Menard's new tall tale. . .

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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

TheNewSaint wrote: Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:11 am
arayder wrote: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:29 am Frankly, this self-deluding, haughty screed feigning moral and intellectual superiority is just the sort of hypocritical horse sh*t Bobby wallows in every day.
Oh, calm down. It's just a piece of internet effluvia that's been circulating in the poot-o-sphere: ... e&ie=UTF-8
"Poot-o-sphere". That's good.

It just grinds my gears me to see these folks convincing themselves that they are the brave and noble few because they won't wear masks or get immunized.

Dope Clock II: It's been 23 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth!
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Oh, no! It turns out the land Menard says he has an "agreement in principle" to buy is zoned for single family residences and not for a poot commune.

Well, no worries. Bobby will just send the zoning board some magic paperwork and it will all be alright in a jif.

Dope Clock II: It's been 26 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth!
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by woodworker »

Well, the zoning board is clearly illegal and can't exist -- it violates the US and Canadian Constitutions, the Treaty of Versailles, the Nuremburg Code, the Magna Carta, the Code of Hammurabi and the UCC. Bobby will set them straight (off to the nearest bar).
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

woodworker wrote: Fri Jul 16, 2021 1:24 pm Well, the zoning board is clearly illegal and can't exist -- it violates the US and Canadian Constitutions, the Treaty of Versailles, the Nuremburg Code, the Magna Carta, the Code of Hammurabi and the UCC. Bobby will set them straight (off to the nearest bar).
Let's not forget that years ago Menard said he was going to get the land for freeman valley by cashing in a sort of birth bond and confiscating a portion of Canadas federal lands.

Sounds absurd? Well, it's never about making sense or not repeating the same old stories. It's about giving the followers a chance to double down on the crazy talk. This is really important to Bobby right now because, after showing up for interviews while drunk, he's worn out his welcome with Beth Martens, the only poot media person that would bother with him.

Right now Bobby needs freemen to tell him they are with him. Whether artist valley happens (it won't) or not doesn't make any difference. Bobby just needs to pretend to the leader of a society of worshipful freemen.

Dope Clock II: It's been 26 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth!
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Robert Menard
Hey legal beagles I need your help! I am looking for a court case it was a precedent setting case we're in a guy argued that he got a right to a fair trial and therefore he's got a right to a lawyer of his choice and the crown had to pay for it. I'm pretty sure the name of the case starts with an m. Can anyone help?
After thousands of hours studying the law Menard still doesn't know how to Shepardize case law? Determining whether a case site is good law wasn't covered in the pre-LSAT exercises Bobby says he spent countless days completing?

Why is Bobby asking about something any wannabe law student could do standing on their head?

Why? Case law is not what the post is about. It's about Fez Boy inferring to his Facebook minions that he has an active case which, fantasizing he will win, would allow him to act as his client's lawyer.

It's all smoke, freeman lurkers.

Dope Clock II: It's been 28 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth!
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Over on his Facebook page Bobby is advocating that his minions protest Canada's covid 19 restrictions.

But Brain Fog Bobby seems unable to recall that he's already said protests are acceptance:

"Protest is not a rejection. It is a legal acceptance. So if you are protesting [something] you are legally accepting it!"*

See the 1:10 mark:

So the question is:

Has Bobby drank so many Mooseheads that he can't remember what he has said in the past, or is he just manipulating his newest minions?

Dope Clock II: It's been 30 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth!
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by Suranis »


More seriously, Conmen rarely change from the methods that worked in the past. They just correctly assume that the experienced people wont be listening to them anymore.

And that PT Barnum adage that "Its impossible to trick an honest man" holds true. You need greed in a new mark to reel them in. Sure you have doubts but... if what he is saying is true... *Block ears shut off brain hand over money.*
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Suranis wrote: Tue Jul 20, 2021 8:36 am Yes.

More seriously, Conmen rarely change from the methods that worked in the past. They just correctly assume that the experienced people wont be listening to them anymore.

And that PT Barnum adage that "Its impossible to trick an honest man" holds true. You need greed in a new mark to reel them in. Sure you have doubts but... if what he is saying is true... *Block ears shut off brain hand over money.*

Menard has latched onto the anti-mask movement as a source of new marks. He wants Facebook likes, clients for his legal advice service and investors in his fanciful artist valley project.

Dope Clock II: It's been 30 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth!
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Menard is stupid & dangerous.


