsion and a bunch of meaningless cliches about "vengeance [being] the Lord's."

In summary: Bye! :wave:
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by Dave from down under »

Good riddance
And thanks for taking your friend down with you!
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by bob »

In the video, Clements says he won't mask, he won't vax, and he won't be tested for covid.

Then he takes things even further. He tells students that he's not going to enforce the campus mask mandate in his classroom. A student comes in late and asks if she has to wear a mask. Clements says no.

Then he goes even further and starts spouting antivax shit.

And then ... he tries to persuade students to not get vaxed.
Among Clements' sins: not teaching actual business law.

* * *

I always was a bit curious why Clements started teaching undergraduates, as his resume (and online persona) do not seem like someone who would get much satisfaction from teaching the basics of contract law.

He still has his law license; he might be able to slide back into litigating, or whatever.
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by Notaperson »

The piece of shit now has $193K coming to him. :mad:
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by Volkonski »

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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by AndyinPA »

Typical for cults.
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by W. Kevin Vicklund »

Dave from down under wrote: Tue Aug 24, 2021 7:26 am Good riddance
And thanks for taking your friend down with you!
Indeed, the website seems to confirm the change in leadership. Compare this Wayback site capture from August 12:

https://web.archive.org/web/20210812060 ... .nmsu.edu/

with the current site:


New interim Dean. Way to go, Clements! :rotflmao:
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by notorial dissent »

But did he specify which year???
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by Reality Check »

AndyinPA wrote: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:08 pm Typical for cults.
Like Zullo, Carl Gallups, and every other lying scum Birther. They constantly move the goal posts.
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by Greatgrey »

Lindell must figure he’s already lost against Dominion, wants to go straight to appeals!
A3AAE2C4-FDB9-4927-89E5-E25608093C0B.jpeg (153.06 KiB) Viewed 1373 times

https://www.rawstory.com/mike-lindell-d ... it-appeal/

The case isn't going very well for Lindell, however, Law.com reported Tuesday. Last week, the judge refused a motion to dismiss the trial, so Lindell's legal team is trying something different. They're attempting to bypass the trial altogether and go straight to the appeal.

This evening, Lindell's lawyers filed documents asking that their argument that Dominion was acting as the government in 2020 be taken to the appellee court. The problem is that they haven't even had the trial and gotten a ruling to appeal. Dominion contracts with some local governments, but that doesn't mean that they are the government.

"My Pillow attorneys, including Alan Dershowitz and Supreme Court veteran Nathan Lewin, argue they believe the appeals court will rule in their favor and find 'Dominion's complaint did not satisfy the most stringent actual malice requirement under New York Times v. Sullivan, which applies to a government actor operating in the context of a large public debate,'" said the report.
What's the Frequency, Kenneth?
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by raison de arizona »

LM K wrote: Tue Aug 24, 2021 3:57 am Clements has now raised $99,213.
They pinned it in the Telegram audit channel, he’s up to $243k as of now.

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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by MN-Skeptic »

raison de arizona wrote: Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:28 am
LM K wrote: Tue Aug 24, 2021 3:57 am Clements has now raised $99,213.
They pinned it in the Telegram audit channel, he’s up to $243k as of now.

A set of idiots giving money to another idiot.
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by LM K »

orlylicious wrote: Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:48 am LM K these are for you from his Telegram...
If I was in noncompliance, he was ordered to terminate, and remove me, in front of all of my students. :liar:

The Professor's Record, [23.08.21 12:53]
The wicked delight in the suffering of Christ loving servants.

Yesterday, access to my university email was restored in order to let me see the letter sent by administration notifying me of my "gross misconduct."

Emails from a few gloating Marxist faculty members made their way to my inbox.

I cannot access my office, computer, or respond to student concerns.

I'm a little bummed about office access, because my office door is covered with my children's artwork, and I have hundreds of books. I love my books. But I really love my kid's artwork.

Administrative "kangaroo court" proceedings will now ensue.

Under the law, I am required to exhaust all administrative remedies before appealing whatever decision is made to a district court.

