Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by TheNewSaint »

I've said it many times, but what does Karl think a dollar collapse would do to his trust fund?
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

JPC, you are awesome, love your posts! Thank you for that explanation.

Maybe #FatRambo is reading here because on Telegram he is really angry...



According to THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, you know, The Constitution and The Bill Of Rights? Republicans, Democrats, and POTUSs, DON'T HAVE ANY POWER OR SPENDING AUTHORITY TO - DO - ANYTHING WHATSOEVER ANYWAY! UNDER THE RULE OF LAW, WHAT THE HELL DOES WHO WE ELECT, for President and/or Federal Offices HAVE TO DO WITH IT???


Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER:

"The powers (which also means ALL SPENDING) not delegated to the United States by the Constitution (under ARTICLE I Section 8), nor prohibited by it to the States (under ARTICLE I Section 10) ARE RESERVED TO THE STATES RESPECTIVELY, OR TO THE PEOPLE."

So for God's sake THINK! The POTUS nor Republicans or Democrats HAVE ANY POWER, or SPENDING AUTHORITY TO DO ANYTHING, UNLESS IT IS LISTED UNDER ARTICLE I Section 8! ALL POWERS and ALL SPENDING, BY SUPREME LAW, is reserved to the States respectively, or to We The People.





1.) We have to SURROUND, JUST ONE STATE CAPITOL, with HUNDREDS of American families numbering between 3 and 13 family members each. INCLUDING unweened infants.


3.) Bring camp chairs, ground blankets, sleeping bags, headlamps, lanterns, coolers, camp stoves, food, water, beverages and tents. Sleep under the stars if you want.

4.) LIVE THERE FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES, UNTIL HELL FREEZES OVER, The Second Coming OR the State Legislators and Governor sponsors and passes an exact facsimile of The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and augments them with AN ARREST PROVISION.

5.) The Constitutional Law in #4 above will give that State the tools they need to State Nullify at least ONE HUNDRED Republican, Democrat and POTUS usurpation of Powers, SPENDING, Unlawful Income and Employer Taxation PER MONTH and ENFORCE each and EVERY State Nullification by County Sheriff Law Enforcement ACTION backed by the AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second Amendment LAW, Operating under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15, if and when necessary, who are currently stationed in every neighborhood near YOU! The monthly Constitutional State Nullifications of no less than ONE HUNDRED Republican, Democrat and POTUS INSURRECTION and and Capital Felony TREASON against Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER shall continue until all usurped Powers, all usurped SPENDING, all UNLAWFUL usurped Income and Employer Taxation on the American people are restored as ARE RESERVED TO THE STATES RESPECTIVELY, OR TO THE PEOPLE! At the end of the day, that will incrementally DOUBLE each and every weekly take home paycheck, cash on the barrel, the way The Rule Of Law, in our Constitutional REPUBLIC meant it to be. Our States, our local economies and our American families will be FREE and VERY wealthy! As, BY LAW, in a "republican form of government" (ARTICLE IV Section 4) IT IS TO BE, REGARDLESS who we vote for POTUS or US Congress. FOR THAT IS THE RULE OF OUR LAWS upon all POTUS, ALL SCOTUS, ALL Republicans and All Democrats, NO MATTER WHO WE VOTE FOR! THAT IS THE LAW!

6.) OCCUPY State Capitol Grounds and LIVE THERE until the State Legislators and Governor does THEIR JOB under the law by passing The K & V augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION and State nullifies the first month of continuing monthly nullifications of ONE HUNDRED each, Republican, Democrat and POTUS INSURRECTIONS and Capital Felony TREASON against Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, since the 1913 TRIFECTA of Constitutional INSURRECTION and TREASON.

7.) Almost instantaneously the balance of the States will do the same. And then, our Free, Independent and SOVEREIGN home Countries, IN PURSUANCE of Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, and We The People, individually, will be truly FREE and very wealthy!