Post by arayder »

Robert Menard
He is Austin Rayder. aka 'arayder'. I am pretty sure his real name is**** * *******, of Kentucky. He is a retired low level governmental bureaucrat with unresolved issues for his failure to do anything of substance with his government career and his inability to get elected or effect any positive change.
He is fundamentally a big coward, and a bully, who has to hide his true identity and spends his retirement harassing me and other activists, instead of spending time with his wife, who realized years ago he is a bullying and abusive narcissist, and thus is thankful he has an outlet for his psychopathy. His daughter ran away to Canada to try and escape his abusive nature.
He is a sad and lonely and ineffectual old-man with no friends in real life. I mostly feel sorry for him, though his fumbling ineffectual attempts to undermine my activities does make me laugh often.
Menard says he can't sue me because he can't find me. . .and then he tells everyone exactly who he thinks I am. In the past he's gone so far as to publish this man's address and post a google picture of his townhouse. Worse yet Lying Bobby has made up this guy's life story.

So who's the liar?

But the real problem is that I am not **** * ******, who is being subjected to possible harm upon being falsely identified as me.

Bobby's "research" consists of going through a few of Eldon Warman's old post in which the now dead nut case decided I had to be this guy.

Dope Clock II: It's been 31 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth!
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by Dave from down under »

Because Menard is stupid
He is a danger to himself and others.

Because he is so stupid he cannot conceive that he can be wrong about anything.

Because his marks are stupid,
Which is why he seeks them out..
They are dangerous to themselves and others.

The story of Menard is the story of stupid writ large and loud
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Dave from down under wrote: Wed Jul 21, 2021 9:56 am Because Menard is stupid
He is a danger to himself and others.

Because he is so stupid he cannot conceive that he can be wrong about anything.

Because his marks are stupid,
Which is why he seeks them out..
They are dangerous to themselves and others.

The story of Menard is the story of stupid writ large and loud
Well said.

Dope Clock II: It's been 31 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth!
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Which is the real Bobby?


Post by arayder »

From Bobby's Facebook page:
Robert Menard
Vision [for artist valley]
. . . we want to establish a self-sufficient community using local resources. This does not mean a complete rejection of all existing infrastructures and communities. For instance, our plan is to develop a community on the outskirts of an exiting municipality, operate within their bylaws and guidelines, pay property taxes as required. . .
Robert Menard
Is the government actually your enemy?
If you do not do what they order you to do, they take you to court, (which they control and operate) where they will willingly establish an adversarial relationship. They will use the taxes they extort from you to pay for it.
An adversary is an enemy.
Therefore, the government is actually your enemy, and you can only avoid their wrath by submitting to their will!
Could it be Bobby says whatever he has to say in the moment?

Dope Clock II: It's been 31 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth!
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by Dave from down under »





Generally successful conmen have a consistent pitch to the marks...

But Bobby has never been successful in anything.
So inconsistency is just to be expected from someone so stupid.
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Dave from down under wrote: Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:50 pm Bobby...




Generally successful conmen have a consistent pitch to the marks...

But Bobby has never been successful in anything.
So inconsistency is just to be expected from someone so stupid.
Is Bobby working on artist valley? Of course not. He's in narcissistic shock.

After showing up for one of Beth Martens' interviews three sheets to the wind a while ago he concocted a series of self-aggrandizing lies ending with the artist valley fairy tale, in an attempt to save his fragile ego.

Bobby's recent massive fails have exposed to him a sense of his defective self. He's trying desperately to cover up by stalking his detractors and endlessly posting on Facebook in the hopes he'll get some likes.

Dope Clock II: It's been 32 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth!
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

Get a load of this. The guy who had to flee the jurisdiction of the Ontario courts in order to keep from getting jailed for impersonating a peace officer is pontificating about freedom to travel.
Robert Menard
The height of stupidity is claiming that because you are 'allowed' to travel, (or do anything else) you are free.
If one needs to be 'allowed' to engage in an action, they are far from free. It means they can be disallowed as well. Which means you are not free at all and never were.
Free to run like a dog, Bobby means. He's one of the least free men in Canada!

Dope Clock II: It's been 33 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth!
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

See "artist valley 2010". Bobby's pitch for freeman valley from back in his salad days:

Never happened, did it, Bobby?

Dope Clock II: It's been 34 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Bobby defends lowlifes. . .


Post by arayder »

Some folks may have wondered why Bobby would defend Lisa Chamberlain, the operator of a filthy puppy mill.

But defending lowlifes is not a new thing for Bobby. Years ago he tried to use his magic paperwork to defend Quintin Earl Sonagle who ran a Ponzi scheme that bilked millions of dollars out of investors. *

See the Youtube below in which Bobby, in his early fez period, attempted to threaten an official of the Nova Scotia Securities Commission with a load of freeman mumbo jumbo.

As always, Bobby's fantasy was not fulfilled. But Lying Bobby was perfectly happy to leave the impression that he had bested an evil government bureaucracy. It turns out Sonagle failed to pay a court ordered restitution, and instead did a Bobby-like bunny run to Panama, was eventually extradited and convicted in the open light of the Nova Scotia courts.**

Sonagle, the sort of person Bobby seems to admire, extracted money from trusting and unsuspecting Canadian investors, some of whom were his friends and associates! How Bobby-like!