Orlylicious, I do adore you!! :lovestruck:

No Dean can fire a professor. Only the university can fire a professor. I do believe the Dean had permission to have Clements removed from the classroom.

On the christian grifter site, Clements says he was fired. He was not. He is on paid administrative leave.

I was fairly certain Clements wasn't fired. I've never seen a professor flat out fired in just a few days. There is a very long administrative process that can drag on for a long time before a college can fire a professor. NMSU is unionized.

It's EXTREMELY hard to fire a unionized professor.

Clements is willing to teach. He showed up to teach and did teach until he was banned from campus. Depending on the wording of his contract and the new covid related employee policies and NM employment law, Clements might be able to keep his job, if he wants to.

The university will have a compelling "hostile classroom" reasoning for firing Clements. What he said in his Rumble post, calling some of his students "good little gestapo" was egregious.
Days after receiving an award for teaching excellence, a business professor at New Mexico State University has been removed from his classroom at the start of the fall semester.

David Clements, an assistant professor of finance at NMSU’s College of Business, posted video of an introductory lecture in which he announced that he would not be enforcing or following the university’s COVID-19 policies on mask use or vaccines.

“As you can see, I am not wearing a mask,” he tells students in the video. “Why is that? Because I haven’t lost my mind, that’s why. I will not wear a mask.”

He also said he would refuse the required COVID-19 vaccination or weekly testing for the disease.

“Whether you want to wear a mask in my class is between you and God,” he tells the class, promising the course will be available online as an alternative. “You signed up for a face-to-face class and I’m going to teach a face-to-face class.”

On Monday, Clements posted on Telegram, a messaging app and social media platform, claiming his resistance to the policies led to him being relieved of his teaching responsibilities for “gross misconduct,” and the removal of professor James Hoffman as dean of the business college.

The university announced Monday that Hoffman would return to teaching full-time and named professor Mary Jo Billiot as acting dean. Billiot is a professor of accounting, and an interim associate dean for finance and research at the business college.

Citing confidential personnel matters, NMSU spokesman Justin Bannister did not reveal any reason for the switch and would not comment on Clements’ status, except to confirm that he remains an employee of the university.

Clements did not respond to queries sent via his personal website.

On Telegram, Clements stated that Hoffman “was ordered by the university to come to my morning class and see if I was complying with the mask mandate. … He asserted his strong belief in the exercise of free speech. He then left me to teach my class.”

While the university states that Clements remains an employee, an online fundraiser on Clements’ behalf claims he was “fired for standing up.”

The fundraiser was initiated by Joe Oltmann, founder of the conservative political group FEC United and a promoter of conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election. As of 1 p.m. Tuesday, the campaign had raised more than $200,000 in donations.
Clements will end up fired or be forced to resign. He will be given a good severance. He's still being paid, and absolutely will get $500,000.

Don't believe anything Clements says about his relationship with NMSU unless he provides evidence or the university confirms his claim.
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by notorial dissent »

I think Clements has a as much difficulty with telling the truth as he does with reality.
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by LM K »

bob wrote: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:20 pm :snippity:
Among Clements' sins: not teaching actual business law.

* * *

I always was a bit curious why Clements started teaching undergraduates, as his resume (and online persona) do not seem like someone who would get much satisfaction from teaching the basics of contract law.

He still has his law license; he might be able to slide back into litigating, or whatever.
He's a flaming narcissist. I suspect he thought he'd give teaching a try. His reputation as an educator is fairly good.

Clements seems easily bored. And he wants a platform to influence others.
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by LM K »

notorial dissent wrote: Wed Aug 25, 2021 3:22 am I think Clements has a as much difficulty with telling the truth as he does with reality.
He does. He's very self-involved and this is all a game to him. He's trying to become relevant in some way.
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by woodworker »

Apropos Lindell wanting to go straight to appeal -- I don't know what the relevant jurisdictional rules are for appealing money judgments, but I suspect that when Lindell loses he would have to post a bond to cover the trial judgement. IIRC, in California you have to post a bond equal to 150% of the trial award. I cannot see any financially stable surety company bonding such an appeal, which means Lindell would have to come up with cash -- which ain't gonna happen unless he liquidates his company. I am confident the right wing orchestra will complain about how unfair this is and that it will push My POS into bankruptcy whilst shoving Gawker down the memory hole. Once again it will be punitive laws for thee, but not for me.