QUIT BEING SO DAMN IGNORANT AND STUPID being concerned about who is going to be elected for President and Congress, who UNDER THE RULE OF LAW, HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO POWER or SPENDING AUTHORITY, but that delegated, and GET THE HELL OUT TO ONLY ONE, STATE CAPITOL GROUNDS and TAKE IT OVER or the Legislature and Governor WILL NEVER do what our Founding Fathers said they are "DUTY BOUND" to do! And, that is to STATE NULLIFY every single usurpation of Powers, SPENDING and unlawful Income and Employer Taxation NOT DELEGATED TO THEM under ARTICLE I Section 8 of The Constitution.

Once the Dollar collapses, before the end of the year, IT WILL BE TOO LATE to do this. Then there will be NO MONEY to buy ANYTHING. No electricity, no gasoline, no diesel, no lights, no heat, no A/C. no water, no sleeping bags, no blankets, no coolers, no tents, etc... And, all because you IGNORAMOUSES were/are worried about who was/is elected for POTUS and Congress when We "ordained and established" A REPUBLIC of Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER and OUTLAWED a Democracy of Mob Voting Rule under ARTICLE IV Section 4 of THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND.

WISE UP or DIE of your own ignorance and stupidly, without any lights, food, water, heat, A/C or anything else. NOT EVEN LIBERTY!

- Capt. Karl
Operating under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution

https://www.peoplealwayswin.com/2021/07 ... idens-doj/

Fascinating, Amazing Factoid. JUST FOR INTEREST:

For a break from these days that try the souls of men, and the pressures involved. Being unanimously elected as Captain of The A-TEAM by a host of volunteer AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES troops, studying War and AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES history before and since The Revolutionary War against our tyrannical, despotic, oppressive Cops and Troops in Redcoats and our first World Superpower Empire Government. And, relating who, pursuant to 10 U.S. Code 246 makes up our AMFF Troops of today, currently stationed in every neighborhood near YOU, I find this utterly fascinating.

Did you ever watch a TV show called Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea? I just realized that the Submarine Seaview was not a U.S. Military nor Naval vessel. In fact it was CIVILIAN. A very advanced Nuclear Submarine with advanced Nuclear weapons.

WOW talk about SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! 😎 And, talk about obedience to The Second Amendment LAW; "A well regulated Militia (note: the words regulate and regulated, back when The Constitution and The Bill Of Rights were drafted, and therefore today as well, means; TO MAKE REGULAR - thus meaning by Law there is to be a Citizens Militia in every neighborhood from Sea to Shining Sea) being necessary to the security of a free State, the Right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."

I guess back in the days they produced that TV show, they really comprehended the factual meaning of the words, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".

With the way The Deep State of Executive branch alphabet soup Agencies and Bureaus that are explicitly prohibited from even existing in the first place, pursuant to Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, We AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES could sure use her, today! 😍 🙏

- Capt. Karl
First Star Trek, now this. Is Kark getting drunk and watching PlutoTV or something? :lol:

KK Voyage.JPG
KK Voyage.JPG (89.96 KiB) Viewed 2158 times
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Azastan »

So has Kap'n Krunch Karl gotten himself a horse/mule yet? After all, that behemoth sucks down a horrid amount of fuel per mile which means he isn't going to get very far when the dollar collapses. He'd better get on the ball and find himself a good sturdy mount, because the good ones get snapped up fast. A good riding horse isn't cheap, either. Does he know how to trim feet? Forge a shoe? Does he know how to ride?
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by TheNewSaint »

YES, you can tell that KARL must be REALLY ANGRY because HE IS USING SO MUCH ALL CAPS.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by PaulG »

"Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea". or alternate title, "Capt Karl Takes Charge Of A Battleship"
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by TheNewSaint »

PaulG wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2021 9:38 pm "Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea". or alternate title, "Capt Karl Takes Charge Of A Battleship"
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by arayder »

noblepa wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2021 5:17 pm
arayder wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2021 12:37 pm
TheNewSaint wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:15 am If any mass societal breakdown happens so long as COVID still exists, the anti-vaxers are going to be first up against the wall.
Karl's theory is a variation of the "Great Reset" stuff Christopher Bruce posts all the time.