Makes one wonder if Bobby's taking a page from Sonagle's book to get the Artist Valley scam going?

* ... -pay-1-1m/
** ... ain-36890/ ... -1.4105656

Dope Clock II: It's been 37 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Another Bobby failure. . .


Post by arayder »

A few years ago Bobby rallied to the defense of his friend "Vince", opining that the latter wasn't required to have a driver's license, auto insurance, tags or even show up in traffic court.

Enjoy the crazy:

It turns out in subsequent videos Vince admits he's going to answer the summons. One suspects that upon Vince's conviction (Menard made sure we never got the guy's last name) * Bobby moved on to another story.

The book of Bobby failures is growing!

* Edit: It turns out the guy is Vincent Paul Bonneau

Dope Clock II: It's been 40 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Bobby sets up the . . .


Post by arayder »

. . ."why-we-can't-have-animals-at-Artist-Valley" excuse.

From his Facebook page:
Robert Menard
There is something VERY VERY nasty in the works, under the guise of animal health and animal traceability. Soon you will need permission to raise any animals for food. Every chicken must be registered. Every duck, goat, pig, cow, sheep, rabbit. The government wants to know where all food animals are, and they are securing the right to order their destruction, and impose inspections.
They are granting themselves far more power than is necessary to achieve their stated goals, and are positioning themselves to collapse at will the food supply.
But of course the government would never abuse health regulations would they?
Use and Disclosure of Information
1. The information you are providing in this Premises Registration Form may be used and disclosed for any of the following purposes:
a. Determining the presence of, identifying, preventing, controlling or eradicating a notifiable or reportable disease;
b. Assessing and addressing threats to animal health;
c. Implementing and maintaining a traceability system; and
d. Any other purposes under Sections 17 and 18 of the Animal Health Act, and as required by law.
From the Animal Health Act Section 18
(l)without limiting any other purpose listed in this subsection, if necessary for the effective operation of a provision of this Act or a regulation made under it.
These same standards are being rolled out across the Country under various provincial Acts, and the end result is the government having the power to come in and destroy your chickens or animals and eventually require their permission to even have chickens.
In all my years I have never seen such a blatant and obvious attempt to position themselves to control ALL food in the country. Only an enemy would want that power.
So when the investors in Artist Valley ask why they can't have chickens Bobby will have an answer: It's the bad old government's fault.

I suspect we're going to hear about the bad zoning board and the evil authorities who require that Artists Valley has a water and sewer system.

All this from Bobby, who originally pitched Artist Valley saying he was going to follow all the rules!

Dope Clock II: It's been 40 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Menard the unfreeman. . .


Post by arayder »

Positive freedom is the concept of freedom that involves exploring life's opportunities, and exercising the options that match what you really want in life. Positive freedom can be summed up as one saying, “I am my own master.”

Clearly, Menard lacks the lacks the ability to control and direct his own life by exercising the positive freedom that allows a man to consciously make his own choices, create his own purpose, and shape his own life.

So instead he opines that he is the victim of external interferences preventing him from doing what he wants. This is what some call being a victim of a lack of negative freedom. Faced with a challenge Bobby invariably invents restrictions he says are placed on him by other people. He calls it studying the law. But it's really childish excuse making.

His circle of Facebook friends buy into the same sham. And together they work tirelessly to find some reason why they can't find their way in life.

The irony is that everyone of Bobby's older sisters stepped up and shaped their own lives. The dinners in the Menard household back in 60's and 70's would to be entertaining fodder for shrinks.

What happened to little Bobby?

Whatever it was it sure stuck, because ever since Menard's been a public figure it's been one concocted victimization after another. . . Elizabeth Anne. . .the thing with the airlines. . . the turnstile jumping thing in Vancouver. . .the failed projects (which were always somebody else's fault). . .and on and on!

What's it today?

Bobby's nearly 58. So ya' gotta' figure he he's gonna' be like this 'till the day he dies.

Dope Clock II: It's been 42 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Bobby enters witless protection program


Post by arayder »

World Freeman Society (WFS) announced today that Robert "Bobby" Menard has entered the Freeman Witless Protection Program (WPP).

The Witless Protection Program is a little known function of the Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers (3CPO) which provides for the relocation and protection of a witless freeman who are at risk for criminal or civil prosecutions. The program also serves freemen who are risk of violence from those they have cheated via questionable "projects".

In addition to discount coupons for Moosehead beer the World Freeman Society issues WFS ID cards, travel documents, alternative automobile insurance and "lawful plates" to witless freemen in their new identities.