Personally, I want the entire fucking trial, pre-trial and principal depositions to be publicly televised. Mikey will be screaming that he never said any of the things he said, when presented with video he will scream photoshop and/or that he was on dope and/or that he has seen the light and je'ayesuss has forgiven him, so can't we all get along, and start by putting the great orange shitgibbon back in office and executing anyone who disagrees with him.

Oh, and can we get the copying contract for the respective document productions. We can get Orly to help with the zibits.
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by Foggy »

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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by Volkonski »

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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by Luke »

8-) :thumbsup:


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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by Jim »

Minnesota judge orders transfer of Mike Lindell countersuits to D.C.
Mike Lindell's federal countersuits against a voting machine company are being moved to the Washington, D.C.-based federal court where the MyPillow CEO and his Chaska-based company face $1.3 billion in defamation claims.

U.S. District Judge Patrick Schiltz on Wednesday ordered the two lawsuits filed by Lindell and MyPillow against Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic transferred to the District of Columbia, where a judge recently ruled the defamation suit against Lindell over his claims that those companies helped steal the 2020 election can continue.

At a hearing conducted last week via teleconference in Minnesota, Schiltz described the "tremendous overlap" between the cases in Minnesota and D.C. Attorneys for Lindell and MyPillow said they preferred to continue litigating in Minnesota but would not stand in the way of a transfer.

"Your lawsuit here is basically saying that lawsuit out in D.C. is illegal," Schiltz said. "I understand you're alleging it is part of a bigger conspiracy … but the lawsuit in D.C. is the centerpiece of your lawsuit here, and it kind of seems strange that we would take discovery and litigate whether the D.C. lawsuit is a good lawsuit here while you're out in D.C. taking discovery and litigating whether the D.C. lawsuit is a good lawsuit out there."
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by raison de arizona »

LM K wrote: Wed Aug 25, 2021 3:45 am
notorial dissent wrote: Wed Aug 25, 2021 3:22 am I think Clements has a as much difficulty with telling the truth as he does with reality.
He does. He's very self-involved and this is all a game to him. He's trying to become relevant in some way.
Just got an update from the donation page:
Clarification from Joe that I think is important
August 25, 2021facebook twitter
I wanted to update everyone on a clarification. Although it is a forgone conclusion that Professor Clements will be fired, I wanted to clarify where he is in the process. David as been currently removed from teaching while they follow the adminstative process to complete the firing. He is committed to fighting this all the way to the end, even though the result is predetermined by the educational leadership that looks to strip him of his voice and his students of knowledge of the truth.

I think it is always important to clarify fully the narrative so it accurately reflects where in the process Professor Clements is. Please take the time to pray for David and his family. The road will be rocky but we know how it ends. God wins...

-Joe Oltmann
The giving seems to have slowed down, he's at $253,659.
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by woodworker »

orlylicious wrote: Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:34 pm 8-) :thumbsup:


Cue the great orange shitgibbon screaming executive privilege, with dershowitz leading the choir in a hearty rendition of "yes, we know that normally the privilege resides with the current holder of the office, but in this case we should honor trump's request in order to help heal the country."

OT: some years ago I had a colleague for whom I had a reasonable level of respect, both professionally and as a hooomon being. Then he, and his wife, praised Dennis Prager and Mark Levin to me. To say I erupted would be akin to describing Krakatoa as a campfire. Fuck them all. I find myself getting less and less tolerant of stupidity, racism, ignorance, etc. -- I just can't abide it.
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Re: Mike Lindell's Frank & MyStore & 'Cyber Symposium' & Other #FAILS - FrankSpeech


Post by Slim Cognito »

woodworker wrote: Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:29 pm ...Fuck them all. I find myself getting less and less tolerant of stupidity, racism, ignorance, etc. -- I just can't abide it.

This is me. I never suffered fools gladly, now I'm dropping doors when unmasked people enter a store as I leave.
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