It makes no sense that the powers that be would plunge the world into another dark age so they can get the stuff out of dead people's houses.

The powers that be could save themselves all the trouble by raising taxes and hiking up the cost of cable.
Also, Bill Gates, George Soros and all the other billionaires, along with the banks and other financial institutions would have the most to lose in a total economic collapse.
These reversal of fortune fantasies have become a stories that cycles through the poot sub-culture independent of logic.

Dope Clock II: It's been 43 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by KickahaOta »

The thing that never ceases to amaze me about every one of the 'great reset' fantasies isn't that they have no basis in law or economics or politics. The fact that every part of the logistics is implausible is a given as well. The thing that amazes me is the fantasists' utter misunderstanding of where they stand in the global social order.

Suppose that we actually did the sort of great reset that they think is on the horizon. Suppose everyone gets a zillion New Equality Dollars. So many New Equality Dollars that the billionaires' Lousy Old Dollars, and everyone's debts, are nothing but a rounding error. Everyone's a zillionaire.

Now, there are some of these fantasists whose vision flat-out stops at this point. Their vision is 'I'll be a zillionaire, and I'll get to life a lifestyle just like the lousy old billionaires do now.' And it doesn't occur to them that if everyone's a zillionaire, no one will be remotely interested in doing all the myriad humdrum manufacturing and commercial and service jobs that make the billionaire's lifestyle possible.

But a lot of them, I think, see at least a bit farther than that. They understand that they won't be Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. But they still see themselves as the big winners of the reset. They still think that they'll be living much better than they do now.

And it somehow never occurs to them that there are somewhere just shy of 8 billion people on this planet. And that the average yearly world salary -- among those able to get a job that's actually salaried -- is probably a bit less than $18000. And that there are close to a billion people in the world getting by on less than $1.90 per day.

If you're in a wealthy country like most of the 'great reset' champions are, even if you are near the low end of the economic scale, a true equalization would almost certainly make your day-to-day circumstances a lot worse.

And that's where the 'great reset' belief becomes toxic and not just silly. Because if you want to believe that a reset will really improve your station in life, then you have to consciously or subconsciously believe that vast numbers of people don't count. Just like sovcits believe that only a few rules apply to them -- and that those rules just happen to be the ones the sovcits like -- the great resetters have to devise justifications for why the vast majority of people -- all those inconvenient people below them on the current economic scale -- shouldn't count. And those justifications are often truly ugly.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by johnpcapitalist »

KickahaOta wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:15 pm The thing that never ceases to amaze me about every one of the 'great reset' fantasies isn't that they have no basis in law or economics or politics. The fact that every part of the logistics is implausible is a given as well. The thing that amazes me is the fantasists' utter misunderstanding of where they stand in the global social order.
Thanks for the nicely written post. I agree with what you've said. Your post sparked something that took me in a slightly different direction.

I would suspect that the Great Reset crowd may be highly correlated with millenarian (a.k.a., apocalyptic) Christian belief: that Jesus is coming back in our lifetimes (with the more recent belief added on that he sure is going to be mad at people who don't believe the way I think people should).

The mode of thought is that people believe some supernatural force is going to come back to Earth and put things to right. The Millenarian view is that Jesus will smite all those people who kept me from making as much money as I thought I deserved, those people who laughed at my religious beliefs when I tried to "minister" to them, and those "other" people like blacks, browns, gays, etc. who I think my holy book says it's OK to hate.

The "Global Reset" is very similar in unfolding, except that there's not a hippie white guy named Jesus at the head of the column. At some level, the Global Reset fans have to believe that only the "elect" will get all that free money, because they sure wouldn't want those scary non-white non-straight people to get any of it. That's why the Global Reset fantasy is often built around Iraqi dinars, etc., since "investing" in those things is something the "elect" can do that the great unwashed either can't (because they have no money) or because they won't (because they recognize it'll never work).

There's probably a narrative of tribulation and trial in there somewhere, as the Global Reset believer is tested by the wicked temptation of the world, to admit he was conned, by anger from parents for looting the trust fund to pay for this idea, etc. All that reinforces the conviction that they must be right, if they can just keep believing hard enough.