A spokesfreeman for the WFS cited Mr. Menard's latest "project", the so-called "Artist Valley", as the reason for enrolling Menard in the WPP. When asked to explain more fully the spokesfreemen would not elaborate. But sources close to the story have revealed that "Artist Valley" was a fictional project invented by Mr. Menard to bolster his reputation after a series of highly questionable claims of success and his disastrously drunken interview with Beth Martens, a well known interviewer in the "truth movement".

Dope Clock II: It's been 50 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
Dave from down under
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by Dave from down under »

:clap: :lol:
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Re: Menard's new tall tale. . .


Post by arayder »

When I see Bobby's saying stuff like this I have to wonder who shit on him in his childhood such that he he sees everything as a threat to his freedom and his fragile psychology. It's no wonder he's spent his adult life rebelling against everything from public transit fares to stop signs to face masks.
Robert Menard
I don't think it is about health, safety or a virus. I think it is about compliance and getting those who do comply easily to be fearful and angry at those who do not.
It seems like they are gearing up to justify punishing those who do not comply and obey, merely for not obeying and complying.
It will ultimately take the form of those who do comply and obey demanding the punishment, not merely tolerating it.
Last year Booby was trying to invent an inexpensive ventilator (okay, it was a scam) and several weeks ago he was taking flack from covid kooks for saying the virus is real. Now he sees public health laws as if they were his daddy with a belt in his hand ordering him to clean up his room.

For a guy who says he has a 147 IQ he's remarkably unaware that in the end it's really all about his insecurity. And why wouldn't he be uncertain and anxious about the future? He's a 57 year-old failed "shit disturber" who's running out of scams.

Dope Clock II: It's been 51 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Ever the manipulator. . .


Post by arayder »

. . .Bobby plays his Facebook followers:
Robert Menard
I am noticing an alarming trend. So many of the vaccinated are wishing for the death of the non-vaccinated, and saying that they should be denied treatment if they catch the 'RONA. While the other group tends to wish well on the ones who chose to be part of this massive experiment.
Maybe, the vaccine is actually causing a shift in the empathy part of the brains of the vaccinated? People I knew to be very empathetic and caring, seem to have lost that, and are now proudly wishing harm on others.
It's weird is all....
As expected the commenters, whose buttons have been pushed, chime right in in agreement. . .some saying the vaccinated want to kill them just like their evil masters do.

What surveys did Bobby read to come to his conclusion? Apparently none. Did he survey Canadians, or even talk to a broad sample of his acquaintances? No, just a vague mention of people he knows. Let's not forget this the guy who forged a letter from an Irish law firm saying they supported his freeman law theories.

There is no story Bobby won't make up. No lie he won't tell.

In that vein one can't help but notice his inference that the vaccine makes the vaccinated un-empathetic. Thus playing right into the conspiracy theory that the vaccine is meant to control the population.

. . and how's Artist Valley coming along, Bobby? We know you're lurking!

Dope Clock II: It's been 55 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Attention Anti-Vaxxers. . .


Post by arayder »

. . .you have a snake among you.

Recently Robert "Bobby" Menard, a "freeman on the land", has begun lecturing you all saying you are to compliant. See his Facebook page:
Robert Menard
Man, so many people are so close to getting it. And yet still they seem so far away.

. . . many are standing up and saying I do not consent to the lockdown, to the mandates, to the vaccination, to the passports. And yet they believe that merely saying they do not consent puts them on the side of non-consent. The sad fact is it doesn't.

The truth is if you have government-issued identification, if you have a social insurance number then you have legally consented to everything they are doing and you saying otherwise just makes you sound like a petulant and belligerent child. Your denial of consent must take a concrete form and it will require you to abandon what you have grown to feel are benefits.

If you truly want to be on the side of the non-consenters then you must take the steps. Take photocopies or photos of your social insurance number card and your government issued ID and then take those documents, cut them in half and send them back to the government with a notice telling them you are revoking consent and they are no longer your government. Anything less means they are still your government. Anything less means they can still impose their will on you.

. . .Otherwise, legally speaking, you are just a child arguing with your parents and they will have the power and the legal right to impose their will upon you because they have evidence of your consent. . .
But the fact is Menard is imploring you to do as he says, not as he does!

Years ago, as a function of his Canadian Common Corps of Peace officers (3CPO), Menard took an loath before God to enforce the criminal code of Canada. . .the very same code so many fear will be used to force vaccine compliance and has already fined thousands for not wearing masks!

See the YouTube below at 0:57 where Menard says.

"I, freeman-on-the-land, Robert Arthur of the Menard family . . .do hereby make oath and solemnly swear to persevere and maintain the public peace to the best of my ability and without favor or discrimination enforce the criminal code of Canada. . ."

Menard goes well beyond mere consent and swears to be an enforcer for the government.

How can it be that Menard would say and do one thing and ask others to do the exact opposite? Duplicity and dishonesty? A crying need to be relevant?

Beware, antivaxxers!

Dope Clock II: It's been 56 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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