The notion that outsiders denying the Sacred Truth is because of jealousy that they're not the elect is a cornerstone of cultic "thought reform" (the currently in-vogue term for what some used to cal brainwashing). This is essential to cutting people off from any sort of inquiry to find the truth, and thus keeping them stuck in the cultish belief system.

Another thing about apocalyptic belief systems is that they believe what's on the other side of Armageddon is so wonderful that they actually embrace lighting everything on fire to bring about the ruin and rubble sooner. That's true of certain strains of Christian thought, certain Muslim extremists and some of the anti-government extremist groups ("accelerationism" to bring about a civil war sooner). That's what makes them so dangerous.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by arayder »

Good observations all.

It's also a fantasy right out of a zombi apocalypse movie in which the long misunderstood loner becomes the hero because he can kill zombies quicker and more effectively than any of the formerly successful guys in the group.

Joe: "We have to make a run to the water plant or we'll all die of thrust. Karl, you'll have to lead the group. . .you are the best zombi killer we have!"

Lola: "Oh, Karl, we're all counting on you!"

Dope Clock II: It's been 43 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by johnpcapitalist »

arayder wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:25 pm Good observations all.

It's also a fantasy right out of a zombi apocalypse movie in which the long misunderstood loner becomes the hero because he can kill zombies quicker and more effectively than any of the formerly successful guys in the group.

Joe: "We have to make a run to the water plant or we'll all die of thrust. Karl, you'll have to lead the group. . .you are the best zombi killer we have!"

Lola: "Oh, Karl, we're all counting on you!"
Brilliant. You're describing preppers in a nutshell. From zero to hero in one apocalypse flat.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Foggy »

:fingerwag: Zombies aren't even allowed to exist in the first place. :whistle:

Oh wait, I forgotted to make that all caps. :doh:
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

Foggy wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 3:34 pm :fingerwag: Zombies aren't even allowed to exist in the first place. :whistle:

Oh wait, I forgotted to make that all caps. :doh:
FEDERAL ZOMBIES BECAUSE OF THE 9TH AND 10TH AMENDMENT AND NOT SPECIFICALLY GRANTED IN ARTICLE 10 SUMPIN, but individual and state zombies, well state rights which exist until Kar doesn't like them then, criminal.

Karl is my pick for the person who shall go out and lead and make it happen. He has already shown his ability to get the job done as he has arrested all of the judges and BLUECOATS and SURROUNDED the Utah Capitol until the state passes an exact fax of the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions,WITH SPRINKLES. An exact facsimile must be on thermal paper or it does not count.
101010 :towel:
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by notorial dissent »

Except for the bit that puts the militia directly under the control and authority of the State and/or Federal gov't. There is nothing in the constitution about do it yourself militias where you get a bunch of your drunken, or fantasy, buds together and elect yourself Grand Poobah, so there's his damned Fedcoats again screwing over his fantasies.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Mr brolin »


The Militia Act of 1903 (appropriately sometimes named teh Dick Act) does have a separate form of the militia

https://govtrackus.s3.amazonaws.com/leg ... -Pg775.pdf

Organized militia – consisting of State Defense Forces, the National Guard and Naval Militia.

Unorganized militia – comprising the reserve militia: every able-bodied man of at least 17 and under 45 years of age, not a member of the State Defense Forces, National Guard, or Naval Militia.

( https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/246)

The unorganized (a definition of every act of the poots, it must be said) would fall under the same rules, laws and regulations as the organized militia however the enforcement of same and the time of applicability is rather unstated.

One would venture that anyone can CALL themselves the "Unorganized", play act as such and are held as "relatively" harmless until such time as they actually attempted to apply themselves to anything that falls outside of the rights, authorities and permissions of any generic member of the public.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by TheNewSaint »

Mr brolin wrote: Tue Aug 03, 2021 4:58 am The Militia Act of 1903
but but but but but but THAT'S NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION! And I don't like it so it is therefore unconstitutional!
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

I remember how the right gets all uptight when government and even private groups offer to buy guns from folks and destroy them (the guns, not the people). Some of the right goes ballistic as if the Constitution guaranteed the rights of guns, not the gun owners but the guns themselves.

Once again, my gun, my choice means nothing to them. Freedom is about having freedom control the lives of others. Freedoms to do what I want, especially if they don't like it.. that is not freedom.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Foggy »

Selling your gun to somebody who YOU VERY WELL KNOW is planning to squish it like a bug and burn it to ashes and flush the ashes down the toilet because guns are evil is not in the Constitution OR the Magna Carta. A mean, disgraceful, horrible thing like that is a violation of the SPIRIT of the Second Amendment. :fingerwag:
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

Like a "fail" of birthers, what do you call a bunch of posts from Karl Koenigs on Telegram? Would that be a "dump" of posts?

Scir is our #FatRambo specialist, who is Shawna? Will she prosecute the Judge, DA and all BLUEcosts involved in these Capital Felony crimes?

And, um, Karl thinks he deserves a sabbatical or might take retirement! "Good bye my fellow Patriots of Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER. See you at the next tour of duty, ON THE OTHER SIDE, of THE PURGE." OK, what's really going on??
A TOP PATRIOT of CONSTITUTIONAL LAW and ORDER that We The People, according to the Preamble of The Constitution "ordained and established", upon all Judges, DAs and their BLUEcoat henchmen all Capital Felony perpetrators of TITLE 18 U.S. Code Sections 241 and 242 Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law and TAXATION BY CITATION, was lawlessly arrested this morning as the BLUEcoat Capital Felony criminals lay in wait for their female victim who was going to Church.

We hope and pray that Shawna, with the aid and support of numerous Patriots of Constitutional LAW and ORDER will prosecute the Judge, DA and all BLUEcoats involved in these Capital Felony crimes. Many of our Top Patriots will be at the Courtroom Crime scene as The Judge violates her God endowed individual unalienable Rights and perpetrates many crimes against the Law and a plethora of Federal and SCOTUS precedent protecting her right to Travel by any means of conveyance she desires without any fees, Vehicle Registration or Driver's License. :brickwallsmall:

It is our fervent hope that the Judge, DA, and BLUEcoats involved in these Capital Felony crimes are put away in prison for at least two full years, as an example to anyone who would violate their Oath of Office.

See; https://www.peoplesrights.org/news_view ... 5a4145b835

Give them a little break. All of the commumists/Socialists and the so called "Conservatives" who only believe in voting for LYING under handed Republican enemies of Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, along with The Republicans and the Democrats and by divine Providence, the plethora of Federal Executive branch Agencies and Bureaus that are explicitly prohibited from even existing in the first place, pursuant to Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, ARE ALL GOING TO BE DEAD as a door nail between 1 and 2 years. They are the ones who took the Jab Bio-Weapon/Toxin. The Constitutionalists and AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second Amendment LAW DID NOT and are not going to. We are the only ones going to be left alive. Think of the permutations. PRAISE BE TO GOD!

At least we AMFF won't have to deal with the US Military engaging against the American people nor The Constitution for long! 🙂

Obviously, when the US Dollar utterly collapses BEFORE THIS YEAR IS OUT, :brickwallsmall: POTUS is going to order the US Military into the streets, as well as UN Peacekeepers and all the Foreign troops they trained at Fort Campbell, over the last fifteen years in mock cities and towns for Martial Law and gun confiscation upon the American people.

They are all going to die 1 - 2 years tops after getting Jabbed with the Bio-Weapon/Toxin.

PRAISE BE TO GOD! He has confounded the enemy, just as during Moses.

The Global Reset IS DOOMED! PRAISE BE TO GOD, who fights our battles for We The People against our elected and appointed enemies of Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER.

I seriously might go into retirement.* God has this handled. Just have to lay low, survive with no food, no water, no lights, no electricity, no heat or A/C for just 1 or 2 years. No Problem! Just have to guard against looters...

The only people who took the Jab are Socialists/Communists, Conservatives/Republicans who are truly Socialists in sheep's clothing. All the bad people, who do not support Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER and The Rule of Constitutional Laws upon all our elected and appointed Public SERVANTS took the Jab!

And, ALL God's Constitutional Patriots said; "AMEN!"

https://www.military.com/daily-news/202 ... ccine.html

After 17 Years of research, working with numerous Constitutional Patriot Orgs from around the Union, including being an unanimously elected Capt. in the AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second Amendment LAW, Operating under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution, the/my most Wonderful Father God has authorized me a sabbatical.**

He has FOUGHT OUR Battle against both Republican and Democrat and POTUS enemies of Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, for us! He has, just exactly like in Old Testament times confounded our Republican, Democrat, POTUS, Socialist and Communist as well as our Conservative/Republican enemies of Tenth Amendment LAW. :?:

LET HE WHO HAS EARS, HEAR... HE WHO HAS EYES SEE, THINK AND PONDER DEEPLY; The ONLY Americans who are taking the Vax/Jab Toxin/Bio-Weapon are:

1.) Our elected and appointed enemies of Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER.

2.) All Socialist/Communist Liberals throughout the Union.

3.) All so call "Conservative"/Republicans who constantly state; "If you would just do whatsoever what the BLUEcoats ORDER you to do, EVEN if it violates your God endowed RIGHTS and is thus against the Rule of The supreme Law of the Land, you wouldn't have any troubles. And, their answer for everything is "just vote for a Republican President and Congress members. Therefore and thereby Conservatives are our worst enemies of Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, of ALL.

4.) PRAISE BE TO GOD. ALL of the Socialist/Communists, Conservative "Vote for Republicans", who spent DOUBLE what the Democrats spent in Socialist/Communist spending, and out Democrated the Democrats in pure unadulterated unmitigated usurpation against 10th Amendment LAW and ORDER, get this, THEY ALL TOOK THE JAB!

The US Military, UN Peacekeepers and foreign Troops, all trained for Martial Law and gun confiscation upon all Americans have taken THE JAB!

The ONLY Americans who haven't taken the Jab are Jeffersonian Constitutionalists and AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second.

Therefore, I am taking a year or two Subbatical, until mop up AMFF troops are needed to restore Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER upon all fresh Republicans, Democrats, POTUS and SCOTUS. All of the plethora of God confounded Executive branch alphabet soup of Deep State Agencies and Bureaus that are explicitly prohibited from even existing in the first place, pursuant to Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, have taken the Jab. So they are all as good as DEAD as a door nail.

For all the enemies of The Constitution and especially 10th Amendment LAW and ORDER will be lying DEAD in the streets.

We just need to escape THE PURGE somehow and lie low, to come back in a year to 1 1/2 years and takeover their food, water and provisions including guns and ammo, before the One World Government does. Just a matter of timing!

Good bye my fellow Patriots of Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER. See you at the next tour of duty, ON THE OTHER SIDE, of THE PURGE. The PURGE being the time of neighbors are looting, raiding and shooting all other neighbors to feed, water and supply their families after the Dollar utterly collapses well BEFORE the end of this year.

All Patriots need to protect themselves and their families FOR THE DURATION OF THE PURGE, which will last 1 - 2 years following the collapse of the Dollar and lasting for the time it takes the Jab to kill all enemies of Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER.

According to FOX Business Network, well over 170 MILLION Americans, all who will die between today and two years from now. :?: When we come back from our refuges of safety from THE PURGE, caused by utter collapse of the Dollar, many homes, towns and cities will be mostly devoid of human life. We can start America over, this time making sure our State Legislators and Governor consistently honor their Oath and duty to State Nullify, each Nullification enforced by County Sheriff Law Enforcement ACTION, backed by AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second Amendment LAW, Operating under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15, if and when necessary.

In the meantime, Patriots of Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER upon all Republicans, Democrats, POTUSs and SCOTUS, during THE PURGE; keep your chins up, your heads down, and dig your foxholes deep!

Good luck and God be with you and yours during THE PURGE.

- Capt. Karl

Three Hours Later and... He's Back!

Foreign ILLEGAL Alien Invaders, who evade the 5 - 7 year PROBATIONARY PERIOD of Classes on Top of Classes to learn what it means to walk, talk, the language, how an AMERICAN thinks, our beliefs, our values and principles, our traditions and holidays, our World Unique AMERICAN Culture, The Declaration of Independence and its two dovetail documents of the Supreme Law Of The Land, called The Constitution and The Bill Of Rights, and The American way, JUST DO NOT KNOW, and most don't care to know, WHAT IT MEANS to be AN AMERICAN.

The vast majority simply want to take over a town, city, or regions and DECLARE it for their people and their Culture. And, if you ask them they will gladly and proudly say; "What's wrong with that?" Meaning, yes, we came here specifically to INVADE to takeover parts of your County, and turn your World unique American Culture into ours for the areas our people conquer. ASK THEM. Don't take it from me. They are specifically here to: 1.) Better their lives using (UP) WHAT the World unique AMERICAN Culture created. And, 2. to take a town, a city, a school, a region of America over for their people and their culture.

As the Founding Father KNEW THIS from all of World history and the rise and fall of Nations, multiculturalism ALWAYS resulted in Race Riots, Culture Wars, Division and ALWAYS cities and towns literally being placed by the Foreign ILLEGAL Alien Invasion Forces, ON FIRE!!

That is why the Founding Fathers drafted the Naturalization Laws of 5 - 7 year PROBATIONARY PERIOD to teach all immigrants what it means, what it looks like, how it feels, to change Cultures, ways, traditions, holidays and become ONE OF US in E PLURIBUS UNUM in AMERICAN Brotherhood REGARDLESS of Race, Color, Creed or Country of Origin.

BECAUSE UNITED WE STAND (To ENFORCE Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER upon all Republicans, Democrats and POTUSs) DIVIDED WE FALL into their Serfs and Vassals.

Multiculturalism has caused DESOLATION in many HUNDREDS of Cultures over the last millennium. That is why the Founding Fathers procured the Wisdom and Discernment, including from the Mosaic period of the Old Testament, to DELEGATE the Republicans, Democrats and the POTUS to: Prohibit the Migration and Importation of Persons AFTER THE YEAR 1808, when the World UNIQUE AMERICAN Culture was established, FOR PURPOSES and REASON not only for eliminating the disease of Slavery, but to CREATE E PLURIBUS UNUM regardless of Race, Color, Creed or Country of Origin, via our World Unique AMERICAN Culture; From Many Countries and Cultures, ONE and ONLY ONE, AMERICAN Culture, so that all of us AMERICANS can be Brothers UNITED not DIVIDED, regardless of Race, Color, Creed or Country of Origin.

Let he who has ears, hear... He who has eyes, see.

For without E PLURIBUS UNUM as scribed into our coins / money, and The Naturalization Laws / Probationary Period to teach Migrants what it MEANS TO BE AN AMERICAN. The Founding Fathers saw our towns, cities and Mountains ON FIRE in Race Riots, Culture Wars, and Invasions to take over America from the INSIDE Out. Just as this song speaks of:

E PLURIBUS UNUM, via our Constitution's Naturalization/PROBATIONARY Laws, eviscerating Multiculturalism, is the Foundation of Peace, AMERICAN Brotherhood and Prosperity REGARDLESS of Race, Color, Creed or Country of Origin! And, it is THE SUPREME LAW of The Land, for that very reason.

Think of this song, and remember, WE Don't Want The FIRE!!!


Oh, misty eye of the mountain below
Keep careful watch of my brothers' souls
And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke
Keep watching over Durin's son

If this is to end in fire
Then we should all burn together
Watch the flames climb high into the night
Calling out father oh, stand by and we will
Watch the flames burn on and on the mountain side hey

And if we should die tonight
Then we should all die together
Raise a glass of wine for the last time
Calling out father oh
Prepare as we will
Watch the flames burn on and on the mountain side
Desolation comes upon the sky

Now I see fire, inside the mountain
I see fire, burning the trees
And I see fire, hollowing souls
And I see fire, blood in the breeze
And I hope that you'll remember me

Oh, should my people fall
Then surely I'll do the same
Confined in mountain halls
We got too close to the flame
Calling out father oh, hold fast and we will
Watch the flames burn on and on the mountain side
Desolation comes upon the sky

Now I see fire, inside the mountain
I see fire, burning the trees
And I see fire, hollowing souls
And I see fire, blood in the breeze
And I hope that you'll remember me

And if the night is burning
I will cover my eyes
For if the dark returns then
My brothers will die
And as the sky's falling down
It crashed into this lonely town
And with that shadow upon the ground
I hear my people screaming out

Now I see fire, inside the mountain
I see fire, burning the trees
And I see fire, hollowing souls
And I see fire, blood in the breeze

I see fire, oh you know I saw a city burning (fire)
And I see fire, feel the heat upon my skin (fire)
And I see fire (fire)
And I see fire (burn on and on and mountains side)

- Capt. Karl
Operating Under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution ("To Execute the Laws of the Union" which are only three; The currently existing in full force and effect FIRST law in U.S. Code called The Declaration Of Independence; the whole Constitution and the entire Bill Of Rights)

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[Forwarded from Capt. Karl Koenigs]
Just finished watching the whole vid... I guess our Father didn't want our elected and appointed enemies of the Tenth Amendment Law, The Constitution and The Bill Of Rights to have the means to force His Constitutional Patriots of His Church to take the Vax/Jab and die like has been done to our Socialist/Communist Liberals, Republicans & Democrats and the so called Conservatives who don't even pay lip service to Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER upon all Republicans and Democrats and POTUSs.

Now that the Lord has fought our Jeffersonian battles for us and in the process of cleansing America of all anti-Constitutionalists who stand against Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, he is taking away all power to force us, His Church, Constitutional Patriots and American Militia Freedom Forces of the Second Amendment Law, to take the CONvid19 Toxin/Bio-Weapon.

It was reported on FOX Business Network that well over 170 MILLION took the Jab willingly. The thing of it is they are nearly all the Socialist/Communist Liberals and The Republican, Democrat and so called Conservative enemies of Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, who only believe in voting for Republican Presidents and Congressmen who spit on Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER daily and have thereby destroyed our LIVES, LIBERTY, PROPERTY, the value of the Dollar, and very soon in super hyperinflation, our economy, utterly.


* RETIREMENT? From WHAT? :lol:

** A SABBATICAL? From WHAT? Since the Utah protest was so successful? :lol:

He is something else.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Uninformed »

shawna Cox. She of the “gun it” to the late tarpman (lavoy Finicum). Scir Reeve has posted about her being up on traffic charges, on the Bundy thread.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Shawna Cox got pulled over for speeding in May and got cited for no DL, no insurance, no registration. She didn't show up for court so warrant was issued and she was pulled over and thrown in jail for a day or 2 before her arraignment (h/t Poppy for finding the charges). She is a crazy sovcit idiot that was one of the Malheur defendants and, as uninformed points out, was the Gun It lady when Lavoy committed suicide by cop. She sued for $666 Billion once cuz sovcit reasons. She did not win as the case got tossed. Bundy 411 thread has more info on Shawnanana.

ETA that I saw a few pics of the poot protest at Shawna's arraignment. cRyan, Cliven, and Brand Nu were there. Did not see KKKarl in the pics.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

Karl is not great at long-term holding the line, or even short-term.
101010 :towel:
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Dave from down under »

"Therefore, I am taking a year or two Subbatical, until mop up AMFF troops are needed to restore Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER upon all fresh Republicans, Democrats, POTUS and SCOTUS."

Perhaps he has been sentenced to 24 months in jail...

or he is just planning on having a bender that will uninterrupted for that long..
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by thearmbarkid »

New edicts have been passed down. Nature really does abhor a vacuum.

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Dave from down under »

Will we see a Denny's court marshal of Krazy Karl for desertion?

(Denny's does desert <dessert> doesn't it? ;) )
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